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TOPIC | Undertide Gene Expansion
[center][permalink][img alt="A Pistachio Green and Grey Undertide with a pink face curls on the right of the image. It has the gentle gradient streaks of the Varnish gene, and has the Blossom gene as well, which covers it in small pink and light aqua flowers. Seashells and sand are in the background. The overlaid text reads Undertide Gene Expansion, New Genes, Parchments, and Marketplace Adjustments! "][/img][/permalink][/center] Undertide dragons get a new coat of paint in [permalink][b]today's update [/b][/permalink] [more] ------------------------ [size=5][b]Undertide Parallel Genes[/b][/size] [emoji=undertide star size=1] 58 Additional genes are now available on for [url=]Undertide dragons[/url]! A gene catalogue of all available Undertide genes [url=]has been added to the encyclopedia.[/url] [center] [item=primary undertide gene: Chrysocolla] [item=secondary undertide gene: malachite][item=primary undertide gene: Clown] [item=secondary undertide gene: eye spots] [item=primary undertide gene: Fern] [item=secondary undertide gene: Paisley][item=primary undertide gene: Flaunt] [item=secondary undertide gene: Flair] [item=primary undertide gene: Ground] [item=secondary undertide gene: Fissure][item=primary undertide gene: Harlequin] [item=secondary undertide gene: Jester] [item=primary undertide gene: Jaguar] [item=secondary undertide gene: Rosette][item=primary undertide gene: Jupiter] [item=secondary undertide gene: Saturn] [item=primary undertide gene: Metallic] [item=secondary undertide gene: Alloy][item=primary undertide gene: Orb] [item=secondary undertide gene: Weaver] [item=primary undertide gene: Petals] [item=secondary undertide gene: Butterfly][item=primary undertide gene: Piebald] [item=secondary undertide gene: Paint] [item=primary undertide gene: Starmap] [item=secondary undertide gene: Constellation][item=primary undertide gene: Stitched] [item=secondary undertide gene: Patchwork] [item=primary undertide gene: Tapir] [item=secondary undertide gene: Striation][item=primary undertide gene: Tiger] [item=secondary undertide gene: Stripes] [item=primary undertide gene: Varnish] [item=secondary undertide gene: Lacquer][item=primary undertide gene: Wrought] [item=secondary undertide gene: Spire] [item=tertiary undertide gene: Angler][item=tertiary undertide gene: Blossom][item=tertiary undertide gene: Branches][item=tertiary undertide gene: Contour][item=tertiary undertide gene: Crest][item=tertiary undertide gene: Fans][item=tertiary undertide gene: Firebreather][item=tertiary undertide gene: Firefly][item=tertiary undertide gene: Keel][item=tertiary undertide gene: Koi][item=tertiary undertide gene: Medusa][item=tertiary undertide gene: Opal][item=tertiary undertide gene: Porcupine][item=tertiary undertide gene: Scales][item=tertiary undertide gene: Shark][item=tertiary undertide gene: Smirch][item=tertiary undertide gene: Smoke][item=tertiary undertide gene: Spines][item=tertiary undertide gene: Stinger][item=tertiary undertide gene: Thorns][item=tertiary undertide gene: Topcoat] [/center] [size=5][b]Undertide [s]Parallel [/s]Genes[/b][/size] [emoji=undertide sad size=1] ...and this guy. [center] [item=tertiary undertide gene: Jellyfish][/center] [info]If you encounter any errors in the [b]Undertide[/b] genes released in today's update, please [b][url=]report them in this thread[/url][/b] and we will address them in a timely manner. This thread is the genes from this expansion only. Both consistency and technical errors may be reported. This thread will close April 7, 2024.[/info] ------------------------- [b][size=5]Gene Art Error Updates:[/size][/b] All reported errors in the previously available gene error threads have been brought up-to-date with corrections for reported issues and closed out [url=]in preparation for universal modern and ancient technical gene error threads, and future new-release focus threads. [/url] [b]Corrected Gene Error Threads 2023:[/b] [LIST] [*]The gene error thread for [url=][b]Confirmed Gene Errors (universal) 2023[/b][/url] has been corrected and brought completely up-to-date. This thread has been closed out. [*]The gene error thread for [url=][b]Aberration Errors[/b][/url] has been corrected and brought completely up-to-date. This thread has been closed out. [*]The gene error thread for [url=][b]Auraboa Errors[/b][/url] has been corrected and brought completely up-to-date. This thread has been closed out. [*]The gene error thread for [url=][b]Aether Errors[/b][/url] has been corrected and brought completely up-to-date. This thread has been closed out. [*]The gene error thread for [url=][b]Sandsurge Errors[/b][/url] has been corrected and brought completely up-to-date. This thread has been closed out. [/LIST] ------------------------ [b][size=5]Ancient Gene Parchments[/size][/b] As Ancients begin to share more and more Ancient-exclusive genes, we wanted to provide a solution to duplicate genes generated from site-activities such as Coliseum, Swipp, Baldwin, Arlo, and Avery. These trade-in items can be used at [b][url=]Glass and Gloss' Genuine Genes[/url][/b] to trade for any type of Ancient that has that gene available. Ie: Swipp won't have 4 different "Tertiary Gene: Branches" trades, but will have one universal "Ancient Gene Parchment: Branches" trade. This item could then be used to trade in for any of the 4 breeds that have Branches available at Glass and Gloss. The following items have been added: [center][item=ancient gene parchment: angler][item=ancient gene parchment: arc][item=ancient gene parchment: batty][item=ancient gene parchment: beetle][item=ancient gene parchment: blossom][item=ancient gene parchment: branches][item=ancient gene parchment: candy][item=ancient gene parchment: candycane][item=ancient gene parchment: carnivore][item=ancient gene parchment: diamond][item=ancient gene parchment: featherbeard][item=ancient gene parchment: flutter][item=ancient gene parchment: icing][item=ancient gene parchment: loop][item=ancient gene parchment: mandibles][item=ancient gene parchment: marlin][item=ancient gene parchment: mucous][item=ancient gene parchment: nudibranch][item=ancient gene parchment: octopus][item=ancient gene parchment: orb][item=ancient gene parchment: phantom][item=ancient gene parchment: polypore][item=ancient gene parchment: porcupine][item=ancient gene parchment: rings][item=ancient gene parchment: sailfish][item=ancient gene parchment: scorpion][item=ancient gene parchment: scuttle][item=ancient gene parchment: shark][item=ancient gene parchment: skeletal][item=ancient gene parchment: spade][item=ancient gene parchment: spirit][item=ancient gene parchment: squiggle][item=ancient gene parchment: sugarplum][item=ancient gene parchment: weathered][item=ancient gene parchment: weaver][/center] ------------------------ [b][size=5]Marketplace Changes[/size][/b] Alongside today's content update, we have implemented changes to how the [b]Marketplace[/b] functions: The [b]Genes[/b] section has been split in two tabs; there are now dedicated tabs for items related to [b]Ancient[/b] breed dragons, and items related to [b]Modern[/b] breed dragons. [img alt="A screenshot of the Marketplace interface. The main highlight is that there are two new tabs present. Apparel, Familiars, and Specialty tabs precede the new Modern Genes and Ancient genes tabs. These new tabs each have an icon that look like a stylized letter M and A."][/img] It should now be easier to locate the item you're looking for. The sorting and filtering options have also been adjusted to work within these new tabs and their constraints. Secondly, we modified the stocking behavior to account for this split. Due to the now vast array of genetic items, it seemed appropriate that [b]they should be treated both visually [i]and[/i] technically separate[/b] in this feature. Meaning: [b]Ancient gene items and Modern gene items will no longer compete against one another for placement in the stocking logic.[/b] You are likely now to see more options [i]more often[/i] for each category because the Marketplace is treating them as unique sets of merchandise. ------------------------ [b][size=5]Ancient Gene Bloat:[/size][/b] We want to acknowledge once more the sheer amount of items that ancient genes present and how they are negatively impacting player experience by being difficult to acquire and search for. We apologize for this, and are working to improve these issues. A few solutions are already in place. We wanted to communicate that [b]these solutions are not where we are stopping with better availability and searchability when it comes to our genes.[/b] [LIST] [*][url=]Glass and Gloss's[/url] shop has to helped address the multiple copies of genes appearing across site-earned activities by allowing the trade in of the modern version for the Ancient. [*][url=]New naming conventions[/url] have helped to isolate modern and ancient genes in the game database and auction house searches. [*]Today's update has provided separated modern and ancient marketplace tabs, with separate stocking rules. [*]Today's update has consolidated ancient-exclusive genes earned from site activities into Ancient gene parchments that may be traded at [url=]Glass and Gloss[/url]. [/LIST] [b]Plans for the future:[/b] Our engineering team is currently hard at work on the [url=]Skin System Revamp, Coliseum PVP[/url], backend improvements, and wrapping up the refactors for the last stray areas of the site operating on our legacy code. After the skin system revamp has been completed, gene availability improvements are at the top of our engineering priority list for 2024. We will improving filtering across the site for easier targeted searches, and looking at ways to reduce the size of some of the dropdowns that have grown unwieldly. Thank you for your patience as we work to address these issues. We are excited for what 2024 will bring! ------------------------------------------ [b][size=5]Trickmurk Circus Skin Contest[/size][/b] [emoji=shadow rune size=1] The eleventh annual Trickmurk Circus will begin on February 25, 2024, and we're running a skin and accent contest in celebration. Tonight is the last day to get your entries in! [url=] Click here for more information.[/url] [center][url=][img alt="Trickmurk Circus Banner"][/img][/url][/center] ------------------------------------------ [b][size=5]Additional Updates[/size][/b] [LIST] [*][b][url=]We have an update for our community today[/url][/b] that covers new updates to our Rules & Policies, online safe-guarding, misinformation, and moderation. [emoji=ping size=1] [*][b][url=]We have an update[/url][/b] on Auraboa Paisley, gene errors threads, and future plans regarding gene corrections and ways they can be better. [emoji=primary gene size=1] [*]We have [b][url=]a brief update for our community[/url][/b] on the progress of the Auraboa lore story. [emoji=familiar heart size=1] [/LIST]
A Pistachio Green and Grey Undertide with a pink face curls on the right of the image. It has the gentle gradient streaks of the Varnish gene, and has the Blossom gene as well, which covers it in small pink and light aqua flowers. Seashells and sand are in the background. The overlaid text reads Undertide Gene Expansion, New Genes, Parchments, and Marketplace Adjustments!

Undertide dragons get a new coat of paint in today's update

Undertide Parallel Genes
58 Additional genes are now available on for Undertide dragons! A gene catalogue of all available Undertide genes has been added to the encyclopedia.
Primary Undertide Gene: Chrysocolla Secondary Undertide Gene: Malachite Primary Undertide Gene: Clown Secondary Undertide Gene: Eye Spots
Primary Undertide Gene: Fern Secondary Undertide Gene: Paisley Primary Undertide Gene: Flaunt Secondary Undertide Gene: Flair
Primary Undertide Gene: Ground Secondary Undertide Gene: Fissure Primary Undertide Gene: Harlequin Secondary Undertide Gene: Jester
Primary Undertide Gene: Jaguar Secondary Undertide Gene: Rosette Primary Undertide Gene: Jupiter Secondary Undertide Gene: Saturn
Primary Undertide Gene: Metallic Secondary Undertide Gene: Alloy Primary Undertide Gene: Orb Secondary Undertide Gene: Weaver
Primary Undertide Gene: Petals Secondary Undertide Gene: Butterfly Primary Undertide Gene: Piebald Secondary Undertide Gene: Paint
Primary Undertide Gene: Starmap Secondary Undertide Gene: Constellation Primary Undertide Gene: Stitched Secondary Undertide Gene: Patchwork
Primary Undertide Gene: Tapir Secondary Undertide Gene: Striation Primary Undertide Gene: Tiger Secondary Undertide Gene: Stripes
Primary Undertide Gene: Varnish Secondary Undertide Gene: Lacquer Primary Undertide Gene: Wrought Secondary Undertide Gene: Spire

Tertiary Undertide Gene: Angler Tertiary Undertide Gene: Blossom Tertiary Undertide Gene: Branches Tertiary Undertide Gene: Contour Tertiary Undertide Gene: Crest Tertiary Undertide Gene: Fans Tertiary Undertide Gene: Firebreather Tertiary Undertide Gene: Firefly Tertiary Undertide Gene: Keel Tertiary Undertide Gene: Koi Tertiary Undertide Gene: Medusa Tertiary Undertide Gene: Opal Tertiary Undertide Gene: Porcupine Tertiary Undertide Gene: Scales Tertiary Undertide Gene: Shark Tertiary Undertide Gene: Smirch Tertiary Undertide Gene: Smoke Tertiary Undertide Gene: Spines Tertiary Undertide Gene: Stinger Tertiary Undertide Gene: Thorns Tertiary Undertide Gene: Topcoat

Undertide Parallel Genes
...and this guy.
Tertiary Undertide Gene: Jellyfish

If you encounter any errors in the Undertide genes released in today's update, please report them in this thread and we will address them in a timely manner. This thread is the genes from this expansion only. Both consistency and technical errors may be reported. This thread will close April 7, 2024.

Gene Art Error Updates:
All reported errors in the previously available gene error threads have been brought up-to-date with corrections for reported issues and closed out in preparation for universal modern and ancient technical gene error threads, and future new-release focus threads.

Corrected Gene Error Threads 2023:
  • The gene error thread for Confirmed Gene Errors (universal) 2023 has been corrected and brought completely up-to-date. This thread has been closed out.
  • The gene error thread for Aberration Errors has been corrected and brought completely up-to-date. This thread has been closed out.
  • The gene error thread for Auraboa Errors has been corrected and brought completely up-to-date. This thread has been closed out.
  • The gene error thread for Aether Errors has been corrected and brought completely up-to-date. This thread has been closed out.
  • The gene error thread for Sandsurge Errors has been corrected and brought completely up-to-date. This thread has been closed out.

Ancient Gene Parchments
As Ancients begin to share more and more Ancient-exclusive genes, we wanted to provide a solution to duplicate genes generated from site-activities such as Coliseum, Swipp, Baldwin, Arlo, and Avery.

These trade-in items can be used at Glass and Gloss' Genuine Genes to trade for any type of Ancient that has that gene available. Ie: Swipp won't have 4 different "Tertiary Gene: Branches" trades, but will have one universal "Ancient Gene Parchment: Branches" trade. This item could then be used to trade in for any of the 4 breeds that have Branches available at Glass and Gloss.

The following items have been added:
Ancient Gene Parchment: Angler Ancient Gene Parchment: Arc Ancient Gene Parchment: Batty Ancient Gene Parchment: Beetle Ancient Gene Parchment: Blossom Ancient Gene Parchment: Branches Ancient Gene Parchment: Candy Ancient Gene Parchment: Candycane Ancient Gene Parchment: Carnivore Ancient Gene Parchment: Diamond Ancient Gene Parchment: Featherbeard Ancient Gene Parchment: Flutter Ancient Gene Parchment: Icing Ancient Gene Parchment: Loop Ancient Gene Parchment: Mandibles Ancient Gene Parchment: Marlin Ancient Gene Parchment: Mucous Ancient Gene Parchment: Nudibranch Ancient Gene Parchment: Octopus Ancient Gene Parchment: Phantom Ancient Gene Parchment: Polypore Ancient Gene Parchment: Porcupine Ancient Gene Parchment: Rings Ancient Gene Parchment: Sailfish Ancient Gene Parchment: Scorpion Ancient Gene Parchment: Scuttle Ancient Gene Parchment: Shark Ancient Gene Parchment: Skeletal Ancient Gene Parchment: Spade Ancient Gene Parchment: Spirit Ancient Gene Parchment: Squiggle Ancient Gene Parchment: Sugarplum Ancient Gene Parchment: Weathered

Marketplace Changes
Alongside today's content update, we have implemented changes to how the Marketplace functions:

The Genes section has been split in two tabs; there are now dedicated tabs for items related to Ancient breed dragons, and items related to Modern breed dragons.

A screenshot of the Marketplace interface. The main highlight is that there are two new tabs present. Apparel, Familiars, and Specialty tabs precede the new Modern Genes and Ancient genes tabs. These new tabs each have an icon that look like a stylized letter M and A.

It should now be easier to locate the item you're looking for. The sorting and filtering options have also been adjusted to work within these new tabs and their constraints.

Secondly, we modified the stocking behavior to account for this split. Due to the now vast array of genetic items, it seemed appropriate that they should be treated both visually and technically separate in this feature.

Meaning: Ancient gene items and Modern gene items will no longer compete against one another for placement in the stocking logic. You are likely now to see more options more often for each category because the Marketplace is treating them as unique sets of merchandise.

Ancient Gene Bloat:
We want to acknowledge once more the sheer amount of items that ancient genes present and how they are negatively impacting player experience by being difficult to acquire and search for. We apologize for this, and are working to improve these issues.

A few solutions are already in place. We wanted to communicate that these solutions are not where we are stopping with better availability and searchability when it comes to our genes.
  • Glass and Gloss's shop has to helped address the multiple copies of genes appearing across site-earned activities by allowing the trade in of the modern version for the Ancient.
  • New naming conventions have helped to isolate modern and ancient genes in the game database and auction house searches.
  • Today's update has provided separated modern and ancient marketplace tabs, with separate stocking rules.
  • Today's update has consolidated ancient-exclusive genes earned from site activities into Ancient gene parchments that may be traded at Glass and Gloss.

Plans for the future:
Our engineering team is currently hard at work on the Skin System Revamp, Coliseum PVP, backend improvements, and wrapping up the refactors for the last stray areas of the site operating on our legacy code. After the skin system revamp has been completed, gene availability improvements are at the top of our engineering priority list for 2024.

We will improving filtering across the site for easier targeted searches, and looking at ways to reduce the size of some of the dropdowns that have grown unwieldly.

Thank you for your patience as we work to address these issues. We are excited for what 2024 will bring!

Trickmurk Circus Skin Contest
The eleventh annual Trickmurk Circus will begin on February 25, 2024, and we're running a skin and accent contest in celebration. Tonight is the last day to get your entries in! Click here for more information.
Trickmurk Circus Banner

Additional Updates
FR team is on fire today <3
FR team is on fire today <3
YAY new genes for the eel dergs [emoji=special eyes size=1][emoji=special eyes size=1]
YAY new genes for the eel dergs
Love the Jellyfish!
Love the Jellyfish!
:LTB Boolean:
:YCH/Art Shop:
:Selling IDs:
For Sale,
it's here... yippee!!

do wanna edit in that the marketplace has saved me so much. scrolling and sliding past all the ancient genes was a pain to get to the modern ones, and i even bought the wrong gene one time... now that the tabs are separate, i'm glad that i can finally see past the ancient genes. f for the skin tab, though. was wondering what would happen to it...
it's here... yippee!!

do wanna edit in that the marketplace has saved me so much. scrolling and sliding past all the ancient genes was a pain to get to the modern ones, and i even bought the wrong gene one time... now that the tabs are separate, i'm glad that i can finally see past the ancient genes. f for the skin tab, though. was wondering what would happen to it...

Resident Mobile User

500 tablet goal tracker
[center]Woohoo! I already have plans for these new genes... [/center] [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center]
Woohoo! I already have plans for these new genes...
ZP58CfF.gif 5kJ9JHc.png
run by Bisons | he/they | FR+1 |

> avatar...
> sales
> old oaks [+ hibden!]
> wishlist
The guys!! Love them
The guys!! Love them
PAo2UkJ.png > Kneph/Worm

> He/They/It

> +3 FR
51983.png Various Unbred G1s for sale

Characters for sale - 25% off

Buying adult fodder - 6kT per dragon + 5kT for unfed adults
Yoooo blossom
Yoooo blossom
This is a big update, thank you!
This is a big update, thank you!
Avatar Dragon: Link / Tiny Dragon by AmberscaleArt. Teba
Masterpost of Guides
Temple of Time Hatchery