
Dragons For Sale

Arrange the purchasing and selling of dragons.
TOPIC | G2 CandyCane Spirals/Skydancer tri-gened
As far as prices go I would be looking for somewhere around 80k-120k for a crystal/shim/underbelly or circuit hatchie or up to around 150-200k for a crystal/facet/underbelly or circuit hatchie but prices are negotiable and I am open to other forms of payment/partial payment such as gems (at a 1:450) rate, almost any colour feathered wings, accents or even dragon trades. I am especially on the lookout for unhatched eggs right now so I would be willing to take those as partial payment as well (I value eggs at around 55k each)
As far as prices go I would be looking for somewhere around 80k-120k for a crystal/shim/underbelly or circuit hatchie or up to around 150-200k for a crystal/facet/underbelly or circuit hatchie but prices are negotiable and I am open to other forms of payment/partial payment such as gems (at a 1:450) rate, almost any colour feathered wings, accents or even dragon trades. I am especially on the lookout for unhatched eggs right now so I would be willing to take those as partial payment as well (I value eggs at around 55k each)
[center] [b][u]Meet the Happy Gen 1 Couple :D[/u][/b] [i][b]STATUS: [/b][/i] * planning on breeding in an Ice nest next time [b][u]CandyCane - Gen 1[/u] Carmine Crystal - Emerald Facet - White Circuit[/b] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [b][u]Carol - Gen 1[/u] Crimson Crystal - Jungle Shimmer - White Underbelly[/b] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [b]Their Range[/b] [img][/img] [/center]

Meet the Happy Gen 1 Couple :D

* planning on breeding in an Ice nest next time

CandyCane - Gen 1
Carmine Crystal - Emerald Facet - White Circuit


Carol - Gen 1
Crimson Crystal - Jungle Shimmer - White Underbelly


Their Range

Gen 2 Hatchies For Sale - Triple Gened
(all are on the AH for gem equivalent of the price listed if you would like to haggle please feel free to post here or send a CR with your offer):

None at the Moment
Gen 2 Hatchies For Sale - Triple Gened
(all are on the AH for gem equivalent of the price listed if you would like to haggle please feel free to post here or send a CR with your offer):

None at the Moment
For dragon trades I am currently looking for:

Gen 1s:
- Emerald / Emerald / Jungle, Nature Male (I might be okay with Wind or Earth eyes but Nature is definitely preferable) Willing to pay extra for this guy as he would be an OC of mine.

Gen 2s:
- a Gen 2 Imp in the gold or goldenrod range, sand tertiary is also acceptable and it must be a Male dragon. I don't care what genes he has. (He is for an Inheritance Cycle project, he will be Gladr)

- I am also possibly looking for an icy bluish range gen 2 with Crystal and Facet, not as picky about the tert if the colours blend nicely. Preferably with matching or close to matching eyes and I would be willing to do a straight swap of one of my own Crystal Facet dragons should I hatch one.
For dragon trades I am currently looking for:

Gen 1s:
- Emerald / Emerald / Jungle, Nature Male (I might be okay with Wind or Earth eyes but Nature is definitely preferable) Willing to pay extra for this guy as he would be an OC of mine.

Gen 2s:
- a Gen 2 Imp in the gold or goldenrod range, sand tertiary is also acceptable and it must be a Male dragon. I don't care what genes he has. (He is for an Inheritance Cycle project, he will be Gladr)

- I am also possibly looking for an icy bluish range gen 2 with Crystal and Facet, not as picky about the tert if the colours blend nicely. Preferably with matching or close to matching eyes and I would be willing to do a straight swap of one of my own Crystal Facet dragons should I hatch one.
They are pretty dragons, but the ping list is for First Generation Dragon Sales. Not for Second Generation Dragons. I am not interested in being pinged for anything besides First Gen sales, please remove me from any further pings for your second gen dragons.
They are pretty dragons, but the ping list is for First Generation Dragon Sales. Not for Second Generation Dragons. I am not interested in being pinged for anything besides First Gen sales, please remove me from any further pings for your second gen dragons.

Apologies for that i've noticed quite a few others using this same list for Gen 2s when doing interested check so I thought it would be okay but i'll refrain from doing so in the future.

Apologies for that i've noticed quite a few others using this same list for Gen 2s when doing interested check so I thought it would be okay but i'll refrain from doing so in the future.
@Chrissy @Drakenhart @EternaNyx @Foxxtrot @Jamethyst @Kich @Luusan @Malis @Mystik @NeophyteRedglare @Techmess @Vaiya @GreatContagion
@Chrissy @Drakenhart @EternaNyx @Foxxtrot @Jamethyst @Kich @Luusan @Malis @Mystik @NeophyteRedglare @Techmess @Vaiya @GreatContagion
omg i thought u were selling these beautiful dragons LOL veryyyyyyyyyy pretty first gens but im not interested in second gens ouo
omg i thought u were selling these beautiful dragons LOL veryyyyyyyyyy pretty first gens but im not interested in second gens ouo
The G1 "everything" list is generally used as an interest check for people who are thinking about (but not sure of) selling a G1.

There is a G2 ping list, but it's for Imperials only. Skimming the Google Doc... there doesn't seem to be a section for non-Imp G2s, which is a shame. Might be a good idea to suggest something like that in the G1 thread.

Anyrate, I don't generally do holiday dragons, but those two are quite lovely. Good luck selling their babies!
The G1 "everything" list is generally used as an interest check for people who are thinking about (but not sure of) selling a G1.

There is a G2 ping list, but it's for Imperials only. Skimming the Google Doc... there doesn't seem to be a section for non-Imp G2s, which is a shame. Might be a good idea to suggest something like that in the G1 thread.

Anyrate, I don't generally do holiday dragons, but those two are quite lovely. Good luck selling their babies!
[center][quote name="attenuasis" date="2014-12-17 20:32:12"] Anyrate, I don't generally do holiday dragons, but those two are quite lovely. Good luck selling their babies![/quote] ^^^^[/center]
attenuasis wrote on 2014-12-17 20:32:12:
Anyrate, I don't generally do holiday dragons, but those two are quite lovely. Good luck selling their babies!


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