
Art Sales

For commissions and flat-sale of your creative efforts.
TOPIC | 「open」Art-cane Commissions
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My slime / goo-boy here for 20k in this style, please?
My slime / goo-boy here for 20k in this style, please?

Ahh I love monster boys 'v'. I will get on it

Ahh I love monster boys 'v'. I will get on it

Your commission is up /o/

Your commission is up /o/
Aaaah, I've been trying to tell myself not to spend any more treasure but I can't resist ;3;

Dragon: I'd really like to order a coloured piece of my boy Iason all humanized!
Colour: As far as colours go, I totally agree with secondary=hair and primary=clothing - though sometimes maize can look a little too... gray? I dunno. He's a Plague dragon, so ideally he'd have red eyes~
Clothes: Headcanon dictates that Iason is the picky semi-fashonista type who enjoys wearing Chinese-inspired clothing with lots of bronze embellishments. He doesn't really need to be wearing anything similar to his items, though he does do a lot of handiwork so maybe his goggles can be around his neck or something.
Personality: Gruuuumpy grumpety grump. He's not a nice fellow, and has very little patience for anything except his own endeavors. He isn't exactly mean or cruel or anything like that, but he is very easily riled up over little things and happens to be prone to fits of orneriness. That being said, he is pretty reliable in a jam. He does a lot of inventing and handiwork, and has an affinity for kites~
Other: I think Iason would be that type of fellow who would be attractive if he wasn't so darn tired and mean all the time! I've always thought of Plague dragons as being just a tad bit sickly at any given moment, too, pale with flushed cheeks and dark circles under his eyes. Skinny, not very tall. I've also always imagined Iason as having long, ponytailed hair that would be nice and straight - if he ever gave it much thought, which he kind of doesn't. His ethnicity is probably more along the lines of Chinese/Korean, because of lung/hangul dragons and whatnot~

I hope this isn't being super-specific or anything like that! I just haven't given that much thought into what my dragons would look like as humans, and got a little carried away XD

((Also, if I'm not mistaken, did I see Henry as one of the sketch examples eue))

Aaaah, I've been trying to tell myself not to spend any more treasure but I can't resist ;3;

Dragon: I'd really like to order a coloured piece of my boy Iason all humanized!
Colour: As far as colours go, I totally agree with secondary=hair and primary=clothing - though sometimes maize can look a little too... gray? I dunno. He's a Plague dragon, so ideally he'd have red eyes~
Clothes: Headcanon dictates that Iason is the picky semi-fashonista type who enjoys wearing Chinese-inspired clothing with lots of bronze embellishments. He doesn't really need to be wearing anything similar to his items, though he does do a lot of handiwork so maybe his goggles can be around his neck or something.
Personality: Gruuuumpy grumpety grump. He's not a nice fellow, and has very little patience for anything except his own endeavors. He isn't exactly mean or cruel or anything like that, but he is very easily riled up over little things and happens to be prone to fits of orneriness. That being said, he is pretty reliable in a jam. He does a lot of inventing and handiwork, and has an affinity for kites~
Other: I think Iason would be that type of fellow who would be attractive if he wasn't so darn tired and mean all the time! I've always thought of Plague dragons as being just a tad bit sickly at any given moment, too, pale with flushed cheeks and dark circles under his eyes. Skinny, not very tall. I've also always imagined Iason as having long, ponytailed hair that would be nice and straight - if he ever gave it much thought, which he kind of doesn't. His ethnicity is probably more along the lines of Chinese/Korean, because of lung/hangul dragons and whatnot~

I hope this isn't being super-specific or anything like that! I just haven't given that much thought into what my dragons would look like as humans, and got a little carried away XD

((Also, if I'm not mistaken, did I see Henry as one of the sketch examples eue))

De leur meilleur côté tâchons de voir les choses:
Vous vous plaignez de voir les rosiers épineux;
Moi, je me réjouis et rends grâces aux dieux
Que les épines aient des roses.

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I'd love a colored commission for this guy~

Dragon Ref

Colors: If maybe you can make the secondary his hair color while the primary and tertiary are his clothes colors?

Clothes: He's got the steampunk gear on, so maybe if you can stick to something similar. If you have any of your own ideas/interpretations for it, feel free to throw it in. :)

Personality: Orion is kind of a cheerful personality and likes to be heroic, though in actuality he's very clumsy and trips over himself all the time. He's kind to others and will help them without thought to himself.

Other stuff: I don't have a headcanon ethnicity but I figure he's likely to be Caucasian. No scars or anything like that.
I'd love a colored commission for this guy~

Dragon Ref

Colors: If maybe you can make the secondary his hair color while the primary and tertiary are his clothes colors?

Clothes: He's got the steampunk gear on, so maybe if you can stick to something similar. If you have any of your own ideas/interpretations for it, feel free to throw it in. :)

Personality: Orion is kind of a cheerful personality and likes to be heroic, though in actuality he's very clumsy and trips over himself all the time. He's kind to others and will help them without thought to himself.

Other stuff: I don't have a headcanon ethnicity but I figure he's likely to be Caucasian. No scars or anything like that.
@starcicle are you still doing commissions by any chance?
@starcicle are you still doing commissions by any chance?

Whooaa! YES! If you are still open and doing these I would love ALL OF THE COMMISSIONS FROM YOU MAAN! (Or maybe just one to start off with ;u;!! )

Whooaa! YES! If you are still open and doing these I would love ALL OF THE COMMISSIONS FROM YOU MAAN! (Or maybe just one to start off with ;u;!! )
Link2.png Link3-2.png
@Starcicle I'd be very interested too if you are still open! :D Your art is lovely!
@Starcicle I'd be very interested too if you are still open! :D Your art is lovely!

~It/Its or He/Him~
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