
Dragons For Sale

Arrange the purchasing and selling of dragons.
TOPIC | Shifters- a beastclan themed hatchery
may i be added into the general pinglist please ?

also, can i buy alito for treasure ?
may i be added into the general pinglist please ?

also, can i buy alito for treasure ?
@mp3 of course, and sure! I'll set up a crossroad for you!
@mp3 of course, and sure! I'll set up a crossroad for you!
Heya got 6 new wildclaw shifters up for grabs. [emoji=wildclaw star size=2] General pinglist: @EuphoriasDelight, @WillowHeart, @FoggyDownpour, @mp3
Heya got 6 new wildclaw shifters up for grabs.

General pinglist: @EuphoriasDelight, @WillowHeart, @FoggyDownpour, @mp3

Bump and an @Argentleif so I can find my thread later, don't mind me.
Bump and an @Argentleif so I can find my thread later, don't mind me.
Whew, I've been lurking awhile but what it took to bring me back more than any event has, was the release of Sage! And her seasonal sundries! I can't believe we have a beastclan npc! And it's a dryad!!! Woohoo! So in lew of those recent events, I bred my dryad~ shifter pairs! To celebrate! So here are 10 new babs up for sale, 5 wildclaws [emoji=wildclaw star size=2] and 5 imperials [emoji=imperial star size=2]! Ping list: @EuphoriasDelight, @WillowHeart, @FoggyDownpour, @mp3 @Argentleif so I can find this easier.
Whew, I've been lurking awhile but what it took to bring me back more than any event has, was the release of Sage! And her seasonal sundries! I can't believe we have a beastclan npc! And it's a dryad!!! Woohoo!
So in lew of those recent events, I bred my dryad~ shifter pairs! To celebrate!

So here are 10 new babs up for sale, 5 wildclaws and 5 imperials !

Ping list: @EuphoriasDelight, @WillowHeart, @FoggyDownpour, @mp3

@Argentleif so I can find this easier.
Added 9 new babies, and the new pinglist function.
This will be the last time, in theory I use the manual pinglist, if you don't want to be pinged anymore, just don't sign up for the new pinglist. Have a great time of day.
Ping list: @EuphoriasDelight, @WillowHeart, @FoggyDownpour, @mp3
Added 9 new babies, and the new pinglist function.
This will be the last time, in theory I use the manual pinglist, if you don't want to be pinged anymore, just don't sign up for the new pinglist. Have a great time of day.
Ping list: @EuphoriasDelight, @WillowHeart, @FoggyDownpour, @mp3
Hmm testing the ping system
@Argentleif's Shifter hatchery
Hmm testing the ping system
@Argentleif's Shifter hatchery
I'm back from a bit of a hiatus. Unsure how long I'll stay as fr and my chronic illness doesn't gell well. But I do love my dragons. I've relisted my dergons for sale. So really I guess this is a glorified bump.
I'm back from a bit of a hiatus. Unsure how long I'll stay as fr and my chronic illness doesn't gell well. But I do love my dragons. I've relisted my dergons for sale. So really I guess this is a glorified bump.