
Dragons For Sale

Arrange the purchasing and selling of dragons.
TOPIC | >) Glow Chime (< Windsongs & More
@paintminion yay,, awesome!! im excited to see em :P
@paintminion yay,, awesome!! im excited to see em :P
@catjuice Heyla! We have hatchlings! Hatchlings are 35k, make your choice and the others will get put in AH. I am just gonna zip back to my lair and make sure they have their Windsong bio bits in there. I will not be registering them, you will need to do that. [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url]

Heyla! We have hatchlings! Hatchlings are 35k, make your choice and the others will get put in AH. I am just gonna zip back to my lair and make sure they have their Windsong bio bits in there. I will not be registering them, you will need to do that.



@paintminion Thank you again!! I'll go ahead and take this lovely boy! [url=][img][/img][/url] I'll also initiate the CR :P
@paintminion Thank you again!! I'll go ahead and take this lovely boy! 95203834_350.png I'll also initiate the CR :P
[s]Selling a variety of older and other stuff in [url=]Sales Tab.[/url] Please look if you are looking for Special ID's, Subspecies, Older, and Um, pretties I could not exalt. Make offers. It is time to sell. [/s] Will start auctions now. But you can still make offers on any dragon in my For Sale Tab. EXAMPLES: [center]Special ID, 5 x5 #55555900 100kt [url=][img][/img][/url] Special ID, Palindrome #52311325 125kt [url=][img][/img][/url] Special ID, #55225555, 200kt [url=][img][/img][/url] Nice ID, #74000007, 150kt [url=][img][/img][/url] GEN 1 Lovers of 7 #70003077 [url=][img][/img][/url] Strings xxABABAB #69181818 [url=][img][/img][/url] [b]Windsong Subspecies, many different species[/b] 35kt each [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [/center]
Selling a variety of older and other stuff in Sales Tab. Please look if you are looking for Special ID's, Subspecies, Older, and Um, pretties I could not exalt. Make offers. It is time to sell.

Will start auctions now. But you can still make offers on any dragon in my For Sale Tab.

Special ID, 5 x5 #55555900 100kt


Special ID, Palindrome #52311325 125kt


Special ID, #55225555, 200kt


Nice ID, #74000007, 150kt


GEN 1 Lovers of 7 #70003077


Strings xxABABAB #69181818

Windsong Subspecies, many different species 35kt each

I have multiple Special ID dragons for sale, I have decided to only keep my "3s" IDs and the rest will be sold. [s]Next week Monday I will simply put them up for thread Auction in that forum.[/s] These dragons are now going up for auction, or contact me for anything still in my sales tab. Many 7's, 6's, 5's [pinglist=18027] Pings Post General SIDA @1996 @61i7ch @8611945 @AddieMallory @AlexTheTrashBin @AmazingMelonz @Anduins @annobethal @Aoji @Arkrider410 @arrowXflight @asolrock @Autopilot @bedfordblack @Bezonox @BlurryReflection @Blushunt @boysenberry @BWAPPI @CapriReve @chants @ChesireCLAM @CinamonPIzza @CorruptedSparrow @Corvian @decoratchi @DeepSeaIsopod @Delphi @DemonHearts @DragonSquid @DragonWolfAZ @DrakoSoup @DuckofFight92 @Dytileea @eonflute @EveTD @Feathery57 @FiStaszek @ForeverFalling @GLIGAR @GlitterDCMarvel @gnosiphobia @GuardParade @Haftlinger @HenryTheArcher @Hmm @ItsMeSunnyD @J0taro @kijyo @komor3bi @Kumary @kyruiz @liars @lithiumdream @LokiTheDutchie @loneseacucumber @Lykos @mayanaz @Micklanis @minervamaga @molaire @MoonlitCacti @moonzi @muttsmutt @Namoki @naumachy @Nekokitty813 @ninety9wyverns @Norion @nothingtown @oof @Opalline @Outlook @Ozma @paintminion @peachesnscreams @PepperClove @RaptorQueen @RunTooLong @SakraKaine @Saraceaser @SashaFiredake @sav101w @Scramble @SerendipityShine @ShinyQuagsire @Shumana @Silverbolt1159 @SilverQuark @Sinjin @snapdragonfruit @SnowLynx @SparkyLurkdragon @squidspeaker @Starsoul @Sunbittern @Sunokosan @SuspiciousCleric @tcmagpie @TeenyTinyDragon @TheAwesoMew @TheDEV1L @ThistleProse @toxicwisteria @UmberR @Undusk @Unsettling @vasilyssa @Vei @Vexxah @warriorjames @WhiteVenom @woomee @Wraith296 @Zebrask @zimsomnia [center][url=][img][/img][/url][br][br][b]Please do not copy/paste pings from this post![br]Click above for updated pinglists![/b][/center] Palindromes @1996 @AddieMallory @Addmon @AlexTheTrashBin @AmazingMelonz @Anduins @annobethal @Aoji @Arkrider410 @arrowXflight @Asherah @asolrock @AspenCrow @Baret @bedfordblack @Bezonox @BlurryReflection @Blushunt @boysenberry @CapriReve @CinamonPIzza @CorruptedSparrow @Corvian @CrosstheVoid @crowael @CrownedLadybug @Cunea @Dask @decoratchi @Delphi @DragonSquid @DragonWolfAZ @DrakoSoup @DuckofFight92 @Empanada @eonflute @EveTD @Feathery57 @FishingNet @ForeverFalling @Foxe @friendlycoffee @Fwooomf @GlitterDCMarvel @gnosiphobia @GrandpaDeicu @GuardParade @Haftlinger @Halastjarna @Hananathenerd77 @Henchman @HenryTheArcher @Hideki @Hmm @ItMeansHope @ItsMeSunnyD @jelllitan @Kapro @kijyo @Kilwin @komor3bi @Kongou @Kumary @kyruiz @lithiumdream @LokiTheDutchie @lopsidedhead @lotings @Lykos @mayanaz @minervamaga @minim @molaire @moonzi @mordacious @MrPilgrim @muttsmutt @naumachy @Nighthawk2829 @ninety9wyverns @Norion @nothingtown @Opalline @OragamiCyclone @paintminion @peachesnscreams @PepperClove @Rainbowlight @RaptorQueen @Rayako @Roccoco @RubyFlareon @RunTooLong @Sabariel @sackname @SakraKaine @samrie @Saraceaser @sav101w @Scramble @Seraph822 @SerendipityShine @ShinyQuagsire @Shumana @silks @Silverbolt1159 @SilverQuark @Sinjin @SnowLynx @SolEtLuna @Sollo @SparkyLurkdragon @squidspeaker @Starsoul @Stormstar @Sunokosan @Sushimonsterr @SuspiciousCleric @SyiiTormey @tcmagpie @TheAwesoMew @TheCicadas @TheDEV1L @TheRedDragon13 @Thievul @ThistleProse @treesapperson @UmberR @Undusk @Unsettling @Vei @Vexxah @VioletKatGrove @WaterMaloneDraws @WhiteVenom @woomee @Wraith296 @Zebrask @zimsomnia [center][url=][img][/img][/url][br][br][b]Please do not copy/paste pings from this post![br]Click above for updated pinglists![/b][/center] Tuples @1996 @404ANACONDA @61i7ch @AddieMallory @Alyxsandre @AmazingMelonz @Arkrider410 @asolrock @benjibenge @Bezonox @BlurryReflection @Blushunt @Britty @BWAPPI @CorruptedSparrow @Corvian @CrosstheVoid @DeepSeaIsopod @DragonSquid @DragonWolfAZ @DrakoSoup @DuckofFight92 @eonflute @EveTD @FishingNet @friendlycoffee @gnosiphobia @Haftlinger @Hananathenerd77 @Hmm @J0taro @jelllitan @Kapro @kijyo @Kilwin @komor3bi @Kumary @liars @LokiTheDutchie @lotings @Lykos @mayanaz @moonzi @muttsmutt @naumachy @ninety9wyverns @Norayna0ekoa @Norion @nothingtown @paintminion @pbnk @peachesnscreams @Rainbowlight @RealityMask @RunTooLong @sackname @SakraKaine @sav101w @Scramble @SerendipityShine @ShinyQuagsire @Shumana @Silverbolt1159 @Sinjin @SnowLynx @Sollo @Stormstar @Sunbittern @tcmagpie @TheDEV1L @Thunderwyvern @Undusk @Unsettling @Vaixation @Vexxah @VioletKatGrove @Zebrask @zimsomnia [center][url=][img][/img][/url][br][br][b]Please do not copy/paste pings from this post![br]Click above for updated pinglists![/b][/center] Soldi Strings @1996 @61i7ch @AddieMallory @AlexTheTrashBin @Alyxsandre @AmazingMelonz @Anduins @annobethal @Aoji @Arah @Arkrider410 @arrowXflight @asolrock @Baret @bedfordblack @benjibenge @Bezonox @BlurryReflection @boysenberry @Britty @BWAPPI @CapriReve @chants @CinamonPIzza @CorruptedSparrow @Corvian @crowael @CrownedLadybug @Cunea @DarkwingDove @decoratchi @DeepSeaIsopod @Delphi @DragonDrawer @DragonSquid @DragonWolfAZ @DrakoSoup @DuckofFight92 @edgeworths @Empanada @eonflute @eternatus @EveTD @FishingNet @ForeverFalling @Foxe @friendlycoffee @GlitterDCMarvel @gnosiphobia @Grovey @GrumpyKettle @GuardParade @Haftlinger @Henchman @HenryTheArcher @Hideki @Hmm @Humane @IllusiveFox @ItsMeSunnyD @J0taro @Kapro @kijyo @Kilwin @komor3bi @Kongou @Kumary @kyruiz @liars @lithiumdream @LokiTheDutchie @lopsidedhead @lotings @Lykos @M0RNINGSTAR @mayanaz @minervamaga @MinkPelt @MoonlitCacti @moonzi @mordacious @MrPilgrim @muttsmutt @Namoki @naumachy @NekoIceDragon @Nekokitty813 @ninety9wyverns @Norayna0ekoa @Norion @nothingtown @oof @Opalline @OragamiCyclone @paintminion @pbnk @peachesnscreams @PepperClove @Rainbowlight @RaptorQueen @Roccoco @RunTooLong @SakraKaine @samrie @Saraceaser @sav101w @Scramble @SerendipityShine @ShinyQuagsire @Shumana @silks @Silverbolt1159 @SilverQuark @SilverRipple @Sinjin @SnowLynx @SparkyLurkdragon @squidspeaker @Starsoul @Stormstar @Sunbittern @Sunokosan @SuspiciousCleric @tcmagpie @TeenyTinyDragon @TheAwesoMew @TheCicadas @TheDEV1L @TheLoversMask @Thievul @ThistleProse @Thunderwyvern @UmberR @Undusk @Unsettling @VariantLoki @Vei @Vexxah @WaterMaloneDraws @WhiteVenom @woomee @Wraith296 @Zebrask @zimsomnia [center][url=][img][/img][/url][br][br][b]Please do not copy/paste pings from this post![br]Click above for updated pinglists![/b][/center] Milestones @1996 @AddieMallory @Addmon @AlexTheTrashBin @Alfamangle @Alyxsandre @AmazingMelonz @Anduins @annobethal @AnoraBorealis @Aoji @Arah @Arkrider410 @arrowXflight @asolrock @AspenCrow @Autopilot @bedfordblack @BelleA @benjibenge @Bezonox @BlurryReflection @Blushunt @boysenberry @Britty @CapriReve @changgwi @chants @CinamonPIzza @CorruptedSparrow @crowael @CrownedLadybug @Cunea @DarkNiiinja @DarkwingDove @decoratchi @DeepSeaIsopod @Delphi @DragonDrawer @DragonSquid @DragonWolfAZ @DrakoSoup @DuckofFight92 @Empanada @eonflute @eternatus @EveTD @FishingNet @ForeverFalling @Foxe @Fwooomf @GangstaAlpaca @GlitterDCMarvel @gnosiphobia @GuardParade @Haftlinger @Halastjarna @Hananathenerd77 @Henchman @HenryTheArcher @Hideki @Hiltain @Hmm @Humane @IllusiveFox @ItMeansHope @ItsMeSunnyD @J0taro @jelllitan @Kapro @kijyo @Kilwin @komor3bi @Kongou @Kumary @kxida @kyruiz @liars @lithiumdream @LokiTheDutchie @lopsidedhead @Lykos @M0RNINGSTAR @mayanaz @minervamaga @MinkPelt @MoonlitCacti @moonzi @muttsmutt @Namoki @naumachy @NekoIceDragon @Nekokitty813 @ninety9wyverns @Norayna0ekoa @Norion @nothingtown @oof @Opalline @paintminion @PAlbatross @Papenpret @peachesnscreams @PepperClove @pups @RaptorQueen @Rayako @RealityMask @Roccoco @RubyFlareon @RunTooLong @SakraKaine @samrie @Saraceaser @sav101w @Scramble @Seraph822 @SerendipityShine @ShinyQuagsire @Shumana @silks @Silverbolt1159 @SilverQuark @SilverRipple @Sinjin @SnowLynx @SolEtLuna @Sollo @SparkyLurkdragon @squidspeaker @Starsoul @Stormstar @Sunokosan @Sushimonsterr @SuspiciousCleric @SyiiTormey @tcmagpie @TeenyTinyDragon @TheAwesoMew @TheCicadas @TheDEV1L @TheLoversMask @Thievul @ThistleProse @UmberR @Undusk @Unsettling @Vader @VariantLoki @Vei @Vexxah @VioletKatGrove @WaterMaloneDraws @WhiteVenom @woomee @Wraith296 @Zebrask @zimsomnia [center][url=][img][/img][/url][br][br][b]Please do not copy/paste pings from this post![br]Click above for updated pinglists![/b][/center]
I have multiple Special ID dragons for sale, I have decided to only keep my "3s" IDs and the rest will be sold. Next week Monday I will simply put them up for thread Auction in that forum.

These dragons are now going up for auction, or contact me for anything still in my sales tab.

Many 7's, 6's, 5's

Pings Post
General SIDA
@1996 @61i7ch @8611945 @AddieMallory @AlexTheTrashBin @AmazingMelonz @Anduins @annobethal @Aoji @Arkrider410 @arrowXflight @asolrock @Autopilot @bedfordblack @Bezonox @BlurryReflection @Blushunt @boysenberry @BWAPPI @CapriReve @chants @ChesireCLAM @CinamonPIzza @CorruptedSparrow @Corvian @decoratchi @DeepSeaIsopod @Delphi @DemonHearts @DragonSquid @DragonWolfAZ @DrakoSoup @DuckofFight92 @Dytileea @eonflute @EveTD @Feathery57 @FiStaszek @ForeverFalling @GLIGAR @GlitterDCMarvel @gnosiphobia @GuardParade @Haftlinger @HenryTheArcher @Hmm @ItsMeSunnyD @J0taro @kijyo @komor3bi @Kumary @kyruiz @liars @lithiumdream @LokiTheDutchie @loneseacucumber @Lykos @mayanaz @Micklanis @minervamaga @molaire @MoonlitCacti @moonzi @muttsmutt @Namoki @naumachy @Nekokitty813 @ninety9wyverns @Norion @nothingtown @oof @Opalline @Outlook @Ozma @paintminion @peachesnscreams @PepperClove @RaptorQueen @RunTooLong @SakraKaine @Saraceaser @SashaFiredake @sav101w @Scramble @SerendipityShine @ShinyQuagsire @Shumana @Silverbolt1159 @SilverQuark @Sinjin @snapdragonfruit @SnowLynx @SparkyLurkdragon @squidspeaker @Starsoul @Sunbittern @Sunokosan @SuspiciousCleric @tcmagpie @TeenyTinyDragon @TheAwesoMew @TheDEV1L @ThistleProse @toxicwisteria @UmberR @Undusk @Unsettling @vasilyssa @Vei @Vexxah @warriorjames @WhiteVenom @woomee @Wraith296 @Zebrask @zimsomnia

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@1996 @AddieMallory @Addmon @AlexTheTrashBin @AmazingMelonz @Anduins @annobethal @Aoji @Arkrider410 @arrowXflight @Asherah @asolrock @AspenCrow @Baret @bedfordblack @Bezonox @BlurryReflection @Blushunt @boysenberry @CapriReve @CinamonPIzza @CorruptedSparrow @Corvian @CrosstheVoid @crowael @CrownedLadybug @Cunea @Dask @decoratchi @Delphi @DragonSquid @DragonWolfAZ @DrakoSoup @DuckofFight92 @Empanada @eonflute @EveTD @Feathery57 @FishingNet @ForeverFalling @Foxe @friendlycoffee @Fwooomf @GlitterDCMarvel @gnosiphobia @GrandpaDeicu @GuardParade @Haftlinger @Halastjarna @Hananathenerd77 @Henchman @HenryTheArcher @Hideki @Hmm @ItMeansHope @ItsMeSunnyD @jelllitan @Kapro @kijyo @Kilwin @komor3bi @Kongou @Kumary @kyruiz @lithiumdream @LokiTheDutchie @lopsidedhead @lotings @Lykos @mayanaz @minervamaga @minim @molaire @moonzi @mordacious @MrPilgrim @muttsmutt @naumachy @Nighthawk2829 @ninety9wyverns @Norion @nothingtown @Opalline @OragamiCyclone @paintminion @peachesnscreams @PepperClove @Rainbowlight @RaptorQueen @Rayako @Roccoco @RubyFlareon @RunTooLong @Sabariel @sackname @SakraKaine @samrie @Saraceaser @sav101w @Scramble @Seraph822 @SerendipityShine @ShinyQuagsire @Shumana @silks @Silverbolt1159 @SilverQuark @Sinjin @SnowLynx @SolEtLuna @Sollo @SparkyLurkdragon @squidspeaker @Starsoul @Stormstar @Sunokosan @Sushimonsterr @SuspiciousCleric @SyiiTormey @tcmagpie @TheAwesoMew @TheCicadas @TheDEV1L @TheRedDragon13 @Thievul @ThistleProse @treesapperson @UmberR @Undusk @Unsettling @Vei @Vexxah @VioletKatGrove @WaterMaloneDraws @WhiteVenom @woomee @Wraith296 @Zebrask @zimsomnia

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@1996 @404ANACONDA @61i7ch @AddieMallory @Alyxsandre @AmazingMelonz @Arkrider410 @asolrock @benjibenge @Bezonox @BlurryReflection @Blushunt @Britty @BWAPPI @CorruptedSparrow @Corvian @CrosstheVoid @DeepSeaIsopod @DragonSquid @DragonWolfAZ @DrakoSoup @DuckofFight92 @eonflute @EveTD @FishingNet @friendlycoffee @gnosiphobia @Haftlinger @Hananathenerd77 @Hmm @J0taro @jelllitan @Kapro @kijyo @Kilwin @komor3bi @Kumary @liars @LokiTheDutchie @lotings @Lykos @mayanaz @moonzi @muttsmutt @naumachy @ninety9wyverns @Norayna0ekoa @Norion @nothingtown @paintminion @pbnk @peachesnscreams @Rainbowlight @RealityMask @RunTooLong @sackname @SakraKaine @sav101w @Scramble @SerendipityShine @ShinyQuagsire @Shumana @Silverbolt1159 @Sinjin @SnowLynx @Sollo @Stormstar @Sunbittern @tcmagpie @TheDEV1L @Thunderwyvern @Undusk @Unsettling @Vaixation @Vexxah @VioletKatGrove @Zebrask @zimsomnia

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Soldi Strings
@1996 @61i7ch @AddieMallory @AlexTheTrashBin @Alyxsandre @AmazingMelonz @Anduins @annobethal @Aoji @Arah @Arkrider410 @arrowXflight @asolrock @Baret @bedfordblack @benjibenge @Bezonox @BlurryReflection @boysenberry @Britty @BWAPPI @CapriReve @chants @CinamonPIzza @CorruptedSparrow @Corvian @crowael @CrownedLadybug @Cunea @DarkwingDove @decoratchi @DeepSeaIsopod @Delphi @DragonDrawer @DragonSquid @DragonWolfAZ @DrakoSoup @DuckofFight92 @edgeworths @Empanada @eonflute @eternatus @EveTD @FishingNet @ForeverFalling @Foxe @friendlycoffee @GlitterDCMarvel @gnosiphobia @Grovey @GrumpyKettle @GuardParade @Haftlinger @Henchman @HenryTheArcher @Hideki @Hmm @Humane @IllusiveFox @ItsMeSunnyD @J0taro @Kapro @kijyo @Kilwin @komor3bi @Kongou @Kumary @kyruiz @liars @lithiumdream @LokiTheDutchie @lopsidedhead @lotings @Lykos @M0RNINGSTAR @mayanaz @minervamaga @MinkPelt @MoonlitCacti @moonzi @mordacious @MrPilgrim @muttsmutt @Namoki @naumachy @NekoIceDragon @Nekokitty813 @ninety9wyverns @Norayna0ekoa @Norion @nothingtown @oof @Opalline @OragamiCyclone @paintminion @pbnk @peachesnscreams @PepperClove @Rainbowlight @RaptorQueen @Roccoco @RunTooLong @SakraKaine @samrie @Saraceaser @sav101w @Scramble @SerendipityShine @ShinyQuagsire @Shumana @silks @Silverbolt1159 @SilverQuark @SilverRipple @Sinjin @SnowLynx @SparkyLurkdragon @squidspeaker @Starsoul @Stormstar @Sunbittern @Sunokosan @SuspiciousCleric @tcmagpie @TeenyTinyDragon @TheAwesoMew @TheCicadas @TheDEV1L @TheLoversMask @Thievul @ThistleProse @Thunderwyvern @UmberR @Undusk @Unsettling @VariantLoki @Vei @Vexxah @WaterMaloneDraws @WhiteVenom @woomee @Wraith296 @Zebrask @zimsomnia

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@1996 @AddieMallory @Addmon @AlexTheTrashBin @Alfamangle @Alyxsandre @AmazingMelonz @Anduins @annobethal @AnoraBorealis @Aoji @Arah @Arkrider410 @arrowXflight @asolrock @AspenCrow @Autopilot @bedfordblack @BelleA @benjibenge @Bezonox @BlurryReflection @Blushunt @boysenberry @Britty @CapriReve @changgwi @chants @CinamonPIzza @CorruptedSparrow @crowael @CrownedLadybug @Cunea @DarkNiiinja @DarkwingDove @decoratchi @DeepSeaIsopod @Delphi @DragonDrawer @DragonSquid @DragonWolfAZ @DrakoSoup @DuckofFight92 @Empanada @eonflute @eternatus @EveTD @FishingNet @ForeverFalling @Foxe @Fwooomf @GangstaAlpaca @GlitterDCMarvel @gnosiphobia @GuardParade @Haftlinger @Halastjarna @Hananathenerd77 @Henchman @HenryTheArcher @Hideki @Hiltain @Hmm @Humane @IllusiveFox @ItMeansHope @ItsMeSunnyD @J0taro @jelllitan @Kapro @kijyo @Kilwin @komor3bi @Kongou @Kumary @kxida @kyruiz @liars @lithiumdream @LokiTheDutchie @lopsidedhead @Lykos @M0RNINGSTAR @mayanaz @minervamaga @MinkPelt @MoonlitCacti @moonzi @muttsmutt @Namoki @naumachy @NekoIceDragon @Nekokitty813 @ninety9wyverns @Norayna0ekoa @Norion @nothingtown @oof @Opalline @paintminion @PAlbatross @Papenpret @peachesnscreams @PepperClove @pups @RaptorQueen @Rayako @RealityMask @Roccoco @RubyFlareon @RunTooLong @SakraKaine @samrie @Saraceaser @sav101w @Scramble @Seraph822 @SerendipityShine @ShinyQuagsire @Shumana @silks @Silverbolt1159 @SilverQuark @SilverRipple @Sinjin @SnowLynx @SolEtLuna @Sollo @SparkyLurkdragon @squidspeaker @Starsoul @Stormstar @Sunokosan @Sushimonsterr @SuspiciousCleric @SyiiTormey @tcmagpie @TeenyTinyDragon @TheAwesoMew @TheCicadas @TheDEV1L @TheLoversMask @Thievul @ThistleProse @UmberR @Undusk @Unsettling @Vader @VariantLoki @Vei @Vexxah @VioletKatGrove @WaterMaloneDraws @WhiteVenom @woomee @Wraith296 @Zebrask @zimsomnia

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Bump for the Special ID's above and more in my sales tab. Today is last day to make an offer. Tomorrow they go to auction.
Bump for the Special ID's above and more in my sales tab. Today is last day to make an offer. Tomorrow they go to auction.
Special Dates - Oct 14 2023 Solar Eclipse, Halloween 2019, New Year's Day 2024 Runecatcher Subspecies are now being sold in their own Auction post HERE.
Special Dates - Oct 14 2023 Solar Eclipse, Halloween 2019, New Year's Day 2024 Runecatcher Subspecies are now being sold in their own Auction post HERE.
[center]Two new Windsongs available and in the Auction House. 35kt each. More to see in my [url=][b]For Sale Tab.[/b][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url][/center]
Two new Windsongs available and in the Auction House. 35kt each.
More to see in my For Sale Tab.

