
Art Sales

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TOPIC | FREE! Strawberry’s Scribbles | Open!
Hello there! I have a problem, where every summer, I end up very art blocked and out of practice. To try and fix this, I’d like to draw your characters!

I’d like to be very clear. These are my scribbles. They aren’t very detailed, they aren’t perfect, they’re barely cleaned up, and they’re very silly. These are far from perfection or high-effort. Hence why they are free.

These drawings will be done digitally, and more complex or additional characters will take longer. However, I WILL draw multiple characters!

I am best at drawing humanoids, but I can also make attempts at drawing your dragons or animals. I have little-to-no practice drawing mechanical parts, and I WON’T draw Plague Primal eyes. Sorry they gross me out :(

If you would like a scribble, please send me a reference of your character (or link to your dragon) and fill out this form:

Fullbody, Halfbody, or Headshot:
Outline Color:
Pencil or Solid:
Color Fill?:
Background Color:
What You Want Them to Do or Say:

I am subbed to this thread, but you can ping anyways!
Hello there! I have a problem, where every summer, I end up very art blocked and out of practice. To try and fix this, I’d like to draw your characters!

I’d like to be very clear. These are my scribbles. They aren’t very detailed, they aren’t perfect, they’re barely cleaned up, and they’re very silly. These are far from perfection or high-effort. Hence why they are free.

These drawings will be done digitally, and more complex or additional characters will take longer. However, I WILL draw multiple characters!

I am best at drawing humanoids, but I can also make attempts at drawing your dragons or animals. I have little-to-no practice drawing mechanical parts, and I WON’T draw Plague Primal eyes. Sorry they gross me out :(

If you would like a scribble, please send me a reference of your character (or link to your dragon) and fill out this form:

Fullbody, Halfbody, or Headshot:
Outline Color:
Pencil or Solid:
Color Fill?:
Background Color:
What You Want Them to Do or Say:

I am subbed to this thread, but you can ping anyways!

Free Scribble Shop!
[center][color=#661856]Examples: [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] (Example of a fullbody with solid lines) [img][/img] (Example of a halfbody with pencil lines) [img][/img] (Example of a headshot) [img][/img]




(Example of a fullbody with solid lines)

(Example of a halfbody with pencil lines)

(Example of a headshot)


Free Scribble Shop!
res just in case
res just in case

Free Scribble Shop!
[center][color=#661856]Bump! [emoji=unicorn size=1]

Free Scribble Shop!
[url=][img][/img][/url] + [url=][img][/img][/url] (I fully expect these will be sympified down!) Fullbody, Halfbody, or Headshot: your choice Outline Color: purple for Esmeray and red for Cymbeline please Pencil or Solid: solid if possible Color Fill?: up to your discretion Background Color: up to you What You Want Them to Do or Say: something cute or romantic? You could have them quote Shakespeare or have them bickering. I am totally fine with whatever. I just wanna see your art with them xD Also humanoid is completely fine if that is what you are more comfortable with!
89234407.png + 86670473.png (I fully expect these will be sympified down!)

Fullbody, Halfbody, or Headshot: your choice
Outline Color: purple for Esmeray and red for Cymbeline please
Pencil or Solid: solid if possible
Color Fill?: up to your discretion
Background Color: up to you
What You Want Them to Do or Say:
something cute or romantic? You could have them quote Shakespeare or have them bickering. I am totally fine with whatever. I just wanna see your art with them xD

Also humanoid is completely fine if that is what you are more comfortable with!
92513910.png George has WL fun threads: g2fYyqW.png[Grab Bags] SuperSac™
[center][color=#661856]@DrayMalfoy Sorry for taking so long! I was a bit busy today, but here are your dragons. They were fun to draw! I went with a simple “make a heart” pose, but I hope you enjoy it! [img][/img] (And here’s another version with a silly heart frame <3) [img][/img]

Sorry for taking so long! I was a bit busy today, but here are your dragons. They were fun to draw! I went with a simple “make a heart” pose, but I hope you enjoy it!


(And here’s another version with a silly heart frame <3)


Free Scribble Shop!
omg that is adorable! And one for each of their pages if that's ok too! <3 @Strawberrysaur It turned out lovely. Thank you!
omg that is adorable! And one for each of their pages if that's ok too! <3 @Strawberrysaur It turned out lovely. Thank you!
92513910.png George has WL fun threads: g2fYyqW.png[Grab Bags] SuperSac™
[center][color=#661857]Bump! [emoji=unicorn size=1]

Free Scribble Shop!
[center][color= 661857]Bump! [emoji=unicorn size=1]

Free Scribble Shop!
[center][color= 661857]Bumping again because,,, Artblock and procrastination made me have a really cringe moment two days ago [emoji=unicorn size=1]
Bumping again because,,, Artblock and procrastination made me have a really cringe moment two days ago

Free Scribble Shop!