
Art Sales

For commissions and flat-sale of your creative efforts.
TOPIC | Free art (for Practice!) (finished)
@Ciar This is super kind of you to do! I hope the practice helps too and that you have fun with these ;w; [url=][img][/img][/url] [b]Funky Doodle, Shoulders or Head[/b]: Whatever you're inspired most to do for him, or whatever would be the best practice for you! [b]Personality[/b]: Listed in his bio, but to summarize: Highly chaotic, high energy, causes problems on purpose. [b]Extras[/b]: Apparel is optional, except for his necklace. Necklace can, however, be simplified as needed (if color is included, any sort of red gemstone necklace on a gold chain is acceptable, if no color just a gem necklace on a chain). Please and TY!!
@Ciar This is super kind of you to do! I hope the practice helps too and that you have fun with these ;w;


Funky Doodle, Shoulders or Head: Whatever you're inspired most to do for him, or whatever would be the best practice for you!
Personality: Listed in his bio, but to summarize: Highly chaotic, high energy, causes problems on purpose.
Extras: Apparel is optional, except for his necklace. Necklace can, however, be simplified as needed (if color is included, any sort of red gemstone necklace on a gold chain is acceptable, if no color just a gem necklace on a chain).

Please and TY!!

So sorry about that!

1. Shoulders up
2. She’s one of the sweetest dragons you will ever meet. She’s loyal to her friends and loves to give them little gifts or crafts that she’s made. She’s just a sweetheart who would do anything for those she loves! :)
3. If she could have a sunflower somewhere that would be adorable :D

Thank you again, sorry for the trouble!
So sorry about that!

1. Shoulders up
2. She’s one of the sweetest dragons you will ever meet. She’s loyal to her friends and loves to give them little gifts or crafts that she’s made. She’s just a sweetheart who would do anything for those she loves! :)
3. If she could have a sunflower somewhere that would be adorable :D

Thank you again, sorry for the trouble!
Oooo!! This looks so fun!! 1. I’d love a funky doodle 2. He’s a sly mischievous fella, always messing around with his other flight reps who want to take their job seriously. Not malicious though, harmless pranks that he does get serious about it it ever hurts another reps feelings or physical body 3. He has no skins :) [url=][img][/img][/url] @Ciar
Oooo!! This looks so fun!!

1. I’d love a funky doodle
2. He’s a sly mischievous fella, always messing around with his other flight reps who want to take their job seriously. Not malicious though, harmless pranks that he does get serious about it it ever hurts another reps feelings or physical body

3. He has no skins :)


@icehorsestar i am so sorry i didn't notice lol
@icehorsestar i am so sorry i didn't notice lol
Feel free to ping me :D
IDE love some art of this gal
IDE love some art of this gal
@Trinket29 may i ask of you to answer the 3 questions at the beginning so i know what to do/attempt
@Trinket29 may i ask of you to answer the 3 questions at the beginning so i know what to do/attempt
Feel free to ping me :D
Yes? What are the questions
Yes? What are the questions
Small funky doodle of the dragon, shoulders up or head | full body (would have to bribe me)

Personality of the dragon

Extras (apparel/skin/accent/other)
Small funky doodle of the dragon, shoulders up or head | full body (would have to bribe me)

Personality of the dragon

Extras (apparel/skin/accent/other)
Feel free to ping me :D
IDE take a full body and I’ll give 6k or I’ll take a shoulders, this oc is hyper and kind
IDE take a full body and I’ll give 6k or I’ll take a shoulders, this oc is hyper and kind
@eliasW @Enoch and @sebbysauce I'm having a current lack of motivation but had enough energy to do this since I didn't want to keep you guys waiting on me to at least update the forum no I haven't finished your dragons but i did do this because its funny Also eliasW i have started your dragon and will try to work on the others soon! [img][/img]
@eliasW @Enoch and @sebbysauce I'm having a current lack of motivation but had enough energy to do this since I didn't want to keep you guys waiting on me to at least update the forum no I haven't finished your dragons but i did do this because its funny

Also eliasW i have started your dragon and will try to work on the others soon!
Feel free to ping me :D