

Create auction-style bid-to-buy sales here.
TOPIC | [A] Breed Change: Imperial (over)
[center]Howdy! Auctioning an imp scroll on behalf of @/KaitoFletcher. Here are the rules: [/center][list][*]When placing a bid, please ping the person you're outbidding, if applicable; bid increments should be within reason and be respectful of other bidders. [b]Bids cannot be withdrawn; please read and consider the rules carefully before bidding.[/b] [*]Please do not ping or PM @/KaitoFletcher. All questions or concerns about the auction should be sent to me via PM. [*]This auction ends on [b]Saturday, Nov. 20th at 19:00 FRT[/b], with a 2 hour recurring snipe guard if a bid is placed in the last two hours of the auction. [*]Bidders must pay [b]at least half[/b] of their bid's value upfront once the auction ends, and must finish paying the bid in full [b]within six months[/b] after the auction's conclusion. If you are unable to pay in full within this time period, or if you choose to back out from the payment plan, @/KaitoFletcher will refund only up to half of any payment that has already been received. [*]Accepted payments include gems. No other forms of payment will be accepted. [*]Proxy bidding is acceptable as long as both the bidder and their proxy confirm each other's identity by each posting in this thread about their plans to do so. This must be done before the proxy makes any bids.[/list] [b]LDPs[/b]: [size=1]@[b][/b]Katargo @[b][/b]KinesisBoomer @[b][/b]Lykos @[b][/b]SovereignFives @[b][/b]AutumnNiche @[b][/b]GoldSpire @[b][/b]Darkfeather @[b][/b]ladylilitu @[b][/b]act @[b][/b]907 @[b][/b]Marceline @[b][/b]l0x0l @[b][/b]yumehisakawa @[b][/b]Norayna0ekoa @[b][/b]ado @[b][/b]klefaeries @[b][/b]AWB @[b][/b]sQld @[b][/b]Narif @[b][/b]home @[b][/b]Mystyic @[b][/b]buzzbees @[b][/b]Toska @[b][/b]TacoTequila @[b][/b]ElementMaster @[b][/b]Lacerations @[b][/b]Sasser @[b][/b]HoneyedBee @[b][/b]MaplesHaiku @[b][/b]Anduins @[b][/b]Suntouched @[b][/b]Xanarcah @[b][/b]ShadowEclipse @[b][/b]Runi @[b][/b]Aurora23 @[b][/b]Roule @[b][/b]Colormancy @[b][/b]ArceusAcelaena @[b][/b]IvoryFrost @[b][/b]callerunknown @[b][/b]Gulo @[b][/b]Digimon11 @[b][/b]alittlebriton @[b][/b]blackcat886 @[b][/b]Asteraoth @[b][/b]nekopallet @[b][/b]Hemmalaya @[b][/b]Kiranagi @[b][/b]Rytlocks @[b][/b]LilliansLillys @[b][/b]Paralian @[b][/b]pulchritudinous @[b][/b]vEncrypt @[b][/b]ClockworkEclipse @[b][/b]LArte @[b][/b]Kuroikumo @[b][/b]Hawkeyyee @[b][/b]laivence @[b][/b]Lych @[b][/b]Dwarfcichlidlvr @[b][/b]Felwinter @[b][/b]Alkhor @[b][/b]Sapphirefly @[b][/b]Raedeshe @[b][/b]Necralisk @[b][/b]Cirrostratus @[b][/b]dragononymous @[b][/b]Sawvren @[b][/b]handdrawnviolist @[b][/b]lopsidedhead @[b][/b]Cyrya @[b][/b]SuspiciousCleric @[b][/b]Vader @[b][/b]FontDictionary @[b][/b]ili @[b][/b]0hzarks @[b][/b]Iceex @[b][/b]airport @[b][/b]Monako @[b][/b]bogfriend @[b][/b]Tenpou @[b][/b]SupersneakyLink @[b][/b]Alphrussia @[b][/b]findingpears @[b][/b]Kargi @[b][/b]SilverRipple @[b][/b]Chrisondra @[b][/b]Revius @[b][/b]Vhou @[b][/b]xev @[b][/b]Foa @[b][/b]QuirkyJunimo @[b][/b]Deramadus @[b][/b]makyroll @[b][/b]Evarinya @[b][/b]Flaxen @[b][/b]AnimeLover9631 @[b][/b]empanada @[b][/b]20thcenturyboy @[b][/b]Yharim @[b][/b]huniepie @[b][/b]Vynne @[b][/b]Wardove @[b][/b]KeirAutomaton @[b][/b]smorphie @[b][/b]Viscount @[b][/b]linnet @[b][/b]Experience @[b][/b]Bloomed @[b][/b]sifenke @[b][/b]Aerrixus @[b][/b]Eidos @[b][/b]Asmo @[b][/b]MirrorrorriM @[b][/b]Katalist @[b][/b]IndigoCat @[b][/b]Fringe @[b][/b]Celestriakle @[b][/b]Chimerii @[b][/b]Eulogy @[b][/b]Numinous @[b][/b]Hawkstar64 @[b][/b]TheDEV1L @[b][/b]Mahogi @[b][/b]Asgore @[b][/b]cerpin @[b][/b]ChaoticConfetti @[b][/b]BapeTheFish @[b][/b]Kyr @[b][/b]Nukinit @[b][/b]Cytus @[b][/b]Kaique @[b][/b]Nemalu @[b][/b]lizabet @[b][/b]wingedkitten @[b][/b]0hzarks @[b][/b]Steffon @[b][/b]Lolita @[b][/b]3ctoplasm @[b][/b]terraa @[b][/b]Frigate @[b][/b]Meowesty @[b][/b]Sarahlunawolf @[b][/b]Reggae @[b][/b]CrocodileCrunch @[b][/b]MoonDragon @[b][/b]Calliborn @[b][/b]Aliferan @[b][/b]spikenard @[b][/b]Borkbean @[b][/b]Paranormal6 @[b][/b]fluffykweh @[b][/b]Linza [/size] [b]Results[/b]: [size=1]@[b][/b]COparade @[b][/b]Helixstorm @[b][/b]ElementMaster @[b][/b]CrystallizedMoon @[b][/b]KittyandCat @[b][/b]ShadowRising @[b][/b]Roule @[b][/b]SilverNW @[b][/b]ziegler @[b][/b]Rytlocks @[b][/b]pensive @[b][/b]LArte @[b][/b]Kuroikumo @[b][/b]Hawkeyyee @[b][/b]Cryptood @[b][/b]Lych @[b][/b]Reveurs @[b][/b]Orbeez @[b][/b]TheDeathseer @[b][/b]jumbledbyrd @[b][/b]novastellaris @[b][/b]Okapi @[b][/b]NoirVogelchen @[b][/b]AutumnNiche @[b][/b]Nejibana @[b][/b]Woodchip @[b][/b]Laxi @[b][/b]Lodzhal @[b][/b]Acetheaxolotl @[b][/b]Grovey @[b][/b]kreideprinz @[b][/b]Kaial @[b][/b]Aviv @[b][/b]foxfreckles @[b][/b]EspeonDragons @[b][/b]Flireon @[b][/b]xev @[b][/b]Carby @[b][/b]Metallics @[b][/b]FloatingInSpace @[b][/b]ItPhantom @[b][/b]EchoedSilence @[b][/b]Gravitate @[b][/b]Gallus @[b][/b]EWSpirit @[b][/b]DannaSukaira @[b][/b]Celestiyl @[b][/b]commoncomitatus @[b][/b]Chantilly @[b][/b]WolfByte @[b][/b]Raskies @[b][/b]OverlyOptimistic @[b][/b]furo @[b][/b]SilverSong92 @[b][/b]Forelle @[b][/b]Alphazi @[b][/b]Ravka @[b][/b]Crystia @[b][/b]Putrefaction @[b][/b]Jeon @[b][/b]GalaxyFantasy @[b][/b]0BirdMasta0 @[b][/b]KairiDragoness @[b][/b]actuallychaotic @[b][/b]Bloomed @[b][/b]DoverGhost @[b][/b]MewBladeXxX @[b][/b]GrandpaDeicu @[b][/b]sifenke @[b][/b]Aerrixus @[b][/b]Eidos @[b][/b]Dwarfcichlidlvr @[b][/b]MirrorrorriM @[b][/b]ProudMomof1 @[b][/b]Celestriakle @[b][/b]Chimerii @[b][/b]Saccharine @[b][/b]Kyr @[b][/b]Nukinit @[b][/b]Fantelle @[b][/b]Success @[b][/b]Kaique @[b][/b]Nemalu @[b][/b]lizabet @[b][/b]Birdsofwax @[b][/b]wingedkitten @[b][/b]0hzarks @[b][/b]Steffon @[b][/b]Lolita @[b][/b]Pulse @[b][/b]cobwebs @[b][/b]3ctoplasm @[b][/b]Stolen @[b][/b]satanism @[b][/b]terraa @[b][/b]ElecSquirrel10 @[b][/b]Genziana @[b][/b]TA74 @[b][/b]Starscream18 @[b][/b]Wxlfiez @[b][/b]Toska @[b][/b]Kolob @[b][/b]Lyrus @[b][/b]Aie @[b][/b]pawsmos @[b][/b]amoebawasp @[b][/b]GlitchyOddy @[b][/b]LABS107 @[b][/b]Blushunt @[b][/b]QuirkyJunimo @[b][/b]BoldEarth @[b][/b]ReginaPhalange @[b][/b]blackcat886 @[b][/b]Within @[b][/b]TeenyTK @[b][/b]OatCrunch @[b][/b]SkyfireArts @[b][/b]CHUUNIBYOU @[b][/b]Yewwily @[b][/b]FlyingIce @[b][/b]Taivus @[b][/b]Immapie @[b][/b]DreamSlayer @[b][/b]carriontime @[b][/b]CrocodileCrunch @[b][/b]Khayria @[b][/b]MoonDragon @[b][/b]Gravitate @[b][/b]PearlyGirl @[b][/b]SpottedEquine @[b][/b]gumiho @[b][/b]4thSandman @[b][/b]Imminent @[b][/b]Sirenideus @[b][/b]Feet @[b][/b]Calliborn @[b][/b]Windows95 @[b][/b]empanada @[b][/b]Orcalot @[b][/b]Aliferan @[b][/b]AlvildaBright @[b][/b]Herbalist @[b][/b]StarshipsFleeing @[b][/b]VanillaClouds @[b][/b]Firedove1211 @[b][/b]fairycatrainbow @[b][/b]spikenard @[b][/b]Capitalists @[b][/b]Sushimonsterr @[b][/b]Hemophobia @[b][/b]DragonsMythos @[b][/b]SmolDragonBuns @[b][/b]fluffykweh @[b][/b]Snoots @[b][/b]Malachite @[b][/b]Pinguin @[b][/b]ufology @[b][/b]pfvupl @[b][/b]warriorjames @[b][/b]LeafyTheWolf @[b][/b]lizzytiki @[b][/b]SovereignFives @[b][/b]Renmei [/size] [columns][color=transparent]____________________[nextcol][item=breed change: imperial][nextcol][s][b]SB:[/b] 1,000,000g [b]CB:[/b] 2,310,000g by @/Shian[/s][nextcol][color=transparent]______________________[/columns] KS/Beta Buyers Pinglist: everything, all KS, breed change: imperial. Snipped! Previously Expressed Interest: @klefaeries @l0x0l @Monako @Lacerations @Mir @Shian @ShadowEclipse @Kolob @Lykos @Darkfeather @AnimeLover9631 @Lyrus @Goldspire @Helixstorm @Options @COparade @ElementMaster @Strella @QuirkyJunimo @Starscream18 @CrystallizedMoon @Nejibana @TheDeathseer @findingpears
Howdy! Auctioning an imp scroll on behalf of @/KaitoFletcher. Here are the rules:
  • When placing a bid, please ping the person you're outbidding, if applicable; bid increments should be within reason and be respectful of other bidders. Bids cannot be withdrawn; please read and consider the rules carefully before bidding.
  • Please do not ping or PM @/KaitoFletcher. All questions or concerns about the auction should be sent to me via PM.
  • This auction ends on Saturday, Nov. 20th at 19:00 FRT, with a 2 hour recurring snipe guard if a bid is placed in the last two hours of the auction.
  • Bidders must pay at least half of their bid's value upfront once the auction ends, and must finish paying the bid in full within six months after the auction's conclusion. If you are unable to pay in full within this time period, or if you choose to back out from the payment plan, @/KaitoFletcher will refund only up to half of any payment that has already been received.
  • Accepted payments include gems. No other forms of payment will be accepted.
  • Proxy bidding is acceptable as long as both the bidder and their proxy confirm each other's identity by each posting in this thread about their plans to do so. This must be done before the proxy makes any bids.

LDPs: @Katargo @KinesisBoomer @Lykos @SovereignFives @AutumnNiche @GoldSpire @Darkfeather @ladylilitu @act @907 @Marceline @l0x0l @yumehisakawa @Norayna0ekoa @ado @klefaeries @AWB @sQld @Narif @home @Mystyic @buzzbees @Toska @TacoTequila @ElementMaster @Lacerations @Sasser @HoneyedBee @MaplesHaiku @Anduins @Suntouched @Xanarcah @ShadowEclipse @Runi @Aurora23 @Roule @Colormancy @ArceusAcelaena @IvoryFrost @callerunknown @Gulo @Digimon11 @alittlebriton @blackcat886 @Asteraoth @nekopallet @Hemmalaya @Kiranagi @Rytlocks @LilliansLillys @Paralian @pulchritudinous @vEncrypt @ClockworkEclipse @LArte @Kuroikumo @Hawkeyyee @laivence @Lych @Dwarfcichlidlvr @Felwinter @Alkhor @Sapphirefly @Raedeshe @Necralisk @Cirrostratus @dragononymous @Sawvren @handdrawnviolist @lopsidedhead @Cyrya @SuspiciousCleric @Vader @FontDictionary @ili @0hzarks @Iceex @airport @Monako @bogfriend @Tenpou @SupersneakyLink @Alphrussia @findingpears @Kargi @SilverRipple @Chrisondra @Revius @Vhou @xev @Foa @QuirkyJunimo @Deramadus @makyroll @Evarinya @Flaxen @AnimeLover9631 @empanada @20thcenturyboy @Yharim @huniepie @Vynne @Wardove @KeirAutomaton @smorphie @Viscount @linnet @Experience @Bloomed @sifenke @Aerrixus @Eidos @Asmo @MirrorrorriM @Katalist @IndigoCat @Fringe @Celestriakle @Chimerii @Eulogy @Numinous @Hawkstar64 @TheDEV1L @Mahogi @Asgore @cerpin @ChaoticConfetti @BapeTheFish @Kyr @Nukinit @Cytus @Kaique @Nemalu @lizabet @wingedkitten @0hzarks @Steffon @Lolita @3ctoplasm @terraa @Frigate @Meowesty @Sarahlunawolf @Reggae @CrocodileCrunch @MoonDragon @Calliborn @Aliferan @spikenard @Borkbean @Paranormal6 @fluffykweh @Linza

Results: @COparade @Helixstorm @ElementMaster @CrystallizedMoon @KittyandCat @ShadowRising @Roule @SilverNW @ziegler @Rytlocks @pensive @LArte @Kuroikumo @Hawkeyyee @Cryptood @Lych @Reveurs @Orbeez @TheDeathseer @jumbledbyrd @novastellaris @Okapi @NoirVogelchen @AutumnNiche @Nejibana @Woodchip @Laxi @Lodzhal @Acetheaxolotl @Grovey @kreideprinz @Kaial @Aviv @foxfreckles @EspeonDragons @Flireon @xev @Carby @Metallics @FloatingInSpace @ItPhantom @EchoedSilence @Gravitate @Gallus @EWSpirit @DannaSukaira @Celestiyl @commoncomitatus @Chantilly @WolfByte @Raskies @OverlyOptimistic @furo @SilverSong92 @Forelle @Alphazi @Ravka @Crystia @Putrefaction @Jeon @GalaxyFantasy @0BirdMasta0 @KairiDragoness @actuallychaotic @Bloomed @DoverGhost @MewBladeXxX @GrandpaDeicu @sifenke @Aerrixus @Eidos @Dwarfcichlidlvr @MirrorrorriM @ProudMomof1 @Celestriakle @Chimerii @Saccharine @Kyr @Nukinit @Fantelle @Success @Kaique @Nemalu @lizabet @Birdsofwax @wingedkitten @0hzarks @Steffon @Lolita @Pulse @cobwebs @3ctoplasm @Stolen @satanism @terraa @ElecSquirrel10 @Genziana @TA74 @Starscream18 @Wxlfiez @Toska @Kolob @Lyrus @Aie @pawsmos @amoebawasp @GlitchyOddy @LABS107 @Blushunt @QuirkyJunimo @BoldEarth @ReginaPhalange @blackcat886 @Within @TeenyTK @OatCrunch @SkyfireArts @CHUUNIBYOU @Yewwily @FlyingIce @Taivus @Immapie @DreamSlayer @carriontime @CrocodileCrunch @Khayria @MoonDragon @Gravitate @PearlyGirl @SpottedEquine @gumiho @4thSandman @Imminent @Sirenideus @Feet @Calliborn @Windows95 @empanada @Orcalot @Aliferan @AlvildaBright @Herbalist @StarshipsFleeing @VanillaClouds @Firedove1211 @fairycatrainbow @spikenard @Capitalists @Sushimonsterr @Hemophobia @DragonsMythos @SmolDragonBuns @fluffykweh @Snoots @Malachite @Pinguin @ufology @pfvupl @warriorjames @LeafyTheWolf @lizzytiki @SovereignFives @Renmei

____________________ Breed Change: Imperial SB: 1,000,000g
CB: 2,310,000g by @/Shian

KS/Beta Buyers Pinglist: everything, all KS, breed change: imperial. Snipped!

Previously Expressed Interest: @klefaeries @l0x0l @Monako @Lacerations @Mir @Shian @ShadowEclipse @Kolob @Lykos @Darkfeather @AnimeLover9631 @Lyrus @Goldspire @Helixstorm @Options @COparade @ElementMaster @Strella @QuirkyJunimo @Starscream18 @CrystallizedMoon @Nejibana @TheDeathseer @findingpears
ldp please
ldp please
Skycat Cog Frog
_____________________________________ _____________________ 52276747607_eafe8ce4d4_o.png ___
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+3 FRT «
Tigers Color wheel
LDP please
LDP please
G3 Imperial & Lineage Hatchery (WIP)
G1s & Misc Dragon Sales
Coliseum Services
I tend to be blunt. Don't take it personally; it's not.
Could I get a ping at the very end of the auction? I want to see who gets it! :)
Could I get a ping at the very end of the auction? I want to see who gets it! :)
74608095.png 67644545.png 66323483.png My Wishlist
Long Drop Coli
Aella Hatchery (Green dragons)
ldp please <3
ldp please <3
99999661.png bloop
Ldp please!
Ldp please!
ldp please!
ldp please!
GjqUtYU.png f o r m e r l y__N a v a r i
LDP please!
LDP please!
ldp please~
ldp please~