
Art Sales

For commissions and flat-sale of your creative efforts.
TOPIC | Art shop! Anything You Want! [CLOSED]
2 more slots before I close shop again!!
2 more slots before I close shop again!!
@AmataLenna Ah, I just found this one!! I do have so much interest in your art but I am saving my treasure for genes... heavy breathing and another bump
@AmataLenna Ah, I just found this one!! I do have so much interest in your art but I am saving my treasure for genes... heavy breathing and another bump
male | 21
most normal of all time

Ahh!! Hello again~!!! :D Thank you so much for the interest omg >//<

Ahh!! Hello again~!!! :D Thank you so much for the interest omg >//<
Ahhh I would love to get a headshot! Can I send message with the OC? ;0;
Ahhh I would love to get a headshot! Can I send message with the OC? ;0;

Ah! yes of course, Darling! :D

Ah! yes of course, Darling! :D
[quote name="AmataLenna" date=2016-01-07 10:24:46] @UnbridledPassion ah! Thank you~ I will try my best with these lovely fellas :3 [/quote] I look forward to seeing your artwork! If u find the apparel is too much, please let me know. Here's some info on their characters... 1: Oiseau is a goofball! His birds are always with him as they help him with certain things like his clumsiness, or if he gets lost. Here's a blurb I wrote to try to bribe a different shows Oiseau in all his glorious goofy characterisms. Allow me to introduce....... *drumroll commences* OISEAU Oiseau? That's your cue Oiseau! Oiseau!!! Get yer butt out her to meet this wonderfully talented artist! *With the grace of a Snapper in a china shop, in flies the wonderful, amazi.....* PLOP [url=] [img][/img] [/url] *shaking my head....* the amazing Oiseau. Oiseau smiles his trademarked goofy grin and approaches you. You can't help but notice the 4 birds flying around Oiseaus head. He stops a few feet from you and starts to bow his head as a show of respect.....The birds bow slightly, more of a head tilt, before flapping their wings to quickly rise the higher above Oiseau....very peculiar.......hmmmm? Oiseau bows (as you'll see, nothing with Oiseau comes out right) he bows a little too much ending up hitting his head on the ground, his butt flies up and over, kinda like a summersault (tho much less graceful) with enough force to almost do another full summersault, finally landing square on his bum, legs sprawled out.... His birds drifting to their positions, squawking noisily... Ohhhh Oiseau! Sheepishly, Oiseau looks up at you with his silly grin and says...." Um excuse me! Might I have a moment of your time?" You, like many others, cannot resist the goofy looking fella, and allow him to say what he came to say. Blah blah blah........ Handing the microphone back to Oiseau Oiseau gives his feathers a shake, sparkling bits flying every which way as he preens himself. His long legs wobble just a bit as he steadies himself. "Off we go" he says to his birds. He tilts his head towards you, nodding, and smiling... Thank you for your time and consideration, Whooooooshhhh his powerful wings flap and flap, Oiseaus balance isn't the greatest as observed by his body swaying side to side as his lifts off the ground..... Gathering momentum Oiseau turns back towards you, with a nod and a wave he talks off. OISEAU!!!! You cry!!!!! But he doesn't hear you. Oiseau smacks into a nearby tree, rolling as he tumbles down the length of the tree, landing on his bottom...again.....with the same goofy grin......again... Farewell new friend, he cries.... His flock of birds gather around to stabilize him as he heads off again. Buh bye! ---------- Hope y'all liked the story :-))) @amatalenna Jazz and Spud don't have as developed characterisms.... The only things I can say are... Spud would be an older worker type dragon, he's an earth rep so he loves and cherishes the earth. He works in fields of mud and rock, chipping through the earth to find the gems given by the earth. Jazz would be a youngish dragon, like equivalent to a human in their early 20s. Hope that helps!
AmataLenna wrote on 2016-01-07:

ah! Thank you~ I will try my best with these lovely fellas :3

I look forward to seeing your artwork!
If u find the apparel is too much, please let me know.

Here's some info on their characters...

1: Oiseau is a goofball! His birds are always with him as they help him with certain things like his clumsiness, or if he gets lost. Here's a blurb I wrote to try to bribe a different shows Oiseau in all his glorious goofy characterisms.

Allow me to introduce.......

*drumroll commences*


That's your cue Oiseau!


Get yer butt out her to meet this wonderfully talented artist!

*With the grace of a Snapper in a china shop, in flies the wonderful, amazi.....*



*shaking my head....* the amazing Oiseau.

Oiseau smiles his trademarked goofy grin and approaches you. You can't help but notice the 4 birds flying around Oiseaus head. He stops a few feet from you and starts to bow his head as a show of respect.....The birds bow slightly, more of a head tilt, before flapping their wings to quickly rise the higher above Oiseau....very peculiar.......hmmmm? Oiseau bows (as you'll see, nothing with Oiseau comes out right) he bows a little too much ending up hitting his head on the ground, his butt flies up and over, kinda like a summersault (tho much less graceful) with enough force to almost do another full summersault, finally landing square on his bum, legs sprawled out.... His birds drifting to their positions, squawking noisily... Ohhhh Oiseau!

Sheepishly, Oiseau looks up at you with his silly grin and says...." Um excuse me! Might I have a moment of your time?"
You, like many others, cannot resist the goofy looking fella, and allow him to say what he came to say.

Blah blah blah........

Handing the microphone back to Oiseau

Oiseau gives his feathers a shake, sparkling bits flying every which way as he preens himself. His long legs wobble just a bit as he steadies himself. "Off we go" he says to his birds. He tilts his head towards you, nodding, and smiling... Thank you for your time and consideration,

Whooooooshhhh his powerful wings flap and flap, Oiseaus balance isn't the greatest as observed by his body swaying side to side as his lifts off the ground..... Gathering momentum Oiseau turns back towards you, with a nod and a wave he talks off.

OISEAU!!!! You cry!!!!! But he doesn't hear you. Oiseau smacks into a nearby tree, rolling as he tumbles down the length of the tree, landing on his bottom...again.....with the same goofy grin......again...

Farewell new friend, he cries.... His flock of birds gather around to stabilize him as he heads off again.

Buh bye!

Hope y'all liked the story :-)))

Jazz and Spud don't have as developed characterisms.... The only things I can say are... Spud would be an older worker type dragon, he's an earth rep so he loves and cherishes the earth. He works in fields of mud and rock, chipping through the earth to find the gems given by the earth.

Jazz would be a youngish dragon, like equivalent to a human in their early 20s.

Hope that helps!
My Wishlist < click or click >ART wanted!!!!
@AmataLenna Hello there! I'm not sure if your slots are still open, but if that's the case, do you think I could claim the last one for a couples' fullbody, if you do those? (And out of curiosity, when do you think you'd have the art finished by?)
@AmataLenna Hello there! I'm not sure if your slots are still open, but if that's the case, do you think I could claim the last one for a couples' fullbody, if you do those? (And out of curiosity, when do you think you'd have the art finished by?)

I can take one more yes ^^ It will take a couple days as I have several requests to complete right now, but If you need it done quickly Just let me know :)

I can take one more yes ^^ It will take a couple days as I have several requests to complete right now, but If you need it done quickly Just let me know :)
I JUST NEED TO GET MONEY..................
I JUST NEED TO GET MONEY..................