
Dragons For Sale

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TOPIC | REX CORVUS // lore hatchery - REOPENED
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[center] [font=calibri][color=#4D3F2C][img][/img] [size=5][i]The original Rex Corvus was once a youth movement in the streets of Astramor's capital, Misthearth. According to local tale, they were group of young adults set on changing the world. Whether their true goal was achieved, and what it was, no one knows for certain, but it can hardly be said they left things the same way they were before. [/i] With its original members long disbanded, the title now lives on as a legend. Across Astramor, youth seeking purpose in the world are known as 'Rex Corvus' children- particularly those who embark on travel to other parts of the world in hopes of finding belonging. While their origins may vary, from the offspring of castle advisors to creations of clockwork and clay given life, they all share they same drive to leave home for something better. If their chance lays with you, would you begrudge them a new life? [/font][/size] [rule] [size=7][font=sitka banner] [b]Rex Corvus Hatchery[/b] [/font][/size] [font=calibri][size=4]Welcome! This is a multi-purpose, mainly gijinka, lore & art 'hatchery', set in my personal lore location north of Sornieth. (My lore is flexible though! For more information, see the Lore Hub.) This is intended as an affordable hatchery, and with the exception of primals and dragons with attached art, most dragons will stay in the 25-45kt range. [b]Dragons bought from me may be: [/b] > Traded, exalted, or renamed < > Resold for up to the price they were bought for < > Resold at the additional value of the art you commissioned for them < > (ex. 25kt + 400g adoptable) < > Used as non-lore dragons or have their given lore discarded < > Exalted & the art kept < > Regened, breed scrolled, permababied, etc. < [b]I ask that dragons bought from me are NOT:[/b] > Resold for more than they were bought for < > Given names their parents would be embarrassed to see < > Used in lore with themes that violate the FR terms of service < > Removed of their art, lore, or graphics credits < [rule] [quote][font=sitka banner][color=#4D3F2C][size=5][b]SALES![/b][/size] [size=4] -20% for birthdays/FRversaries -50% for newbies (up to 6 months) -10% for light flight -10% for flights ranked last on dom board -5% for current dominating flight [/size] [color=#4D3F2C][size=5][b]TEMPORARY SALES![/b][/size] [size=4][i]Watch this space, as it it may change![/i] -25% for anyone paying for art dragons with eggs! [/quote] [font=calibri][size=4] Please remember to mention if you are eligible for a discount, when buying a dragon, I may not always remember! [rule] [font=calibri][size=4][b]Additional info about this hatchery:[/b] > I accept gems at a 1:1000 ratio < > I accept eggs of any kind for at LAH of their type (flight/bog/noc) < > I am subscribed, you don't need to ping me! < > Hatchling letters are always welcome < [/color] [rule] [font=calibri][color=#4D3F2C][size=5]| [url=]Information[/url] | [url=]Lore Hub[/url] | [url=] Art Sales[/url] | [url=]Sales[/url] | | [url=]Lore Pairs[/url] | [url=]Non-Lore Pairs[/url] | [url=]Veilspun Pairs[/url] | | [url=]Affiliates[/url] | [url=]Pinglist[/url] | [rule]

The original Rex Corvus was once a youth movement in the streets of Astramor's capital, Misthearth. According to local tale, they were group of young adults set on changing the world. Whether their true goal was achieved, and what it was, no one knows for certain, but it can hardly be said they left things the same way they were before.

With its original members long disbanded, the title now lives on as a legend. Across Astramor, youth seeking purpose in the world are known as 'Rex Corvus' children- particularly those who embark on travel to other parts of the world in hopes of finding belonging. While their origins may vary, from the offspring of castle advisors to creations of clockwork and clay given life, they all share they same drive to leave home for something better.

If their chance lays with you, would you begrudge them a new life?

Rex Corvus Hatchery

Welcome! This is a multi-purpose, mainly gijinka, lore & art 'hatchery', set in my personal lore location north of Sornieth. (My lore is flexible though! For more information, see the Lore Hub.) This is intended as an affordable hatchery, and with the exception of primals and dragons with attached art, most dragons will stay in the 25-45kt range.

Dragons bought from me may be:
> Traded, exalted, or renamed <
> Resold for up to the price they were bought for <
> Resold at the additional value of the art you commissioned for them <
> (ex. 25kt + 400g adoptable) <
> Used as non-lore dragons or have their given lore discarded <
> Exalted & the art kept <
> Regened, breed scrolled, permababied, etc. <

I ask that dragons bought from me are NOT:
> Resold for more than they were bought for <
> Given names their parents would be embarrassed to see <
> Used in lore with themes that violate the FR terms of service <
> Removed of their art, lore, or graphics credits <

-20% for birthdays/FRversaries
-50% for newbies (up to 6 months)
-10% for light flight
-10% for flights ranked last on dom board
-5% for current dominating flight

Watch this space, as it it may change!
-25% for anyone paying for art dragons with eggs!
Please remember to mention if you are eligible for a discount, when buying a dragon, I may not always remember!

Additional info about this hatchery:
> I accept gems at a 1:1000 ratio <
> I accept eggs of any kind for at LAH of their type (flight/bog/noc) <
> I am subscribed, you don't need to ping me! <
> Hatchling letters are always welcome <

| Information | Lore Hub | Art Sales | Sales |
| Lore Pairs | Non-Lore Pairs | Veilspun Pairs |
| Affiliates | Pinglist |

Nsy0JjU.png Kal/Jackal
[center][img][/img] [font=calibri][size=5] For the purposes of this hatchery, children of my lore pairs will not be considered 'canon' unless the new owner explicitly asks for them to be. [/size][/font] [font=calibri][size=4]> If you want to have the dragon you bought associated with my lore, please let me know. Likewise, if you are interested in developing your dragon's lore more in depth with me, please drop me a line, I'd be delighted! < > Astramor according to my lore is a kingdom on its own continent north of Sornieth, near the arctic circle. If this doesn't comply with your lore though, you can refer to it as it's own self-governed 'clan' in the Cloudscape Crags, in Ice flight! < > My lore is [b]gijinka based[/b] where some inhabitants can turn into fully-fledged dragons, but you're welcome to interpret any lore as exclusively quadruped/'feral' dragons OR exclusively gijinka/human. < > If you would like to read more about Astramor, my [u][url=]lore doc is here[/url][/u]! I also post sales, art, and lore on my FR [u][url=]Tumblr[/url][/u]. < [rule] [font=calibri][color=#4D3F2C][size=5]| [url=]Information[/url] | [url=]Lore Hub[/url] | [url=] Art Sales[/url] | [url=]Sales[/url] | | [url=]Lore Pairs[/url] | [url=]Non-Lore Pairs[/url] | [url=]Veilspun Pairs[/url] | | [url=]Affiliates[/url] | [url=]Pinglist[/url] | [rule]

For the purposes of this hatchery, children of my lore pairs will not be considered 'canon' unless the new owner explicitly asks for them to be.

> If you want to have the dragon you bought associated with my lore, please let me know. Likewise, if you are interested in developing your dragon's lore more in depth with me, please drop me a line, I'd be delighted! <

> Astramor according to my lore is a kingdom on its own continent north of Sornieth, near the arctic circle. If this doesn't comply with your lore though, you can refer to it as it's own self-governed 'clan' in the Cloudscape Crags, in Ice flight! <

> My lore is gijinka based where some inhabitants can turn into fully-fledged dragons, but you're welcome to interpret any lore as exclusively quadruped/'feral' dragons OR exclusively gijinka/human. <

> If you would like to read more about Astramor, my lore doc is here! I also post sales, art, and lore on my FR Tumblr. <

| Information | Lore Hub | Art Sales | Sales |
| Lore Pairs | Non-Lore Pairs | Veilspun Pairs |
| Affiliates | Pinglist |

Nsy0JjU.png Kal/Jackal
[center][img][/img] [font=calibri][size=5]These dragons have art drawn by myself! Almost exclusively gijinka designs, but I may stray into other types in the future. Keep your eye on this space, as I don't draw that often![/size][/font] [font=sitka banner][color=#4D3F2C][size=7][b]Current Sales[/b][/size] [font=calibri][size=4]none![/font][/size] [font=sitka banner][color=#4D3F2C][size=7][b]Recent Sales[/b][/size] [quote][img][/img][/quote] [quote][img][/img][/quote] [rule] [font=calibri][color=#4D3F2C][size=5]| [url=]Information[/url] | [url=]Optional Lore[/url] | [url=] Art Dragons[/url] | [url=]Hatchery Sales[/url] | | [url=]Rescue Sales[/url] | [url=]Gen 1 Sales[/url] | [url=]Nesting Pairs[/url] | | [url=]Affiliates[/url] | [url=]Pinglist[/url] | [rule]

These dragons have art drawn by myself! Almost exclusively gijinka designs, but I may stray into other types in the future. Keep your eye on this space, as I don't draw that often!

Current Sales


Recent Sales



| Information | Optional Lore | Art Dragons | Hatchery Sales |
| Rescue Sales | Gen 1 Sales | Nesting Pairs |
| Affiliates | Pinglist |

Nsy0JjU.png Kal/Jackal
[center][img][/img] [font=calibri][size=5]Hatchery dragons come with their own set of lore from their parents, although not all of them have parents in the traditional sense! Hatchlings associated with their parents will come with a bio lore snippet from their hatchery pair. [rule] [font=sitka banner][color=#4D3F2C][size=7][b]Yahev & Mindah[/b][/font ][/size] [columns][img][/img] [nextcol] [quote][font=sitka banner][url=][img][/img][/url] [color=#4D3F2C][size=5][b]KEDEREL[/b][/size] [size=4]Male pose Light uncommon [emoji=primary gene size=1] Mauve Petals [emoji=secondary gene size=1] Strawberry Butterfly [emoji=tertiary gene size=1] Sunshine Capsule [emoji=money bag size=1] 25,000t / 25g[/size] [/quote][/columns] [columns][img][/img] [nextcol] [quote][font=sitka banner][url=][img][/img][/url] [color=#4D3F2C][size=5][b]MAAIKE[/b][/size] [size=4]Female pose Light Uncommon [emoji=primary gene size=1] Cottoncandy Petals [emoji=secondary gene size=1] Strawberry Butterfly [emoji=tertiary gene size=1] Fire Capsule [emoji=money bag size=1] 25,000t / 25g[/size] [/quote][/columns] [rule] [font=sitka banner][color=#4D3F2C][size=7][b]Aixa & Dorei[/b][/font ][/size] [columns][img][/img] [nextcol] [quote][font=sitka banner][url=][img][/img][/url] [color=#4D3F2C][size=5][b]LEV[/b][/size] [size=4]Male pose Light unusual [emoji=primary gene size=1] Blackberry Pinstripe [emoji=secondary gene size=1] Pink Buttefly [emoji=tertiary gene size=1] Peach Capsule [emoji=money bag size=1] 25,000t / 25g[/size] [/quote][/columns] [columns][img][/img] [nextcol] [quote][font=sitka banner][url=][img][/img][/url] [color=#4D3F2C][size=5][b]EIRAN[/b][/size] [size=4]Male pose Light common [emoji=primary gene size=1] Lead Pinstripe [emoji=secondary gene size=1] Chocolate Shimmer [emoji=tertiary gene size=1] Saffron Capsule [emoji=money bag size=1] 25,000t / 25g[/size] [/quote][/columns] [rule] [font=calibri][color=#4D3F2C][size=5]| [url=]Information[/url] | [url=]Lore Hub[/url] | [url=] Art Sales[/url] | [url=]Sales[/url] | | [url=]Lore Pairs[/url] | [url=]Non-Lore Pairs[/url] | [url=]Veilspun Pairs[/url] | | [url=]Affiliates[/url] | [url=]Pinglist[/url] | [rule]

Hatchery dragons come with their own set of lore from their parents, although not all of them have parents in the traditional sense! Hatchlings associated with their parents will come with a bio lore snippet from their hatchery pair.

Yahev & Mindah

Male pose
Light uncommon

Mauve Petals
Strawberry Butterfly
Sunshine Capsule

25,000t / 25g


Female pose
Light Uncommon

Cottoncandy Petals
Strawberry Butterfly
Fire Capsule

25,000t / 25g

Aixa & Dorei

Male pose
Light unusual

Blackberry Pinstripe
Pink Buttefly
Peach Capsule

25,000t / 25g


Male pose
Light common

Lead Pinstripe
Chocolate Shimmer
Saffron Capsule

25,000t / 25g

| Information | Lore Hub | Art Sales | Sales |
| Lore Pairs | Non-Lore Pairs | Veilspun Pairs |
| Affiliates | Pinglist |

Nsy0JjU.png Kal/Jackal
[center][img][/img] [font=calibri][size=5]These pairs have roles in my lore, and their hatchlings come with a pre-written snippet describing their parents and their upbringing. Some may also come with extra lore about the hatchling themselves, so keep an eye out![/size][/font] [rule] [font=sitka banner][color=#4D3F2C][size=7][b]Xechneme & Hydra[/b][/size] [img][/img] [i]*this pair uses a stand-in dragon also named 'Xechneme' as a mate.[/i] [font=calibri][size=5][i]"Long before the current queen even dreamed of the throne, Xechneme and Hydra had a quiet, respectable marriage and the security to raise children. Their love was strict and kind, and though not all of their hatchlings came to appreciate such an upbringing, they hardly felt they had failed as parents. It was only at Xechneme's death that Hydra truly ever felt he had failed, and it was this feeling that drove him to seek the help of a monster, and to bring her back from the dead. It worked... at a cost. Hydra can never see or speak to his wife again. His only tie to her now is the lives they raised between them."[/i][/font][/size] [rule] [font=sitka banner][color=#4D3F2C][size=7][b]Aixa & Dorei[/b][/size] [img][/img] [font=calibri][size=5][i]"Employed by the royal house since the Astral Age, Aixa and Dorei both serve very different but very important functions. Aixa is a mother to the palace itself as well as her hatchlings, making sure it's functions and practical aspects are running smoothly. She is the grounded pair to Dorei, who can be quite a loving father, when he's not caught up in his eccentric historian projects. Their children are adored, without question, but they grow up being shown that their jobs and their passions will be more important than anything else."[/i][/size][/font] [rule] [font=sitka banner][color=#4D3F2C][size=7][b]Yahev & Mindah[/b][/size] [img][/img] [img][/img] [i]*this pair uses a stand-in dragon named 'Anima' as a mate.[/i] [font=calibri][size=5][i]"Yahev and Mindah have been partners in research since the heist to steal the nexusphere, exploring its secrets and bonding over a shared love of forbidden knowledge. Their bond isn’t romantic or anything like it, but they’ve stuck together long enough to be near inseparable. Any falling out would cost them their research, after all." "[b]Mindah’s[/b] research is largely with the reality-altering powers of the nexusphere, experimenting with it’s capabilities, collecting tomes that reference it, and accidentally bringing over at least one dragon from an alternate reality… that they know of. With something so touchy and powerful as this relic of the past, not everything it does is under his control, or within his knowledge. Those brought through from other futures, and other planes, find themselves displaced and lost in an unfamiliar landscape, forced to start over a new life, sometimes without some or all of their memories intact, and almost certainly not knowing how they got there in the first place." "[b]Yahev[/b], a tinkerer and a scientist by nature, often occupies his hands and claws with creation. Clockwork toys, scrapmetal familiars, and the occasional clay figurine are given life by his powers- or a semblance of it, at least. Turned loose, some stay, and others wander off to develop personalities of their own, lives and purposes beyond what they were gifted. Yahev cares little for keeping track, and rarely remembers where any of his creations have gotten to, but those that return are greeted with the same careless welcome he brought them into the world with, a promise that they can stay as long as they like."[/i][/size][/font] [rule] [font=sitka banner][color=#4D3F2C][size=7][b]Pasilla & Rune & Tawny[/b][/size] [img][/img] [img][/img] [font=calibri][size=5][i]"Tawny and Rune were old friends and old lovers who found the love they shared quietly fading away before their lives had come close to an end. They accepted this end, grieving the dying of a flame as an inevitability... Until Pasilla came along. Her hot and vibrant youth spoke to both of them, pulling them into her blazing way of life and re-igniting the spark they had thought lost. Now more alive than they ever thought they could be, all three of them see life brought into the world together, and wish their children well in whatever ventures they choose."[/i][/size][/font] [rule] [font=calibri][color=#4D3F2C][size=5]| [url=]Information[/url] | [url=]Lore Hub[/url] | [url=] Art Sales[/url] | [url=]Sales[/url] | | [url=]Lore Pairs[/url] | [url=]Non-Lore Pairs[/url] | [url=]Veilspun Pairs[/url] | | [url=]Affiliates[/url] | [url=]Pinglist[/url] | [rule]

These pairs have roles in my lore, and their hatchlings come with a pre-written snippet describing their parents and their upbringing. Some may also come with extra lore about the hatchling themselves, so keep an eye out!

Xechneme & Hydra
*this pair uses a stand-in dragon also named 'Xechneme' as a mate.

"Long before the current queen even dreamed of the throne, Xechneme and Hydra had a quiet, respectable marriage and the security to raise children. Their love was strict and kind, and though not all of their hatchlings came to appreciate such an upbringing, they hardly felt they had failed as parents. It was only at Xechneme's death that Hydra truly ever felt he had failed, and it was this feeling that drove him to seek the help of a monster, and to bring her back from the dead. It worked... at a cost. Hydra can never see or speak to his wife again. His only tie to her now is the lives they raised between them."

Aixa & Dorei

"Employed by the royal house since the Astral Age, Aixa and Dorei both serve very different but very important functions. Aixa is a mother to the palace itself as well as her hatchlings, making sure it's functions and practical aspects are running smoothly. She is the grounded pair to Dorei, who can be quite a loving father, when he's not caught up in his eccentric historian projects. Their children are adored, without question, but they grow up being shown that their jobs and their passions will be more important than anything else."

Yahev & Mindah


*this pair uses a stand-in dragon named 'Anima' as a mate.

"Yahev and Mindah have been partners in research since the heist to steal the nexusphere, exploring its secrets and bonding over a shared love of forbidden knowledge. Their bond isn’t romantic or anything like it, but they’ve stuck together long enough to be near inseparable. Any falling out would cost them their research, after all."

"Mindah’s research is largely with the reality-altering powers of the nexusphere, experimenting with it’s capabilities, collecting tomes that reference it, and accidentally bringing over at least one dragon from an alternate reality… that they know of. With something so touchy and powerful as this relic of the past, not everything it does is under his control, or within his knowledge. Those brought through from other futures, and other planes, find themselves displaced and lost in an unfamiliar landscape, forced to start over a new life, sometimes without some or all of their memories intact, and almost certainly not knowing how they got there in the first place."
"Yahev, a tinkerer and a scientist by nature, often occupies his hands and claws with creation. Clockwork toys, scrapmetal familiars, and the occasional clay figurine are given life by his powers- or a semblance of it, at least. Turned loose, some stay, and others wander off to develop personalities of their own, lives and purposes beyond what they were gifted. Yahev cares little for keeping track, and rarely remembers where any of his creations have gotten to, but those that return are greeted with the same careless welcome he brought them into the world with, a promise that they can stay as long as they like."

Pasilla & Rune & Tawny


"Tawny and Rune were old friends and old lovers who found the love they shared quietly fading away before their lives had come close to an end. They accepted this end, grieving the dying of a flame as an inevitability... Until Pasilla came along. Her hot and vibrant youth spoke to both of them, pulling them into her blazing way of life and re-igniting the spark they had thought lost. Now more alive than they ever thought they could be, all three of them see life brought into the world together, and wish their children well in whatever ventures they choose."

| Information | Lore Hub | Art Sales | Sales |
| Lore Pairs | Non-Lore Pairs | Veilspun Pairs |
| Affiliates | Pinglist |

Nsy0JjU.png Kal/Jackal
[center][img][/img] [font=calibri][size=5]Pairs in this section don't have lore attached to them, but their hatchlings may have 'one-off' lore snippets attached to them. Check these hatchlings bios and you might get a surprise![/size][/font] [rule] [font=sitka banner][color=#4D3F2C][size=7][b]Illarion & Ankaa[/b][/size] [img][/img] [rule] [font=sitka banner][color=#4D3F2C][size=7][b]Willow & Seastone[/b][/size] [img][/img] [rule] [font=calibri][color=#4D3F2C][size=5]| [url=]Information[/url] | [url=]Lore Hub[/url] | [url=] Art Sales[/url] | [url=]Sales[/url] | | [url=]Lore Pairs[/url] | [url=]Non-Lore Pairs[/url] | [url=]Veilspun Pairs[/url] | | [url=]Affiliates[/url] | [url=]Pinglist[/url] | [rule]

Pairs in this section don't have lore attached to them, but their hatchlings may have 'one-off' lore snippets attached to them. Check these hatchlings bios and you might get a surprise!

Illarion & Ankaa

Willow & Seastone

| Information | Lore Hub | Art Sales | Sales |
| Lore Pairs | Non-Lore Pairs | Veilspun Pairs |
| Affiliates | Pinglist |

Nsy0JjU.png Kal/Jackal
[center][img][/img] [font=calibri][size=5]These dragons are part of THE HIVE, a collection of migrating veilspun living in a nest made of their own bodies. They have no individual lore, and are unlikely to have hatchlings with any lore. They sure are pretty, though! WIP[/size][/font] [rule] [font=calibri][color=#4D3F2C][size=5]| [url=]Information[/url] | [url=]Lore Hub[/url] | [url=] Art Sales[/url] | [url=]Sales[/url] | | [url=]Lore Pairs[/url] | [url=]Non-Lore Pairs[/url] | [url=]Veilspun Pairs[/url] | | [url=]Affiliates[/url] | [url=]Pinglist[/url] | [rule]

These dragons are part of THE HIVE, a collection of migrating veilspun living in a nest made of their own bodies. They have no individual lore, and are unlikely to have hatchlings with any lore. They sure are pretty, though!


| Information | Lore Hub | Art Sales | Sales |
| Lore Pairs | Non-Lore Pairs | Veilspun Pairs |
| Affiliates | Pinglist |

Nsy0JjU.png Kal/Jackal
Nsy0JjU.png Kal/Jackal
[center][img][/img] [font=calibri][size=5]Please don't hesitate to ask about affiliation! I prefer to affiliate with other lore hatcheries, but it's not a requirement.[/size][/font] [rule] [font=sitka banner][color=#4D3F2C][size=7][b]Graphics Codes[/b][/size][/font] [url=][img][/img][/url] [code][url=][img][/img][/url][/code] [rule] [font=sitka banner][color=#4D3F2C][size=7][b]Affiliates[/b][/size][/font] [font=calibri][size=4]None yet![/size][/font] [rule] [font=calibri][color=#4D3F2C][size=5]| [url=]Information[/url] | [url=]Lore Hub[/url] | [url=] Art Sales[/url] | [url=]Sales[/url] | | [url=]Lore Pairs[/url] | [url=]Non-Lore Pairs[/url] | [url=]Veilspun Pairs[/url] | | [url=]Affiliates[/url] | [url=]Pinglist[/url] | [rule]

Please don't hesitate to ask about affiliation! I prefer to affiliate with other lore hatcheries, but it's not a requirement.

Graphics Codes



None yet!

| Information | Lore Hub | Art Sales | Sales |
| Lore Pairs | Non-Lore Pairs | Veilspun Pairs |
| Affiliates | Pinglist |

Nsy0JjU.png Kal/Jackal
[center][img][/img] [font=calibri][size=5]I currently do NOT have a self-editing pinglist, but if you would like to be added to the pinglist please let me know! If you would like to be pinged only for certain pairs/colors, please specify that as well.[/size][/font] [font=sitka banner][color=#4D3F2C][size=7][b]General Pinglist[/b][/size][/font][font=calibri][size=5] @[b][/b]Tala2121 @[b][/b]HorrorFiend [/size][/font] [font=sitka banner][color=#4D3F2C][size=7][b]Art Pinglist[/b][/size][/font][font=calibri][size=5] @[b][/b]Tala2121 [/size][/font] [rule] [font=calibri][color=#4D3F2C][size=5]| [url=]Information[/url] | [url=]Lore Hub[/url] | [url=] Art Sales[/url] | [url=]Sales[/url] | | [url=]Lore Pairs[/url] | [url=]Non-Lore Pairs[/url] | [url=]Veilspun Pairs[/url] | | [url=]Affiliates[/url] | [url=]Pinglist[/url] | [rule]

I currently do NOT have a self-editing pinglist, but if you would like to be added to the pinglist please let me know! If you would like to be pinged only for certain pairs/colors, please specify that as well.

General Pinglist
@Tala2121 @HorrorFiend

Art Pinglist

| Information | Lore Hub | Art Sales | Sales |
| Lore Pairs | Non-Lore Pairs | Veilspun Pairs |
| Affiliates | Pinglist |

Nsy0JjU.png Kal/Jackal
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