
Art Sales

For commissions and flat-sale of your creative efforts.
TOPIC | AmmoliteNacre's Artshop (Closed)
[url=][img][/url] [center][font=Book Antiqua][size=6]Welcome to my rebranded artshop![/size][/center] [center][size=5]Navigation[/size] [url=][color=Seagreen]How to order[/url]|[url=][color=Seagreen]Rules/Tos[/url]|[url=]Commission types[/url]|[url=][color=Seagreen]Order form[/url][center] [center][font=Book Antiqua][b][size=6]Commission Types and example artworks:[/size][/b] All images here are preview and clicking them [i]should[/i] send you to a full version. ----- [emoji=nautilus size=1] ----- [size=5][b]Painted Bust:[/b] [s]80$[/s] 65$ ----- [columns] [url=] [img][/img][/url] [nextcol] [url=] [img][/img][/url] [nextcol] [url=] [img][/img][/url] [/columns] [img][/img] [columns] [url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol] [url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol] [url=][img][/img][/url][/columns] ----- [emoji=nautilus size=1] ----- [size=5][b]Painted Fullbody:[/b] [s]140$[/s] 125$ ----- [url=][img][/img][/url] [columns][url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol][url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol][url=] [img][/img][/url] [/columns] ----- [emoji=nautilus size=1] ----- [size=5][b]Painted Chibi[/b] 55$ ----- [url=][img][/img][/url] [columns] [url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol] [url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol] [url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol] [url=][img][/img][/url][/columns]

Welcome to my rebranded artshop!
How to order|Rules/Tos|Commission types|Order form

Commission Types and example artworks:
All images here are preview and clicking them should send you to a full version.

Painted Bust: 80$ 65$



tsupFeo.png xEJVY9d.png f8aH9ye.png

Painted Fullbody: 140$ 125$

uNIvAQI.png W4KWXAk.png

Painted Chibi 55$

oCPPIyL.png LZaIWCj.png nNlNzSS.png Dpemtin.png

How to order|Rules/Tos|Commission types|Order form

How to order:

  1. Have a look at the commission types listed in this journal, then read the rules at the bottom. If you've seen something that fit's your interests and the rules are agreeable with you go to step two.
  2. Fill out the form and send it to me. I will then begin a sketch/WIP for you. After the Sketch has been approved I'll send the payment info. Please do not send payements until I say so. Once payment has been recived I'll complete the artwork, this may take from a few days up to a few weeks.
  3. Once the piece is complete I will send it to you, with the option for final changes/corrections to be made to it.
How to order|Rules/Tos|Commission types|Order form

How to order:

  1. Have a look at the commission types listed in this journal, then read the rules at the bottom. If you've seen something that fit's your interests and the rules are agreeable with you go to step two.
  2. Fill out the form and send it to me. I will then begin a sketch/WIP for you. After the Sketch has been approved I'll send the payment info. Please do not send payements until I say so. Once payment has been recived I'll complete the artwork, this may take from a few days up to a few weeks.
  3. Once the piece is complete I will send it to you, with the option for final changes/corrections to be made to it.
How to order|Rules/Tos|Commission types|Order form


I'm fine with drawing mild blood/injury or risque as long as it is within Flight rising guidelines.

Do not resell or monetize my art without my permission.

-You have the right to share and use your commissioned artwork from me everywhere as long as you credit me.

I only accept Paypal or deviantarts commissions widget for payments.

I have the right to share my artwork on my platforms and use it for examples in my commission info, unless we've made an agreement to keep it private for a certain timeframe or indefinite. If you would like the piece you've ordered to not be shared pucblicly for whatever time frame or reason it's important that you include it in the order form.

My artwork comes watermarked with my signature. If you'd rather not have this on your piece you're free to look elsewhere to get your art, but by ordering from me you agree to the watermark.
How to order|Rules/Tos|Commission types|Order form


I'm fine with drawing mild blood/injury or risque as long as it is within Flight rising guidelines.

Do not resell or monetize my art without my permission.

-You have the right to share and use your commissioned artwork from me everywhere as long as you credit me.

I only accept Paypal or deviantarts commissions widget for payments.

I have the right to share my artwork on my platforms and use it for examples in my commission info, unless we've made an agreement to keep it private for a certain timeframe or indefinite. If you would like the piece you've ordered to not be shared pucblicly for whatever time frame or reason it's important that you include it in the order form.

My artwork comes watermarked with my signature. If you'd rather not have this on your piece you're free to look elsewhere to get your art, but by ordering from me you agree to the watermark.
[center][size=5]Navigation[/size] [url=][color=Seagreen]How to order[/url]|[url=][color=Seagreen]Rules/Tos[/url]|[url=][color=Seagreen]Commission types[/url]|[url=]Order form[/url][center] [center][size=6] Order form:[/size][/center] [b]Commission type:[/b] [b]Deadline(?):[/b] (Optional, If you'd like the artwork finished before a specific date.) [b]Character/s:[/b] (description or image references.) [b]Pose: [/b](facing, posture of character/s.) [b]Mood:[/b] (character/s expressions, setting and overall feel of piece.) [b]Extra:[/b] (additional noteworthy info.) [b]Method of payment:[/b] (Paypal or Deviant art points through commission widget.) [b]Estimated price:[/b] [b]Confirm you've read the rules/Tos?: [/b] [emoji=bell size=1][b]Notable:[/b][emoji=bell size=1] ~Each extra character is 50%+ charge based on original (commission type) price.~ ~Relatively small animlas that works as familiars/accessory to the main focus of the piece are free of charge (I.E cats or birds)~ [code] [b]Commission type:[/b] [b]Deadline(?):[/b] [b]Character/s:[/b] [b]Pose: [/b] [b]Mood:[/b] [b]Extra:[/b] [b]Method of payment:[/b] [b]Estimated price:[/b] [b]Confirm you've read the rules/Tos?: [/b] [/code]
How to order|Rules/Tos|Commission types|Order form

Order form:

Commission type:
Deadline(?): (Optional, If you'd like the artwork finished before a specific date.)
Character/s: (description or image references.)
Pose: (facing, posture of character/s.)
Mood: (character/s expressions, setting and overall feel of piece.)
Extra: (additional noteworthy info.)
Method of payment: (Paypal or Deviant art points through commission widget.)
Estimated price:
Confirm you've read the rules/Tos?:

~Each extra character is 50%+ charge based on original (commission type) price.~
~Relatively small animlas that works as familiars/accessory to the main focus of the piece are free of charge (I.E cats or birds)~
[b]Commission type:[/b] [b]Deadline(?):[/b] [b]Character/s:[/b] [b]Pose: [/b] [b]Mood:[/b] [b]Extra:[/b] [b]Method of payment:[/b] [b]Estimated price:[/b] [b]Confirm you've read the rules/Tos?: [/b]
reserve (just in case :')
reserve (just in case :')
reserve (just in case :')
reserve (just in case :')
Bump! Your art is lovely <3
Bump! Your art is lovely <3