
Dragons For Sale

Arrange the purchasing and selling of dragons.
TOPIC | [S] Small G1 Lair Purge
Here's a bunch of double and XYZ G1's for sale in these 2 tabs. Some of these have been up for a while, others are brand new. Quite a variety pack :D

All of these dragons are up for offers and not subject to a flatsale. However, each dragon has a listed minimum price in their bio I'd sell them for that I'm likely not interested in haggling under, at least for the doubles.

I'm interested in pure currency right now, but can take treasure at the 1:1000 rate. There are also specific G1's I may trade for if you want to PM about.

Feel free to inquire here or via a PM. If you outoffer someone for a dragon, please ping them!

Please do not leave unwelcome pricing advice!
Here's a bunch of double and XYZ G1's for sale in these 2 tabs. Some of these have been up for a while, others are brand new. Quite a variety pack :D

All of these dragons are up for offers and not subject to a flatsale. However, each dragon has a listed minimum price in their bio I'd sell them for that I'm likely not interested in haggling under, at least for the doubles.

I'm interested in pure currency right now, but can take treasure at the 1:1000 rate. There are also specific G1's I may trade for if you want to PM about.

Feel free to inquire here or via a PM. If you outoffer someone for a dragon, please ping them!

Please do not leave unwelcome pricing advice!
@5h4d0wdu57 @apotheca @apothecaria @arienai @hessonite @avarosa @aviv @awayfrombirdland @batcrooks @betta @bitmap @bloodwyrm @bob @bogs @bones @cairon @calibris @calm @canadian @caribou @catsrevenge @cedric @charias @cheshirecatuk1 @chichi @chomeister @coli @kveikur @damelz @dancerinthesky @dandelions @dayliqht @deadbattery @deathwing @descending @disease @diseased @dixy @draconequis @dragonmage @dragonmaiden @dragonweaver @drakkanwolf @dreamt @elementalentropy @elroking @embereye @embroid @erianamoon @ern @etchedshadow @halforq @faileas @falcoeur @fallingstar275 @firethroat @fizzywits @fjaralunar @followedbyrocks @foolishray @foxxtrot @frostycloud @fruityhoofbeast @gasoline @ghast @ghostenthusiast @gou @greatcontagion @grendel @grimalkkin @guillain @gurrero @harleyfae @haylxx @heavnlyaristo @hiame @hybro @icefirestarfire @icetea @ignei @imupacreek2000 @incarnate @inculta @insouciant @jacknoahkerr @kaitii @kaito @kavalkade @keydotzip @khezu @kievan @kittyboops @kyoya @laastaria @laegjarn @lavenderamethyst @leafdapple1 @leeedea @lemecrazy @twye @lewana @lizardheart @london @lottie @lrjj @luciftian @luusan @magari @maila @manda @marceline @marva @masterneko @matejko @mellifera @meonox @micheru @miloki @mimiru @minx @misericordieuse @missfemke @miusempire @moofius @mudguts @nanairo @naralex @nathlene @nightrising @niharike @noctilucent @nryenth @oceanics @oftquoted @oncamimus @oodie @ordona @oria @ouji @outlandishkg @owlktor @peisinoe @perfidious @plushie @poo @pretzuls @prism @psi @pulses @puppicino @putin @putrefaction @putri @qyetlady @raeyena @rangiku @rangsky @raucousremy @rayen @reckless @redcroft @renaci @renmiri @rest @rijl @rogue @roiben @ruinia @rulanir @ryuuna @sabbat @sableye @saeldryn @saintseb @scaledfoxx @scamper @scared @scientist @scylla @sealterbloind @searinox @serendipia @serra @shadeythedragon @shamelessscalies @arrowxflight @zenemesis @l0ser @auraea @dragonhorselover @silene @silverquark @bit @childish @aftershock @lordofthedeer @ravenhearst @seylon @sochitelya @solanaceae13 @sooraya @sotherin @sparkleofgold @carlyle @spartalicous @spicytunaroll @stakie @starfire0 @starly @succulents @tangaroa @taogtmi @techmess @tehumertt @royaltundra @watermel0nbob @thanksmeg @thederpmaster2 @thegodaesthetic @therowen @thestormcatcher @thrym @cowl @tigerpanda13 @tigerrocky @treedancer @tuatara @txtiger @uzaaki9 @vaiya @vashtya @veevi @ventus @voidshadow @warlock @weir @why @wicker @wobbitt @wolfscent @wyrda @xirei @yiqi @yoosung @zayev @zenzic @zona @zsazsa @sunlace @benzyne @suntouched @insan3king @chimeria @takadimi @big @eryel @squishypeachy @drackana @bystander @lunasillusions @thistleprose @los @krysavorona @meanling @betwixted @kelpoyo @alethi @ichibean @petros
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@1sash1 @5h4d0wdu57 @arrowfeathers @azure @batcrooks @bitmap @captaincrackers @carnival @catpilot @cognitive @coyoteskii @cynil @cyrinus @dadragon @discovered @duchess @earthtiger @carlyle @evolve @ahi @feralchungus @flaresolaire @frostkingdemetri @fugo @glamour @harleyfae @remuslupn @highcastle @hsoup @jenkow @kaylian @lasombra @leashedragon @leeedea @leucine @lito @mands @meanling @mekora @meloncauli @merman @mommy @nanairo @anthea @nightmarejudge @nryenth @peisinoe @puppicino @putin @putrefaction @rest @rochambeau @roseofgehenna @roule @saphariadragon @sarapkm @seylon @shaft @silene @silverquark @snorreruch @starly @steamplonk @tangaroa @tinyelephant @toastings @trinkenki @tues @tyrandius @viktoor @wickedhorror @win @wobbitt @wolfscent @woomee @rainenchanter @wyrda @xanako @ylfa @yossarian @alyblaith @seonais @universo @adagia @kinhaera @yukorusshi @lavendersoap @wylin @mintso @cynderbark @ridill @petros @ichibean @doniider @relax @gardenkeeping @wooloo @ceruleancrow @oleaster @tserin @roguelorewind @darkmilka
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@00riku00 @5h4d0wdu57 @aberration @ivoryash @altassar @ahi @apotheca @apothecaria @lemonquartz @argaan @hessonite @arrowfeathers @ashcat @ashenhartkrie @astraya @betta @bothriolepis @buff @calavera @candycanexolo @cedric @cerion @ado @cheshirecatuk1 @claritywind @conviction @danizaurs @das @dayliqht @deep @dragonmaiden @dragonweaver @embroid @endemic @everynne @evilsplitpersona @evilwave @evolve @excessnight @carlyle @frostkingdemetri @frozenlake @fruityhoofbeast @gabrielreyes @ghostslugs @gregoros @grudge @haley @hanzosinmada @hcuolel @kavalkade @heart @putrefaction @kaamos @kiddo @kiragami @kitem @kittenpartyos @klee @krocodalie @kveikur @limeypie @lrjj @lynterriahatake @maila @mayanaz @megalomaniac @meloncauli @mercurialwings @miloki @minx @miuv @mudguts @mudlark @naja @nanairo @nathlene @necrophades @nikki @panderz @oncamimus @oria @owlktor @peachypeachy @prey @psi @putin @pyr0 @pyroclastic @qazzie9 @rattyfleef @ribbonz @rosevoids @furo @sais @sanati @scamper @scylla @selah @silverquark @simply @skin @skitzopod @smaugthealmighty @sotherin @spark @starbornwolf @starfire0 @stovokor @succulents @taiyou @tangaroa @impavid @thegodaesthetic @thestormcatcher @thirtyone @titor @triforces @tuatara @valishtu @vaze @voidshadow @wickedhorror @wildflora @windchimes @wolfscent @x3x @xairathan @ysdaar @ythequeris @yum @zayev @zelai @descending @bedfordblack @cats @aersolace @joxter @lordmaroo @banguela @big @platinumdream @lunasillusions @pathfinder @7up @ichibean @bernadetta @sapphiole @arrowxflight
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@accents @ajax4life14 @aldru @5h4d0wdu57 @ashenhartkrie @ballad @belief @blindcaius @catpilot @chocoli @cirrostratus @claritywind @cobwebs @concept @conviction @cyrinus @danizaurs @dedicate @discovered @dragonmaiden @drown @endro @evilwave @farvel @foxzii @fruityhoofbeast @garizard @ghostharpies @ghostslugs @groggymoggy @grudge @hanzosinmada @hazy @hcuolel @hybro @infectedwolf @iralla @putrefaction @jenkow @jets @klee @watermel0nbob @kveikur @kyereu @leucine @magicalgirlrem @manylimbs @malachite @mekora @meowmeow2023 @mercurialwings @takadimi @minx @moosesushi @naja @netris @noixy @novetteus @overture @peacekeeper @deviantdoge @shoespsycho @probablynotyou @carlyle @astrogator @quatervois @raidye @ratfriend @ahi @rest @roiben @roseofgehenna @saeldryn @silverquark @secrett @shewolf13 @sienne @seylon @simply @spy @synnful @tune @unenchanted @viktoor @violette @vulpen @vynne @off @lordmaroo @shaide @furo @oyasumikasumi @l1br4 @dandyfrau @puppicino @ayxia @neonhorns @squishypeachy @valishtu @pleasant @big @revius @yurihands @yukorusshi @idyll @eternatus @yip @scarecrane @yyalls @crimsonpixie @petros @wooloo @may @joydom @oleaster @lavendersoap @seiyreslash
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@5h4d0wdu57 @aqunathlok @areater @burritoray @capricat @catpilot @clarkegriffin @cobwebs @concept @danizaurs @flamenco @haley @heathers @hybro @infectedwolf @kadaj @carlyle @meanling @mercurialwings @rowdy @nobodylovesstone @rationalparanoia @overture @sansyskelepun @sarapkm @sarcastichawke @shad0stryk @silverquark @smolsnekbestsnek @snartie @steel @tigenki @troya @tune @puppicino @yellowstarfish @gelid @tosr @vwoop
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@akanechaan @attic @arenthias @ashki @auroshen @ballad @bitmap @bluetetra @calavera @cerion @cervas @cheesity @cobwebs @concept @conviction @corvid @crowstorm @danizaurs @darkniiinja @delillah @dendariis @equive @erendira @evilwave @feralchungus @malachite @foxlia @gardenvoir @ghostslugs @glisselda @scolopendra @haley @harlefae @cov @hybro @kavalkade @invicted @irrwahn @keyina @alcremie @limeypie @lrjj @lunamore @m0use @matejko @mayuli @mercurialwings @minx @naja @naturalcyber @nefily @nightmischief @nukleer @obliviousally @oria @pinkpitbull @pneuma @pushpin @rangsky @seylon @roiben @sansyskelepun @scylla @shimmeringxolo @shortkeike @silverquark @smokeybunny @starbornwolf @steel @synnful @thirtyone @toastings @trippfaerie @tugalsan @unsolved @vulpen @wobbitt @zombiedinosaur @off @sienne @5h4d0wdu57 @lordmaroo @hyssop @condemn @nonaline @toxicvenom @sorkan @relax @twt @ceruleancrow @neraida @carlyle @ahi
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@adinafay @akanechaan @5h4d0wdu57 @arbokobra @arenthias @auroshen @averil @ballad @bitmap @bolas @calavera @cerion @cervas @cheesity @claudz @cobwebs @concept @conviction @corvid @darkniiinja @delillah @equive @erendira @evilwave @gardenvoir @ghostslugs @glisselda @scolopendra @haley @hybro @invicted @irrwahn @laevateinn @lrjj @lunamore @m0use @magari @march @mayuli @mercurialwings @minx @misha @naja @novarys @nukleer @pushpin @raeyena @rangsky @roiben @shimmeringxolo @shortkeike @silverquark @smokeybunny @soots @starbornwolf @steel @synnful @txtiger @vaze @wolffenrir @zombiedinosaur @off @overture @lordmaroo @condemn @keyina @kinhaera @yukorusshi @sienne @nonaline @ichibean @cov @carlyle
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@5h4d0wdu57 @cerion @cobwebs @concept @danizaurs @sienne @haley @hcuolel @hybro @irrwahn @lightfall @magar @mercurialwings @naja @kinhaera @steel @silverquark @lordmaroo @seylon @carlyle @rufusdrumknott
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@5h4d0wdu57 @apotheca @apothecaria @arienai @hessonite @avarosa @aviv @awayfrombirdland @batcrooks @betta @bitmap @bloodwyrm @bob @bogs @bones @cairon @calibris @calm @canadian @caribou @catsrevenge @cedric @charias @cheshirecatuk1 @chichi @chomeister @coli @kveikur @damelz @dancerinthesky @dandelions @dayliqht @deadbattery @deathwing @descending @disease @diseased @dixy @draconequis @dragonmage @dragonmaiden @dragonweaver @drakkanwolf @dreamt @elementalentropy @elroking @embereye @embroid @erianamoon @ern @etchedshadow @halforq @faileas @falcoeur @fallingstar275 @firethroat @fizzywits @fjaralunar @followedbyrocks @foolishray @foxxtrot @frostycloud @fruityhoofbeast @gasoline @ghast @ghostenthusiast @gou @greatcontagion @grendel @grimalkkin @guillain @gurrero @harleyfae @haylxx @heavnlyaristo @hiame @hybro @icefirestarfire @icetea @ignei @imupacreek2000 @incarnate @inculta @insouciant @jacknoahkerr @kaitii @kaito @kavalkade @keydotzip @khezu @kievan @kittyboops @kyoya @laastaria @laegjarn @lavenderamethyst @leafdapple1 @leeedea @lemecrazy @twye @lewana @lizardheart @london @lottie @lrjj @luciftian @luusan @magari @maila @manda @marceline @marva @masterneko @matejko @mellifera @meonox @micheru @miloki @mimiru @minx @misericordieuse @missfemke @miusempire @moofius @mudguts @nanairo @naralex @nathlene @nightrising @niharike @noctilucent @nryenth @oceanics @oftquoted @oncamimus @oodie @ordona @oria @ouji @outlandishkg @owlktor @peisinoe @perfidious @plushie @poo @pretzuls @prism @psi @pulses @puppicino @putin @putrefaction @putri @qyetlady @raeyena @rangiku @rangsky @raucousremy @rayen @reckless @redcroft @renaci @renmiri @rest @rijl @rogue @roiben @ruinia @rulanir @ryuuna @sabbat @sableye @saeldryn @saintseb @scaledfoxx @scamper @scared @scientist @scylla @sealterbloind @searinox @serendipia @serra @shadeythedragon @shamelessscalies @arrowxflight @zenemesis @l0ser @auraea @dragonhorselover @silene @silverquark @bit @childish @aftershock @lordofthedeer @ravenhearst @seylon @sochitelya @solanaceae13 @sooraya @sotherin @sparkleofgold @carlyle @spartalicous @spicytunaroll @stakie @starfire0 @starly @succulents @tangaroa @taogtmi @techmess @tehumertt @royaltundra @watermel0nbob @thanksmeg @thederpmaster2 @thegodaesthetic @therowen @thestormcatcher @thrym @cowl @tigerpanda13 @tigerrocky @treedancer @tuatara @txtiger @uzaaki9 @vaiya @vashtya @veevi @ventus @voidshadow @warlock @weir @why @wicker @wobbitt @wolfscent @wyrda @xirei @yiqi @yoosung @zayev @zenzic @zona @zsazsa @sunlace @benzyne @suntouched @insan3king @chimeria @takadimi @big @eryel @squishypeachy @drackana @bystander @lunasillusions @thistleprose @los @krysavorona @meanling @betwixted @kelpoyo @alethi @ichibean @petros
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@1sash1 @5h4d0wdu57 @arrowfeathers @azure @batcrooks @bitmap @captaincrackers @carnival @catpilot @cognitive @coyoteskii @cynil @cyrinus @dadragon @discovered @duchess @earthtiger @carlyle @evolve @ahi @feralchungus @flaresolaire @frostkingdemetri @fugo @glamour @harleyfae @remuslupn @highcastle @hsoup @jenkow @kaylian @lasombra @leashedragon @leeedea @leucine @lito @mands @meanling @mekora @meloncauli @merman @mommy @nanairo @anthea @nightmarejudge @nryenth @peisinoe @puppicino @putin @putrefaction @rest @rochambeau @roseofgehenna @roule @saphariadragon @sarapkm @seylon @shaft @silene @silverquark @snorreruch @starly @steamplonk @tangaroa @tinyelephant @toastings @trinkenki @tues @tyrandius @viktoor @wickedhorror @win @wobbitt @wolfscent @woomee @rainenchanter @wyrda @xanako @ylfa @yossarian @alyblaith @seonais @universo @adagia @kinhaera @yukorusshi @lavendersoap @wylin @mintso @cynderbark @ridill @petros @ichibean @doniider @relax @gardenkeeping @wooloo @ceruleancrow @oleaster @tserin @roguelorewind @darkmilka
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@00riku00 @5h4d0wdu57 @aberration @ivoryash @altassar @ahi @apotheca @apothecaria @lemonquartz @argaan @hessonite @arrowfeathers @ashcat @ashenhartkrie @astraya @betta @bothriolepis @buff @calavera @candycanexolo @cedric @cerion @ado @cheshirecatuk1 @claritywind @conviction @danizaurs @das @dayliqht @deep @dragonmaiden @dragonweaver @embroid @endemic @everynne @evilsplitpersona @evilwave @evolve @excessnight @carlyle @frostkingdemetri @frozenlake @fruityhoofbeast @gabrielreyes @ghostslugs @gregoros @grudge @haley @hanzosinmada @hcuolel @kavalkade @heart @putrefaction @kaamos @kiddo @kiragami @kitem @kittenpartyos @klee @krocodalie @kveikur @limeypie @lrjj @lynterriahatake @maila @mayanaz @megalomaniac @meloncauli @mercurialwings @miloki @minx @miuv @mudguts @mudlark @naja @nanairo @nathlene @necrophades @nikki @panderz @oncamimus @oria @owlktor @peachypeachy @prey @psi @putin @pyr0 @pyroclastic @qazzie9 @rattyfleef @ribbonz @rosevoids @furo @sais @sanati @scamper @scylla @selah @silverquark @simply @skin @skitzopod @smaugthealmighty @sotherin @spark @starbornwolf @starfire0 @stovokor @succulents @taiyou @tangaroa @impavid @thegodaesthetic @thestormcatcher @thirtyone @titor @triforces @tuatara @valishtu @vaze @voidshadow @wickedhorror @wildflora @windchimes @wolfscent @x3x @xairathan @ysdaar @ythequeris @yum @zayev @zelai @descending @bedfordblack @cats @aersolace @joxter @lordmaroo @banguela @big @platinumdream @lunasillusions @pathfinder @7up @ichibean @bernadetta @sapphiole @arrowxflight
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@accents @ajax4life14 @aldru @5h4d0wdu57 @ashenhartkrie @ballad @belief @blindcaius @catpilot @chocoli @cirrostratus @claritywind @cobwebs @concept @conviction @cyrinus @danizaurs @dedicate @discovered @dragonmaiden @drown @endro @evilwave @farvel @foxzii @fruityhoofbeast @garizard @ghostharpies @ghostslugs @groggymoggy @grudge @hanzosinmada @hazy @hcuolel @hybro @infectedwolf @iralla @putrefaction @jenkow @jets @klee @watermel0nbob @kveikur @kyereu @leucine @magicalgirlrem @manylimbs @malachite @mekora @meowmeow2023 @mercurialwings @takadimi @minx @moosesushi @naja @netris @noixy @novetteus @overture @peacekeeper @deviantdoge @shoespsycho @probablynotyou @carlyle @astrogator @quatervois @raidye @ratfriend @ahi @rest @roiben @roseofgehenna @saeldryn @silverquark @secrett @shewolf13 @sienne @seylon @simply @spy @synnful @tune @unenchanted @viktoor @violette @vulpen @vynne @off @lordmaroo @shaide @furo @oyasumikasumi @l1br4 @dandyfrau @puppicino @ayxia @neonhorns @squishypeachy @valishtu @pleasant @big @revius @yurihands @yukorusshi @idyll @eternatus @yip @scarecrane @yyalls @crimsonpixie @petros @wooloo @may @joydom @oleaster @lavendersoap @seiyreslash
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@5h4d0wdu57 @aqunathlok @areater @burritoray @capricat @catpilot @clarkegriffin @cobwebs @concept @danizaurs @flamenco @haley @heathers @hybro @infectedwolf @kadaj @carlyle @meanling @mercurialwings @rowdy @nobodylovesstone @rationalparanoia @overture @sansyskelepun @sarapkm @sarcastichawke @shad0stryk @silverquark @smolsnekbestsnek @snartie @steel @tigenki @troya @tune @puppicino @yellowstarfish @gelid @tosr @vwoop
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@akanechaan @attic @arenthias @ashki @auroshen @ballad @bitmap @bluetetra @calavera @cerion @cervas @cheesity @cobwebs @concept @conviction @corvid @crowstorm @danizaurs @darkniiinja @delillah @dendariis @equive @erendira @evilwave @feralchungus @malachite @foxlia @gardenvoir @ghostslugs @glisselda @scolopendra @haley @harlefae @cov @hybro @kavalkade @invicted @irrwahn @keyina @alcremie @limeypie @lrjj @lunamore @m0use @matejko @mayuli @mercurialwings @minx @naja @naturalcyber @nefily @nightmischief @nukleer @obliviousally @oria @pinkpitbull @pneuma @pushpin @rangsky @seylon @roiben @sansyskelepun @scylla @shimmeringxolo @shortkeike @silverquark @smokeybunny @starbornwolf @steel @synnful @thirtyone @toastings @trippfaerie @tugalsan @unsolved @vulpen @wobbitt @zombiedinosaur @off @sienne @5h4d0wdu57 @lordmaroo @hyssop @condemn @nonaline @toxicvenom @sorkan @relax @twt @ceruleancrow @neraida @carlyle @ahi
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@adinafay @akanechaan @5h4d0wdu57 @arbokobra @arenthias @auroshen @averil @ballad @bitmap @bolas @calavera @cerion @cervas @cheesity @claudz @cobwebs @concept @conviction @corvid @darkniiinja @delillah @equive @erendira @evilwave @gardenvoir @ghostslugs @glisselda @scolopendra @haley @hybro @invicted @irrwahn @laevateinn @lrjj @lunamore @m0use @magari @march @mayuli @mercurialwings @minx @misha @naja @novarys @nukleer @pushpin @raeyena @rangsky @roiben @shimmeringxolo @shortkeike @silverquark @smokeybunny @soots @starbornwolf @steel @synnful @txtiger @vaze @wolffenrir @zombiedinosaur @off @overture @lordmaroo @condemn @keyina @kinhaera @yukorusshi @sienne @nonaline @ichibean @cov @carlyle
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@5h4d0wdu57 @cerion @cobwebs @concept @danizaurs @sienne @haley @hcuolel @hybro @irrwahn @lightfall @magar @mercurialwings @naja @kinhaera @steel @silverquark @lordmaroo @seylon @carlyle @rufusdrumknott
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@Boisea Hello there I am very interested in Moran. Would you be okay with taking a payment plan for him?
@Boisea Hello there I am very interested in Moran. Would you be okay with taking a payment plan for him?

I'd like to offer 1.5kg for February. Please let me know if I'm out-offered. TY! ♥

I'd like to offer 1.5kg for February. Please let me know if I'm out-offered. TY! ♥
@Boisea hello! i'm incredibly interested in Pisces, but he doesn't have a lowest offer in his description. another question: would you be willing to do a payment plans or holds? thank you!
@Boisea hello! i'm incredibly interested in Pisces, but he doesn't have a lowest offer in his description. another question: would you be willing to do a payment plans or holds? thank you!
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Ah, sorry about that! I'm looking for about 2.5-3kG to replace his gem genes. Payment plans are open, but required a nonrefundable 25% down payment and can't last more than a few weeks.

Ah, sorry about that! I'm looking for about 2.5-3kG to replace his gem genes. Payment plans are open, but required a nonrefundable 25% down payment and can't last more than a few weeks.
@Boisea it's all good!
i have an auction ending tomorrow which should get me enough gems for a 25% down payment + a little bit more (~1kG, maybe slightly more), plus some extra pocket change i could put towards him, ~300 mixed total, so totaling 1.3kG to put towards a 1.3kG start for him
i'm really busy with school stuff atm for about 2 weeks, so i'm not sure how much time i'd have to be on FR, but possibly have enough time to at least max out GG some days. i could also liquidate some stuff for money. what type of payment plan would you be willing to offer, if any? thank you, once again!
@Boisea it's all good!
i have an auction ending tomorrow which should get me enough gems for a 25% down payment + a little bit more (~1kG, maybe slightly more), plus some extra pocket change i could put towards him, ~300 mixed total, so totaling 1.3kG to put towards a 1.3kG start for him
i'm really busy with school stuff atm for about 2 weeks, so i'm not sure how much time i'd have to be on FR, but possibly have enough time to at least max out GG some days. i could also liquidate some stuff for money. what type of payment plan would you be willing to offer, if any? thank you, once again!
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