
Dragons For Sale

Arrange the purchasing and selling of dragons.
TOPIC | [WIP] The Foundary -- Hatchery
This is my first time doing this, so I will spruce it up when I get a bit more collected about it. However, this is the initial post for a hatchery @TheCopperFox @Roswallop there will be pairs, rules, etc added in the near future since there's several people working in this hatchery. [center][img][/img] [columns][nextcol][item=ethereal trickster][nextcol][url=]Copper Fox[/url] [LIST] [*] [url=][emoji=modern size=1][/url] [*] [url=][emoji=ancient size=1][/url] [*] [url=][emoji=eternal youth size=1][/url] [/LIST][nextcol][item=frigid gem guardian][nextcol]Steve Rayger [LIST] [*] [url=][emoji=modern size=1][/url] [*] [url=][emoji=ancient size=1][/url] [*] [url=][emoji=eternal youth size=1][/url] [/LIST][nextcol][item=assassin bug][nextcol]Roswallop [LIST] [*] [emoji=modern size=1] [*] [emoji=ancient size=1] [*] [emoji=eternal youth size=1] [/LIST][/columns][/center]
This is my first time doing this, so I will spruce it up when I get a bit more collected about it. However, this is the initial post for a hatchery @TheCopperFox @Roswallop

there will be pairs, rules, etc added in the near future since there's several people working in this hatchery.
Ethereal Trickster Copper Fox
Frigid Gem Guardian Steve Rayger
Assassin Bug Roswallop
[center] [emoji=modern size=5] [u][b][size=5]MODERN PAIRS[/size][/b][/u] [img][/img] [pinglist=38561] [img][/img] [pinglist=38563] [img][/img] [pinglist=38562] [img][/img] [pinglist=38560] [/center] [right][url=][size=1][b]^ back to top ^[/b][/size][/url][/right]
[center][emoji=ancient size=5] [u][b][size=5]ANCIENT PAIRS[/size][/b][/u] pending [/center] [right][url=][size=1][b]^ back to top ^[/b][/size][/url][/right]
[center][emoji=eternal youth size=5] [u][b][size=5]HATCHLINGS[/size][/b][/u] pending [/center] [right][url=][size=1][b]^ back to top ^[/b][/size][/url][/right]
Info and stuff will go here
Info and stuff will go here
Modern Pairings will go here
Modern Pairings will go here
Ancient Pairings will go here
Ancient Pairings will go here
Hatchlings will go here
Hatchlings will go here