
Art Sales

For commissions and flat-sale of your creative efforts.
TOPIC | Laundered Karma [ Closed ]
1 2 ... 53 54 55 56 57 ... 60 61
** I'm trying something new for this round of commissions.
I'll be opening for offers for two days,
after which I'll accept only those I am interested in.

- Ping me and post the form with your information.
You have until 4/12 @ rollover, when I will close slots.
- This is not first come, first serve this round. I am trying to accommodate all timezones and seeing if this works out better. :)
- Once I have confirmed that I accept your order, please send the payment.

Thank you!

I am currently OPEN and accepting offers.

@focusrival @orasteele @mikareep @MissAmilee @kawakamis @Keytone @Vesperos @outburst @Anjoulas @AlaskanWyre @Samayl @wifiiii @arisingprophet @FaerieIshee @Tempestuous @nemodave @Aiira @LaughingZuru @RaisingCain @Jazz @BlackWinter @cyrallia @nemodave @Crane @Scybilla @Scoropie @Bluejey @Trippfaerie @Ilysia @Fensalir @EmmaFrost @battledog @Starshining @dragonfly @Gilan @Sootsprite @Dain @RivetConri @Fervanus @Kazuko @Sacnite @Solarin @Enoch @Nadil @DigitalElf @kuroshitsuji @Bob @Liesmith @ToasterOven @ElphabaThropp @Merkur @ashenhartkrie @wildewinged @Tarere @Larae @decadent @lackingsanity @bonevine @psiioniic @PandragonsBox @Meledor @deulirium @IschemicTies @AsteriaDusk @Moonbow @Whirlwind678
** I'm trying something new for this round of commissions.
I'll be opening for offers for two days,
after which I'll accept only those I am interested in.

- Ping me and post the form with your information.
You have until 4/12 @ rollover, when I will close slots.
- This is not first come, first serve this round. I am trying to accommodate all timezones and seeing if this works out better. :)
- Once I have confirmed that I accept your order, please send the payment.

Thank you!

I am currently OPEN and accepting offers.

@focusrival @orasteele @mikareep @MissAmilee @kawakamis @Keytone @Vesperos @outburst @Anjoulas @AlaskanWyre @Samayl @wifiiii @arisingprophet @FaerieIshee @Tempestuous @nemodave @Aiira @LaughingZuru @RaisingCain @Jazz @BlackWinter @cyrallia @nemodave @Crane @Scybilla @Scoropie @Bluejey @Trippfaerie @Ilysia @Fensalir @EmmaFrost @battledog @Starshining @dragonfly @Gilan @Sootsprite @Dain @RivetConri @Fervanus @Kazuko @Sacnite @Solarin @Enoch @Nadil @DigitalElf @kuroshitsuji @Bob @Liesmith @ToasterOven @ElphabaThropp @Merkur @ashenhartkrie @wildewinged @Tarere @Larae @decadent @lackingsanity @bonevine @psiioniic @PandragonsBox @Meledor @deulirium @IschemicTies @AsteriaDusk @Moonbow @Whirlwind678
@Redletter [ Package Type ]: Fancy [ Payment Type ]: Gems [ Sweet Deets ]: [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Perfumer who slips poisons into his perfumes to assassinte people. Rather flamboyant - does everything with a flourish. Arrogant. Charistmatic. [ Must Has ]: Earings, Fillet, Vest, scarf [ Expression ]: Playfully arrogant (Sorta smirking)

[ Package Type ]: Fancy
[ Payment Type ]: Gems
[ Sweet Deets ]:

Perfumer who slips poisons into his perfumes to assassinte people. Rather flamboyant - does everything with a flourish. Arrogant. Charistmatic.
[ Must Has ]: Earings, Fillet, Vest, scarf
[ Expression ]: Playfully arrogant (Sorta smirking)
Between the idea
And the reality
Between the motion
And the act
Falls the Shadow
@Redletter GRABBING A SPOT! [ Package Type ]: Fancy [ Payment Type ]: USD [ Sweet Deets ]: [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [img][/img] Reykjala is the matriarch of my clan. Her mother was a traitor to the clan and raised Reykjala very harshly; she was kept muzzled as a hatchling and well into her adolescence. She eventually helped overthrow her mother and now leads the clan peacefully. She wears the scars on her face proudly as a testament to the adversity she came through. She is a fair and honorable leader, if a little quiet and guarded in personality. Generally, though, she is serene and approachable, though her steel shows when the clan is tested. [ Must Has ]: The only must is the scars on her face. [ Expression ]: She's proud but not arrogant, self-sacrificing when it comes to the clan. I'd love to see her quiet mettle showing through in her expression. [br] ------------------------------- If it's possible to grab two slots, I'd also love a fancy of this girl, also USD. [ Package Type ]: Fancy [ Payment Type ]: USD [ Sweet Deets ]: [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [img][/img] Eir is the clan's Quartermaster and commander of the training grounds. She's surly and coarse, never without her pipe and has an immense vocabulary of curse words. She's been through countless battles and next to nothing phases her anymore. [ Must Has ]: Her pipe! [ Expression ]: I'd be disconcerted to see her look anything but grump AF.

[ Package Type ]: Fancy
[ Payment Type ]: USD
[ Sweet Deets ]:



Reykjala is the matriarch of my clan. Her mother was a traitor to the clan and raised Reykjala very harshly; she was kept muzzled as a hatchling and well into her adolescence. She eventually helped overthrow her mother and now leads the clan peacefully. She wears the scars on her face proudly as a testament to the adversity she came through. She is a fair and honorable leader, if a little quiet and guarded in personality. Generally, though, she is serene and approachable, though her steel shows when the clan is tested.

[ Must Has ]: The only must is the scars on her face.

[ Expression ]: She's proud but not arrogant, self-sacrificing when it comes to the clan. I'd love to see her quiet mettle showing through in her expression.

If it's possible to grab two slots, I'd also love a fancy of this girl, also USD.

[ Package Type ]: Fancy
[ Payment Type ]: USD
[ Sweet Deets ]:



Eir is the clan's Quartermaster and commander of the training grounds. She's surly and coarse, never without her pipe and has an immense vocabulary of curse words. She's been through countless battles and next to nothing phases her anymore.

[ Must Has ]: Her pipe!

[ Expression ]: I'd be disconcerted to see her look anything but grump AF.

Wardens of the Everwinter Coast
@Redletter -dragging myself in. i can't stop myself. (feel free to just skip me altogether if you're trying to leave this round to people who [i]haven't[/i] been able to grab a spot bc i've grabbed a spot the past however many times omg.) [ Package Type ]: luxe. [ Payment Type ]: mixed. [ Sweet Deets ]: this one's my vampire child. she's creepy and stuck in angsty rebellious teen phase. she was based off of marceline from adventure time, but i don't want her to end up looking [i]exactly[/i] like her. so any added creepiness would be cool, i want her more scary vampire than the cartoony from the show if that makes sense. i don't mind similarities at all, tho ~ [url=] [img][/img] [/url] she's the princess of the unseely court, so kind of the polar opposite to elysia you drew last time. aand here's just a little snippet of her personality i have posted in her bio. lonely. angsty. reckless. manipulative. brave. never quite grew out of the rebellious teenage phase. thinks the world is against her. disregards 'right' and 'wrong'. collects bones like they're the most precious of items. will bite you. will also write a song about how much she hates you. [ Must Has ]: nop. possibly a guitar axe, but that isn't necessary if it's too much effort. bones and bats are kind of her thing, as well. [ NOPE ]: leave out the bone crown this time around. she refuses to wear anything she's 'supposed' to. [ Expression ]: angsty, kinda pouty face is cool. or full on vamp face, like she's gonna bite.
-dragging myself in.
i can't stop myself. (feel free to just skip me altogether if you're trying to leave this round to people who haven't been able to grab a spot bc i've grabbed a spot the past however many times omg.)

[ Package Type ]: luxe.
[ Payment Type ]: mixed.
[ Sweet Deets ]: this one's my vampire child. she's creepy and stuck in angsty rebellious teen phase. she was based off of marceline from adventure time, but i don't want her to end up looking exactly like her. so any added creepiness would be cool, i want her more scary vampire than the cartoony from the show if that makes sense. i don't mind similarities at all, tho ~


she's the princess of the unseely court, so kind of the polar opposite to elysia you drew last time. aand here's just a little snippet of her personality i have posted in her bio.
lonely. angsty. reckless. manipulative. brave. never quite grew out of the rebellious teenage phase. thinks the world is against her. disregards 'right' and 'wrong'. collects bones like they're the most precious of items. will bite you. will also write a song about how much she hates you.
[ Must Has ]: nop. possibly a guitar axe, but that isn't necessary if it's too much effort. bones and bats are kind of her thing, as well.
[ NOPE ]: leave out the bone crown this time around. she refuses to wear anything she's 'supposed' to.
[ Expression ]: angsty, kinda pouty face is cool. or full on vamp face, like she's gonna bite.
@Redletter [ Package Type ]: Derp Maximus [ Payment Type ]: Treasure [ Sweet Deets ]: [url=] [img][/img][/url], you may go crazy :D [ Must Has ]: Eh, If you can draw it knock yourself out! [ NOPE ]: Nupe. [ Expression ]: Charming

[ Package Type ]: Derp Maximus
[ Payment Type ]: Treasure
[ Sweet Deets ]:
, you may go crazy :D
[ Must Has ]: Eh, If you can draw it knock yourself out!
[ NOPE ]: Nupe.
[ Expression ]: Charming
@RedLetter [ Package Type ]: Fancy [ Payment Type ]: treasure [ Sweet Deets ]: [url=] [img][/img] [/url] No gijinka design yet- so go wild! Personality: Organdy runs a trading post/black market. As expected, he is a skilled haggler and almost always comes out on the better end of any exchange. Slightly distant and very precise. [ Must Has ]: none! [ NOPE ]: also none! [ Expression ]: Serious, or slightly scheme-y
[ Package Type ]: Fancy
[ Payment Type ]: treasure
[ Sweet Deets ]:


No gijinka design yet- so go wild! Personality: Organdy runs a trading post/black market. As expected, he is a skilled haggler and almost always comes out on the better end of any exchange. Slightly distant and very precise.
[ Must Has ]: none!
[ NOPE ]: also none!
[ Expression ]: Serious, or slightly scheme-y
@RedLetter [ Package Type ]: Fancy [ Payment Type ]: Treasure [ Sweet Deets ]: Ok so this dragon isn't from FR I hope thats ok! This is Valora and she is an Ice Princess! These two pictures are here with her crown and w/o [img][/img][img][/img] Summary is she is an Ice Princess, she is very calm and serene. She is soft in demeanor, very kind and quiet. She speaks very formally. Her face is often blank, portraying her beauty and her coldness. The coldness of her body does not equate to her heart, but it does make for a good show. And it is good for intimidating people. I described her appearance as this in her bio "Light, long, blue-white hair, eternally cold, yet soft, wrapped around horns protruding from her forehead. Her skin hard as rock and cold as ice. Eyes light as snow, almost white. Her wings float behind her, conected to her not by blood or bone, but by magic and energy. She wears long dresses in shades of blue, but is often barefoot." [ Must Has ]: She absolutely needs her ice wings, horns and ice crown. [ Expression ]: [s]Smiley. Scowly. Arrogant. Derp. Jerk. [/s]Soh pretteh or her intimidation face if you'd like to try that ^^

[ Package Type ]: Fancy
[ Payment Type ]: Treasure
[ Sweet Deets ]: Ok so this dragon isn't from FR I hope thats ok! This is Valora and she is an Ice Princess! These two pictures are here with her crown and w/o

Summary is she is an Ice Princess, she is very calm and serene. She is soft in demeanor, very kind and quiet. She speaks very formally. Her face is often blank, portraying her beauty and her coldness. The coldness of her body does not equate to her heart, but it does make for a good show. And it is good for intimidating people.
I described her appearance as this in her bio "Light, long, blue-white hair, eternally cold, yet soft, wrapped around horns protruding from her forehead. Her skin hard as rock and cold as ice. Eyes light as snow, almost white. Her wings float behind her, conected to her not by blood or bone, but by magic and energy. She wears long dresses in shades of blue, but is often barefoot."

[ Must Has ]: She absolutely needs her ice wings, horns and ice crown.
[ Expression ]: Smiley. Scowly. Arrogant. Derp. Jerk. Soh pretteh or her intimidation face if you'd like to try that ^^
@Redletter (YAY MY TIMEZONE xD) Hello again owo [b][ Package Type ]:[/b] Fancy Portrait [b][ Payment Type ]:[/b] Gems [b][ Sweet Deets ]: [/b] I'm still trying to figure out his final apparel so the current situation is a slight mess, sorry OTL [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Alright. So... as usual I was too lazy to figure out a design myself (and I kinda suck at drawing a bit sometimes heh) but I have a pretty good head canon for him that I'd absolutely love you to draw, should you be interested in him. The hair (most important part of every character of mine xD) is a bit like [url=]this[/url] Maybe a tad longer, but in these locks and black. He's a pretty boy (with identical crisis xD) who attracts attention. As a professional (ye sure) Necromancer he's wearing traditional black robes with some red markings probably (maybe a bit like [url=]Skyrim[/url]. Just fancied up and some red in it, like the hood or so). Some jewelry of course because he's way too vain for his job and a confident smirk (while skeletal chaos ensues behind him. He's really not a good necromancer but he tries...). There's a little bit more written in his bio but mostly how he attracts another dragon's attention and how he's totally believing he' a fae and nearly broke someone's back because of it... (also tons of dancing skeletons). [b][ Must Has ]:[/b] probably the hood and some of that sweet jewelry (tho the hood can be partly on so you can see the pretty floof of hair or maybe it's extremely wide.) [b][ NOPE ]:[/b] The bone crown, it's currently just a place-holder for something better i dunno yet [b][ Expression ]:[/b] confident, smirking while knowing in the background there's Armageddon going down or smth xD [b][/b]

Hello again owo

[ Package Type ]: Fancy Portrait
[ Payment Type ]: Gems
[ Sweet Deets ]: I'm still trying to figure out his final apparel so the current situation is a slight mess, sorry OTL


Alright. So... as usual I was too lazy to figure out a design myself (and I kinda suck at drawing a bit sometimes heh) but I have a pretty good head canon for him that I'd absolutely love you to draw, should you be interested in him.

The hair (most important part of every character of mine xD) is a bit like this Maybe a tad longer, but in these locks and black. He's a pretty boy (with identical crisis xD) who attracts attention. As a professional (ye sure) Necromancer he's wearing
traditional black robes with some red markings probably (maybe a bit like Skyrim. Just fancied up and some red in it, like the hood or so). Some jewelry of course because he's way too vain for his job and a confident smirk (while skeletal chaos ensues behind him. He's really not a good necromancer but he tries...).
There's a little bit more written in his bio but mostly how he attracts another dragon's attention and how he's totally believing he' a fae and nearly broke someone's back because of it... (also tons of dancing skeletons).

[ Must Has ]: probably the hood and some of that sweet jewelry (tho the hood can be partly on so you can see the pretty floof of hair or maybe it's extremely wide.)
[ NOPE ]: The bone crown, it's currently just a place-holder for something better i dunno yet
[ Expression ]: confident, smirking while knowing in the background there's Armageddon going down or smth xD
@Redletter Omg I tried so hard to stay away;;; but I just can't, I need yer art once more;; [ [b]Package Type[/b] ]: Fancy smacy Portrait [ [b]Payment Type[/b] ]: Gems! [s]And maybe a gen1 bribe if yer into that? uvu BECAUSE I WANT THE ONES IN THE BACK OF MY LAIR O.U.T OUT![/s] [ [b]Sweet Deets[/b] ]: [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Just like with Khem, you can just go wild on Apo. I have like no refs for him. The only thing I'd like to see is for him to be wearing a dragon's skull. yeh. He has things in his bio page if you wanna listen or read about him<3 [ [b]Must Has[/b] ]: EVERYTHING, yup. Everything that you can fit into the portrait<3 [ [b]NOPE[/b] ]: Nop [ [b]Expression[/b] ]: He is grump, so he must be grump.
Omg I tried so hard to stay away;;; but I just can't, I need yer art once more;;

[ Package Type ]:
Fancy smacy Portrait

[ Payment Type ]:
Gems! And maybe a gen1 bribe if yer into that? uvu BECAUSE I WANT THE ONES IN THE BACK OF MY LAIR O.U.T OUT!

[ Sweet Deets ]:


Just like with Khem, you can just go wild on Apo. I have like no refs for him. The only thing I'd like to see is for him to be wearing a dragon's skull. yeh.
He has things in his bio page if you wanna listen or read about him<3

[ Must Has ]: EVERYTHING, yup. Everything that you can fit into the portrait<3

[ NOPE ]: Nop

[ Expression ]: He is grump, so he must be grump.

@redletter *vibrates* i'm in PST/GMT-8 so i don't ever see ur slots open up until they're all closed. im excite. [ Package Type ]: Fancy, but there's an additional WC scroll in it for you if you want to upgrade to full body [ Payment Type ]: Gems [ Sweet Deets ]: Not a dragon, but I was wondering if you'd be willing to do some art of my Starbound character, a Florian named Tsurora. [img][/img] You can learn about her personality [url=]here[/url], and get a better look at the armour she's wearing [url=]here [/url]and [url=]here[/url], and [url=]this [/url]is what she looks like without her armour. Obviously because her sprite is so small there's not a lot of detail, so you pretty much get free reign so long as you stick to her general aesthetic! [ Must Has ]: Everything seen in the image above, anything else is optional. [ NOPE ]: Go wild [ Expression ]: Up to you!
@redletter *vibrates* i'm in PST/GMT-8 so i don't ever see ur slots open up until they're all closed. im excite.

[ Package Type ]: Fancy, but there's an additional WC scroll in it for you if you want to upgrade to full body
[ Payment Type ]: Gems
[ Sweet Deets ]: Not a dragon, but I was wondering if you'd be willing to do some art of my Starbound character, a Florian named Tsurora.
You can learn about her personality here, and get a better look at the armour she's wearing here and here, and this is what she looks like without her armour. Obviously because her sprite is so small there's not a lot of detail, so you pretty much get free reign so long as you stick to her general aesthetic!
[ Must Has ]: Everything seen in the image above, anything else is optional.
[ NOPE ]: Go wild
[ Expression ]: Up to you!
They/Them pronouns
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