
Art Sales

For commissions and flat-sale of your creative efforts.
TOPIC | The Typing Tues Lore Shop - CLOSED
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@Balaeniceps @HeavenlyAristo @stealthclaw @NotQuiteToxic

Hi, folks! Small update. I should still be able to finish all bios by the end of the week. In the event that I am not done on time, though, please give me a day or two more. For whatever reason, opening shop is like a magnet for bad news every single time, and my mom broke her ankle this week, so I've been helping her out, since she can't do anything she normally does while on crutches.

Big thanks for your patience, and what being of chaos that loves to haunt me whenever I open shop willing, I hope to be done on time despite everything.
@Balaeniceps @HeavenlyAristo @stealthclaw @NotQuiteToxic

Hi, folks! Small update. I should still be able to finish all bios by the end of the week. In the event that I am not done on time, though, please give me a day or two more. For whatever reason, opening shop is like a magnet for bad news every single time, and my mom broke her ankle this week, so I've been helping her out, since she can't do anything she normally does while on crutches.

Big thanks for your patience, and what being of chaos that loves to haunt me whenever I open shop willing, I hope to be done on time despite everything.
tumblr_oswio1jT2U1v8lm95o2_100.gif â– 
she/they -- fr+3
lore shop -- hatchery -- clan lore -- quests
Oh geeze! I hope it is set to heal properly and that this wont hurt her in the long run! Take your time, your family and personal life is very important < 3 I hope she gets better soon!
Oh geeze! I hope it is set to heal properly and that this wont hurt her in the long run! Take your time, your family and personal life is very important < 3 I hope she gets better soon!
kIkbHva.png bsf2fqJ.jpg

Thankfully, it's not the worst break, and she doesn't need surgery because the bone didn't shift much. She's just stuck in a cast and on crutches, which means she can't do stuff around the house, and she can't go back to work until next week. I'm the only kid done with school, so I'm the household help for the time being lol.

Thanks for understanding and for the well wishes. c:

Thankfully, it's not the worst break, and she doesn't need surgery because the bone didn't shift much. She's just stuck in a cast and on crutches, which means she can't do stuff around the house, and she can't go back to work until next week. I'm the only kid done with school, so I'm the household help for the time being lol.

Thanks for understanding and for the well wishes. c:
tumblr_oswio1jT2U1v8lm95o2_100.gif â– 
she/they -- fr+3
lore shop -- hatchery -- clan lore -- quests
no biggy dude! i hope se feels better soon
no biggy dude! i hope se feels better soon
tumblr_ozp7mdeVwC1w8xkufo2_250.png Hatchery | Art Shop | Adopts | Quests| Tarot

Hello, folks! I'm back with more premade bios. As always, click the images to be taken to the full size image for readability!

Premades have sold out, thank you!

@chocoapple @HeavenlyAristo @Catkinstarchild @Aryana @Maegelcarwen


I'll be open for the week of Brightshine (I need lair expansions and SD scrolls while Light has dom lol rip me), so orders will be accepted from now until 6/30 at 15:00 FR time, unlimited slots, two items per slot. Additionally, since it's PRIDE MONTH (WOOOOO!), each bio that is for an LGBT+ dragon receives a 5% discount.

Style A and B orders will receive top priority during this period!

@Rukair @Azlynn @Kawaii @Kiragami @Tytowolf @wildgrapevine @Maike @mummy @Fawnna @Cryptids @greeneyedtengu @StygianForm @NeedToScribble @Tyeth @Giosetta @Mue @Solaleon @stealthclaw @CoweringDeath @chocoapple @LilD @HeavenlyAristo @CatkinStarchild @Aryana @Garbabe @SnailMuffin @KallyPaige @hunterfell @nabal @balthy @Balaeniceps

Hello, folks! I'm back with more premade bios. As always, click the images to be taken to the full size image for readability!

Premades have sold out, thank you!

@chocoapple @HeavenlyAristo @Catkinstarchild @Aryana @Maegelcarwen


I'll be open for the week of Brightshine (I need lair expansions and SD scrolls while Light has dom lol rip me), so orders will be accepted from now until 6/30 at 15:00 FR time, unlimited slots, two items per slot. Additionally, since it's PRIDE MONTH (WOOOOO!), each bio that is for an LGBT+ dragon receives a 5% discount.

Style A and B orders will receive top priority during this period!

@Rukair @Azlynn @Kawaii @Kiragami @Tytowolf @wildgrapevine @Maike @mummy @Fawnna @Cryptids @greeneyedtengu @StygianForm @NeedToScribble @Tyeth @Giosetta @Mue @Solaleon @stealthclaw @CoweringDeath @chocoapple @LilD @HeavenlyAristo @CatkinStarchild @Aryana @Garbabe @SnailMuffin @KallyPaige @hunterfell @nabal @balthy @Balaeniceps
tumblr_oswio1jT2U1v8lm95o2_100.gif â– 
she/they -- fr+3
lore shop -- hatchery -- clan lore -- quests
I'll have to visit and order later on monday :)
I'll have to visit and order later on monday :)
kIkbHva.png bsf2fqJ.jpg
Username and ID: Azlynn, 32779

Style(s) and Number of Each: 1 F, 1 A

Dragons Being Written For: F - any that catch your eye, A - Arachne

Ideas?: for Arachne, obviously she's spider-inspired, so i was thinking she's sometimes more spider than dragon...known for her tricky wordplay in order to trick you into something and creepy arachnid pets and familiars. kind of like a trickster, sneaky figure.

"Must Be Included" Details: n/a

Total Cost: 35kt
Username and ID: Azlynn, 32779

Style(s) and Number of Each: 1 F, 1 A

Dragons Being Written For: F - any that catch your eye, A - Arachne

Ideas?: for Arachne, obviously she's spider-inspired, so i was thinking she's sometimes more spider than dragon...known for her tricky wordplay in order to trick you into something and creepy arachnid pets and familiars. kind of like a trickster, sneaky figure.

"Must Be Included" Details: n/a

Total Cost: 35kt
O OF you know im about to order more lore. Username and ID: HeavenlyAristo Style(s) and Number of Each: 2 Bs+coding for the two Dragons Being Written For:[url=] [img][/img] [/url] Ideas?: Shes not a permanent resident for the coven, or so she likes to think. She passes through quite often to get suppiles and trade. Also to see Talia. "Must Be Included" Details: Shes one of my many Lesbian dragons be c a use whoops i love my gays. Shes very comfortable with it and has a cute little girlfriend! (Talia, a dragon i got from you actually) Shes a tarot card reader, reading fortunes for the coven and providing other small services like herbal healing and minor spells (to ease them into sleep and such). This is more of a smaller detail but shes partly blind? Its more just a thing that her eyes are a little cloudy and have specs in them. ||| Dragon:[url=] [img][/img] [/url] Ideas: So this will require a lot of bending of the original lore. Since its not a horse and its not really scottland. So i think he would mainly roam the area between the 1000 currents and the tangled woods. He would also likely be nocturnal, making his pale skin glow in the dark. His voice is inviting, almost hypnotizing to pull in others. Must be included: Hes a kelpie, though less horsey more dragon. On land he appears to be pure white, clean, has an aura that makes other dragons (or familiars) want to get closer and touch him. HOwever he will then try to drag them down into the depths. In water he becomes gross, his scales turn dark and his eyes are empty looking. Total Cost: S O im not really good with percents but i know its around 60kt?? i think
O OF you know im about to order more lore.

Username and ID: HeavenlyAristo

Style(s) and Number of Each: 2 Bs+coding for the two

Dragons Being Written For:

Ideas?: Shes not a permanent resident for the coven, or so she likes to think. She passes through quite often to get suppiles and trade. Also to see Talia.

"Must Be Included" Details: Shes one of my many Lesbian dragons be c a use whoops i love my gays. Shes very comfortable with it and has a cute little girlfriend! (Talia, a dragon i got from you actually)

Shes a tarot card reader, reading fortunes for the coven and providing other small services like herbal healing and minor spells (to ease them into sleep and such).

This is more of a smaller detail but shes partly blind? Its more just a thing that her eyes are a little cloudy and have specs in them.



Ideas: So this will require a lot of bending of the original lore. Since its not a horse and its not really scottland. So i think he would mainly roam the area between the 1000 currents and the tangled woods.

He would also likely be nocturnal, making his pale skin glow in the dark.

His voice is inviting, almost hypnotizing to pull in others.

Must be included: Hes a kelpie, though less horsey more dragon. On land he appears to be pure white, clean, has an aura that makes other dragons (or familiars) want to get closer and touch him. HOwever he will then try to drag them down into the depths. In water he becomes gross, his scales turn dark and his eyes are empty looking.

Total Cost: S O im not really good with percents but i know its around 60kt?? i think
tumblr_ozp7mdeVwC1w8xkufo2_250.png Hatchery | Art Shop | Adopts | Quests| Tarot
Hi Tues! :D Can I please buy the Glassblower and the Herbalist premade lore pieces?
Hi Tues! :D Can I please buy the Glassblower and the Herbalist premade lore pieces?
@Tues can I please buy the Warlord lore? :D
@Tues can I please buy the Warlord lore? :D
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