
Art Sales

For commissions and flat-sale of your creative efforts.
TOPIC | Rev's Art Shop [OPEN G/T]
[center][b]Info[/b] | [url=]Examples + Prices[/url] | [url=]Gallery[/url][/center] ----- [center][size=4][b]Open[/b] | Closed[/size][/center] ----- [center][img][/img][/center] [center][size=4][b]Welcome![/b][/size][/center] [center][size=4][b][u]Please ping me; I am not subscribed.[/size][/b][/u][/center] ------ [center][size=4][b]TERMS OF SERVICE[/b][/size][/center] [LIST] [*][b]Payments are sent upfront via PM or CR. Mixed payment is fine.[/b] [*]I will send progress updates via PM after each major stage (sketch, lineart, color). Finished pieces will also be sent via PMs. Major changes requested during sketch and lineart phases are fine; a surcharge will be applied to any major change made during the shading phase/final product. [*][b]Credit me. If the artwork is for a dragon, link back to this thread, to my profile, or with "By Reveurs". Otherwise, please use Vaeniyx or link to my [url=][u]art Tumblr[/u][/url].[/b] [*][b]Do not remove my watermark, repost or edit the image without my explicit permission, or claim the artwork as your own. [*][b]Commissioned artwork is for personal use only.[/b] [*]I will post finished commissions on both my gallery/portfolio and social medias. Please let me know if you would like your piece to be kept private. [*]Clear visual references are preferred. Orders with written descriptions will be taken on a case-by-case basis. [*][b]I reserve the right to refuse a commission for any given reason.[/b] [*][b]Turnarounds will vary.[/b] I am a full-time student, and real life matters are a first priority. Most of my free time is on the weekends, so commissions will be worked on then. You may ask for updates. [*]Refunds will be given if, for some reason, I cannot complete your order. [*]Additional fees will be added if necessary. May be applicable for complex designs and/or backgrounds. Transparent and simple backgrounds are free. [*][b]I do not consent to my art being used for NFTs or for AI training.[/b] [/LIST] ------ [columns] [nextcol][nextcol][color=transparent]        [/color] [nextcol][color=transparent]x[/color] [nextcol][nextcol][b][u]WILL DRAW:[/u][/b] Humans/Humanoids Gijinkas OCs Canines/felines - headshots only for now Fanart Blood Most backgrounds [nextcol][color=transparent]        [/color] [nextcol] [nextcol] [b][u]WON'T DRAW:[/u][/b] Mechas/heavy armor Anthros Anything violating FR TOS [/columns] Please note that I will try my best on complex designs and backgrounds, but I may refuse if I feel I cannot complete the order in a timely manner. ----- [center][size=4][b]ORDER FORM: (PM or post)[/b][/center][/size] [code] @Reveurs [b]Username:[/b] [b]Style:[/b] Flat color, fully rendered. [b]Type:[/b] Headshot, half-body, fullbody. [b]Character Reference(s):[/b] [b]Pose/Expression:[/b] Insert any personality notes & references. [b]Background:[/b] Transparent, solid color, gradient, detailed. [b]Payment Method:[/b] [b]Additional Info:[/b] [/code] ----- [columns] [size=4][b]FRC SLOTS:[/b][/size] 1. [url=]LumeDeus[/url] [Headshot; flat color.] 2. 3. [nextcol] [color=transparent]        [/color] [nextcol] [size=4][b]USD SLOTS:[/b][/size] 1. closed 2. closed 3. closed [/columns] ----- [center][pinglist=19976] [pinglist=20195][/center]

Open | Closed

Please ping me; I am not subscribed.

  • Payments are sent upfront via PM or CR. Mixed payment is fine.
  • I will send progress updates via PM after each major stage (sketch, lineart, color). Finished pieces will also be sent via PMs. Major changes requested during sketch and lineart phases are fine; a surcharge will be applied to any major change made during the shading phase/final product.
  • Credit me. If the artwork is for a dragon, link back to this thread, to my profile, or with "By Reveurs". Otherwise, please use Vaeniyx or link to my art Tumblr.
  • Do not remove my watermark, repost or edit the image without my explicit permission, or claim the artwork as your own.
  • Commissioned artwork is for personal use only.
  • I will post finished commissions on both my gallery/portfolio and social medias. Please let me know if you would like your piece to be kept private.
  • Clear visual references are preferred. Orders with written descriptions will be taken on a case-by-case basis.
  • I reserve the right to refuse a commission for any given reason.
  • Turnarounds will vary. I am a full-time student, and real life matters are a first priority. Most of my free time is on the weekends, so commissions will be worked on then. You may ask for updates.
  • Refunds will be given if, for some reason, I cannot complete your order.
  • Additional fees will be added if necessary. May be applicable for complex designs and/or backgrounds. Transparent and simple backgrounds are free.
  • I do not consent to my art being used for NFTs or for AI training.

         x WILL DRAW:

Canines/felines - headshots only for now
Most backgrounds
         WON'T DRAW:

Mechas/heavy armor
Anything violating FR TOS

Please note that I will try my best on complex designs and backgrounds, but I may refuse if I feel I cannot complete the order in a timely manner.
ORDER FORM: (PM or post)
@Reveurs [b]Username:[/b] [b]Style:[/b] Flat color, fully rendered. [b]Type:[/b] Headshot, half-body, fullbody. [b]Character Reference(s):[/b] [b]Pose/Expression:[/b] Insert any personality notes & references. [b]Background:[/b] Transparent, solid color, gradient, detailed. [b]Payment Method:[/b] [b]Additional Info:[/b]

1. LumeDeus [Headshot; flat color.]
         USD SLOTS:
1. closed
2. closed
3. closed

8MeHksm.png Reveurs
» Coliseum Services

» Moodboards

» Art Shop
[center][url=]Info[/url] | [b]Examples + Prices[/b] | [url=]Gallery[/url] [/center] ----- [center][size=4][b]My treasure:gem ratio is 1:1000.[/b][/size][/center] [center]All prices are subject to change.[/center] [center]USD payments to be made via PayPal.[/center] ----- [size=5][b]Headshots[/b][/size] [LIST] [*]Transparent, solid color, and gradient backgrounds = free. [*]Complex backgrounds = 50% of original price. [*]Additional characters = 100% of original price. [/list] [b]Flat color:[/b] 1kg | 1 mil tr | $15 [b]Full Render:[/b] 2.5kg | 2.5 mil tr | $25 [img][/img] [center][img][/img][/center] [center][img][/img][/center] ----- [size=5][b]Half-Bodies[/b][/size] [List] [*]Transparent, solid color, and gradient backgrounds = free. [*]Complex backgrounds = 50% of original price. [*]Additional characters = 100% of original price. [/list] [b]Flat color:[/b] 3kg | 3 mil tr | $30 [b]Full Render:[/b] 4.5kg | 4.5 mil tr | $45 [img][/img] [img][/img] ----- [size=5][b]Full Bodies[/b][/size] [LIST] [*]Transparent, solid color, and gradient backgrounds = free. [*]Complex backgrounds = 50% of original price. [*]Additional characters = 100% of original price. [/list] [b]Flat color:[/b] 5kg | 5 mil tr | $50 [b]Full Render:[/b] 8kg | 8 mil tr | $80 [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img]
Info | Examples + Prices | Gallery

My treasure:gem ratio is 1:1000.
All prices are subject to change.
USD payments to be made via PayPal.

  • Transparent, solid color, and gradient backgrounds = free.
  • Complex backgrounds = 50% of original price.
  • Additional characters = 100% of original price.

Flat color: 1kg | 1 mil tr | $15
Full Render: 2.5kg | 2.5 mil tr | $25


  • Transparent, solid color, and gradient backgrounds = free.
  • Complex backgrounds = 50% of original price.
  • Additional characters = 100% of original price.

Flat color: 3kg | 3 mil tr | $30
Full Render: 4.5kg | 4.5 mil tr | $45


Full Bodies
  • Transparent, solid color, and gradient backgrounds = free.
  • Complex backgrounds = 50% of original price.
  • Additional characters = 100% of original price.

Flat color: 5kg | 5 mil tr | $50
Full Render: 8kg | 8 mil tr | $80






8MeHksm.png Reveurs
» Coliseum Services

» Moodboards

» Art Shop
[center][url=]Info[/url] | [url=]Examples + Prices[/url] | [b]Gallery[/b] [/center] ----- [center][b]Completed commissions will be posted here. Images can be clicked for full resolution.[/b][/center] [center] ----- [center][url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [/center]
Info | Examples + Prices | Gallery

Completed commissions will be posted here.

Images can be clicked for full resolution.

silvernw-gallery-pic.png kulonei-gallery.png
8MeHksm.png Reveurs
» Coliseum Services

» Moodboards

» Art Shop
8MeHksm.png Reveurs
» Coliseum Services

» Moodboards

» Art Shop
8MeHksm.png Reveurs
» Coliseum Services

» Moodboards

» Art Shop
8MeHksm.png Reveurs
» Coliseum Services

» Moodboards

» Art Shop
8MeHksm.png Reveurs
» Coliseum Services

» Moodboards

» Art Shop
8MeHksm.png Reveurs
» Coliseum Services

» Moodboards

» Art Shop
And we're open!
Opening pinglist: @UnhappyJoker @SilverNW @Radiance
And we're open!
Opening pinglist: @UnhappyJoker @SilverNW @Radiance
8MeHksm.png Reveurs
» Coliseum Services

» Moodboards

» Art Shop
Just checking, you only do human drawings right?
Just checking, you only do human drawings right?