[center][font=Monotype Corsiva][size=7][color=#9400D3][u]Kymira's Caravan of Art[/u][/color][/size][/font]
[center][i][font=Monotype Corsiva][size=6][color=#9400D3]In the early hours of twilight, an intricately carved caravan wagon approaches and slows to a stop. A small, paint covered fae rushes chaotically out of the Caravan, carrying a paintbrush far too large for her body. She approaches you with a smile and an air of wild positivity. [/color][/size][/font]
[center][font=Monotype Corsiva][size=6][color=#9400D3]"Oh hiya!! My name is [b]Kymira[/b], welcome to my caravan of art!!! Sorry everything's a bit of a.... mess. I travel all across Sornieth painting fantastical portraits for dragons of all kinds! [i](And paying off my caravan while I'm at it...)[/i] Im never in one place for very long but all the more reason to jump on the opportunity! You look like you could use a portrait yourself, actually! Well luckily for you I can get that sorted out, no problem.
First I need to get a good idea of exactly what you'd like! Feel free to fill out this form so I can make sure I deliver exactly what you're looking for": [/color][/size][/font]
[quote][left] [b][u]Order Form[/u][/b]
Your Username:
Dragon ID/Name:
Style (Full body, Head Shot, Bust etc.):
Color Style (Line art, Flats, Cell Shaded, etc):
Full, simple, or no background:
Payment Type :
Any additional requests (Clothes, Quirks, etc):[/left][/quote]
[center][font=Monotype Corsiva][size=6][color=#9400D3]"If you need help deciding what [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/art/3096637#post_50113261][b]Style[/b][/url] you'd prefer you can check out the examples I keep hanging around for times just like this!"
"-And if you need to see some helpful [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/art/3096637#post_50113258][b]Pricing Information[/b][/url], I can help with that too!!" [/color][/size][/font]
Kymira's Caravan of Art
In the early hours of twilight, an intricately carved caravan wagon approaches and slows to a stop. A small, paint covered fae rushes chaotically out of the Caravan, carrying a paintbrush far too large for her body. She approaches you with a smile and an air of wild positivity.
"Oh hiya!! My name is Kymira, welcome to my caravan of art!!! Sorry everything's a bit of a.... mess. I travel all across Sornieth painting fantastical portraits for dragons of all kinds! (And paying off my caravan while I'm at it...) Im never in one place for very long but all the more reason to jump on the opportunity! You look like you could use a portrait yourself, actually! Well luckily for you I can get that sorted out, no problem.

First I need to get a good idea of exactly what you'd like! Feel free to fill out this form so I can make sure I deliver exactly what you're looking for":
Order Form
Your Username:
Dragon ID/Name:
Style (Full body, Head Shot, Bust etc.):
Color Style (Line art, Flats, Cell Shaded, etc):
Full, simple, or no background:
Payment Type :
Any additional requests (Clothes, Quirks, etc):
"If you need help deciding what Style you'd prefer you can check out the examples I keep hanging around for times just like this!"
"-And if you need to see some helpful Pricing Information, I can help with that too!!"
[center]"Of course, every artist has their prices. And I am no exception!" Kymira smiles happily and points to a meticulously carved sign with an easy comprehensive pricing list, for your convenience.
[center][i]Payments Accepted: [b]$USD[/b] through [b]PayPal[/b] currently accepted![/i]
[b]Head Shot:[/b] Line Art- $5 Flat Colors- $7 Shaded- $10 Fully Rendered- $15
[b]Bust/Half Body[/b]: Line Art- $10 Flat Colors- $15 Shaded- $20 Fully Rendered- $25
[b]Full Body:[/b] Line Art- $15 Flat Colors- $30 Shaded- $40 Fully Rendered- $45
Simple Background (Abstract/Minimal) +$5
Full Background +$10
Complicated or Numerous Apparel items+$5
Familiar +$5
[i]Payment on orders is required upfront [/i]
*HEADSHOT - 500g,500kt
*HALFBODY - 700g, 700kt
*FULLBODY - 800g, 800kt
(payment required upfront)
[i]Will negotiate prices for cool items, or eggs![/i]
[center]Extras not included in this can be added for their conversion rate (1$/100g/100kt)[/center][/quote]
Will do: Dragons, People, Hybrids, Anthros, Animals
Won't do: Gore, NSFW (as per flight rising policy)[/center]
[center][b][u]For Other Artists![/u][/b][/center]
[center][i]Art *Trades* are always welcome but are up to my discretion. I like all kinds of styles though so shoot your shot xD[/i][/center]
"Of course, every artist has their prices. And I am no exception!" Kymira smiles happily and points to a meticulously carved sign with an easy comprehensive pricing list, for your convenience.
Payments Accepted: $USD through PayPal currently accepted!
Head Shot: Line Art- $5 Flat Colors- $7 Shaded- $10 Fully Rendered- $15
Bust/Half Body: Line Art- $10 Flat Colors- $15 Shaded- $20 Fully Rendered- $25
Full Body: Line Art- $15 Flat Colors- $30 Shaded- $40 Fully Rendered- $45
Simple Background (Abstract/Minimal) +$5
Full Background +$10
Complicated or Numerous Apparel items+$5
Familiar +$5
Payment on orders is required upfront
*HEADSHOT - 500g,500kt
*HALFBODY - 700g, 700kt
*FULLBODY - 800g, 800kt
(payment required upfront)
Will negotiate prices for cool items, or eggs!
Extras not included in this can be added for their conversion rate (1$/100g/100kt)
Will do: Dragons, People, Hybrids, Anthros, Animals
Won't do: Gore, NSFW (as per flight rising policy)
For Other Artists!
Art *Trades* are always welcome but are up to my discretion. I like all kinds of styles though so shoot your shot xD
[center]Kymira becons you to follow her around to the side of the old dusty caravan- which looks to have been lovingly painted by hand, and carefully strung up with soft amber lights. Hanging from the curved, overhanging roof are a few delicately hung paintings of past customers.[/center]
Flat Colors:
Fully Rendered:
[center][b]Completed Dragon Art![/b][/center]
[center][u]"And here are [b]examples[/b] of other things I can do!"[/u]
Kymira becons you to follow her around to the side of the old dusty caravan- which looks to have been lovingly painted by hand, and carefully strung up with soft amber lights. Hanging from the curved, overhanging roof are a few delicately hung paintings of past customers.
Flat Colors:
Fully Rendered:
Completed Dragon Art!
"And here are examples of other things I can do!"
[center]Other Art Friends!![/center]
[center] [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/clan-profile/669468]D3stemona[/url] [/center]
Other Art Friends!!
Alrighty i think we are ready to open! Welcome to the Caravan!!!
Alrighty i think we are ready to open! Welcome to the Caravan!!!
I love how cool the caravan is! Tokyo has needed some art for a while :D
Order Form
Your Username: Destemona
Dragon ID/Name: Tokyo (#27107553)
Style (Full body, Head Shot, Bust etc.): Bust
Color Style (Line art, Flats, Cell Shaded, etc): Full Shading
Full, simple, or no background: None or Transparent
Payment Type : PayPal
Any additional requests (Clothes, Quirks, etc):
I love how cool the caravan is! Tokyo has needed some art for a while :D
Order Form
Your Username: Destemona
Dragon ID/Name: Tokyo (#27107553)
Style (Full body, Head Shot, Bust etc.): Bust
Color Style (Line art, Flats, Cell Shaded, etc): Full Shading
Full, simple, or no background: None or Transparent
Payment Type : PayPal
Any additional requests (Clothes, Quirks, etc):
Destemona Awesome thank you!! I'll pm you payment details
Destemona Awesome thank you!! I'll pm you payment details
[center] @Denali1050 All done!! Let me know if I can correct anything small or if you need it sent to you a different way!
You can download the image[url=https://www.deviantart.com/daisythesnake/art/Bronagh-910152537][b] Here[/b][/url][/center]
[i](She was super fun to draw!! Thanks!!! )[/i]
Denali1050 All done!! Let me know if I can correct anything small or if you need it sent to you a different way!
You can download the image
(She was super fun to draw!! Thanks!!! )
Some more completed art!
Some more completed art!
Bump! Come get some art! :D
Bump! Come get some art! :D