Shaiylo Can i buy this one please?
Christmas dragon!
GooORRb.png Imperial
| Midnight | Mulberry | Navy |
| Vipera | Current | Underbelly |
15k or 30g
Shaiylo Can i buy this one please?
Christmas dragon!
GooORRb.png Imperial
| Midnight | Mulberry | Navy |
| Vipera | Current | Underbelly |
15k or 30g
[color=#848484][columns][color=#848484][img]http://i.imgur.com/RrHdcoZ.png[/img][nextcol][color=#848484][size=7] { [/size][nextcol][color=#848484]Of course! I'll talk to Lucien to set CR. But first one question - will you pay in gems or treasure ? If you want to exalt her, please name her.[/columns]
[color=#848484][columns][color=#848484][img]http://i.imgur.com/RrHdcoZ.png[/img][nextcol][color=#848484][size=7] { [/size][nextcol][color=#848484]Oh , thank you for your kind words! Female Imperial with number #19550973 is yours. Please set the Crossroads and name dragon, if you want to exalt.[/columns]
Of course! I'll talk to Lucien to set CR. But first one question - will you pay in gems or treasure ? If you want to exalt her, please name her.
Oh , thank you for your kind words! Female Imperial with number #19550973 is yours. Please set the Crossroads and name dragon, if you want to exalt.
Shaiylo Not exalting her :) and gems
Shaiylo Not exalting her :) and gems
[color=#848484][columns][color=#848484][img]http://i.imgur.com/gDMaUsC.png[/img][nextcol][color=#848484][size=7] { [/size][nextcol][color=#848484]Thank you for purchase! I will set CR soon
Thank you for purchase! I will set CR soon
[color=#848484][columns][color=#848484][img]http://i.imgur.com/gDMaUsC.png[/img][nextcol][color=#848484][size=7] { [/size][nextcol][color=#848484]bump
[color=#848484][columns][color=#848484][img]http://i.imgur.com/gDMaUsC.png[/img][nextcol][color=#848484][size=7] { [/size][nextcol][color=#848484]bump
[color=#848484][columns][color=#848484][img]http://i.imgur.com/gDMaUsC.png[/img][nextcol][color=#848484][size=7] { [/size][nextcol][color=#848484]bump
[color=#848484][columns][color=#848484][img]http://i.imgur.com/gDMaUsC.png[/img][nextcol][color=#848484][size=7] { [/size][nextcol][color=#848484]bump
Hell! I was wondering if you would you be interested in being affiliates? C:
Hell! I was wondering if you would you be interested in being affiliates? C:
[color=#848484][columns][color=#848484][img]http://i.imgur.com/NS4Pcd2.png[/img][nextcol][color=#848484][size=7] { [/size][nextcol][color=#848484]Oh, yes! We are always looking for affiliates! But could you maybe wait? Our banner isn't ready... I must talk to our artist about that...[/columns]
Oh, yes! We are always looking for affiliates! But could you maybe wait? Our banner isn't ready... I must talk to our artist about that...