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@Museless Hi! May I be added to the Starry Desert pinglist please? The color/gene combos are stunning!
@Museless Hi! May I be added to the Starry Desert pinglist please? The color/gene combos are stunning!
Philippians 4:13 I can do All things through Christ who gives me strength
WARNING: I am prone to use random LOTR and the Hobbit references XD
WARNING: I am prone to use random LOTR and the Hobbit references XD
Hi! @Museless can I please be pinged for the following?
Celestial Sphere (flaunt)
Summer Festival (har/jest/glim only)
Starry Desert
Ocean Rift
New pairs
Thank you!
Celestial Sphere (flaunt)
Summer Festival (har/jest/glim only)
Starry Desert
Ocean Rift
New pairs
Thank you!
Hi! @Museless can I please be pinged for the following?
Celestial Sphere (flaunt)
Summer Festival (har/jest/glim only)
Starry Desert
Ocean Rift
New pairs
Thank you!
Celestial Sphere (flaunt)
Summer Festival (har/jest/glim only)
Starry Desert
Ocean Rift
New pairs
Thank you!
@SakuraAngel Noted!
The chance of glimmer for summer festival is very very low, but I'll ping you if that happens
The chance of glimmer for summer festival is very very low, but I'll ping you if that happens
@SakuraAngel Noted!
The chance of glimmer for summer festival is very very low, but I'll ping you if that happens
The chance of glimmer for summer festival is very very low, but I'll ping you if that happens
Could I be added to pinglists for Driftwood Beach, Midnight Rendezvous, Bones By The River, Starry Desert, and new pairs - please and thank you!
Could I be added to pinglists for Driftwood Beach, Midnight Rendezvous, Bones By The River, Starry Desert, and new pairs - please and thank you!
Could I be added to pinglists for Driftwood Beach, Midnight Rendezvous, Bones By The River, Starry Desert, and new pairs - please and thank you!
Could I be added to pinglists for Driftwood Beach, Midnight Rendezvous, Bones By The River, Starry Desert, and new pairs - please and thank you!
@Museless yeaaaaaah I understand xD the RNG wait'll be worth it lol.
@Museless yeaaaaaah I understand xD the RNG wait'll be worth it lol.
@Museless ahhHH so many pretty pairs!!!
could I be on the lists for driftwood beach, nebulous astronomer, midnight rendezvous, bones by the river, starry dessert, ocean rift, and Greek bronze??
sorry for so many- they are all so pretty omg
could I be on the lists for driftwood beach, nebulous astronomer, midnight rendezvous, bones by the river, starry dessert, ocean rift, and Greek bronze??
sorry for so many- they are all so pretty omg
@Museless ahhHH so many pretty pairs!!!
could I be on the lists for driftwood beach, nebulous astronomer, midnight rendezvous, bones by the river, starry dessert, ocean rift, and Greek bronze??
sorry for so many- they are all so pretty omg
could I be on the lists for driftwood beach, nebulous astronomer, midnight rendezvous, bones by the river, starry dessert, ocean rift, and Greek bronze??
sorry for so many- they are all so pretty omg

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