
Art Sales

For commissions and flat-sale of your creative efforts.
TOPIC | +Fillet's Gijinka Art Shop+[closed]
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Slots will only be taken when you have shown me your dragon or OC, and when I've decided that if I'm gonna do the commission or not, so if you wanna do that?

Slots will only be taken when you have shown me your dragon or OC, and when I've decided that if I'm gonna do the commission or not, so if you wanna do that?


optional: just spitballing ideas to help you come up with some/give you a feel for character
I'm really descriptive about my characters so sorry for the long post, and you can click their names to get a link to the dragon with some more ref pictures of them.

If you don't want to follow the optional a you don't have too! I'm just giving more character head cannons

I kinda favour the sketchy type 1 traditional like look tbh if you could maybe do that but half body colour that would be 10x awesome but not necessary!
-She's off Scottish, European descent. (light brown hair, green, silver eyes. Blue dyed streaks in her hair mostly her bangs and some on the sides)
-Nose piercing (it's silver)
-Age: 18, with a slim build average heighr
-Very queen bee vibe, she dislikes others and often puts people beneath her
-magic user, so maybe some sparks or her holding up some wisps of magic
-Regal purple is her color
-Very fashionista and wears all that gucci and ect.
-Light makeup but it's clear because damn she looks good
-optional: she's a fairy princess, maybe some wings and something regal you think she should wear
-optional: her holding a magic book and beginning a chant of some sort
-optional: Think stylish, think like she would walk down the Paris Catwalk, something elegant for her to wear.

-She's off half german descent, with some italian. (dark brown hair, light tanned skin, green-hazel eyes)
-Age: 18 (athletic build, tall)
-very friendly, outgoing and smiling 24/8
-She has bare makeup on, more of an outdoors person
-Wears comfortable clothing, sweaters, though has some sense of style and wears preppy clothes ish
-Optional: tall athletic girl, basketball player maybe her jumping up because she can reach the rim to slam that dunk yo
-Optional: friendly and maybe her with a comfy sweater with a button up underneath
-Optional: part-time teacher, maybe her with a little apron on with a tiny kid asking her for help and she's crouched down and comforting them
-Optional: technically she's a demon so maybe some demonic features and like a glare?

optional: just spitballing ideas to help you come up with some/give you a feel for character
I'm really descriptive about my characters so sorry for the long post, and you can click their names to get a link to the dragon with some more ref pictures of them.

If you don't want to follow the optional a you don't have too! I'm just giving more character head cannons

I kinda favour the sketchy type 1 traditional like look tbh if you could maybe do that but half body colour that would be 10x awesome but not necessary!
-She's off Scottish, European descent. (light brown hair, green, silver eyes. Blue dyed streaks in her hair mostly her bangs and some on the sides)
-Nose piercing (it's silver)
-Age: 18, with a slim build average heighr
-Very queen bee vibe, she dislikes others and often puts people beneath her
-magic user, so maybe some sparks or her holding up some wisps of magic
-Regal purple is her color
-Very fashionista and wears all that gucci and ect.
-Light makeup but it's clear because damn she looks good
-optional: she's a fairy princess, maybe some wings and something regal you think she should wear
-optional: her holding a magic book and beginning a chant of some sort
-optional: Think stylish, think like she would walk down the Paris Catwalk, something elegant for her to wear.

-She's off half german descent, with some italian. (dark brown hair, light tanned skin, green-hazel eyes)
-Age: 18 (athletic build, tall)
-very friendly, outgoing and smiling 24/8
-She has bare makeup on, more of an outdoors person
-Wears comfortable clothing, sweaters, though has some sense of style and wears preppy clothes ish
-Optional: tall athletic girl, basketball player maybe her jumping up because she can reach the rim to slam that dunk yo
-Optional: friendly and maybe her with a comfy sweater with a button up underneath
-Optional: part-time teacher, maybe her with a little apron on with a tiny kid asking her for help and she's crouched down and comforting them
-Optional: technically she's a demon so maybe some demonic features and like a glare?
tumblr_nvkvh4nRhr1u2bprpo1_250.png Art Shop
Sounds interesting, two half body line art is that right?
Sounds interesting, two half body line art is that right?
@MechanicalFillet yep! Two half body line art w/simple shading^^
@MechanicalFillet yep! Two half body line art w/simple shading^^
tumblr_nvkvh4nRhr1u2bprpo1_250.png Art Shop
I sent the refs of my oc via pm.
I sent the refs of my oc via pm.
Closed for the moment.
Let me know if you'd like to be pinged when reopens!
Closed for the moment.
Let me know if you'd like to be pinged when reopens!
@MechanicalFillet Could I have a ping for when you reopen?
@MechanicalFillet Could I have a ping for when you reopen?
36 UM skins/accents for sale or trade
Dragons (G1s and 2nd Gen Imps) after Toothless for sale

zhi tian bian bei tuo gao de wei tuo (

qi shi wo dou wang le |||

zhi tian bian bei tuo gao de wei tuo (

qi shi wo dou wang le |||

Oops I think I accidently typed her name half way and started to type my message. Sorry for the misping >.<

Oops I think I accidently typed her name half way and started to type my message. Sorry for the misping >.<
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