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TOPIC | [T] [Art] Apparel Problems
[quote name="CronusAmpora" date="2015-01-01 08:00:38"][s]Reposting problem[/s] [img][/img] The black spats on a Male Nocturne are off.[/quote] Reposting to say the White Spats do the same thing.
CronusAmpora wrote on 2015-01-01 08:00:38:
Reposting problem
The black spats on a Male Nocturne are off.

Reposting to say the White Spats do the same thing.
They/Them FR+2
Breed: Nocturne Gender: Male Item: Brown Wooly Tail I had this item on him before I added Bar prim to him and afterwards the wooly tail seems off. [url=] [img][/img] [/url]
Breed: Nocturne
Gender: Male
Item: Brown Wooly Tail

I had this item on him before I added Bar prim to him and afterwards the wooly tail seems off.

Breed: Tundra Gender: Male and Female item: Pretty much anything I have two tundras with gembond not sure if this is where I post this at, but it's extremly glitchy I guess? Nothing is working right with them as you can see here, and it's like that with all of my appare. Well mainly the bangles on the male [url=] [img][/img] [/url] And for the female it's anything that goes on her chest, is this supposed to happen? [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Does it with the bloodscale items as well.
Breed: Tundra
Gender: Male and Female
item: Pretty much anything

I have two tundras with gembond not sure if this is where I post this at, but it's extremly glitchy I guess? Nothing is working right with them as you can see here, and it's like that with all of my appare. Well mainly the bangles on the male


And for the female it's anything that goes on her chest, is this supposed to happen?


Does it with the bloodscale items as well.
Breed: Nocturne
M/F: Female
Apparel Item: Brass Steampunk Tail Bauble

Bauble shows up where it is meant to be on the MALE Nocturne rather than on the correct area on the female Nocturne.
Breed: Nocturne
M/F: Female
Apparel Item: Brass Steampunk Tail Bauble

Bauble shows up where it is meant to be on the MALE Nocturne rather than on the correct area on the female Nocturne.
tumblr_inline_nswmwupsoW1qiwi8o_75sq.gif thorns_by_northwyrm-db96un3.gif tumblr_inline_nswmwupsoW1qiwi8o_75sq.gif
I don't know if this is a actual issue when dressing the dragon, but it is a apparel issue.

Breed: nocturne
Sex Male
Item Black and white spats

when previewing the item the right and bottom sides are black and the spats are far off the dragons legs to the left.
I don't know if this is a actual issue when dressing the dragon, but it is a apparel issue.

Breed: nocturne
Sex Male
Item Black and white spats

when previewing the item the right and bottom sides are black and the spats are far off the dragons legs to the left.
Breed: Nocturne
Sex: Male
Item: Druidic Armband (I suspect the other holiday armbands may do the same)

They need bumped up a bit so that they actually sit on the dragon's arm.
Breed: Nocturne
Sex: Male
Item: Druidic Armband (I suspect the other holiday armbands may do the same)

They need bumped up a bit so that they actually sit on the dragon's arm.
Breed: Nocturne Sex: Male Item: Bronze Steampunk Vest The vest is appearing misplaced and oversized: [url=] [img][/img] [/url]
Breed: Nocturne
Sex: Male
Item: Bronze Steampunk Vest

The vest is appearing misplaced and oversized:

[url=] [img][/img] [/url] Notice feet. I'm not sure what's going on , but it appears nocs+steampunk=disaster


Notice feet. I'm not sure what's going on , but it appears nocs+steampunk=disaster
[b]Item:[/b] Any Hoods [b]Sex[/b]: Female [b]Species: [/b]Skydancer Hoods really need to be fixed on Skydancer females. When equipped, they just sit there like they're on a new layer in a ps file. The headfeathers don't poke through, and it just makes it look unattractive and unprofessional. [img][/img] This problem is also on male Skydancers, but since they're in profile and most of the hood and feathers are obscured by wings, it's not as much of an issue. [img][/img] [i]ignore the necklace, i was only put the hood on this guy for example.[/i] If it's possible to fix how this apparel looks on both male and female Skydancers, so that the headfeathers poke through the hood like on Coatls, that'd be great. [img][/img] [i]example of good hood/feather layering[/i]
Item: Any Hoods
Sex: Female
Species: Skydancer

Hoods really need to be fixed on Skydancer females. When equipped, they just sit there like they're on a new layer in a ps file. The headfeathers don't poke through, and it just makes it look unattractive and unprofessional.


This problem is also on male Skydancers, but since they're in profile and most of the hood and feathers are obscured by wings, it's not as much of an issue.

ignore the necklace, i was only put the hood on this guy for example.

If it's possible to fix how this apparel looks on both male and female Skydancers, so that the headfeathers poke through the hood like on Coatls, that'd be great.

example of good hood/feather layering
✰ Tumblr | Hatchery ✰
Breed: Nocturne
Sex: Female
Item: Pink Wooly Antennae - hind antenna floats just enough over the head to be annoying. (visible on my dragon Yokka)

Breed: Guardian
Sex: Female
Item: Brown Wooly Tail - appears slightly above where it should it be, causing white spaces near tail and wings. (visible on my dragon Galette)
Breed: Nocturne
Sex: Female
Item: Pink Wooly Antennae - hind antenna floats just enough over the head to be annoying. (visible on my dragon Yokka)

Breed: Guardian
Sex: Female
Item: Brown Wooly Tail - appears slightly above where it should it be, causing white spaces near tail and wings. (visible on my dragon Galette)
Looking for Dragons in these colors
Magenta/Orchid/Grapefruit for Aether, Light/Arcane/Lightning