
Art Sales

For commissions and flat-sale of your creative efforts.
TOPIC | HauntedCat's Art Shop [open]
@hideki @wolvykasu @shamirr @lyudmila

I have an open slot if any of you are interested?

(Also feel free to ask to be removed from the pinglist btw)
@hideki @wolvykasu @shamirr @lyudmila

I have an open slot if any of you are interested?

(Also feel free to ask to be removed from the pinglist btw)
Username: wolvykasu
Character/Dragon (images or link to references preferably):
Type of commission: headshot ? (half a headshot ? lemme explain)
Aesthetic or Specific style/pose requests:
I just want this guy's head half in water. And this guy is either annoyed\angry (because it seems a certain term for that feeling is censored on FR I learned that just right now lol) or shy (or maybe a bit of both, that sounds funnier)
Payment type/amount for PWYWs: gems
Username: wolvykasu
Character/Dragon (images or link to references preferably):
Type of commission: headshot ? (half a headshot ? lemme explain)
Aesthetic or Specific style/pose requests:
I just want this guy's head half in water. And this guy is either annoyed\angry (because it seems a certain term for that feeling is censored on FR I learned that just right now lol) or shy (or maybe a bit of both, that sounds funnier)
Payment type/amount for PWYWs: gems
wolvykasu's skin shop of the tired
not a link
I told you it's not a link I'm bad at coding

That’s so cool! I’m super excited to work on this!

That’s so cool! I’m super excited to work on this!
ahh i'm sorry i didn't see this until now but i'd like to pay with gems if thats okay? :]
ahh i'm sorry i didn't see this until now but i'd like to pay with gems if thats okay? :]
Wolf! - FRT +20

@desertsunne that’s perfectly fine! Just send the payment whenever and I’ll start working on the headshot <3
@desertsunne that’s perfectly fine! Just send the payment whenever and I’ll start working on the headshot <3

I know you just finished my last headshot, but I hope it's okay if I slide back in here for the slot I just freed up LOL it's okay if not though <3 never hurts to ask~

Username: Shamirr
Character: Shavari (You can simplify anything as needed, and also ignore her bow~)
Type of commission: Colored Fullbody
Aesthetic or Specific style/pose requests: Nothing comes to mind, do whatever you like~
Payment type/amount for PWYWs: 3kg

For the color palette just so it's clear: Top left is horn colors, bottom left is hair, middle is skin, top right is her eyes, bottom right is outfit colors (since outfit is supposed to all be the same kind of leather etc)

I know you just finished my last headshot, but I hope it's okay if I slide back in here for the slot I just freed up LOL it's okay if not though <3 never hurts to ask~

Username: Shamirr
Character: Shavari (You can simplify anything as needed, and also ignore her bow~)
Type of commission: Colored Fullbody
Aesthetic or Specific style/pose requests: Nothing comes to mind, do whatever you like~
Payment type/amount for PWYWs: 3kg

For the color palette just so it's clear: Top left is horn colors, bottom left is hair, middle is skin, top right is her eyes, bottom right is outfit colors (since outfit is supposed to all be the same kind of leather etc)

Perfect! I love the BG3 character creator haha :))

Perfect! I love the BG3 character creator haha :))
You and me both LOL it's the bane of my existence lately because I keep making pretty characters
You and me both LOL it's the bane of my existence lately because I keep making pretty characters