
Art Sales

For commissions and flat-sale of your creative efforts.
TOPIC | [CLOSED] Spa Day Snack Shack
[center][img][/img][/center] [size=4][font=century]One of the Citrine Springs' offered features is an outdoor hot spring. As you step out of the resort and into the fresh air, you find yourself gazing out over an expansive spring. There are various dragons floating about, visibly relaxing in the warm water. An Obelisk sits at the spring's edge, tending to a small stall while keeping an eye on the bathing dragons. She perks as she hears you approach, offering you a warm smile. "You look tired, little one. How about you take a short break? Working hard is admirable, but taking breaks is just as important," the Obelisk gives you a gentle smile. "Or, if you're not fond of hot springs, perhaps I can interest you in some lovely souvenirs?"

One of the Citrine Springs' offered features is an outdoor hot spring. As you step out of the resort and into the fresh air, you find yourself gazing out over an expansive spring. There are various dragons floating about, visibly relaxing in the warm water.

An Obelisk sits at the spring's edge, tending to a small stall while keeping an eye on the bathing dragons. She perks as she hears you approach, offering you a warm smile.

"You look tired, little one. How about you take a short break? Working hard is admirable, but taking breaks is just as important," the Obelisk gives you a gentle smile. "Or, if you're not fond of hot springs, perhaps I can interest you in some lovely souvenirs?"
WishlistI am at +9 Flight Rising timeArt shop
That's right, the frying pan is a PALADIN weapon.
[center][img][/img] [font=century][size=6]Let's make a trade![/size][/center] [size=4][font=century]Below you'll find all trades currently available. These are limited and will retire when the event ends! Each trade requires a certain type of item. If you do not own the items for the trade, you can also use treasure or gems to acquire the badge instead! Currency trades are 20g or 20kt. [center][size=4][font=century][u][b][url=]Tracking Spreadsheet[/url][/b][/u][/size][/center] --------------------------- [center][font=century][size=6]Scented Candles[/size][/center] --------------------- [center][columns][item=Grey Slime][nextcol][size=4][font=century]A lovely set of scented candles, available in 4 season colored sets. These would look lovely in your den any day of the week, though. The trade for each set is [b]3 Grey Slime[/b].[nextcol][color=transparent]••[/color][nextcol][size=3][font=century]Grey Slime can be acquired from [url=][u]Baldwin's Bubbling Brew[/u][/url] by reducing any type of apparel.[/columns] [font=century]winter | spring [img][/img][img][/img] [img][/img][img][/img] [font=century]summer | autumn[/center] ------------------------------- [center][font=century][size=6]Koi Fish[/size][/center] --------------------- [center][columns][item=Spectre Loop][nextcol][size=4][font=century]Beautifully carved koi fish, fashioned from glass and gemstones. Careful not to drop these, they're quite heavy! The trade for each koi is [b]3 Spectre Loops.[/b][nextcol][color=transparent]••[/color][nextcol][size=3][font=century]Spectre Loop may be dropped by Spectre Wyvern in the Forbidden Portals venue in the [u][url=]Coliseum[/url][/u].[/columns] [font=century]precious | eye agate [img][/img][img][/img] [img][/img][img][/img] [font=century]striated stone | bloodstone ---------------------------------- [center][font=century][size=6]Bath Fluff[/size][/center] --------------------- [center][columns][item=Burrowing Porcupine][nextcol][size=4][font=century]These bath fluffs are claw-made and perfect to help you keep your scales nice and shiny. The price for each bath fluff is [b]2 Burrowing Porcupine.[/b][nextcol][color=transparent]••[/color][nextcol][size=3][font=century]Burrowing Porcupine may drop from Burrow Bear enemies in the Forgotten Cave venue in the [u][url=]Coliseum[/url][/u].[/columns] [font=century]earth | water [img][/img][img][/img] [img][/img][img][/img] [font=century]cherry blossom | hearthfire ---------------------------------- [center][font=century][size=6]Soap Bars[/size][/center] --------------------- [center][columns][item=Blackberry][nextcol][size=4][font=century]Lovely scented soaps made with only the finest ingredients. While we understand that the scents and colors are alluring, please do not taste test the soaps. The trade for each soap bar is [b]7 Blackberries.[/b][nextcol][color=transparent]••[/color][nextcol][size=3][font=century]Blackberries may be [url=][u]foraged[/u][/url] in Fire, Nature or Shadow.[/columns] [font=century]bubbly | glacier [img][/img][img][/img] [img][/img][img][/img] [font=century]watermelon | galaxy ---------------------------------- [center][font=century][size=6]Lovely Lotion[/size][/center] --------------------- [center][columns][item=Dried Lilium Petals][nextcol][size=4][font=century]Homemade bath lotions that use locally foraged plants as their base ingredient. Each label is handmade, too! The trade for each lotion bottle is [b]10 Dried Lilium Petals.[/b][nextcol][color=transparent]••[/color][nextcol][size=3][font=century]Dried Lilium Petals may be dropped by Lilium Floron enemies in the Blooming Grove venue in the [url=][u]Coliseum[/u][/url].[/columns] [font=century]raspberry | stellaria | jasmine | minty jadevine [img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img] ---------------------------------- [center][font=century][size=6]Soft Swans[/size][/center] --------------------- [center][columns][item=Black Swan][nextcol][size=4][font=century]Soft cuddly towels folded to resemble an elegant swan. Don't ask me how they stay shaped this way, this craft is like magic to me. The trade for each soft swan is [b]2 Black Swans.[/b][nextcol][color=transparent]••[/color][nextcol][size=3][font=century]Black Swans can be found by [url=][u]hunting[/u][/url] in Plague, Wind, Shadow or Arcane.[/columns] [font=century]cream | wavebreaker [img][/img][img][/img] [img][/img][img][/img] [font=century]wild spirit | butterflies ---------------------------------- [center][font=century][size=6]Bath Bombs[/size][/center] --------------------- [center][columns][item=Preserved Petals][nextcol][size=4][font=century]Claw-made bath bombs to use in your, well, bath! Please do not use more than one at once, we learned that the colors are quite... well let's just say that your bathtub will have some lovely colors after using one. The trade for each bath bomb is [b]5 Preserved Petals.[/b][nextcol][color=transparent]••[/color][nextcol][size=3][font=century]Preserved Petals may be dropped by Petalmane Floron enemies in the Blooming Grove venue in the [url=][u]Coliseum[/u][/url].[/columns] [font=century]rainbow mountains | coral reef [img][/img][img][/img] [img][/img][img][/img] [font=century]tsunami | sakura surprise ---------------------------------- [center][font=century][size=6]Deity Duckies[/size][/center] --------------------- [center][columns][item=Purple Sludge][nextcol][size=4][font=century]Here we are. My favorites! Who wouldn't want a rubber duckie based on their deity? The trade for each duckie is [b]1 Purple Sludge.[/b][nextcol][color=transparent]••[/color][nextcol][size=3][font=century]Purple Sludge can be acquired from [url=][u]Baldwin's Bubbling Brew[/u][/url] by reducing any type of item from the Other category.[/columns] [img][/img][img][/img] [img][/img][img][/img] [img][/img][img][/img] [img][/img][img][/img] [img][/img][img][/img] [img][/img]
Let's make a trade!

Below you'll find all trades currently available. These are limited and will retire when the event ends!

Each trade requires a certain type of item. If you do not own the items for the trade, you can also use treasure or gems to acquire the badge instead!

Currency trades are 20g or 20kt.

Scented Candles

Grey Slime A lovely set of scented candles, available in 4 season colored sets. These would look lovely in your den any day of the week, though. The trade for each set is 3 Grey Slime. •• Grey Slime can be acquired from Baldwin's Bubbling Brew by reducing any type of apparel.

winter | spring
summer | autumn

Koi Fish

Spectre Loop Beautifully carved koi fish, fashioned from glass and gemstones. Careful not to drop these, they're quite heavy! The trade for each koi is 3 Spectre Loops. •• Spectre Loop may be dropped by Spectre Wyvern in the Forbidden Portals venue in the Coliseum.

precious | eye agate
striated stone | bloodstone

Bath Fluff

Burrowing Porcupine These bath fluffs are claw-made and perfect to help you keep your scales nice and shiny. The price for each bath fluff is 2 Burrowing Porcupine. •• Burrowing Porcupine may drop from Burrow Bear enemies in the Forgotten Cave venue in the Coliseum.

earth | water
cherry blossom | hearthfire

Soap Bars

Blackberry Lovely scented soaps made with only the finest ingredients. While we understand that the scents and colors are alluring, please do not taste test the soaps. The trade for each soap bar is 7 Blackberries. •• Blackberries may be foraged in Fire, Nature or Shadow.

bubbly | glacier
watermelon | galaxy

Lovely Lotion

Dried Lilium Petals Homemade bath lotions that use locally foraged plants as their base ingredient. Each label is handmade, too! The trade for each lotion bottle is 10 Dried Lilium Petals. •• Dried Lilium Petals may be dropped by Lilium Floron enemies in the Blooming Grove venue in the Coliseum.

raspberry | stellaria | jasmine | minty jadevine

Soft Swans

Black Swan Soft cuddly towels folded to resemble an elegant swan. Don't ask me how they stay shaped this way, this craft is like magic to me. The trade for each soft swan is 2 Black Swans. •• Black Swans can be found by hunting in Plague, Wind, Shadow or Arcane.

cream | wavebreaker
wild spirit | butterflies

Bath Bombs

Preserved Petals Claw-made bath bombs to use in your, well, bath! Please do not use more than one at once, we learned that the colors are quite... well let's just say that your bathtub will have some lovely colors after using one. The trade for each bath bomb is 5 Preserved Petals. •• Preserved Petals may be dropped by Petalmane Floron enemies in the Blooming Grove venue in the Coliseum.

rainbow mountains | coral reef
tsunami | sakura surprise

Deity Duckies

Purple Sludge Here we are. My favorites! Who wouldn't want a rubber duckie based on their deity? The trade for each duckie is 1 Purple Sludge. •• Purple Sludge can be acquired from Baldwin's Bubbling Brew by reducing any type of item from the Other category.

WishlistI am at +9 Flight Rising timeArt shop
That's right, the frying pan is a PALADIN weapon.
[center][img][/img] [size=6][font=century]Credits & Links[/size][/center] [size=4][font=century]@Skritnaja for all art used in this thread as well as brainstorming and general support ♥ [emoji=obelisk love size=2] ------------------------ [size=4][font=century][emoji=earth rune size=1] Please check out Earth's other events! • [url=]Out of Flight raffle[/url] • [url=]Public Buy[/url] • [url=]Art for Fodder[/url] • [url=]Dadly Discoveries[/url] • [url=]Relaxation Runway[/url] • [url=]Thrugzug's Battle BINGO[/url] • [url=]Squads Bath Shop[/url] [emoji=earth rune size=1] Earth only • [url=]In-flight raffle[/url] • [url=]Badge Alley[/url]
Credits & Links

@Skritnaja for all art used in this thread as well as brainstorming and general support ♥

Please check out Earth's other events!
Out of Flight raffle
Public Buy
Art for Fodder
Dadly Discoveries
Relaxation Runway
Thrugzug's Battle BINGO
Squads Bath Shop

Earth only
In-flight raffle
Badge Alley
WishlistI am at +9 Flight Rising timeArt shop
That's right, the frying pan is a PALADIN weapon.
[center][img][/img] [size=6][font=century]Frequently asked questions[/size][/center] [size=4][font=century]To further prevent unnecessary waiting, please see if your question is answered below: Q: [u]May I claim the badge as soon as I sent in the items/payment?[/u] A: Yes, absolutely! Q: [u]Do I have to trade for all badges at once?[/u] A: No. You can trade at your leisure; however, I'd like to ask people to bundle their trades whenever possible. This makes things a lot easier on my end ♥ Q: [u]How do I get my badges?[/u] A: Right-click on the badge that you've traded for and select "Copy Image Link". Then, go to wherever you want to display your shiny new badge and use the Insert Image button (the little tree). [img][/img] [font=century]Paste the image link there and click "Ok" and you're good to go! Your code should look something like this: [code][img]THE IMAGE LINK GOES HERE[/img][/code] [size=4][font=century]Q: [u]How and where do I send my items?[/u] A: PM or Crossroads to me, @Sharkra! Please make sure you have the appropriate amount of items/currency in your hoard when sending a Crossroads. All items & currency will be sent to the Earth Dominance Bank once the event ends.[/size] [center][size=4][font=century]If you have any other questions, please do not hesitate to contact me! [img][/img][/center] -------------
Frequently asked questions

To further prevent unnecessary waiting, please see if your question is answered below:

Q: May I claim the badge as soon as I sent in the items/payment?
A: Yes, absolutely!

Q: Do I have to trade for all badges at once?
A: No. You can trade at your leisure; however, I'd like to ask people to bundle their trades whenever possible. This makes things a lot easier on my end ♥

Q: How do I get my badges?
A: Right-click on the badge that you've traded for and select "Copy Image Link". Then, go to wherever you want to display your shiny new badge and use the Insert Image button (the little tree).
Paste the image link there and click "Ok" and you're good to go!

Your code should look something like this:

Q: How and where do I send my items?
A: PM or Crossroads to me, @Sharkra! Please make sure you have the appropriate amount of items/currency in your hoard when sending a Crossroads. All items & currency will be sent to the Earth Dominance Bank once the event ends.

If you have any other questions, please do not hesitate to contact me!


WishlistI am at +9 Flight Rising timeArt shop
That's right, the frying pan is a PALADIN weapon.
[center][img][/img] [size=4][font=century]hello everyone! the Spa Day Snack Shack is now open! ♥ this event runs from [u]August 1st, 00:30 FRT until August 7th, 23:50 FRT[/u]. during that time you are always welcome to send in your items or currency for the available badges! please note that I run this event alone, so I apologize in advance for any possible delays. I am on a +9 FR timezone and I will do my best to respond as soon as I can. please enjoy and I hope to see you soon! [emoji=seashell size=1][emoji=earth rune size=1][emoji=candle size=1][/center]

hello everyone!

the Spa Day Snack Shack is now open! ♥
this event runs from August 1st, 00:30 FRT until August 7th, 23:50 FRT.
during that time you are always welcome to send in your items or currency for the available badges!

please note that I run this event alone, so I apologize in advance for any possible delays. I am on a +9 FR timezone and I will do my best to respond as soon as I can.

please enjoy and I hope to see you soon!
WishlistI am at +9 Flight Rising timeArt shop
That's right, the frying pan is a PALADIN weapon.
ooh, definitely going to come back for those scented candles [emoji=special eyes size=1] (@Sharkra hope you don't mind the ping but I think you might have made a typo? grey slime are from reducing apparel not familiars)
ooh, definitely going to come back for those scented candles

(@Sharkra hope you don't mind the ping but I think you might have made a typo? grey slime are from reducing apparel not familiars)
goodness, all that proof-reading and yet ;__; thank you, I'll fix that right away!

hope to see you soon! @halcy
goodness, all that proof-reading and yet ;__; thank you, I'll fix that right away!

hope to see you soon! @halcy
WishlistI am at +9 Flight Rising timeArt shop
That's right, the frying pan is a PALADIN weapon.
this has possibilities
this has possibilities
tSKOR3g.png . w.w . pSn2GKM.png
pinging myself… those koi fish
pinging myself… those koi fish
z0d96Tv.png peri, he/him
fr time
the DUCKS !!! sending payment
the DUCKS !!! sending payment