[center]You enter the candy store and see bright little gems of sweetness lining the walls! Pinks, reds, yellows, greens, and all the colors await you! What sweet will you get? Maybe a gusher? Maybe chewing on a slab of bubblegum? Licking a jawbreaker until your tongue bleeds? Whatever you wish for, you can find![/center]
Only one; the dragons have to be named before I send them to you, i.e., tell me what you want them to be named, I will name them, and then send them your way!
[center][i]You can put the Candies on hold if you want one but cannot afford it yet if you wish! I will hold it for a full 3 days.[/i][/center]
[center][b][i]Out of Stock[/i][/b][/center]
[center][b]:Red Gushers:[/b][/center]
:30,000 Gold or 30 Gems:
[center][b]:Blue Gushers:[/b][/center]
:15,000 Gold or 15 Gems:
[center][b][i]Out of Stock[/i][/b][/center]
[center][b]:Sour Patches:[/b][/center]
[center][b][i]Out of Stock[/i][/b][/center]
[center][b]:Salted Caramels:[/b][/center]
[center][b][i]Out of Stock[/i][/b][/center]
:20,000 Gold or 20 Gems:
:15,000 Gold or 15 Gems:
[center][b][i]Out of Stock[/i][/b][/center]
[center][b][i]Out of Stock[/i][/b][/center]
[center][b]:Cotton Candy:[/b][/center]
[center][b][i]Out of Stock[/i][/b][/center]
[center][b]:Hershey Kisses:[/b][/center]
[center][b][i]Out of Stock[/i][/b][/center]
Plentiful Breeds: 10k or 10G
Common Breeds: 15k or 15G
Uncommon Breeds: 20k or 20G
Limited Breeds: 25k or 25G
Rare Breeds: 30k or 30G
Different Flight Eyes (must be ordered before hand): +2k or 2G
Faceted/Multi-Gaze/Glowing/Goat/Innocent/Swirl/Dark Sclera: +5k or +5G
Primal Eyes: Dragon Becomes 50k or 50G
[center]Here is the link for which dragons are which breeds/rarities:[/center] [center][url=https://flightrising.com/main.php?p=wiki&article=17][img]https://flightrising.com/images/nests/7/4healthy_0dead.png[/img][/url][/center]
[center]:Current Nests:[/center]
:3 Eggs:
:2 Eggs:
:3 Eggs:[/center]
[center]:Current Orders:[/center]
[center][b][i]:None Right Now!:[/i][/b][/center]
[center]:Nekros made the Candy Emporium Banner, so if you liked it go check them out [url=https://flightrising.com/main.php?p=lair&tab=userpage&id=279496]here[/url]!:[/center]
You enter the candy store and see bright little gems of sweetness lining the walls! Pinks, reds, yellows, greens, and all the colors await you! What sweet will you get? Maybe a gusher? Maybe chewing on a slab of bubblegum? Licking a jawbreaker until your tongue bleeds? Whatever you wish for, you can find!
Only one; the dragons have to be named before I send them to you, i.e., tell me what you want them to be named, I will name them, and then send them your way!
You can put the Candies on hold if you want one but cannot afford it yet if you wish! I will hold it for a full 3 days.
Out of Stock
:Red Gushers:
:30,000 Gold or 30 Gems:
:Blue Gushers:
:15,000 Gold or 15 Gems:
Out of Stock
:Sour Patches:
Out of Stock
:Salted Caramels:
Out of Stock
:20,000 Gold or 20 Gems:
:15,000 Gold or 15 Gems:
Out of Stock
Out of Stock
:Cotton Candy:
Out of Stock
:Hershey Kisses:
Out of Stock
Plentiful Breeds: 10k or 10G
Common Breeds: 15k or 15G
Uncommon Breeds: 20k or 20G
Limited Breeds: 25k or 25G
Rare Breeds: 30k or 30G
Different Flight Eyes (must be ordered before hand): +2k or 2G
Faceted/Multi-Gaze/Glowing/Goat/Innocent/Swirl/Dark Sclera: +5k or +5G
Primal Eyes: Dragon Becomes 50k or 50G
Here is the link for which dragons are which breeds/rarities:
:Current Nests:
:3 Eggs:
:2 Eggs:
:3 Eggs:
:Current Orders:
:None Right Now!:
:Nekros made the Candy Emporium Banner, so if you liked it go check them out
[center]Discounts apply to:
[emoji=ice rune size=1] 5% Discount for Ice Flight Members and Plague Flight Members [emoji=plague rune size=1]
[emoji=new friend size=1] 10% Discount for Affiliates [emoji=new friend size=1]
[emoji=wing size=1] 15% Discount for Newbies (1 month or less) [emoji=wing size=1]
[emoji=birthday cake size=1] 20% Discount for Birthday (Week)[emoji=birthday cake size=1]
[emoji=firework size=1] 35% Discount for Holidays (Week) [emoji=firework size=1]
:Discounts are not stackable, however, if you get multiple dragons in the same order, they can be used once on each dragon!:[/center]
Discounts apply to:
5% Discount for Ice Flight Members and Plague Flight Members
10% Discount for Affiliates
15% Discount for Newbies (1 month or less)
20% Discount for Birthday (Week)
35% Discount for Holidays (Week)
:Discounts are not stackable, however, if you get multiple dragons in the same order, they can be used once on each dragon!:
[b][u]Grape[/u] x [u]Misha[/u][/b]
Pearlcatcher / Imperial
90% / 10%
Leopard / Jaguar
75% / 25%
Mauve, Pink, Bubblegum, Rose[/color][/size]
Clouded / Bee
99% / 1%
Mauve, Pink, Bubblegum, Rose[/color][/size]
Capsule / Capsule
50% / 50%
Fog, Mist, Lavender, Heather, Purple, Orchid, Amethyst[/color][/size]"
[center][b][i]:Red Gushers:[/i][/b][/center]
[b][u]Ash[/u] x [u]Ruby[/u][/b]
Coatl / Coatl
50% / 50%
Laced / Starmap
99% / 1%
Tomato, Vermillion, Ruby, Cherry, Crimson, Garnet, Sanguine, Blood[/color][/size]
Butterfly / Bee
50% / 50%
Garnet, Sanguine, Blood[/color][/size]
Capsule / Capsule
50% / 50%
Cerise, Carmine[/color][/size]"
[center][b][i]:Blue Gushers:[/i][/b][/center]
[b][u]Twilight[/u] x [u]Benetnasch[/u][/b]
Pearlcatcher / Guardian
30% / 70%
Savannah / Crystal
99% / 1%
Striation / Shimmer
99% / 1%
Eggplant, Iris, Storm, Twilight, Indigo, Sapphire, Navy[/color][/size]
Capsule / Capsule
50% / 50%
Deep Azure, Caribbean, Teal, Cerulean, Cyan[/color][/size]"
[b][u]Cherry[/u] x [u]Jawbreaker[/u][/b]
Snapper / Snapper
50% / 50%
Piebald / Piebald
50% / 50%
Magenta, Fuchsia, Raspberry, Wine, Mauve, Pink, Bubblegum, Rose, Pearl[/color][/size]
Paint / Paint
50% / 50%
Garnet, Sanguine, Blood, Maroon, Berry, Red, Strawberry, Cerise, Carmine, Brick, Coral, Blush, CottonCandy, Watermelon, Magenta, Fuchsia, Raspberry, Wine, Mauve, Pink, Bubblegum, Rose, Pearl[/color][/size]
Capsule / Koi
97% / 3%
Rose, Pearl[/color][/size]"
[center][b][i]:Sour Patches:[/i][/b][/center]
[b][u]Mistletoe[/u] x [u]Alkahest[/u][/b]
Gaoler / Gaoler
50% / 50%
Jaguar / Jaguar
50% / 50%
Sanddollar, Flaxen, Ivory[/color][/size]
Spirit / Rosette
15% / 85%
Crocodile, Olive, Murk, Moss, Goldenrod, Amber, Honey, Lemon, Yellow, Grapefruit, Banana, Sanddollar, Flaxen, Ivory[/color][/size]
Shardflank / Underbelly
50% / 50%
Sanddollar, Flaxen, Ivory, Buttercup, Gold, Metals, Marigold[/color][/size]"
[b][u]Mel[/u] x [u]Cara[/u][/b]
Tundra / Tundra
50% / 50%
Metallic / Metallic
50% / 50%
Butterfly / Bee
50% / 50%
Gold, Metals, Marigold, Sunshine, Saffron, Sunset, Peach, Cantaloupe, Orange, Bronze, Terracotta, Carrot[/color][/size]
Runes / Runes
50% / 50%
Grapefruit, Banana, Sanddollar, Flaxen, Ivory[/color][/size]"
[b][u]Pop[/u] x [u]Lolli[/u][/b]
Spiral / Pearlcatcher
50% / 50%
Poison / Poison
50% / 50%
Pink, Bubblegum, Rose, Pearl[/color][/size]
Toxin / Peregrine
10% / 90%
Bubblegum, Rose, Pearl, Maize, Cream, Antique, White, Moon, Ice[/color][/size]
Underbelly / Runes
90% / 10%
Stonewash, Overcast, Steel, Denim, Abyss, Phthalo, Deep Azure, Caribbean, Teal, Cerulean, Cyan, Robin, Aqua, Turquoise, Spruce, Pistachio, Seafoam, Mint, Jade, Spearmint, Thicket, Peacock, Emerald, Shamrock, Jungle, Hunter, Forest, Camo, Algae, Swamp, Avocado, Green, Fern, Mantis, Pear, Leaf, Radioactive, Honeydew, Peridot, Chartreuse, Spring, Crocodile, Olive, Murk, Moss, Goldenrod, Amber, Honey, Lemon, Yellow, Grapefruit, Banana[/color][/size]"
[b][u]Coffee[/u] x [u]Toffee[/u][/b]
Imperial / Ridgeback
10% / 90%
Pinstripe / Pinstripe
50% / 50%
Flaxen, Ivory[/color][/size]
Trail / Facet
97% / 3%
Ivory, Buttercup[/color][/size]
Capsule / Lace
15% / 85%
Flaxen, Ivory, Buttercup, Gold, Metals, Marigold, Sunshine, Saffron, Sunset[/color][/size]"
[b][u]ORich[/u] x [u]Lick[/u][/b]
Pearlcatcher / Skydancer
75% / 25%
Python / Vipera
50% / 50%
Lead, Shale, Flint, Charcoal, Coal, Oilslick, Black, Obsidian[/color][/size]
Stripes / Trail
90% / 10%
Oilslick, Black, Obsidian, Eldritch, Midnight, Shadow, Blackberry, Mulberry, Plum, Wisteria, Thistle, Fog, Mist, Lavender, Heather, Purple[/color][/size]
Ghost / Ghost
50% / 50%
White, Moon, Ice[/color][/size]"
[center][b][i]:Cotton Candy:[/i][/b][/center]
[b][u]Huggh[/u] x [u]Harmony[/u][/b]
Guardian / Skydancer
85% / 15%
Cherub / Savannah
25% / 75%
Alloy / Blend
1% / 99%
Underbelly / Capsule
90% / 10%
Bubblegum, Rose, Pearl[/color][/size]"
[center][b][i]:Hershey Kisses:[/i][/b][/center]
[b][u]Hershey[/u] x [u]Kisses[/u][/b]
Wildclaw / Nocturne
3% / 97%
Bar / Tiger
25% / 75%
Seraph / Stripes
25% / 75%
Umber, Soil, Hickory, Tarnish, Ginger, Brown, Chocolate[/color][/size]
Smoke / Underbelly
25% / 75%
Clay, Sable, Umber, Soil, Hickory, Tarnish, Ginger, Brown[/color][/size]"
[center][b]:DilsDragons made the Tool that allowed me to create these cards, so if you want to make them for yourself just click [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/gde/2879752]here!:[/b][/url][/center]
[center][b]:Look at these pairings and then order if one of the candies are not available at the moment! Also, if you would like a specific eye type, just PM me!:[/b][/center]
Grape x Misha
Pearlcatcher / Imperial
90% / 10%
Leopard / Jaguar
75% / 25%
Mauve, Pink, Bubblegum, Rose
Clouded / Bee
99% / 1%
Mauve, Pink, Bubblegum, Rose
Capsule / Capsule
50% / 50%
Fog, Mist, Lavender, Heather, Purple, Orchid, Amethyst"
:Red Gushers:
Ash x Ruby
Coatl / Coatl
50% / 50%
Laced / Starmap
99% / 1%
Tomato, Vermillion, Ruby, Cherry, Crimson, Garnet, Sanguine, Blood
Butterfly / Bee
50% / 50%
Garnet, Sanguine, Blood
Capsule / Capsule
50% / 50%
Cerise, Carmine"
:Blue Gushers:
Twilight x Benetnasch
Pearlcatcher / Guardian
30% / 70%
Savannah / Crystal
99% / 1%
Striation / Shimmer
99% / 1%
Eggplant, Iris, Storm, Twilight, Indigo, Sapphire, Navy
Capsule / Capsule
50% / 50%
Deep Azure, Caribbean, Teal, Cerulean, Cyan"
Cherry x Jawbreaker
Snapper / Snapper
50% / 50%
Piebald / Piebald
50% / 50%
Magenta, Fuchsia, Raspberry, Wine, Mauve, Pink, Bubblegum, Rose, Pearl
Paint / Paint
50% / 50%
Garnet, Sanguine, Blood, Maroon, Berry, Red, Strawberry, Cerise, Carmine, Brick, Coral, Blush, CottonCandy, Watermelon, Magenta, Fuchsia, Raspberry, Wine, Mauve, Pink, Bubblegum, Rose, Pearl
Capsule / Koi
97% / 3%
Rose, Pearl"
:Sour Patches:
Mistletoe x Alkahest
Gaoler / Gaoler
50% / 50%
Jaguar / Jaguar
50% / 50%
Sanddollar, Flaxen, Ivory
Spirit / Rosette
15% / 85%
Crocodile, Olive, Murk, Moss, Goldenrod, Amber, Honey, Lemon, Yellow, Grapefruit, Banana, Sanddollar, Flaxen, Ivory
Shardflank / Underbelly
50% / 50%
Sanddollar, Flaxen, Ivory, Buttercup, Gold, Metals, Marigold"
Mel x Cara
Tundra / Tundra
50% / 50%
Metallic / Metallic
50% / 50%
Butterfly / Bee
50% / 50%
Gold, Metals, Marigold, Sunshine, Saffron, Sunset, Peach, Cantaloupe, Orange, Bronze, Terracotta, Carrot
Runes / Runes
50% / 50%
Grapefruit, Banana, Sanddollar, Flaxen, Ivory"
Pop x Lolli
Spiral / Pearlcatcher
50% / 50%
Poison / Poison
50% / 50%
Pink, Bubblegum, Rose, Pearl
Toxin / Peregrine
10% / 90%
Bubblegum, Rose, Pearl, Maize, Cream, Antique, White, Moon, Ice
Underbelly / Runes
90% / 10%
Stonewash, Overcast, Steel, Denim, Abyss, Phthalo, Deep Azure, Caribbean, Teal, Cerulean, Cyan, Robin, Aqua, Turquoise, Spruce, Pistachio, Seafoam, Mint, Jade, Spearmint, Thicket, Peacock, Emerald, Shamrock, Jungle, Hunter, Forest, Camo, Algae, Swamp, Avocado, Green, Fern, Mantis, Pear, Leaf, Radioactive, Honeydew, Peridot, Chartreuse, Spring, Crocodile, Olive, Murk, Moss, Goldenrod, Amber, Honey, Lemon, Yellow, Grapefruit, Banana"
Coffee x Toffee
Imperial / Ridgeback
10% / 90%
Pinstripe / Pinstripe
50% / 50%
Flaxen, Ivory
Trail / Facet
97% / 3%
Ivory, Buttercup
Capsule / Lace
15% / 85%
Flaxen, Ivory, Buttercup, Gold, Metals, Marigold, Sunshine, Saffron, Sunset"
ORich x Lick
Pearlcatcher / Skydancer
75% / 25%
Python / Vipera
50% / 50%
Lead, Shale, Flint, Charcoal, Coal, Oilslick, Black, Obsidian
Stripes / Trail
90% / 10%
Oilslick, Black, Obsidian, Eldritch, Midnight, Shadow, Blackberry, Mulberry, Plum, Wisteria, Thistle, Fog, Mist, Lavender, Heather, Purple
Ghost / Ghost
50% / 50%
White, Moon, Ice"
:Cotton Candy:
Huggh x Harmony
Guardian / Skydancer
85% / 15%
Cherub / Savannah
25% / 75%
Alloy / Blend
1% / 99%
Underbelly / Capsule
90% / 10%
Bubblegum, Rose, Pearl"
:Hershey Kisses:
Hershey x Kisses
Wildclaw / Nocturne
3% / 97%
Bar / Tiger
25% / 75%
Seraph / Stripes
25% / 75%
Umber, Soil, Hickory, Tarnish, Ginger, Brown, Chocolate
Smoke / Underbelly
25% / 75%
Clay, Sable, Umber, Soil, Hickory, Tarnish, Ginger, Brown"
:DilsDragons made the Tool that allowed me to create these cards, so if you want to make them for yourself just click here!:
:Look at these pairings and then order if one of the candies are not available at the moment! Also, if you would like a specific eye type, just PM me!:
[center][size=5]Affiliate Perks Include:
10% off All Candies
Automatically Be Pinged When Candies Hatch
Have A Short Description Of Your Hatchery Included[/center]
[center]:Visit Saphonice's Hatchery where they sell Haunted Cakes! All of which are Banescales! They have cakes such as Blueberry Pound Cakes, Cotton Candy Ice Cream Cakes, Pistachio Pudding Cakes, and more!:[/center]
[center]:Visit Foa's Hatchery where they sell drinks such as Fantas and Caffes, fruits such as Wild Cherries and Banannas, and even deserts such as a Wedding Cake! Whatever you can think of, they have it!:
[center]Banner Code
[center]Bump Code
Food Related Hatcheries Only[/b][/size=4][/center]
[center]:PM me if you are interested!:[/center]
Affiliate Perks Include:
10% off All Candies
Automatically Be Pinged When Candies Hatch
Have A Short Description Of Your Hatchery Included
:Visit Saphonice's Hatchery where they sell Haunted Cakes! All of which are Banescales! They have cakes such as Blueberry Pound Cakes, Cotton Candy Ice Cream Cakes, Pistachio Pudding Cakes, and more!:
:Visit Foa's Hatchery where they sell drinks such as Fantas and Caffes, fruits such as Wild Cherries and Banannas, and even deserts such as a Wedding Cake! Whatever you can think of, they have it!:
Banner Code
Bump Code
Food Related Hatcheries Only
:PM me if you are interested!: