[center][font=cambria][size=7][b]Anomalocaris's Lore Shop[/b][/size]
[center][font=book antiqua][b][size=6]Welcome to my Lore Shop![/size][/b]
[b]I'm subbed :)[/b]
1000 treasure = 1 gem
I also accept wishlist items, from [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/dragon/70262087]here[/url].
[size=4]I don't charge per word- it's a flat rate, though it will fluctuate depending on what you order.
200-250 words. A biography that outlines your dragon; their job, personality, sometimes even history. I will take requests for even longer, at an extra 10kt/g per 100 words.
Aoife isn’t the prettiest dragon. Far from it, actually- in fact, the whole reason she has her name and the life she lives is because she isn’t the nicest on the eyes. Originally from esteemed royalty, she was exiled by her mother because she ‘didn’t live up to the family standards’. So, Aoife had to make do.
The name Aoife generally means ‘warrior princess’, which suits her well. Though she hadn’t always had that name. After winning her first fight fresh out of her ex-family’s land, the dragon she won against dubbed her Aoife, which soon replaced her actual name, Pothos. He thought it suited her well, as the word had spread far that the king and queen had decided to exile their daughter because of the way she looked. Aoife also managed to get a rusted old dagger out of the fight.
Now, after travelling virtually all over Sornieth, Aoife is a learned warrior. Quick on her feet and even quicker with her wit, she’s a dragon not to be reckoned with. But despite the hardened shell developed through years of fighting, she still holds the pain of not being wanted by her own mother just because of her outward appearance. And if you want a one way ticket to a rusted dagger straight through your neck, sneer at her imperfect and battle-scarred scales.
[size=4][b]Short Story:[/b][/size]
300-400 words. Tells a small part of your dragon's life- their backstory, their daily life, ect.
A trio of dragons stood in the small grove, the occasional blossom drifting down from the large, colourful trees above. The bogsneak among them took a moment to sift through their treasures, while the spiral laid on the warm grass to soak in the sun. The purple skydancer was glancing around nervously.
“What’s up with you, Morgan?” The spiral said, eyes closed as he let out a quiet, satisfied sigh.
“I’m just worried something might come back for revenge.” Morgan glanced at the mossy pohip corpse that lay just ahead of them, claw marks covering its body.
“Hm, you worry too much. We’re not in danger here.”
“Ironcrypt’s right, Morgan. As long as we take periodical breaks, like this one, we’ll be fine.” The bogsneak spoke up, still sifting through their riches from the coliseum fighting they’d been doing. “Care for a snack?”
Morgan let out a sigh and took some myosotis that had come from a trio of foxes by the same name earlier that day. The goaler took some for himself, before handing a handful of flat bugs to Ironcrypt.
“Hey Rhiderch- any familiars yet?”
The bogsneak shook her head, fins wavering slightly. “Not yet. Shall we continue?”
Ironcrypt shook his head. “The grove is a nice place to relax in between battles. I think we should stay a little longer.”
“But everyone’s minor wounds have been healed and we’re ready to fight again.” Rhiderch pointed out. “And don’t you want to get at least one familiar today?”
Ironcrypt held a pointed claw up to his chin as he thought. Finally, he turned to the skydancer. “What do you think, Morgan?”
“Yes, we should continue.” For once she wasn’t nervously shifting from foot to foot, still working on her lunch of flowers.
“. . . Fine. Let’s go.” Ironcrypt rose into the sky once more and stretched his long, spiral body out, as Rhiderch packed up their goods and Morgan hurriedly shoved the last myosotis into her mouth. The trio began to walk forward, only to be enveloped by the trees as they entered the next fight.
[size=4][b]Longer Story:[/b][/size]
450-500 words. Generally similar to the short story, just longer. I will take requests for even longer, at an extra 10kt/g per 100 words.
The dark, murky waters of the deep enshrouded the mirror, making her nearly invisible as she slept- the only thing giving her away being the cobalt bauble on her head. It illuminated her face, as seaweed from a kelpie mane wound its way around her head and neck, despite the lack of currents this deep underwater. A seemingly lost angler fish bumped into the mirror, causing her eyes to open, revealing a strange site- two sets of magenta eyes.
She stood up and stretched out, relieving the aches caused by her slumber. Placing a claw on her hip, she let out a sigh of relief at the feel of her deep-sea trident. Running her claws through the seaweed tangle around her head, she allowed herself to get lost in thought.
Suddenly, a slight malicious grin spread over her face. Staring upward, she kicked off the ground and shot up, leaving a trail of sand and dirt in the water below her. For a mirror, she swam remarkably fast- the sun had reached her scales once again in a mere 15 minutes of swimming. Scanning the surface of the ocean, she kept a keen eye out for any new victims.
A tiny dark spot way above the mirror made itself apparent as it dove slightly underwater, revealing itself as a fae. The mirror began to slowly swim upwards, careful not to scare the poor thing.
Until a claw grabbed the end of her tail and yanked her back down. Lightning quick, she reached for her trident, ready to fight off any foes that posed a threat. Fortunately- or rather, unfortunately- it was just her nuisance of a brother, Pterois.
“Bathyphysa, are you going to hurt that poor fae?”
Bathyphysa looked away from her brother, a slight bit of shame creeping through her. “N-no.”
“Likely. Bathy, how many times have I told you to stop doing this? I never come to your section of the ocean and start killing off dragons, do I?”
“How many times have I told you how much I hate that nickname?” Bathyphysa dodged the question as she watched the fae, now almost invisible, swim away.
“Answer my question first, [i]Bathy[/i].”
“Fine. Never. But that’s only because there are no other dragons down there, and you yourself always complain about the sea creatures. Plus, you can’t stop me from coming up here- even if it’s just to see Morass.”
Pterois looked around, studying his surroundings, obviously thinking hard.
“Fine. You can come up here, but [i]only[/i] to see Morass or enjoy the sun or whatever.”
“Now I’m going to go see our little brother, which is what I was going to do before you stopped me.”
“Yeah right! I saved that fae.” Pterois’ yelling faded into the background as Bathyphysa swam off, towards the island her adoptive brother lived on.
[size=5]Little Extras[/size]
[i]Small, cheap things to get your lore going. Might add some more stuff soon.[/i]
[size=4][b]Character Reading:[/b][/size]
No set length, though generally 100-200 words. Essentially, you give me a dragon, and I give you a character I think would fit them. I will not go through the lore of your lair and fit them into it as I do with bios.
[size=4][b]Story Idea:[/b][/size]
A small sentence or two, detailing a story that would fit into the lore of the character. Not much else to say about it.
Examples pertaining to the stories above:
Three dragons take a break in the Blooming Grove. They discuss the day's happenings and have a snack, before promptly moving on.
Two underwater spirit siblings bicker about one going into the other's domain to kill dragons.
[center][font=book antiqua][b][size=5]Shop Stuff:[/size][/b]
[size=4][b]How do I request lore?[/b][/size]
Write up a reply to this thread with the dragon(s) you want lore for. Make sure to add in any important details, like any existing lore/personality, pronouns, etc etc.
[b]don't be afraid to ask questions, either- I know it can be tough sometimes but if you'd like me to clarify something, I will![/b]
[size=4][b]What if I don't like the lore?[/b][/size]
I have a policy that if you don't like what I wrote or any creative liberties I took, I'll rewrite whatever you requested with any tweaks you'd like at no extra cost (meaning you'd still have to pay the normal rate, just no extra).
Alternatively, I'll just offer your payment back. But if you use the lore after you've been refunded, you'll be blacklisted from purchasing lore at my shop.
(I'm very bad at keeping this updated so be aware of that lol-)
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I usually always have at least one slot open, but if I don't, as soon as I do have one open everyone on the pinglist will be pinged.
@Bear | @onuo | @KeeperOfStars
credit for the pixel art: [url=https://flightrising.com/main.php?p=lair&tab=userpage&id=379019]dreamingcity[/url] or [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/cc/2817534#post_2817534]here[/url]
Anomalocaris's Lore Shop

Welcome to my Lore Shop!
I'm subbed :)
1000 treasure = 1 gem
I also accept wishlist items, from here.
I don't charge per word- it's a flat rate, though it will fluctuate depending on what you order.
200-250 words. A biography that outlines your dragon; their job, personality, sometimes even history. I will take requests for even longer, at an extra 10kt/g per 100 words.
Aoife isn’t the prettiest dragon. Far from it, actually- in fact, the whole reason she has her name and the life she lives is because she isn’t the nicest on the eyes. Originally from esteemed royalty, she was exiled by her mother because she ‘didn’t live up to the family standards’. So, Aoife had to make do.
The name Aoife generally means ‘warrior princess’, which suits her well. Though she hadn’t always had that name. After winning her first fight fresh out of her ex-family’s land, the dragon she won against dubbed her Aoife, which soon replaced her actual name, Pothos. He thought it suited her well, as the word had spread far that the king and queen had decided to exile their daughter because of the way she looked. Aoife also managed to get a rusted old dagger out of the fight.
Now, after travelling virtually all over Sornieth, Aoife is a learned warrior. Quick on her feet and even quicker with her wit, she’s a dragon not to be reckoned with. But despite the hardened shell developed through years of fighting, she still holds the pain of not being wanted by her own mother just because of her outward appearance. And if you want a one way ticket to a rusted dagger straight through your neck, sneer at her imperfect and battle-scarred scales.

Short Story:
300-400 words. Tells a small part of your dragon's life- their backstory, their daily life, ect.
A trio of dragons stood in the small grove, the occasional blossom drifting down from the large, colourful trees above. The bogsneak among them took a moment to sift through their treasures, while the spiral laid on the warm grass to soak in the sun. The purple skydancer was glancing around nervously.
“What’s up with you, Morgan?” The spiral said, eyes closed as he let out a quiet, satisfied sigh.
“I’m just worried something might come back for revenge.” Morgan glanced at the mossy pohip corpse that lay just ahead of them, claw marks covering its body.
“Hm, you worry too much. We’re not in danger here.”
“Ironcrypt’s right, Morgan. As long as we take periodical breaks, like this one, we’ll be fine.” The bogsneak spoke up, still sifting through their riches from the coliseum fighting they’d been doing. “Care for a snack?”
Morgan let out a sigh and took some myosotis that had come from a trio of foxes by the same name earlier that day. The goaler took some for himself, before handing a handful of flat bugs to Ironcrypt.
“Hey Rhiderch- any familiars yet?”
The bogsneak shook her head, fins wavering slightly. “Not yet. Shall we continue?”
Ironcrypt shook his head. “The grove is a nice place to relax in between battles. I think we should stay a little longer.”
“But everyone’s minor wounds have been healed and we’re ready to fight again.” Rhiderch pointed out. “And don’t you want to get at least one familiar today?”
Ironcrypt held a pointed claw up to his chin as he thought. Finally, he turned to the skydancer. “What do you think, Morgan?”
“Yes, we should continue.” For once she wasn’t nervously shifting from foot to foot, still working on her lunch of flowers.
“. . . Fine. Let’s go.” Ironcrypt rose into the sky once more and stretched his long, spiral body out, as Rhiderch packed up their goods and Morgan hurriedly shoved the last myosotis into her mouth. The trio began to walk forward, only to be enveloped by the trees as they entered the next fight.

Longer Story:
450-500 words. Generally similar to the short story, just longer. I will take requests for even longer, at an extra 10kt/g per 100 words.
The dark, murky waters of the deep enshrouded the mirror, making her nearly invisible as she slept- the only thing giving her away being the cobalt bauble on her head. It illuminated her face, as seaweed from a kelpie mane wound its way around her head and neck, despite the lack of currents this deep underwater. A seemingly lost angler fish bumped into the mirror, causing her eyes to open, revealing a strange site- two sets of magenta eyes.
She stood up and stretched out, relieving the aches caused by her slumber. Placing a claw on her hip, she let out a sigh of relief at the feel of her deep-sea trident. Running her claws through the seaweed tangle around her head, she allowed herself to get lost in thought.
Suddenly, a slight malicious grin spread over her face. Staring upward, she kicked off the ground and shot up, leaving a trail of sand and dirt in the water below her. For a mirror, she swam remarkably fast- the sun had reached her scales once again in a mere 15 minutes of swimming. Scanning the surface of the ocean, she kept a keen eye out for any new victims.
A tiny dark spot way above the mirror made itself apparent as it dove slightly underwater, revealing itself as a fae. The mirror began to slowly swim upwards, careful not to scare the poor thing.
Until a claw grabbed the end of her tail and yanked her back down. Lightning quick, she reached for her trident, ready to fight off any foes that posed a threat. Fortunately- or rather, unfortunately- it was just her nuisance of a brother, Pterois.
“Bathyphysa, are you going to hurt that poor fae?”
Bathyphysa looked away from her brother, a slight bit of shame creeping through her. “N-no.”
“Likely. Bathy, how many times have I told you to stop doing this? I never come to your section of the ocean and start killing off dragons, do I?”
“How many times have I told you how much I hate that nickname?” Bathyphysa dodged the question as she watched the fae, now almost invisible, swim away.
“Answer my question first, Bathy.”
“Fine. Never. But that’s only because there are no other dragons down there, and you yourself always complain about the sea creatures. Plus, you can’t stop me from coming up here- even if it’s just to see Morass.”
Pterois looked around, studying his surroundings, obviously thinking hard.
“Fine. You can come up here, but only to see Morass or enjoy the sun or whatever.”
“Now I’m going to go see our little brother, which is what I was going to do before you stopped me.”
“Yeah right! I saved that fae.” Pterois’ yelling faded into the background as Bathyphysa swam off, towards the island her adoptive brother lived on.

Little Extras
Small, cheap things to get your lore going. Might add some more stuff soon.
Character Reading:
No set length, though generally 100-200 words. Essentially, you give me a dragon, and I give you a character I think would fit them. I will not go through the lore of your lair and fit them into it as I do with bios.
Story Idea:
A small sentence or two, detailing a story that would fit into the lore of the character. Not much else to say about it.
Examples pertaining to the stories above:
Three dragons take a break in the Blooming Grove. They discuss the day's happenings and have a snack, before promptly moving on.
Two underwater spirit siblings bicker about one going into the other's domain to kill dragons.

Shop Stuff:
How do I request lore?
Write up a reply to this thread with the dragon(s) you want lore for. Make sure to add in any important details, like any existing lore/personality, pronouns, etc etc.
don't be afraid to ask questions, either- I know it can be tough sometimes but if you'd like me to clarify something, I will!
What if I don't like the lore?
I have a policy that if you don't like what I wrote or any creative liberties I took, I'll rewrite whatever you requested with any tweaks you'd like at no extra cost (meaning you'd still have to pay the normal rate, just no extra).
Alternatively, I'll just offer your payment back. But if you use the lore after you've been refunded, you'll be blacklisted from purchasing lore at my shop.
(I'm very bad at keeping this updated so be aware of that lol-)
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3. ----
I usually always have at least one slot open, but if I don't, as soon as I do have one open everyone on the pinglist will be pinged.
@Bear | @onuo | @KeeperOfStars

credit for the pixel art: dreamingcity or here
Hi I'm very interested in this! :)
I'm not very good at writing but I would love a great background on my dragons! I saw your writing and I loved it!! Please write these two a lore. <3 If you want to write more for me, can you also write lore for my lair?
I want her to be mysterious, a loner, yet adventurous and curious!
And this other one to be a royalty but at the same time rebellious but pure-hearted! She doesn't like the monarchy, and has some kind of Robin Hood vibes if you know what I mean!
I entrust you with the rest <3
Hi I'm very interested in this! :)
I'm not very good at writing but I would love a great background on my dragons! I saw your writing and I loved it!! Please write these two a lore. <3 If you want to write more for me, can you also write lore for my lair?
I want her to be mysterious, a loner, yet adventurous and curious!
And this other one to be a royalty but at the same time rebellious but pure-hearted! She doesn't like the monarchy, and has some kind of Robin Hood vibes if you know what I mean!
I entrust you with the rest <3
Here's your lore. It was pretty fun to write about these two!
Namani is a shy Veilspun, who for the most part, keeps to herself. She doesn’t generally like to be around other dragons, and instead loves to go out into the world by herself. You can most often find her hiking or exploring a nearby forest. She has a comprehensive knowledge on the local flora and fauna, and delights in taking an afternoon to forage for her own food. She generally only eats plants but will sometimes snatch up a tasty insect or two.
Nanami has a way with animals that no other dragon seems to have. She can’t speak directly with them, but understands them in a deeper way than most. This is one factor that contributes to her mysterious nature, as well as her night sky-esque appearance and elegant, tree-like horns. All of this combined makes sure that most dragons steer clear as they find her strange. Some even feel bad for her. But Nanami secretly delights in living a secluded, adventurous life.
Sybil was born into royalty, as the silver gilding on her wings, face, and neck may imply. She lives a luxurious life surrounded by servants and basically whatever she desires. You may think that this kind of upbringing has left her with a bratty attitude, but you’d be quite wrong. In fact, Sybil absolutely hates her very own monarchy.
She finds her parents and siblings inept; rich slobs who don’t know how to do anything for themselves. The only thing keeping her sane is sneaking out of the palace to help out the locals. She loves nothing more than to get dirty hunting for food or tending to fields. She loves the wild sense of adventure she gets from venturing out into the woods. She’s befriended numerous of these dragons and often sneaks gifts out from the palace to give to them.
One day, Sybil plans to overthrow the monarchy, and hold a democratic election. She doesn’t know what will happen after said election, or what her family would think of her. She refuses to think about the implications, being driven only by the pure annoyance and anger she gains from watching the other royals sit on their thrones all day, accomplishing nothing.
Here's your lore. It was pretty fun to write about these two!
Namani is a shy Veilspun, who for the most part, keeps to herself. She doesn’t generally like to be around other dragons, and instead loves to go out into the world by herself. You can most often find her hiking or exploring a nearby forest. She has a comprehensive knowledge on the local flora and fauna, and delights in taking an afternoon to forage for her own food. She generally only eats plants but will sometimes snatch up a tasty insect or two.
Nanami has a way with animals that no other dragon seems to have. She can’t speak directly with them, but understands them in a deeper way than most. This is one factor that contributes to her mysterious nature, as well as her night sky-esque appearance and elegant, tree-like horns. All of this combined makes sure that most dragons steer clear as they find her strange. Some even feel bad for her. But Nanami secretly delights in living a secluded, adventurous life.
Sybil was born into royalty, as the silver gilding on her wings, face, and neck may imply. She lives a luxurious life surrounded by servants and basically whatever she desires. You may think that this kind of upbringing has left her with a bratty attitude, but you’d be quite wrong. In fact, Sybil absolutely hates her very own monarchy.
She finds her parents and siblings inept; rich slobs who don’t know how to do anything for themselves. The only thing keeping her sane is sneaking out of the palace to help out the locals. She loves nothing more than to get dirty hunting for food or tending to fields. She loves the wild sense of adventure she gets from venturing out into the woods. She’s befriended numerous of these dragons and often sneaks gifts out from the palace to give to them.
One day, Sybil plans to overthrow the monarchy, and hold a democratic election. She doesn’t know what will happen after said election, or what her family would think of her. She refuses to think about the implications, being driven only by the pure annoyance and anger she gains from watching the other royals sit on their thrones all day, accomplishing nothing.
@Anomal0car1s Hi again :D
I have found that you have made this, and I had to ask for more of your wonderful lore :>
(I shall copy and paste from the other one for I have no others off the top of my head XD )
Ashy is a merciless and competitive hunter who loves to surround himself in cinder-filled smoke in order to more easily capture shapeshifters.
Kara is a half-shapeshifter who is being taught how to properly control her powers by her father, but has a hard time due to the fact that it's not easy, even for her father.
Anomal0car1s Hi again :D
I have found that you have made this, and I had to ask for more of your wonderful lore :>
(I shall copy and paste from the other one for I have no others off the top of my head XD )

Ashy is a merciless and competitive hunter who loves to surround himself in cinder-filled smoke in order to more easily capture shapeshifters.

Kara is a half-shapeshifter who is being taught how to properly control her powers by her father, but has a hard time due to the fact that it's not easy, even for her father.
[quote name="Anomal0car1s" date="2021-08-07 14:36:23" ]
Here's your lore. It was pretty fun to write about these two!
Namani is a shy Veilspun, who for the most part, keeps to herself. She doesn’t generally like to be around other dragons, and instead loves to go out into the world by herself. You can most often find her hiking or exploring a nearby forest. She has a comprehensive knowledge on the local flora and fauna, and delights in taking an afternoon to forage for her own food. She generally only eats plants but will sometimes snatch up a tasty insect or two.
Nanami has a way with animals that no other dragon seems to have. She can’t speak directly with them, but understands them in a deeper way than most. This is one factor that contributes to her mysterious nature, as well as her night sky-esque appearance and elegant, tree-like horns. All of this combined makes sure that most dragons steer clear as they find her strange. Some even feel bad for her. But Nanami secretly delights in living a secluded, adventurous life.
Sybil was born into royalty, as the silver gilding on her wings, face, and neck may imply. She lives a luxurious life surrounded by servants and basically whatever she desires. You may think that this kind of upbringing has left her with a bratty attitude, but you’d be quite wrong. In fact, Sybil absolutely hates her very own monarchy.
She finds her parents and siblings inept; rich slobs who don’t know how to do anything for themselves. The only thing keeping her sane is sneaking out of the palace to help out the locals. She loves nothing more than to get dirty hunting for food or tending to fields. She loves the wild sense of adventure she gets from venturing out into the woods. She’s befriended numerous of these dragons and often sneaks gifts out from the palace to give to them.
One day, Sybil plans to overthrow the monarchy, and hold a democratic election. She doesn’t know what will happen after said election, or what her family would think of her. She refuses to think about the implications, being driven only by the pure annoyance and anger she gains from watching the other royals sit on their thrones all day, accomplishing nothing.
THIS IS SO BEAUTIFUL!!!! I'm in love <3 Thank you so much for putting your time and love into them!! I will definitely add them to my dragon's bios :D
Anomal0car1s wrote on 2021-08-07 14:36:23:
Here's your lore. It was pretty fun to write about these two!
Namani is a shy Veilspun, who for the most part, keeps to herself. She doesn’t generally like to be around other dragons, and instead loves to go out into the world by herself. You can most often find her hiking or exploring a nearby forest. She has a comprehensive knowledge on the local flora and fauna, and delights in taking an afternoon to forage for her own food. She generally only eats plants but will sometimes snatch up a tasty insect or two.
Nanami has a way with animals that no other dragon seems to have. She can’t speak directly with them, but understands them in a deeper way than most. This is one factor that contributes to her mysterious nature, as well as her night sky-esque appearance and elegant, tree-like horns. All of this combined makes sure that most dragons steer clear as they find her strange. Some even feel bad for her. But Nanami secretly delights in living a secluded, adventurous life.
Sybil was born into royalty, as the silver gilding on her wings, face, and neck may imply. She lives a luxurious life surrounded by servants and basically whatever she desires. You may think that this kind of upbringing has left her with a bratty attitude, but you’d be quite wrong. In fact, Sybil absolutely hates her very own monarchy.
She finds her parents and siblings inept; rich slobs who don’t know how to do anything for themselves. The only thing keeping her sane is sneaking out of the palace to help out the locals. She loves nothing more than to get dirty hunting for food or tending to fields. She loves the wild sense of adventure she gets from venturing out into the woods. She’s befriended numerous of these dragons and often sneaks gifts out from the palace to give to them.
One day, Sybil plans to overthrow the monarchy, and hold a democratic election. She doesn’t know what will happen after said election, or what her family would think of her. She refuses to think about the implications, being driven only by the pure annoyance and anger she gains from watching the other royals sit on their thrones all day, accomplishing nothing.
THIS IS SO BEAUTIFUL!!!! I'm in love <3 Thank you so much for putting your time and love into them!! I will definitely add them to my dragon's bios :D
Here's your lore! Thanks for requesting my lore once again :)
Ashy is quite possibly one of the fiercest dragons you’ll ever meet. Covered in sharp spines, charred bones, and a pattern reminiscent of the smoke he creates, he is one banescale you don’t want to mess with. And his temper matches his looks. He tends to be a loner solely because he has quite the short fuse, and after getting even a little annoyed with another dragon, will burst out with fiery obscenities and stomp off.
The only other creature he enjoys spending time with is his Smoke Gyre. The two love hunting shape-shifters with each other, using their shared ability to spout searing smoke that blinds and debilitates enemies. This is probably one of the only reasons Ashy gets to stay in the clan; he’s good at keeping the shape-shifters at bay. Not to mention he absolutely loves hunting a couple for game here and there. All in all, Ashy has made quite the reputation among the other hunters. Though it’s one that they must respect from a distance.
Kara is a half-shapeshifter who spends most of her time working on honing her powers with her father, Jake. She doesn’t enjoy it much, as she finds Jake a little weird (and sometimes even manipulative), but she does it anyway. As she is still young, Kara doesn’t quite know how to shapeshift properly, hence her near constant sessions with her father. But the problem is, he doesn’t exactly know how to either.
Jake finds it difficult to shapeshift, though Kara finds it near impossible. She’s managed to muster up enough strength to change a bit of her tail and one time even her entire leg, but it didn’t last very long. She soon changed back, out of breath. One day, Kara hopes to master this skill. The reason? She wants to show the rest of her clan that not all shapeshifters are evil.
Kara has no desire to hurt any other dragon, and is utterly confused why any shapeshifter would. She believes that if she can just master her ability, she can show that sometimes it can be useful. Her father seems to support her, though Kara knows it’s not whole-heartedly. She’s seen him trying to get a bite of a fae that often visits the shapeshifters more times than she can count. If anything, she believes he only supports her to get closer to the dragons he wants to hurt. But she’ll keep on fighting to prove her and a select few aren’t evil, despite what the non-shapeshifters of the clan might feel.
Here's your lore! Thanks for requesting my lore once again :)
Ashy is quite possibly one of the fiercest dragons you’ll ever meet. Covered in sharp spines, charred bones, and a pattern reminiscent of the smoke he creates, he is one banescale you don’t want to mess with. And his temper matches his looks. He tends to be a loner solely because he has quite the short fuse, and after getting even a little annoyed with another dragon, will burst out with fiery obscenities and stomp off.
The only other creature he enjoys spending time with is his Smoke Gyre. The two love hunting shape-shifters with each other, using their shared ability to spout searing smoke that blinds and debilitates enemies. This is probably one of the only reasons Ashy gets to stay in the clan; he’s good at keeping the shape-shifters at bay. Not to mention he absolutely loves hunting a couple for game here and there. All in all, Ashy has made quite the reputation among the other hunters. Though it’s one that they must respect from a distance.
Kara is a half-shapeshifter who spends most of her time working on honing her powers with her father, Jake. She doesn’t enjoy it much, as she finds Jake a little weird (and sometimes even manipulative), but she does it anyway. As she is still young, Kara doesn’t quite know how to shapeshift properly, hence her near constant sessions with her father. But the problem is, he doesn’t exactly know how to either.
Jake finds it difficult to shapeshift, though Kara finds it near impossible. She’s managed to muster up enough strength to change a bit of her tail and one time even her entire leg, but it didn’t last very long. She soon changed back, out of breath. One day, Kara hopes to master this skill. The reason? She wants to show the rest of her clan that not all shapeshifters are evil.
Kara has no desire to hurt any other dragon, and is utterly confused why any shapeshifter would. She believes that if she can just master her ability, she can show that sometimes it can be useful. Her father seems to support her, though Kara knows it’s not whole-heartedly. She’s seen him trying to get a bite of a fae that often visits the shapeshifters more times than she can count. If anything, she believes he only supports her to get closer to the dragons he wants to hurt. But she’ll keep on fighting to prove her and a select few aren’t evil, despite what the non-shapeshifters of the clan might feel.
Thank you thank you thank you :D
Thank you thank you thank you :D
[Not pinging cause you said subbed, and double notif can be annoying sometimes]
I am [i]awful [/i]at writing but I enjoy dragons having backstory (my dilemma-) so it'd be awesome if you could have a crack at either (or both if you really want) of these dragons. A snippet of info on each:
This Spiral is super new, and going to be a perma soon. Probably interested in astronomy and stars and stuff:
This Skydancer was inspired by Dustcarve Dig and my love for the chitin set:
(Don't be discouraged by the sky's bio, it's just a note thing)
[Not pinging cause you said subbed, and double notif can be annoying sometimes]
I am
awful at writing but I enjoy dragons having backstory (my dilemma-) so it'd be awesome if you could have a crack at either (or both if you really want) of these dragons. A snippet of info on each:
This Spiral is super new, and going to be a perma soon. Probably interested in astronomy and stars and stuff:
This Skydancer was inspired by Dustcarve Dig and my love for the chitin set:
(Don't be discouraged by the sky's bio, it's just a note thing)
(temporary sig while i get back into FR)
- Artfight
- Toyhouse
I may have gone a little overboard, but here is some lore and backstories for your dragons!
[size=4]Main Lore[/size]
Heimdall, despite her size, is full of wisdom and intellect. She knows just about everything there is to know about the night sky and all the myths associated with it- but somehow, she finds more and more to study thoroughly seemingly every night. She surely is one of the smartest dragons that you’ll ever meet.
She spends her time in her observatory, staring up at the sky during clear nights. Sometimes, on exceptionally clear nights, she’ll take a small hike up to a nearby mountain and gaze up at the stars, jotting down occasional notes. She has dubbed this mountain ‘Stargazer’s Peak’ and spends all her time there when she isn’t in her observatory or den.
Due to her incessant hunger for knowledge, Heimdall has next to no friends, or even acquaintances. The only dragon she would consider a friend is Hisagomeru, solely because they each share a passion for learning. You see, she has no time for friends. Like mentioned above, she spends her nights in her observatory or Stargazer’s Peak, studying the stars. Thus, she’s become nocturnal, slumbering through the day and emerging from her den to learn at night.
When Heimdall was just an ordinary hatchling, she encountered a mysterious old Veilspun dragon. Intrigued, she investigated, and came to know the Veilspun as Andoronin, a learned, now elderly mage, seemingly permanently cloaked in a long, dark garment. They talked often, with Andoronin telling Heimdall all about the sky above and the earth below. Noticing Heimdall’s unique fascination with the sky, he offered her a deal.
In exchange for her ability to grow, he offered all his knowledge and his observatory. Heimdall accepted, though hesitant at first, and followed the mage to her new observatory. When she entered the dusty entrance hall, the doubt that had filled her mind vanished, and she immediately began exploring. Though when she got back to the entrance to thank Andoronin, he had vanished, never to be seen again.
A side effect of the deal was that Heimdall’s eyes changed, to a mystical form representative of the vast expanse that seemingly held all of her knowledge. She prides herself on her special eyes and often thanks Andoronin for all that he has given her.
[size=4]Main Lore[/size]
Hisagomeru is a skydancer full of an obsession for all things earth and stone. He loves to crack rocks open, dig deep down, or even study the plants and bugs that grow and thrive on top of it all. He spends most of his time studying these things and building his knowledge on said things.
Not only is he obsessed with earth and stone, but Hisagomeru also loves insects. He finds them absolutely fascinating- from the way the sun hits their often iridescent armor or the way they move about and how their little bodies work. This fascination with bugs has led him to design and sport apparel based on them.
Between studying rocks and observing bugs, Hisagomeru barely sleeps. Often during the day he uses the sunlight to study rocks and diurnal bugs, and by night he catches creepy crawlers and saves them till the next day to study. Not to mention he only has one friend due to his obsession, that being Heimdall. They both share an obsession and a passion for learning, not to mention a busy schedule. The little they do get to hang out, they love to gush about their respective interests.
Hisagomeru is completely devoted to the Earthshaker, despite being from the Light Flight and currently residing in the Plague Flight. He just can’t help but admire the deity and often leaves him gifts at a small, outdoor shrine Hisagomeru built for him.
Hisagomeru often credits his obsession with rocks and bugs to an incident that happened when he was a young dragon, not yet able to fly. He stumbled into a deep hole, and unable to get out, he began studying his surroundings. Suddenly fascinated by the way the stone zigged this way or zagged that way or glimmered in the sunlight filtering down into the hole. There he sat for hours, fascinated by the earth that surrounded him, until suddenly, a blur shot across his vision. Startled, he investigated, and found a small bug. It was long and shiny, what he now knows as a silverfish.
Hisagomeru sat in that hole for days, the only thing keeping him sane was his friend the silverfish and his newfound fascination with stone. By the time he was rescued, it had turned into a borderline obsession. And fascinatingly, Hisagomeru doesn’t see it as a traumatic experience. Rather, he sees it as the initiation into his passion, of sorts. As for the silverfish, he still has it with him, now named Agatha (because silver’s chemical symbol is Ag)
I may have gone a little overboard, but here is some lore and backstories for your dragons!
Main Lore
Heimdall, despite her size, is full of wisdom and intellect. She knows just about everything there is to know about the night sky and all the myths associated with it- but somehow, she finds more and more to study thoroughly seemingly every night. She surely is one of the smartest dragons that you’ll ever meet.
She spends her time in her observatory, staring up at the sky during clear nights. Sometimes, on exceptionally clear nights, she’ll take a small hike up to a nearby mountain and gaze up at the stars, jotting down occasional notes. She has dubbed this mountain ‘Stargazer’s Peak’ and spends all her time there when she isn’t in her observatory or den.
Due to her incessant hunger for knowledge, Heimdall has next to no friends, or even acquaintances. The only dragon she would consider a friend is Hisagomeru, solely because they each share a passion for learning. You see, she has no time for friends. Like mentioned above, she spends her nights in her observatory or Stargazer’s Peak, studying the stars. Thus, she’s become nocturnal, slumbering through the day and emerging from her den to learn at night.
When Heimdall was just an ordinary hatchling, she encountered a mysterious old Veilspun dragon. Intrigued, she investigated, and came to know the Veilspun as Andoronin, a learned, now elderly mage, seemingly permanently cloaked in a long, dark garment. They talked often, with Andoronin telling Heimdall all about the sky above and the earth below. Noticing Heimdall’s unique fascination with the sky, he offered her a deal.
In exchange for her ability to grow, he offered all his knowledge and his observatory. Heimdall accepted, though hesitant at first, and followed the mage to her new observatory. When she entered the dusty entrance hall, the doubt that had filled her mind vanished, and she immediately began exploring. Though when she got back to the entrance to thank Andoronin, he had vanished, never to be seen again.
A side effect of the deal was that Heimdall’s eyes changed, to a mystical form representative of the vast expanse that seemingly held all of her knowledge. She prides herself on her special eyes and often thanks Andoronin for all that he has given her.
Main Lore
Hisagomeru is a skydancer full of an obsession for all things earth and stone. He loves to crack rocks open, dig deep down, or even study the plants and bugs that grow and thrive on top of it all. He spends most of his time studying these things and building his knowledge on said things.
Not only is he obsessed with earth and stone, but Hisagomeru also loves insects. He finds them absolutely fascinating- from the way the sun hits their often iridescent armor or the way they move about and how their little bodies work. This fascination with bugs has led him to design and sport apparel based on them.
Between studying rocks and observing bugs, Hisagomeru barely sleeps. Often during the day he uses the sunlight to study rocks and diurnal bugs, and by night he catches creepy crawlers and saves them till the next day to study. Not to mention he only has one friend due to his obsession, that being Heimdall. They both share an obsession and a passion for learning, not to mention a busy schedule. The little they do get to hang out, they love to gush about their respective interests.
Hisagomeru is completely devoted to the Earthshaker, despite being from the Light Flight and currently residing in the Plague Flight. He just can’t help but admire the deity and often leaves him gifts at a small, outdoor shrine Hisagomeru built for him.
Hisagomeru often credits his obsession with rocks and bugs to an incident that happened when he was a young dragon, not yet able to fly. He stumbled into a deep hole, and unable to get out, he began studying his surroundings. Suddenly fascinated by the way the stone zigged this way or zagged that way or glimmered in the sunlight filtering down into the hole. There he sat for hours, fascinated by the earth that surrounded him, until suddenly, a blur shot across his vision. Startled, he investigated, and found a small bug. It was long and shiny, what he now knows as a silverfish.
Hisagomeru sat in that hole for days, the only thing keeping him sane was his friend the silverfish and his newfound fascination with stone. By the time he was rescued, it had turned into a borderline obsession. And fascinatingly, Hisagomeru doesn’t see it as a traumatic experience. Rather, he sees it as the initiation into his passion, of sorts. As for the silverfish, he still has it with him, now named Agatha (because silver’s chemical symbol is Ag)
These are so cool! [emoji=familiar heart size=1]
If you ever open a shop for lore please do ping me! This sort of quality absolutely deserves a shop! [emoji=banescale laughing size=1]
I will put it into both their bios and credit you with a link to your profile.
[size=2][i]Hisagomeru's when I move the notes and decide who will get the notes, unlucky dragon.[/i][/size]
These are so cool!

If you ever open a shop for lore please do ping me! This sort of quality absolutely deserves a shop!
I will put it into both their bios and credit you with a link to your profile.
Hisagomeru's when I move the notes and decide who will get the notes, unlucky dragon.
(temporary sig while i get back into FR)
- Artfight
- Toyhouse