
Dragons For Sale

Arrange the purchasing and selling of dragons.
TOPIC | [S] Sonne's Sales
@Itani sure :) I'll send him over to you
@Itani sure :) I'll send him over to you
pepe petumblr_inline_njtpe1NttW1r1na4o.gif
peppShe/Her @ FR +8
pepThe Stogwen Project
pepe pepep
Can I grab the female obelisk? [url=][img][/img][/url]
Can I grab the female obelisk?
@Jeth I'll send you a CR now :)
@Jeth I'll send you a CR now :)
pepe petumblr_inline_njtpe1NttW1r1na4o.gif
peppShe/Her @ FR +8
pepThe Stogwen Project
pepe pepep
@pinglist-17561 colourpoints hatchlings are here! [columns][url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol][center] [b]COLOURPOINTS[/b] Male Coatl 20000 [emoji=treasure size=1] / 20 [emoji=gem size=1] [emoji=primary gene size=1]: White Fade [emoji=secondary gene size=1]: White Blend [emoji=tertiary gene size=1]: Umber Points [emoji=normal eyes size=1]: Nature Rare[/center][/columns] [columns][url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol][center] [b]COLOURPOINTS[/b] Female Coatl 20000 [emoji=treasure size=1] / 20 [emoji=gem size=1] [emoji=primary gene size=1]: Antique Fade [emoji=secondary gene size=1]: White Blend [emoji=tertiary gene size=1]: Hickory Points [emoji=normal eyes size=1]: Nature Common[/center][/columns] [columns][url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol][center] [b]COLOURPOINTS[/b] Female Coatl 20000 [emoji=treasure size=1] / 20 [emoji=gem size=1] [emoji=primary gene size=1]: White Fade [emoji=secondary gene size=1]: White Blend [emoji=tertiary gene size=1]: Tarnish Points [emoji=normal eyes size=1]: Nature Uncommon[/center][/columns]
@Colourpoints (Mossgarde Hatchery)

colourpoints hatchlings are here!


Male Coatl

20000 / 20

: White Fade
: White Blend
: Umber Points
: Nature Rare


Female Coatl

20000 / 20

: Antique Fade
: White Blend
: Hickory Points
: Nature Common


Female Coatl

20000 / 20

: White Fade
: White Blend
: Tarnish Points
: Nature Uncommon
pepe petumblr_inline_njtpe1NttW1r1na4o.gif
peppShe/Her @ FR +8
pepThe Stogwen Project
pepe pepep
Can I grab the white/white/umber color point?
Can I grab the white/white/umber color point?
@pigeonbrain yep! I'll send you a CR :)
@pigeonbrain yep! I'll send you a CR :)
pepe petumblr_inline_njtpe1NttW1r1na4o.gif
peppShe/Her @ FR +8
pepThe Stogwen Project
pepe pepep
Hi there! Are #95107359 and #91531035 still available?
Hi there! Are #95107359 and #91531035 still available?
@Mothcores hey there I missed this before I exalted them last night, my apologies
@Mothcores hey there I missed this before I exalted them last night, my apologies
pepe petumblr_inline_njtpe1NttW1r1na4o.gif
peppShe/Her @ FR +8
pepThe Stogwen Project
pepe pepep
@pinglist-4140 @pinglist-20479 @pinglist-294 @pinglist-26497 @pinglist-19921 couple of nests worth of kiddos here! blood and ink got a lil delayed, but its all good and due to the delay they'll be off to nest again later this week I also did acquire a new pair - I know I have been massively cutting down my pairs, but I found some more Auraboas I liked just before Greenskeepers, and then with the new gene I figured maybe I'll put them in my arboretum section since they'll just be using my nests anyway. As much as like, I want a lot of my nests to go towards some wide ranges when it comes to breeding (so probably fodder breeding) because that feels more random and fun, I've got a huge soft-spot for auraboas that look like trees so I guess I'll be doing that still new pair is - and their first nest (to be posted here anyway, they were bred before I acquired them) was born on the last day of the Greenskeeper festival (as in Saturday June 1st) [quote][columns][indent][url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol][center][b]DAPPLED LEAVES[/b] Basil x Pesto [pinglist=30097] [emoji=Auraboa happy size=1] 100% Auraboa [emoji=Auraboa happy size=1] [emoji=primary gene size=1] Sable - Umber Fade / Varnish [emoji=primary gene size=1] [emoji=secondary gene size=1] Emerald - Camo Lacquer / Morph [emoji=secondary gene size=1] [emoji=tertiary gene size=1] Camo - Hunter Greenskeeper / Koi [emoji=tertiary gene size=1][/center] [nextcol][url=][img][/img][/url][/columns][/quote] anyway, here's some hatchlings [columns][url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol][center] [b]WINTER PINES[/b] Female Auraboa 30000 [emoji=treasure size=1] / 30 [emoji=gem size=1] [emoji=primary gene size=1]: Hickory Tapir [emoji=secondary gene size=1]: Forest Lacquer [emoji=tertiary gene size=1]: White Koi [emoji=normal eyes size=1]: Nature Rare[/center][/columns] [columns][url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol][center] [b]WINTER PINES[/b] Male Auraboa 20000 [emoji=treasure size=1] / 20 [emoji=gem size=1] [emoji=primary gene size=1]: Tarnish Tapir [emoji=secondary gene size=1]: Forest Lacquer [emoji=tertiary gene size=1]: White Koi [emoji=normal eyes size=1]: Nature Common[/center][/columns] [columns][url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol][center] [b]WINTER PINES[/b] Male Auraboa 30000 [emoji=treasure size=1] / 30 [emoji=gem size=1] [emoji=primary gene size=1]: Ginger Tapir [emoji=secondary gene size=1]: Camo Lacquer [emoji=tertiary gene size=1]: White Koi [emoji=normal eyes size=1]: Nature Unusual[/center][/columns] ---------------------- [columns][url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol][center] [b]BLOOD AND INK[/b] Male Sandsurge 30000 [emoji=treasure size=1] / 30 [emoji=gem size=1] [emoji=primary gene size=1]: White Piebald [emoji=secondary gene size=1]: Red Paint [emoji=tertiary gene size=1]: Black Kumo [emoji=normal eyes size=1]: Plague Uncommon[/center][/columns] [columns][url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol][center] [b]BLOOD AND INK[/b] Female Sandsurge 30000 [emoji=treasure size=1] / 30 [emoji=gem size=1] [emoji=primary gene size=1]: White Piebald [emoji=secondary gene size=1]: Cherry Paint [emoji=tertiary gene size=1]: Black Kumo [emoji=normal eyes size=1]: Plague Uncommon[/center][/columns] ---------------------- [columns][url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol][center] [b]DAPPELED LEAVES[/b] Male Auraboa 30000 [emoji=treasure size=1] / 30 [emoji=gem size=1] [emoji=primary gene size=1]: Sable Varnish [emoji=secondary gene size=1]: Shamrock Lacquer [emoji=tertiary gene size=1]: Camo Greenskeeper [emoji=normal eyes size=1]: Nature Faceted (!)[/center][/columns] [columns][url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol][center] [b]DAPPELED LEAVES[/b] Male Auraboa 20000 [emoji=treasure size=1] / 20 [emoji=gem size=1] [emoji=primary gene size=1]: Sable Fade [emoji=secondary gene size=1]: Camo Lacquer [emoji=tertiary gene size=1]: Forest Greenskeeper [emoji=normal eyes size=1]: Nature Unusual[/center][/columns] [columns][url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol][center] [b]DAPPELED LEAVES[/b] Male Auraboa 30000 [emoji=treasure size=1] / 30 [emoji=gem size=1] [emoji=primary gene size=1]: Sable Varnish [emoji=secondary gene size=1]: Shamrock Morph [emoji=tertiary gene size=1]: Camo Greenskeeper [emoji=normal eyes size=1]: Nature Common[/center][/columns] ---------------------- [columns][url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol][center] [b]SILVER BIRCH TREES[/b] Male Auraboa 30000 [emoji=treasure size=1] / 30 [emoji=gem size=1] [emoji=primary gene size=1]: Orca Tapir [emoji=secondary gene size=1]: Forest Lacquer [emoji=tertiary gene size=1]: Algae Paradise [emoji=normal eyes size=1]: Nature Uncommon[/center][/columns]
@Blood and Ink (Mossgarde Hatchery)
@Mossgarde Arboretum Pairs ONLY
@Mossgarde Hatchery ALL PAIRS
@Silver Birch Trees (Mossgarde Hatchery)
@Winter Pines (Mossgarde Hatchery)

couple of nests worth of kiddos here! blood and ink got a lil delayed, but its all good and due to the delay they'll be off to nest again later this week

I also did acquire a new pair - I know I have been massively cutting down my pairs, but I found some more Auraboas I liked just before Greenskeepers, and then with the new gene I figured maybe I'll put them in my arboretum section since they'll just be using my nests anyway. As much as like, I want a lot of my nests to go towards some wide ranges when it comes to breeding (so probably fodder breeding) because that feels more random and fun, I've got a huge soft-spot for auraboas that look like trees so I guess I'll be doing that still

new pair is - and their first nest (to be posted here anyway, they were bred before I acquired them) was born on the last day of the Greenskeeper festival (as in Saturday June 1st)
Basil x Pesto

100% Auraboa
Sable - Umber Fade / Varnish
Emerald - Camo Lacquer / Morph
Camo - Hunter Greenskeeper / Koi

anyway, here's some hatchlings

Female Auraboa

30000 / 30

: Hickory Tapir
: Forest Lacquer
: White Koi
: Nature Rare

Male Auraboa

20000 / 20

: Tarnish Tapir
: Forest Lacquer
: White Koi
: Nature Common

Male Auraboa

30000 / 30

: Ginger Tapir
: Camo Lacquer
: White Koi
: Nature Unusual

Male Sandsurge

30000 / 30

: White Piebald
: Red Paint
: Black Kumo
: Plague Uncommon

Female Sandsurge

30000 / 30

: White Piebald
: Cherry Paint
: Black Kumo
: Plague Uncommon

Male Auraboa

30000 / 30

: Sable Varnish
: Shamrock Lacquer
: Camo Greenskeeper
: Nature Faceted (!)

Male Auraboa

20000 / 20

: Sable Fade
: Camo Lacquer
: Forest Greenskeeper
: Nature Unusual

Male Auraboa

30000 / 30

: Sable Varnish
: Shamrock Morph
: Camo Greenskeeper
: Nature Common

Male Auraboa

30000 / 30

: Orca Tapir
: Forest Lacquer
: Algae Paradise
: Nature Uncommon
pepe petumblr_inline_njtpe1NttW1r1na4o.gif
peppShe/Her @ FR +8
pepThe Stogwen Project
pepe pepep
I don't see that this one is spoken for. May I buy him? [emoji=familiar heart size=1][url=[/url] Edit: Sorry I've never posted on one of these so I don't know how to properly link him, but he's ginger, camo, and white. (#95428440)
I don't see that this one is spoken for. May I buy him? [url=[/url]

Edit: Sorry I've never posted on one of these so I don't know how to properly link him, but he's ginger, camo, and white. (#95428440)