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TOPIC | Familiar didn't give chest
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This also happened to me with my Ember Mouse on my dragon Aythrus. When it was going from Loyal to Awakened there was an error and I didn't get anything. Then when I went to change the familiar my Ember Mouse disappeared.

Edit: I'm also using Chrome.
This also happened to me with my Ember Mouse on my dragon Aythrus. When it was going from Loyal to Awakened there was an error and I didn't get anything. Then when I went to change the familiar my Ember Mouse disappeared.

Edit: I'm also using Chrome.
I had one familiar get to inquisitive and 2 get to loyal with the same error and no chests. :/
I had one familiar get to inquisitive and 2 get to loyal with the same error and no chests. :/
This happened to me (copypasting from the other thread I posted in):

Today, I bonded with my Tenshi's Stonewatch Harpy. It gave me that annoying 'Mistakes were made, but you can probably do that again' bug thing- but I cannot try it again. Also, it turned it to 'Loyal' passing the bar, but DID NOT give me a chest at all. :/
This happened to me (copypasting from the other thread I posted in):

Today, I bonded with my Tenshi's Stonewatch Harpy. It gave me that annoying 'Mistakes were made, but you can probably do that again' bug thing- but I cannot try it again. Also, it turned it to 'Loyal' passing the bar, but DID NOT give me a chest at all. :/
Welp, glad I read this before familiar bonding today. FR seems to have all sorts of weird issues at the moment.
Welp, glad I read this before familiar bonding today. FR seems to have all sorts of weird issues at the moment.
Breeds triple gened pastel & tiger coatls/wildclaws on request, PM if interested.
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