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TOPIC | 10g Tales -- A PWYW Lore Shop [OPEN]

10g Tales -- A PWYW Lore Shop


Hello there! Would you like to try your luck with a dragon of yours and see my inspiration run wild? Just show me your dragon and I'll write a short blurb about it! Stories will probably be under 300 words and will vary greatly.


- "Written by Sparrowe" will be at the end of every story. Please don't remove this!

- Feel free to send any inspirational quotes or brief lore prompts you had in mind. A tiny bit of inspiration is helpful, but the less restrictions, the better!

- Send payment (at least 10g/kt) in a CR at the time of ordering. Also, feel free to pay in wishlist items or eggs (assuming you actually think the lore was worth that much-- If you do, that's a really big compliment and I appreciate it a lot!)

- If I for some reason can't complete your order (most likely from lack of inspiration on my part, but hopefully that won't happen too often) I'll cancel the order and return your money.

- No need to ping; I'm subbed. ^^

- Don't make any major internal changes to the text -- small grammar or pronoun changes are fine, though.

- Please be patient; I'm a busy bee irl, but I won't forget you!

-If you have any questions, just ping or PM me! I'm happy to help ^^


I promise I can write lighthearted lore too; all the dragons I've been writing for lately have been kinda dark lol so excuse the theme here

- Though I discourage you from requesting specific types (they will likely restrict me rather than inspire me), you can if you so desire!

Asteropaios | third person description
Like thunder, this dragon is sudden and intense. He stays silent most of the time, but he goes through days where his emotions burst through like roaring skies. Like a shock of lightning through stormy waters, when vehemence stirs within him, there's terrifying power in his every move and action. A great warrior, this dragon has magically mastered two elements-- Fire and Lightning. He's protective of his clan and will lay down every drop of his power to defend them.

Bidziil | first person story
The screams of the clan as I descended rang in my ears like glorious bell tolls. They had never seen anything like me, and yet they had seen many things. My intense Plague aura sent the whole camp into a state of panic as they sensed my destructive power. Waving my hand elegantly as a symbol of peace, I set down upon the ground. Their armaments momentarily fell, and so I spoke.

Potential Options:
First Person Description
First Person Story
Second Person Story
Second Person Description (casual)
Third Person Description
Third Person Story

I can portray both casual and professional tones.



Waitlist (ping when slots open; first come, first serve):

none atm


10g Tales -- A PWYW Lore Shop


Hello there! Would you like to try your luck with a dragon of yours and see my inspiration run wild? Just show me your dragon and I'll write a short blurb about it! Stories will probably be under 300 words and will vary greatly.


- "Written by Sparrowe" will be at the end of every story. Please don't remove this!

- Feel free to send any inspirational quotes or brief lore prompts you had in mind. A tiny bit of inspiration is helpful, but the less restrictions, the better!

- Send payment (at least 10g/kt) in a CR at the time of ordering. Also, feel free to pay in wishlist items or eggs (assuming you actually think the lore was worth that much-- If you do, that's a really big compliment and I appreciate it a lot!)

- If I for some reason can't complete your order (most likely from lack of inspiration on my part, but hopefully that won't happen too often) I'll cancel the order and return your money.

- No need to ping; I'm subbed. ^^

- Don't make any major internal changes to the text -- small grammar or pronoun changes are fine, though.

- Please be patient; I'm a busy bee irl, but I won't forget you!

-If you have any questions, just ping or PM me! I'm happy to help ^^


I promise I can write lighthearted lore too; all the dragons I've been writing for lately have been kinda dark lol so excuse the theme here

- Though I discourage you from requesting specific types (they will likely restrict me rather than inspire me), you can if you so desire!

Asteropaios | third person description
Like thunder, this dragon is sudden and intense. He stays silent most of the time, but he goes through days where his emotions burst through like roaring skies. Like a shock of lightning through stormy waters, when vehemence stirs within him, there's terrifying power in his every move and action. A great warrior, this dragon has magically mastered two elements-- Fire and Lightning. He's protective of his clan and will lay down every drop of his power to defend them.

Bidziil | first person story
The screams of the clan as I descended rang in my ears like glorious bell tolls. They had never seen anything like me, and yet they had seen many things. My intense Plague aura sent the whole camp into a state of panic as they sensed my destructive power. Waving my hand elegantly as a symbol of peace, I set down upon the ground. Their armaments momentarily fell, and so I spoke.

Potential Options:
First Person Description
First Person Story
Second Person Story
Second Person Description (casual)
Third Person Description
Third Person Story

I can portray both casual and professional tones.



Waitlist (ping when slots open; first come, first serve):

none atm

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______ B67cbxg.gif
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hi! could i order something for this dragon of mine? she's new to my lair so there is currently no lore for her so feel free to go wild with her ^^ [url=][img][/img][/url]
hi! could i order something for this dragon of mine? she's new to my lair so there is currently no lore for her so feel free to go wild with her ^^

@xLILM0NSTERx she was a pleasure to work with, thanks for the opportunity! Hope you like it ^^ [code]It's amazing that darkness and light can live side by side so easily, so dramatic in contrast but so unique in the fact that there's never one without the other. Sometimes, light and dark war with each other, both wishing to spread and take over the areas the other controls. This is why the darkness seems to encroach upon the ring of light a fire casts, and why the fire battles so hard to maintain its illumination of the area. Other times, they come together as allies. This is a rare phenomenon, even a dangerous one, but a powerful one nonetheless. Sayumi is one of these unique phenomena. When her powers are not in use, her colors are dull, the glowing of her eyes the only thing illuminated. The darkness envelopes her whenever she wishes, allowing her to hide in the shadows. But when she calls on the Fire powers within, the markings on her scales burn orange, her eyes glowing at greater ferocity as she summons fiery strength for her attack. With these magical skill sets, she can be both a powerful, trustworthy ally and a formidable enemy, slipping in and out of shadows with Fire energies ready to burst forth on moment's notice. Biography by [url=]Sparrowe[/url][/code]
@xLILM0NSTERx she was a pleasure to work with, thanks for the opportunity! Hope you like it ^^
It's amazing that darkness and light can live side by side so easily, so dramatic in contrast but so unique in the fact that there's never one without the other. Sometimes, light and dark war with each other, both wishing to spread and take over the areas the other controls. This is why the darkness seems to encroach upon the ring of light a fire casts, and why the fire battles so hard to maintain its illumination of the area. Other times, they come together as allies. This is a rare phenomenon, even a dangerous one, but a powerful one nonetheless. Sayumi is one of these unique phenomena. When her powers are not in use, her colors are dull, the glowing of her eyes the only thing illuminated. The darkness envelopes her whenever she wishes, allowing her to hide in the shadows. But when she calls on the Fire powers within, the markings on her scales burn orange, her eyes glowing at greater ferocity as she summons fiery strength for her attack. With these magical skill sets, she can be both a powerful, trustworthy ally and a formidable enemy, slipping in and out of shadows with Fire energies ready to burst forth on moment's notice. Biography by [url=]Sparrowe[/url]
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______ B67cbxg.gif
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AWWWHHH this is amazing!!! thank you so much [emoji=tundra star size=1] I love this idea for her so much. If its alright i'd love to order another if possible? No worries if not i wanted to check in before hand ^^ and i'll send over the CR now for this one.
AWWWHHH this is amazing!!! thank you so much I love this idea for her so much.

If its alright i'd love to order another if possible? No worries if not i wanted to check in before hand ^^ and i'll send over the CR now for this one.
@xLILM0NSTERx I'm super glad you liked it so much! And yeah, sure thing, I can do another order. :D
@xLILM0NSTERx I'm super glad you liked it so much! And yeah, sure thing, I can do another order. :D
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______ B67cbxg.gif
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:D thank you! I'd love to see what you do for this guy - he has some lore notes in his bio if those help ^^ [url=][img][/img][/url]
:D thank you!
I'd love to see what you do for this guy - he has some lore notes in his bio if those help ^^
@xLILM0NSTERx here you go! If you need any major changes, lmk ^^ [code]Aran didn't find the different ways dragons treated him [i]interesting[/i]. No, he found it [i]irritating[/i]. Commanders in the military wanted to take the weight off his shoulders, make his job easier, and exempt him unsavory and commonplace jobs. Sweeping barrack floors and preparing meals... Aran [i]wanted[/i] to do those parts. It was every soldier's responsibility at some point or another. He didn't want the troops skipping over his turn by the commander's authority. Just because he was related by blood to [i]nobles[/i] didn't mean he wanted to be pampered like one. Other times, dragons [i]didn't[/i] try to spoil him. But they didn't treat him like a soldier, either. They snickered and complained behind his back, muttering that he was a misfit and a burden, not a soldier. Aran wanted to prove them wrong. When the day came, he would show them he was a warrior inside, a defender of the citizens. He would protect this city and take every opportunity to make it a better, safer place for all dragons. He would show them that he wasn't a burden, a useless noble in the wrong place. He would show them he was a soldier. Biography by [url=]Sparrowe[/url] [/code]
@xLILM0NSTERx here you go! If you need any major changes, lmk ^^
Aran didn't find the different ways dragons treated him [i]interesting[/i]. No, he found it [i]irritating[/i]. Commanders in the military wanted to take the weight off his shoulders, make his job easier, and exempt him unsavory and commonplace jobs. Sweeping barrack floors and preparing meals... Aran [i]wanted[/i] to do those parts. It was every soldier's responsibility at some point or another. He didn't want the troops skipping over his turn by the commander's authority. Just because he was related by blood to [i]nobles[/i] didn't mean he wanted to be pampered like one. Other times, dragons [i]didn't[/i] try to spoil him. But they didn't treat him like a soldier, either. They snickered and complained behind his back, muttering that he was a misfit and a burden, not a soldier. Aran wanted to prove them wrong. When the day came, he would show them he was a warrior inside, a defender of the citizens. He would protect this city and take every opportunity to make it a better, safer place for all dragons. He would show them that he wasn't a burden, a useless noble in the wrong place. He would show them he was a soldier. Biography by [url=]Sparrowe[/url]
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______ B67cbxg.gif
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awhhh this is soooo good [emoji=tundra star size=1] thank you so much again. Sending over another CR now ^^
awhhh this is soooo good thank you so much again. Sending over another CR now ^^
@xLILM0NSTERx No problem, glad you like it ^^
@xLILM0NSTERx No problem, glad you like it ^^
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______ B67cbxg.gif
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» Clan Lore
Does my boy Ao interest you at all? He has no lore and some very minimal personality notes. [url=][img][/img][/url] I really love your style btw! <3
Does my boy Ao interest you at all? He has no lore and some very minimal personality notes.


I really love your style btw! <3