
Dragons For Sale

Arrange the purchasing and selling of dragons.
TOPIC | Galopa's Old Oaks - Old Dragons Rescue
[columns][url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol] [b]Name:[/b] Unnamed [b]ID:[/b] 38598632 [b]Hatchday:[/b] Jan 05, 2018 (6 years) [s]------[/s] [b]Element:[/b] Shadow [b]Primary:[/b] Pumpkin - Jaguar [b]Secondary:[/b] Tomato - Rosette [b]Tertiary:[/b] Tomato - Basic [b]Bred:[/b] No [b]Unnamed:[/b] - [s]------[/s] [b]Price:[/b] [size=4]60 000[emoji=treasure size=1] or 60[emoji=gem size=1][/size] [center] [url=][img alt="the flight rising purchase button."][/img][/url][/center][/columns] [center]-----[/center] [columns][url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol] [b]Name:[/b] Unnamed [b]ID:[/b] 38598631 [b]Hatchday:[/b] Jan 05, 2018 (6 years) [s]------[/s] [b]Element:[/b] Shadow [b]Primary:[/b] Fire - Jaguar [b]Secondary:[/b] Blood - Rosette [b]Tertiary:[/b] Rust - Basic [b]Bred:[/b] No [b]Unnamed:[/b] - [s]------[/s] [b]Price:[/b] [size=4]60 000[emoji=treasure size=1] or 60[emoji=gem size=1][/size] [center] [url=][img alt="the flight rising purchase button."][/img][/url][/center][/columns] [s]-----[/s] [center][Size=6][b][url=]5+ years old oldies in my hibden[/url][/b][/size] Send a pm or @ me at the forum if interested on buying any of them :3[/center]

Name: Unnamed
ID: 38598632

Hatchday: Jan 05, 2018 (6 years)

Element: Shadow
Primary: Pumpkin - Jaguar
Secondary: Tomato - Rosette
Tertiary: Tomato - Basic

Bred: No
Unnamed: -

Price: 60 000 or 60
the flight rising purchase button.


Name: Unnamed
ID: 38598631

Hatchday: Jan 05, 2018 (6 years)

Element: Shadow
Primary: Fire - Jaguar
Secondary: Blood - Rosette
Tertiary: Rust - Basic

Bred: No
Unnamed: -

Price: 60 000 or 60
the flight rising purchase button.

5+ years old oldies in my hibden

Send a pm or @ me at the forum if interested on buying any of them :3
144137d445aa8d64222c8dd0630c8481477826e0.png LEpJMnn.png
[s]I have a pair of unbred 8 year old faes who are also identical twins! Both are listed for gems but I will accept treasure/mixed. [u]I am also willing to sell them both together for 140g[/u], ping/PM me if you're interested in the pair.[/s] [rule] [columns][url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol] [s][b]Name:[/b] MUTINY [b]ID:[/b] 23825763 [b]Hatchday:[/b] May 21, 2016 (8 years)[/s] [s]------[/s] [s][b]Element:[/b] Water [b]Primary:[/b] Midnight Poison [b]Secondary:[/b] Sky Facet [b]Tertiary:[/b] Royal Glimmer [b]Bred:[/b] No [b]Unnamed:[/b] No[/s] [s]------[/s] [b]Price: [size=4]SOLD[/size][/b] [/columns] [rule] [columns][url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol] [s][b]Name:[/b] ANARCHY [b]ID:[/b] 23825765 [b]Hatchday:[/b] May 21, 2016 (8 years)[/s] [s]------[/s] [s][b]Element:[/b] Water [b]Primary:[/b] Midnight Poison [b]Secondary:[/b] Sky Facet [b]Tertiary:[/b] Royal Glimmer [b]Bred:[/b] No [b]Unnamed:[/b] No[/s] [s]------[/s] [b]Price: [size=4]SOLD[/size][/b] [/columns]
I have a pair of unbred 8 year old faes who are also identical twins! Both are listed for gems but I will accept treasure/mixed. I am also willing to sell them both together for 140g, ping/PM me if you're interested in the pair.


ID: 23825763

Hatchday: May 21, 2016 (8 years)

Element: Water
Primary: Midnight Poison
Secondary: Sky Facet
Tertiary: Royal Glimmer

Bred: No
Unnamed: No

Price: SOLD


ID: 23825765

Hatchday: May 21, 2016 (8 years)

Element: Water
Primary: Midnight Poison
Secondary: Sky Facet
Tertiary: Royal Glimmer

Bred: No
Unnamed: No

Price: SOLD
I’ll send her over!
I’ll send her over!
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Icewing ID: #14772579 Hatchday: July 8, 2015(Almost 9 yrs) Element: Ice Primary: Platinum Iridescent Secondary: Shadow Shimmer Tertiary: Ice Basic Bred: Yes Unnamed: None Price 60 [emoji=gem size=1] or 60,000 [emoji=treasure size=1] [url=][img][/img][/url] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Slither ID:# 33967877 Hatchday: June 24, 2017 (7 yrs) Element: Wind Primary: Smoke Iridescent Secondary: Ameythst Spinner Tertiary: Caribbean Contour Bred: Yes Unnamed: None Price: 65 [emoji=gem size=1] or 65,000[emoji=treasure size=1] [url=][img][/img][/url] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Threve ID: 30990473 Hatchday: February 20, 2017 (7 yrs) Element: Water Primary: Fog Iridescent Secondary: Twilight Butterfly Tertiary: Midnight Smoke Bred: Yes Unnamed: 1 Price: 65 [emoji=gem size=1] or 65,000[emoji=treasure size=1] [url=][img][/img][/url] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Serilla ID: 55783503 Hatchday: October 5, 2019 Element: Plague Primary: Stone Starmap Secondary: Emerald Bee Tertiary: Metal Glimmer Bred: Yes Unnamed: No Price: 35 [emoji=gem size=1] or 35,000[emoji=treasure size=1] [url=][img][/img][/url] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Izolde ID: 40258898 Hatchday: March 20,2018 Element: Wind Primary: White Cherub Secondary: Sanguine Peregrine Tertiary: White Lace Bred: Yes Unnamed: 3 Price: 60 [emoji=gem size=1] or 60,000[emoji=treasure size=1] [url=][img][/img][/url] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Name: Icewing
ID: #14772579

Hatchday: July 8, 2015(Almost 9 yrs)

Element: Ice
Primary: Platinum Iridescent
Secondary: Shadow Shimmer
Tertiary: Ice Basic

Bred: Yes
Unnamed: None
Price 60 or 60,000

Name: Slither
ID:# 33967877

Hatchday: June 24, 2017 (7 yrs)
Element: Wind
Primary: Smoke Iridescent
Secondary: Ameythst Spinner
Tertiary: Caribbean Contour

Bred: Yes
Unnamed: None

Price: 65 or 65,000

Name: Threve
ID: 30990473

Hatchday: February 20, 2017 (7 yrs)

Element: Water
Primary: Fog Iridescent
Secondary: Twilight Butterfly
Tertiary: Midnight Smoke

Bred: Yes
Unnamed: 1

Price: 65 or 65,000

Name: Serilla
ID: 55783503

Hatchday: October 5, 2019

Element: Plague
Primary: Stone Starmap
Secondary: Emerald Bee
Tertiary: Metal Glimmer

Bred: Yes
Unnamed: No

Price: 35 or 35,000

Name: Izolde
ID: 40258898

Hatchday: March 20,2018

Element: Wind
Primary: White Cherub
Secondary: Sanguine Peregrine
Tertiary: White Lace
Bred: Yes
Unnamed: 3

Price: 60 or 60,000

[columns][url=][img][/img][/url] [center]I bought her and then a week later found a better suited project dragon in the middle of my own HibDen, lol. Please take her back x)[/center] [nextcol] [b]Name:[/b] Valen [b]ID:[/b] #27691193 [b]Hatchday:[/b] Oct 13, 2016 (7 years) [s]------[/s] [b]Element:[/b] Earth [b]Primary:[/b] Hickory Petals [b]Secondary:[/b] Hickory Butterfly [b]Tertiary:[/b] Soil Glimmer [b]Bred:[/b] Yes [b]Unnamed:[/b] No [center] [b]Sold, thank you![/b][/center][/columns] Pinglist was here
I bought her and then a week later found a better suited project dragon in the middle of my own HibDen, lol. Please take her back x)

Name: Valen
ID: #27691193

Hatchday: Oct 13, 2016
(7 years)

Element: Earth
Primary: Hickory Petals
Secondary: Hickory Butterfly
Tertiary: Soil Glimmer

Bred: Yes
Unnamed: No
Sold, thank you!

Pinglist was here
[columns][center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [nextcol][center][size=5][b][i]Unnamed[/i][/b][/size] [b]#41143008[/b] Apr 23, 2018 (6 Years) [img][/img][img][/img] [emoji=DNA size=1] [b]XYZ[/b] [emoji=primary gene size=1] [b]Grey[/b] Jaguar [emoji=secondary gene size=1] [b]Platinum[/b] Rosette [emoji=tertiary gene size=1] [b]Mist[/b] Crackle [emoji=normal eyes size=1] [b]Earth[/b] Common [emoji=gem size=1] [b]80[/b] - Price negotiable - - 6yo [b]Earth eyes[/b] - - [b]Unnamed[/b] and [b]Unbred[/b] - - Parents and single sibling are in active lairs. - [url=][img][/img][/center] [/columns] [rule] [columns][center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [nextcol][center][s][size=5][b][i]Shula[/i][/b][/size] [b]#17566425[/b] Oct 11, 2015 (8 years)[/s] [img][/img][img][/img] [s][emoji=DNA size=1] [b]XYZ[/b] [emoji=primary gene size=1] [b]Teal[/b] Iridescent [emoji=secondary gene size=1] [b]Tangerine[/b] Shimmer [emoji=tertiary gene size=1] [b]Lemon[/b] Smoke [emoji=normal eyes size=1] [b]Plague[/b] Common[/s] [s]- 8yo [b]Imperial[/b] - - Has [b]Unnamed offspring[/b] - - Parents have [b]lore[/b] - I have given her a little lore verse to align with her [b]seafaring heritage[/b].[/s] [emoji=pirate hat size=1] [b][size=4]Rehomed![/size][/b][/center] [/columns]

Apr 23, 2018 (6 Years)



Grey Jaguar
Platinum Rosette
Mist Crackle
Earth Common


- Price negotiable -
- 6yo Earth eyes -
- Unnamed and Unbred -
- Parents and single sibling are in active lairs. -



Oct 11, 2015 (8 years)



Teal Iridescent
Tangerine Shimmer
Lemon Smoke
Plague Common

- 8yo Imperial -
- Has Unnamed offspring -
- Parents have lore -
I have given her a little lore verse to align with her seafaring heritage.

got a derg for you! [url=][img][/img][/url] 30g/kt per dragon! just send a cr with the id/link to the dragon you're wanting <3
got a derg for you!


30g/kt per dragon! just send a cr with the id/link to the dragon you're wanting <3
my art thread
[columns][url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol] [b]Name:[/b] Sepia [b]ID:[/b] 45536562 [b]Hatchday:[/b] Sep 27, 2018 ([b]5 years[/b]) [s]------[/s] [b]Element:[/b] Arcane [b]Primary:[/b] Lemon Petals [b]Secondary:[/b] Grapefruit Butterfly [b]Tertiary:[/b] Banana Glimmer [b]Bred:[/b] Yes [b]Unnamed:[/b] 3, but all new hatchlings that may get named. [s]------[/s] [b]Price:[/b] [size=4]50 [emoji=gem size=1][/size] [center] [url=][img alt="the flight rising purchase button."][/img][/url][/center][/columns] [columns][url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol] [b]Name:[/b] Starrun [b]ID:[/b] 12665920 [b]Hatchday:[/b] April 26, 2015 ([b]9 years[/b]) [s]------[/s] [b]Element:[/b] Ice [b]Primary:[/b] Obsidian Iridescent [b]Secondary:[/b] Black Shimmer[b] Tertiary:[/b] Silver Underbelly [b]Bred:[/b] Yes [b]Unnamed:[/b] No. [s]------[/s] [b]Price:[/b] [size=4]90 [emoji=gem size=1][/size] [center] [url=][img alt="the flight rising purchase button."][/img][/url][/center][/columns] [i]snipped pinglist[/i]
Name: Sepia
ID: 45536562

Hatchday: Sep 27, 2018 (5 years)

Element: Arcane
Primary: Lemon Petals
Secondary: Grapefruit Butterfly
Tertiary: Banana Glimmer

Bred: Yes
Unnamed: 3, but all new hatchlings that may get named.

Price: 50

the flight rising purchase button.
Name: Starrun
ID: 12665920

Hatchday: April 26, 2015 (9 years)

Element: Ice
Primary: Obsidian Iridescent
Secondary: Black Shimmer
Silver Underbelly

Bred: Yes
Unnamed: No.

Price: 90

the flight rising purchase button.

snipped pinglist
Dragons are listed for gems, but I'll happily accept treasure instead. Just start a 2 way crossroads with your payment and let me know which dragon(s) you are buying. [B]UPDATE: Desperately need lair space, make me an offer!! [/b] [columns] [url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol] [b]Name: Sanctity ~ Level 6[/b] [b]ID: 32605881[/b] [b]Hatchday: April 27, 2017 (7 years) [/b] [s]------[/s] [b]Element: Water; Common Eyes[/b] [b]Primary: White Iridescent[/b] [b]Secondary: Rose Butterfly[/b] [b]Tertiary: Cream Lace[/b] [b]Bred: Yes[/b] [b]Unnamed: 0[/b] [s]------[/s] [b]Price:[/b] [size=4]50 000[emoji=treasure size=1] or 50[emoji=gem size=1][/size] [center] [url=][img alt="the flight rising purchase button."][/img][/url][/center][/columns] ========================================== [columns][url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol] [b]Name: Norton[/b] [b]ID: 32030237[/b] [b]Hatchday: April 04, 2017 (7 years)[/b] [s]------[/s] [b] XXY Element: Ice; Common Eyes[/b] [b]Primary: Pearl Petals[/b] [b]Secondary: Pearl Butterfly[/b] [b]Tertiary: Maize Glimmer[/b] [b]Bred: Yes[/b] [b]Unnamed: 0[/b] [s]------[/s] [b]Price:[/b] [size=4]70 000[emoji=treasure size=1] or 70[emoji=gem size=1][/size] [center] [url=][img alt="the flight rising purchase button."][/img][/url][/center][/columns] ========================================== [columns][url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol] [b]Name: Nola[/b] [b]ID: 34419660[/b] [b]Hatchday: July 13, 2017 (almost 7 years)[/b] [s]------[/s] [b] XYY Element: Light; Common Eyes[/b] [b]Primary: Dust Iridescent[/b] [b]Secondary: Rose Butterfly[/b] [b]Tertiary: Rose Glimmer[/b] [b]Bred: Yes[/b] [b]Unnamed: No[/b] [s]------[/s] [b]Price:[/b] [size=4]65 000[emoji=treasure size=1] or 65[emoji=gem size=1][/size] [center] [url=][img alt="the flight rising purchase button."][/img][/url][/center][/columns] ========================================= [columns][url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol] [b]Name: Cherub[/b] [b]ID: 34424139[/b] [b]Hatchday: Jul 14, 2017 (almost 7 years)[/b] [s]------[/s] [b]Element: Arcane; Common Eyes[/b] [b]Primary: Rose Iridescent[/b] [b]Secondary: Cream Shimmer[/b] [b]Tertiary: Orca Underbelly[/b] [b]Bred: Yes[/b] [b]Unnamed: 0[/b] [s]------[/s] [b]Price:[/b] [size=4]60 000[emoji=treasure size=1] or 60[emoji=gem size=1][/size] [center] [url=][img alt="the flight rising purchase button."][/img][/url][/center][/columns] ========================================== [columns][url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol] [b]Name: Nimmi[/b] [b]ID: 34693410[/b] [b]Hatchday: Jul 24, 2017 (almost 7 years)[/b] [s]------[/s] [b] XYY Element: Shadow; Common Eyes[/b] [b]Primary: Brown Skink[/b] [b]Secondary: Ivory Alloy[/b] [b]Tertiary: Ivory Lace[/b] [b]Bred: Yes[/b] [b]Unnamed: 0[/b] [s]------[/s] [b]Price:[/b] [size=4]70 000[emoji=treasure size=1] or 70[emoji=gem size=1][/size] [center] [url=][img alt="the flight rising purchase button."][/img][/url][/center][/columns]
Dragons are listed for gems, but I'll happily accept treasure instead. Just start a 2 way crossroads with your payment and let me know which dragon(s) you are buying.
UPDATE: Desperately need lair space, make me an offer!!


Name: Sanctity ~ Level 6
ID: 32605881

Hatchday: April 27, 2017 (7 years)

Element: Water; Common Eyes
Primary: White Iridescent
Secondary: Rose Butterfly
Tertiary: Cream Lace

Bred: Yes
Unnamed: 0

Price: 50 000 or 50

the flight rising purchase button.

Name: Norton
ID: 32030237

Hatchday: April 04, 2017 (7 years)

Element: Ice; Common Eyes

Primary: Pearl Petals
Secondary: Pearl Butterfly
Tertiary: Maize Glimmer

Bred: Yes
Unnamed: 0

Price: 70 000 or 70

the flight rising purchase button.

Name: Nola
ID: 34419660

Hatchday: July 13, 2017 (almost 7 years)

Element: Light; Common Eyes

Primary: Dust Iridescent
Secondary: Rose Butterfly
Tertiary: Rose Glimmer

Bred: Yes
Unnamed: No

Price: 65 000 or 65

the flight rising purchase button.


Name: Cherub
ID: 34424139

Hatchday: Jul 14, 2017 (almost 7 years)

Element: Arcane; Common Eyes
Primary: Rose Iridescent
Secondary: Cream Shimmer
Tertiary: Orca Underbelly

Bred: Yes
Unnamed: 0

Price: 60 000 or 60

the flight rising purchase button.


Name: Nimmi
ID: 34693410

Hatchday: Jul 24, 2017 (almost 7 years)

Element: Shadow; Common Eyes

Primary: Brown Skink
Secondary: Ivory Alloy
Tertiary: Ivory Lace

Bred: Yes
Unnamed: 0

Price: 70 000 or 70
the flight rising purchase button.
[url=][img][/img][/url] 6 years old + multigaze, unbred. He was my first and only multigaze I ever hatched not long after the eye update came out. 70kt. I dont really want to sell him but I need the lair space. If he doesn't get bought I will just chuck him into my hibden.

6 years old + multigaze, unbred. He was my first and only multigaze I ever hatched not long after the eye update came out. 70kt.

I dont really want to sell him but I need the lair space. If he doesn't get bought I will just chuck him into my hibden.