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TOPIC | Possible Noc Scroll drop issue?
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@Akiri @Undel @Xhaztol
So we know that whether we get anything other than Food out of the Strange Chests is determined solely by RNG, but seeing the results on the main spreadsheet a lot of us have been using, Noc Scrolls are incredibly rare compared to Eggs and Familiars. Was it intended for the drop rate to be so low for them?

Not only that, but there are numerous people who have hit over 3k Chests without a Scroll, though according to the spreadsheet it's roughly a 61% chance to get a Scroll after around 2k Chests. Is it possible there might be something wonky going on with the RNG, or are a lot of us really that unlucky?

if so where's the Ninetales we apparently ticked off so we can apologize and get our Scrolls lol
@Akiri @Undel @Xhaztol
So we know that whether we get anything other than Food out of the Strange Chests is determined solely by RNG, but seeing the results on the main spreadsheet a lot of us have been using, Noc Scrolls are incredibly rare compared to Eggs and Familiars. Was it intended for the drop rate to be so low for them?

Not only that, but there are numerous people who have hit over 3k Chests without a Scroll, though according to the spreadsheet it's roughly a 61% chance to get a Scroll after around 2k Chests. Is it possible there might be something wonky going on with the RNG, or are a lot of us really that unlucky?

if so where's the Ninetales we apparently ticked off so we can apologize and get our Scrolls lol
0lSM1SJ.png t1eU2lt.pngWishlist
I've had issues with this since day one of this event. I tend to save up a lot of Strange Chests at a time and then open them all up at once. In all the Strange Chests I have opened up I have never, ever found a single Noc scroll to date. I've opened so many Strange Chests that I've lost track of how many have been opened to date but somewhere in the range of 4.5-5k+.
I've had issues with this since day one of this event. I tend to save up a lot of Strange Chests at a time and then open them all up at once. In all the Strange Chests I have opened up I have never, ever found a single Noc scroll to date. I've opened so many Strange Chests that I've lost track of how many have been opened to date but somewhere in the range of 4.5-5k+.

Have you converted or sold any of the Food you've gotten? If not, adding it all up will tell you how many Chests you've opened, since each one has one Food item in it.
Have you converted or sold any of the Food you've gotten? If not, adding it all up will tell you how many Chests you've opened, since each one has one Food item in it.
0lSM1SJ.png t1eU2lt.pngWishlist
I'm also noticing that Ectos seem to be spawning less in Arena since about yesterday. Maybe it's just me but it really feels like I'm running into fewer of them than I was at the start of the event.
I'm also noticing that Ectos seem to be spawning less in Arena since about yesterday. Maybe it's just me but it really feels like I'm running into fewer of them than I was at the start of the event.
0lSM1SJ.png t1eU2lt.pngWishlist
I'm sure the admins have at least *seen* that a lot of people are having this problem and want answers. Whether they'll reply is another story.
I'm sure the admins have at least *seen* that a lot of people are having this problem and want answers. Whether they'll reply is another story.
[quote name="Elai" date="2014-12-31 04:06:26"]I'm also noticing that Ectos seem to be spawning less in Arena since about yesterday. Maybe it's just me but it really feels like I'm running into fewer of them than I was at the start of the event.[/quote] [color=#585c4f] I feel the same has happened as well- I'm more than willing to attribute this to my own bad luck if an admin can debunk it, but I figured I'd mention it in the meanwhile anyway. :D
Elai wrote on 2014-12-31 04:06:26:
I'm also noticing that Ectos seem to be spawning less in Arena since about yesterday. Maybe it's just me but it really feels like I'm running into fewer of them than I was at the start of the event.

I feel the same has happened as well- I'm more than willing to attribute this to my own bad luck if an admin can debunk it, but I figured I'd mention it in the meanwhile anyway. :D
Er, no one's talking about Chests gotten from Digging lol. This is about Noc Scrolls in general being as horridly rare as they are. Compared to Eggs, it doesn't make a lot of sense for the Scrolls to have such a tiny drop rate. I'm honestly thinking there could be a bug of some kind; even if Scrolls ARE supposed to be this rare, the fact that so many people have gotten one or two Scrolls out of 1.5k or less Chests while just as many of us have hit upwards of 4-5k with none....I get RNG but that somehow just doesn't seem right. It's too wildly sporadic.

If there's some bit of code that's going awol, I wouldn't be surprised if it would cause the RNG to flip tables all over the place (both in terms of getting Scrolls and getting Mimics to spawn). Hopefully it's being looked into and we'll get an answer of some sort soon.
Er, no one's talking about Chests gotten from Digging lol. This is about Noc Scrolls in general being as horridly rare as they are. Compared to Eggs, it doesn't make a lot of sense for the Scrolls to have such a tiny drop rate. I'm honestly thinking there could be a bug of some kind; even if Scrolls ARE supposed to be this rare, the fact that so many people have gotten one or two Scrolls out of 1.5k or less Chests while just as many of us have hit upwards of 4-5k with none....I get RNG but that somehow just doesn't seem right. It's too wildly sporadic.

If there's some bit of code that's going awol, I wouldn't be surprised if it would cause the RNG to flip tables all over the place (both in terms of getting Scrolls and getting Mimics to spawn). Hopefully it's being looked into and we'll get an answer of some sort soon.
0lSM1SJ.png t1eU2lt.pngWishlist
Ooops. ^^' My bad, had several threads opened in different tabs and I got confused. What I meant to say on *this* topic was something along the same lines, at least the second paragraph. I'll edit the first one out since it's not relevant, thanks for letting me know. Also, free bump!
Ooops. ^^' My bad, had several threads opened in different tabs and I got confused. What I meant to say on *this* topic was something along the same lines, at least the second paragraph. I'll edit the first one out since it's not relevant, thanks for letting me know. Also, free bump!
No prob, we all do that at some point.

But yes, now it's a matter of waiting to see if we get any response on the matter. Here's hoping! *Crosses fingers so hard she takes flight like Tails.*
No prob, we all do that at some point.

But yes, now it's a matter of waiting to see if we get any response on the matter. Here's hoping! *Crosses fingers so hard she takes flight like Tails.*
0lSM1SJ.png t1eU2lt.pngWishlist
@Elai Speaking as a programmer and someone who knows a little bit about statistics (and also the person who did the stat calculations for the spreadsheet linked in the OP): [quote name="Elai" date="2014-12-31 02:58:08"]Not only that, but there are numerous people who have hit over 3k Chests without a Scroll, though according to the spreadsheet it's roughly a 61% chance to get a Scroll after around 2k Chests. Is it possible there might be something wonky going on with the RNG, or are a lot of us really that unlucky?[/quote] It's unlikely that something is wrong with the RNG. This is how truly random drops work - you're no more likely to get a scroll in your third 1k of chests than you were in your first 1k. With an average drop rate of 1 in 2100ish chests, there's only a 75% chance of getting a scroll in 3k chests - 25% of people who open that many still won't have one, even with the RNG working perfectly, and with this many people opening chests it's not actually surprising that there's more than a few ending up in the unlucky quarter. [quote name="Elai" date="2014-12-31 16:03:22"] I'm honestly thinking there could be a bug of some kind; even if Scrolls ARE supposed to be this rare, the fact that so many people have gotten one or two Scrolls out of 1.5k or less Chests while just as many of us have hit upwards of 4-5k with none....I get RNG but that somehow just doesn't seem right. It's too wildly sporadic.[/quote] Nope, actually, this is exactly what you'd expect to see from the RNG with a drop rate like this. There's a 50% chance of getting a scroll out of 1,500 chests. There's even a nearly 5% chance of getting a scroll out of 100 chests, so that will happen one time out of 20. I guess the best way to look at it is this - If you have 100 people opening chests, you should expect to see: [LIST] [*] The luckiest person gets their scroll on the 22nd chest. [*] The five luckiest people will get their scrolls in the first 109 chests. [*] The ten luckiest people will get their scrolls in the first 223 chests. [*] The twenty-five luckiest people will get their scrolls in the first 607 chests. [*] Fifty people will have scrolls by the time they open 1,463 chests. [*] Seventy-five people will have scrolls by the time they open 2,925 chests. [*] Ninety people will have scrolls by the time they open 4,858 chests. [*] Ninety-five people will have scrolls by the time they open 6,319 chests. [*] The unluckiest person will get their scroll on their 9,706th chest. [/LIST] What we're seeing fits with the theory that the event is working as designed. There's definitely room to question the admins' design choices, but some people being unlucky with a luck-based event doesn't actually suggest bugs. [quote name="Elai" date="2014-12-31 16:03:22"] If there's some bit of code that's going awol, I wouldn't be surprised if it would cause the RNG to flip tables all over the place (both in terms of getting Scrolls and getting Mimics to spawn). Hopefully it's being looked into and we'll get an answer of some sort soon.[/quote] Unlikely. The only new mechanic here is the thing where the chests disappear at the end, and we know that the game is set up so that adding new things that use the same mechanics as old things doesn't require redoing the code - it's something that an artist can do, after all. It is possible that there's a misplaced zero somewhere or something (though I don't think that this is the case with the scroll drop rate - the original post that the admins made about NotN said that scrolls were supposed to be significantly rarer than eggs, and if you took a zero off of the scroll drop rate they wouldn't be), but I doubt there's been an opportunity for the kind of coding error that would affect multiple things like that.
Speaking as a programmer and someone who knows a little bit about statistics (and also the person who did the stat calculations for the spreadsheet linked in the OP):

Elai wrote on 2014-12-31 02:58:08:
Not only that, but there are numerous people who have hit over 3k Chests without a Scroll, though according to the spreadsheet it's roughly a 61% chance to get a Scroll after around 2k Chests. Is it possible there might be something wonky going on with the RNG, or are a lot of us really that unlucky?

It's unlikely that something is wrong with the RNG. This is how truly random drops work - you're no more likely to get a scroll in your third 1k of chests than you were in your first 1k. With an average drop rate of 1 in 2100ish chests, there's only a 75% chance of getting a scroll in 3k chests - 25% of people who open that many still won't have one, even with the RNG working perfectly, and with this many people opening chests it's not actually surprising that there's more than a few ending up in the unlucky quarter.

Elai wrote on 2014-12-31 16:03:22:
I'm honestly thinking there could be a bug of some kind; even if Scrolls ARE supposed to be this rare, the fact that so many people have gotten one or two Scrolls out of 1.5k or less Chests while just as many of us have hit upwards of 4-5k with none....I get RNG but that somehow just doesn't seem right. It's too wildly sporadic.

Nope, actually, this is exactly what you'd expect to see from the RNG with a drop rate like this. There's a 50% chance of getting a scroll out of 1,500 chests. There's even a nearly 5% chance of getting a scroll out of 100 chests, so that will happen one time out of 20.

I guess the best way to look at it is this - If you have 100 people opening chests, you should expect to see:
  • The luckiest person gets their scroll on the 22nd chest.
  • The five luckiest people will get their scrolls in the first 109 chests.
  • The ten luckiest people will get their scrolls in the first 223 chests.
  • The twenty-five luckiest people will get their scrolls in the first 607 chests.
  • Fifty people will have scrolls by the time they open 1,463 chests.
  • Seventy-five people will have scrolls by the time they open 2,925 chests.
  • Ninety people will have scrolls by the time they open 4,858 chests.
  • Ninety-five people will have scrolls by the time they open 6,319 chests.
  • The unluckiest person will get their scroll on their 9,706th chest.

What we're seeing fits with the theory that the event is working as designed. There's definitely room to question the admins' design choices, but some people being unlucky with a luck-based event doesn't actually suggest bugs.

Elai wrote on 2014-12-31 16:03:22:
If there's some bit of code that's going awol, I wouldn't be surprised if it would cause the RNG to flip tables all over the place (both in terms of getting Scrolls and getting Mimics to spawn). Hopefully it's being looked into and we'll get an answer of some sort soon.

Unlikely. The only new mechanic here is the thing where the chests disappear at the end, and we know that the game is set up so that adding new things that use the same mechanics as old things doesn't require redoing the code - it's something that an artist can do, after all. It is possible that there's a misplaced zero somewhere or something (though I don't think that this is the case with the scroll drop rate - the original post that the admins made about NotN said that scrolls were supposed to be significantly rarer than eggs, and if you took a zero off of the scroll drop rate they wouldn't be), but I doubt there's been an opportunity for the kind of coding error that would affect multiple things like that.
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