The hard end is going to be rollover, and then we miss out on benefits no matter what, even if you do live in Hawaii and it isn't midnight yet.
So, What's the Sitch?
The hard end is going to be rollover, and then we miss out on benefits no matter what, even if you do live in Hawaii and it isn't midnight yet.
So, What's the Sitch?
It's almost rollover (12 minutes for me: rollover is 7am GMT), I've lost a day of bonus, thanks admins, no comments, no "we're onto this", no nothing. I'm sad.
It's almost rollover (12 minutes for me: rollover is 7am GMT), I've lost a day of bonus, thanks admins, no comments, no "we're onto this", no nothing. I'm sad.
Dominance appears to have auto updated itself, but we can have Akiri take a look at this to make sure it updated everything compared to last week's results when he gets home tonight. :)
Edit: to clarify, I mean that it fired off. We will confirm whether it did so correctly or not soon. Sounds like not.
Dominance appears to have auto updated itself, but we can have Akiri take a look at this to make sure it updated everything compared to last week's results when he gets home tonight. :)
Edit: to clarify, I mean that it fired off. We will confirm whether it did so correctly or not soon. Sounds like not.
Well admittedly first place updated. It's second and third that are messed up.
Well admittedly first place updated. It's second and third that are messed up.

Undel Thank you, we would appreciate if you let @
Akiri know to check it ASAP, because everyone who has posted in this thread and those who have kept track of the dom push last week know that Light was in second when rollover hit. Even shadow flight members have acknowledged in this thread that there was no way they could have leapfrogged up to second place by that time.
Most of us in light have lost one day's worth of gathering bonus turns, so we would really appreciate this error rectified.
/td;lr - We've been keeping track of the dom board throughout this past week, as we
were profit pushing, so many of us can definitely confirm that Light was second when rollover hit, and Shadow wasn't anywhere in the top half of the board.
Undel Thank you, we would appreciate if you let @
Akiri know to check it ASAP, because everyone who has posted in this thread and those who have kept track of the dom push last week know that Light was in second when rollover hit. Even shadow flight members have acknowledged in this thread that there was no way they could have leapfrogged up to second place by that time.
Most of us in light have lost one day's worth of gathering bonus turns, so we would really appreciate this error rectified.
/td;lr - We've been keeping track of the dom board throughout this past week, as we
were profit pushing, so many of us can definitely confirm that Light was second when rollover hit, and Shadow wasn't anywhere in the top half of the board.
First placed updated, but not second and third.
First placed updated, but not second and third.
I can safely say that the dominance board did NOT update as intended. Unless Shadow mysteriously bought out the Auction House.
I can safely say that the dominance board did NOT update as intended. Unless Shadow mysteriously bought out the Auction House.
I tend to be pretty shy around the forums, but I'm kinda bummed about this, so I'll peep out of hiding to add my voice to the subject. x_x Light was sitting pretty in second place for most of the week, and I checked on it and saw myself the boards still registering Light Flight in second in the last few minutes before the week's dominance ended- not that my testimony is really necessary, since someone earlier in the thread has screenshots. I did some training and exalting this week and was really looking forward to the extra gathering turns and the lair expansion discount, because I'm badly in need of both, but... well, I don't know what happened, but it's bizarre!
Thanks for checking in on us Undel, but yeah we'd really appreciate it if the admins could check in on this further for Light flight? We're losing out on the benefits we sacrificed for while we wait, and that kinda stinks. :( Thank you for your time, though, and here's hoping this is something that can be resolved easily.
I tend to be pretty shy around the forums, but I'm kinda bummed about this, so I'll peep out of hiding to add my voice to the subject. x_x Light was sitting pretty in second place for most of the week, and I checked on it and saw myself the boards still registering Light Flight in second in the last few minutes before the week's dominance ended- not that my testimony is really necessary, since someone earlier in the thread has screenshots. I did some training and exalting this week and was really looking forward to the extra gathering turns and the lair expansion discount, because I'm badly in need of both, but... well, I don't know what happened, but it's bizarre!
Thanks for checking in on us Undel, but yeah we'd really appreciate it if the admins could check in on this further for Light flight? We're losing out on the benefits we sacrificed for while we wait, and that kinda stinks. :( Thank you for your time, though, and here's hoping this is something that can be resolved easily.
Wanted to confirm that Shadow did NOT make any last minute efforts at dom. Aside fromt he folks who push for fun and profit every week, we were taking a break from exalting this week. It would have been impossible for us to take second again.
Also seconding that I saw Light firmly in second for as long as I was on the site on Saturday, though I was in bed well before rollover occurred.
Wanted to confirm that Shadow did NOT make any last minute efforts at dom. Aside fromt he folks who push for fun and profit every week, we were taking a break from exalting this week. It would have been impossible for us to take second again.
Also seconding that I saw Light firmly in second for as long as I was on the site on Saturday, though I was in bed well before rollover occurred.
Yeah, ask pretty much everyone in shadow and we'll tell you we have no idea why we're in second still. It was definitely a glitch absolutely nobody was pushing. There's something wrong with the board and how it calculates wins.
Thank you for responding though Undel! Hopefully this'll all get sorted out and the correct flights will get the rewards they are suppose to have.
Yeah, ask pretty much everyone in shadow and we'll tell you we have no idea why we're in second still. It was definitely a glitch absolutely nobody was pushing. There's something wrong with the board and how it calculates wins.
Thank you for responding though Undel! Hopefully this'll all get sorted out and the correct flights will get the rewards they are suppose to have.