
Dragons For Sale

Arrange the purchasing and selling of dragons.
TOPIC | [Raffle] DG Autumn Imperial ~ Ends 10/17
[center]Winners get [b]first and second pick[/b] of Aurea and Degar's first clutch! Check out this spread: [img][/img] Degar has [b]clown [/b]and [b]stripes[/b]; Aurea has [b]tiger[/b]and [b]stripes[/b]. Winning ticket to be determined via [b][url=][/url][/b]. A screenshot will be posted as proof. Raffle will run until the pair is bred on 17 October 2013. [u][b]Ticket rates:[/b][/u] 1,000t = [b]3 tickets[/b] 10,000t = [b]35 tickets[/b] Hatchling dragon =[b] 5 tickets[/b] Adult dragon = [b]10 tickets[/b] [b]Tickets are capped at 3000, so be sure to enter soon![/b] Please fill out the following form and [b]send payment [/b]as soon as your tickets are claimed. [code] [b]Name:[/b] [b]Payment:[/b] [b]# of tickets:[/b] [/code] [b]Thanks for entering, and good luck to all participants![/b] [/center]
Winners get first and second pick of Aurea and Degar's first clutch!

Check out this spread:


Degar has clown and stripes; Aurea has tigerand stripes.

Winning ticket to be determined via A screenshot will be posted as proof.

Raffle will run until the pair is bred on 17 October 2013.

Ticket rates:
1,000t = 3 tickets
10,000t = 35 tickets
Hatchling dragon = 5 tickets
Adult dragon = 10 tickets

Tickets are capped at 3000, so be sure to enter soon!

Please fill out the following form and send payment as soon as your tickets are claimed.
[b]Name:[/b] [b]Payment:[/b] [b]# of tickets:[/b]

Thanks for entering, and good luck to all participants!
Ticket holders:

[ 1 - 21 ] frostkingdemetri
[ 22 - 80 ] bleachedblack
[ 81 - 118 ] anarin
[ 119 - 130 ] laserface
[ 131 - 166 ] boomxpop
[ 167 - 227 ] doubleidentityy
[ 228 - 234 ] tinylongwing
[ 235 - 265 ] anarin
[ 266 - 283 ] dontcallmegol
[ 284 - 307 ] silverjade
[ 308 - 321 ] waffle
[ 322 - 342 ] tinylongwing
[ 343 - 354 ] calithil
[ 355 - 390 ] crimsonsun
[ 391 - 402 ] gargu
[ 403 - 416 ] famousfolly
[ 417 - 482 ] tealscourge
[ 483 - 522 ] greenwolfkate
[ 523 - 537 ] topsecretgirly
[ 538 - 572 ] laserface
[ 573 - 598 ] jaded
[ 599 - 636 ] sakurawind
[ 637 - 725 ] ladydruiza
[ 726 - 744 ] jadeempress
[ 745 - 801 ] kou
[ 802 - 822 ] umidraco
[ 823 - 846 ] merle
[ 847 - 858 ] calithil
[ 859 - 872 ] duskwitch13
[ 873 - 905 ] laserface
[ 906 - 1027 ] doubleidentityy
[ 1028 - 1051 ] dontcallmegol
[ 1052 - 1066 ] farli
[ 1067 - 1101 ] doubleidentityy
[ 1102 - 1129 ] farli
[ 1130 - 1150 ] topsecretgirly
[ 1151 - 1185 ] mirialdo
[ 1186 - 1195 ] lunadora
[ 1196 - 1209 ] greenwolfkate
[ 1210 - 1223 ] laserface
[ 1224 - 1230 ] anarin
[ 1231 - 1277 ] doubleidentityy
[ 1278 - 1287 ] laserface
[ 1288 - 1302 ] greenwolfkate
Ticket holders:

[ 1 - 21 ] frostkingdemetri
[ 22 - 80 ] bleachedblack
[ 81 - 118 ] anarin
[ 119 - 130 ] laserface
[ 131 - 166 ] boomxpop
[ 167 - 227 ] doubleidentityy
[ 228 - 234 ] tinylongwing
[ 235 - 265 ] anarin
[ 266 - 283 ] dontcallmegol
[ 284 - 307 ] silverjade
[ 308 - 321 ] waffle
[ 322 - 342 ] tinylongwing
[ 343 - 354 ] calithil
[ 355 - 390 ] crimsonsun
[ 391 - 402 ] gargu
[ 403 - 416 ] famousfolly
[ 417 - 482 ] tealscourge
[ 483 - 522 ] greenwolfkate
[ 523 - 537 ] topsecretgirly
[ 538 - 572 ] laserface
[ 573 - 598 ] jaded
[ 599 - 636 ] sakurawind
[ 637 - 725 ] ladydruiza
[ 726 - 744 ] jadeempress
[ 745 - 801 ] kou
[ 802 - 822 ] umidraco
[ 823 - 846 ] merle
[ 847 - 858 ] calithil
[ 859 - 872 ] duskwitch13
[ 873 - 905 ] laserface
[ 906 - 1027 ] doubleidentityy
[ 1028 - 1051 ] dontcallmegol
[ 1052 - 1066 ] farli
[ 1067 - 1101 ] doubleidentityy
[ 1102 - 1129 ] farli
[ 1130 - 1150 ] topsecretgirly
[ 1151 - 1185 ] mirialdo
[ 1186 - 1195 ] lunadora
[ 1196 - 1209 ] greenwolfkate
[ 1210 - 1223 ] laserface
[ 1224 - 1230 ] anarin
[ 1231 - 1277 ] doubleidentityy
[ 1278 - 1287 ] laserface
[ 1288 - 1302 ] greenwolfkate
[center][b]The babies have been born, the tickets have been counted, and the winners have been drawn![/b] [img][/img] Congratulations [b]tealscourge[/b]! You have won first pick! [img][/img] Congratulations also to [b]gargu[/b]! You have won second pick! Here are your options: [img][/img] This male hatchling is gold/ivory/blood. [img][/img] This female hatchling is sunshine/soil/orange. [img][/img] This male hatchling is orange/orange/soil. The winners must contact me with their choices within [b]48 hours[/b] or another winner will be chosen. Thanks to everyone who entered, and thank you for making this an enjoyable experience!
The babies have been born, the tickets have been counted, and the winners have been drawn!

Congratulations tealscourge! You have won first pick!

Congratulations also to gargu! You have won second pick!

Here are your options:

This male hatchling is gold/ivory/blood.

This female hatchling is sunshine/soil/orange.

This male hatchling is orange/orange/soil.

The winners must contact me with their choices within 48 hours or another winner will be chosen.

Thanks to everyone who entered, and thank you for making this an enjoyable experience!
Oh~ I might contribute later when other babies are born.
Oh~ I might contribute later when other babies are born.
Actually, on second thought, I'll donate some right now~
Name: FrostKingDemetri
Payment: 3 hatchlings
# of tickets: 15

Actually, on second thought, I'll donate some right now~
Name: FrostKingDemetri
Payment: 3 hatchlings
# of tickets: 15


Awesome, your tickets are counted. c:

Awesome, your tickets are counted. c:

Name: bleachedblack
Payment: 5 hatchlings; 2 adults
# of tickets: 59

Edit: Took away the 10k for two more hatchlings

Name: bleachedblack
Payment: 5 hatchlings; 2 adults
# of tickets: 59

Edit: Took away the 10k for two more hatchlings

I also need you to accept those before I send more. xD Limited lair space.

I also need you to accept those before I send more. xD Limited lair space.

Thanks for your business, all your tickets have been counted. c:

Thanks for your business, all your tickets have been counted. c:
Name: Anarin
Payment: 2 hatchlings, 2 adults
# of tickets: 38

Name: Anarin
Payment: 2 hatchlings, 2 adults
# of tickets: 38
