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TOPIC | New Specialty Item: Silhouette Scroll
[quote name="Firefly15" date="2020-09-17 15:46:45" ] [quote name="Archangelbee" date="2020-09-17 12:07:29" ] An item we don't need. [/quote] @Archangelbee I agree with you wholeheartedly there. [/quote] We didn’t ask.
Firefly15 wrote on 2020-09-17 15:46:45:
Archangelbee wrote on 2020-09-17 12:07:29:
An item we don't need.

@Archangelbee I agree with you wholeheartedly there.
We didn’t ask.
[quote name="SoaringFlame" date="2020-09-17 15:00:06" ] [quote name="Demovora" date="2020-09-17 14:02:06" ] Does anyone else think Pinkerton looks cross? Such a shame.. I really miss the friendly Pinkerton I loved to visit every day. Now he reminds me of the miserable old guy who always lives next door in stories and refuses to give you your ball back when it bounces over his fence! [emoji=coatl deadpan size=1] [/quote] Yep. I really miss the old Pinkerton, now he really looks grumpy. Hopefully it is just that his sister collects so much junk, not that he hates us [emoji=gaoler sad size=2] [/quote] Yall i am so curious about what part of Pinkerton's old art looked friendly to you? he's always been grumpy, thats his whole thing- In his old art he was also scowling at the player, the main difference was that his eyebrows were raised instead of cross, so his new art definitely looks more aggressive, but he was in no way friendly before.. [img][/img][img][/img] This isn't me trying to be 'lol wtf' im just genuinely curious on how anything about Pinkerton read as friendly before
SoaringFlame wrote on 2020-09-17 15:00:06:
Demovora wrote on 2020-09-17 14:02:06:
Does anyone else think Pinkerton looks cross?

Such a shame.. I really miss the friendly Pinkerton I loved to visit every day. Now he reminds me of the miserable old guy who always lives next door in stories and refuses to give you your ball back when it bounces over his fence!
Yep. I really miss the old Pinkerton, now he really looks grumpy. Hopefully it is just that his sister collects so much junk, not that he hates us
Yall i am so curious about what part of Pinkerton's old art looked friendly to you? he's always been grumpy, thats his whole thing-

In his old art he was also scowling at the player, the main difference was that his eyebrows were raised instead of cross, so his new art definitely looks more aggressive, but he was in no way friendly before..

This isn't me trying to be 'lol ***' im just genuinely curious on how anything about Pinkerton read as friendly before
I love this new update!! Nice addon to FR!
I love this new update!! Nice addon to FR!
63395_v.gif __________
Defending my statement, but only because people will probably assume stuff about me that is nowhere near true.

The reason I stated the item wasn't necessary is simply because it holds no value towards actual gameplay mechanics in any way. It's simply a filler item similar to apparel, but at least apparel has a purpose when it comes to crafting other things. This has nothing to do with being "transphobic" or even bringing real-life subjects into the mix. I've been playing games actively for over 10 years from browser virtual pet games to massive online MMOs so I know quite a bit on what games should/shouldn't have in the long run.

That said, the only use this item has is to boost some player's lore for their dragons. That's it. So is it needed? Probably not. But then again I'm not one of those players that creates a story for each dragon, I simply match them up in pairs for breeding purposes to make visually pleasing offspring.

So...I personally don't care about items like this, I won't use it so to me it's a useless addition - it's also an opinion, which I'm entitled to have, doesn't mean people have to listen to it.
Defending my statement, but only because people will probably assume stuff about me that is nowhere near true.

The reason I stated the item wasn't necessary is simply because it holds no value towards actual gameplay mechanics in any way. It's simply a filler item similar to apparel, but at least apparel has a purpose when it comes to crafting other things. This has nothing to do with being "transphobic" or even bringing real-life subjects into the mix. I've been playing games actively for over 10 years from browser virtual pet games to massive online MMOs so I know quite a bit on what games should/shouldn't have in the long run.

That said, the only use this item has is to boost some player's lore for their dragons. That's it. So is it needed? Probably not. But then again I'm not one of those players that creates a story for each dragon, I simply match them up in pairs for breeding purposes to make visually pleasing offspring.

So...I personally don't care about items like this, I won't use it so to me it's a useless addition - it's also an opinion, which I'm entitled to have, doesn't mean people have to listen to it.
Trans dragons! Trans dragons! Trans dragons! Trans dragons!
Trans dragons! Trans dragons! Trans dragons! Trans dragons!
[quote name="Zerkjo" date="2020-09-17 17:26:18" ] [quote name="SoaringFlame" date="2020-09-17 15:00:06" ] [quote name="Demovora" date="2020-09-17 14:02:06" ] Does anyone else think Pinkerton looks cross? Such a shame.. I really miss the friendly Pinkerton I loved to visit every day. Now he reminds me of the miserable old guy who always lives next door in stories and refuses to give you your ball back when it bounces over his fence! [emoji=coatl deadpan size=1] [/quote] Yep. I really miss the old Pinkerton, now he really looks grumpy. Hopefully it is just that his sister collects so much junk, not that he hates us [emoji=gaoler sad size=2] [/quote] Yall i am so curious about what part of Pinkerton's old art looked friendly to you? he's always been grumpy, thats his whole thing- In his old art he was also scowling at the player, the main difference was that his eyebrows were raised instead of cross, so his new art definitely looks more aggressive, but he was in no way friendly before.. [img][/img][img][/img] This isn't me trying to be 'lol wtf' im just genuinely curious on how anything about Pinkerton read as friendly before [/quote] @Zerkjo Well yeah, I see your point, maybe it's just that the new one makes the old one look friendly.. At least the old one didn't look like he was gonna bite chunks out of me! [emoji=coatl scared size=1] I'm sure I will get used to it, or I'll train up like a ninja so I can sneak in and out without him noticing.. lol
Zerkjo wrote on 2020-09-17 17:26:18:
SoaringFlame wrote on 2020-09-17 15:00:06:
Demovora wrote on 2020-09-17 14:02:06:
Does anyone else think Pinkerton looks cross?

Such a shame.. I really miss the friendly Pinkerton I loved to visit every day. Now he reminds me of the miserable old guy who always lives next door in stories and refuses to give you your ball back when it bounces over his fence!
Yep. I really miss the old Pinkerton, now he really looks grumpy. Hopefully it is just that his sister collects so much junk, not that he hates us
Yall i am so curious about what part of Pinkerton's old art looked friendly to you? he's always been grumpy, thats his whole thing-

In his old art he was also scowling at the player, the main difference was that his eyebrows were raised instead of cross, so his new art definitely looks more aggressive, but he was in no way friendly before..

This isn't me trying to be 'lol ***' im just genuinely curious on how anything about Pinkerton read as friendly before
@Zerkjo Well yeah, I see your point, maybe it's just that the new one makes the old one look friendly.. At least the old one didn't look like he was gonna bite chunks out of me!
I'm sure I will get used to it, or I'll train up like a ninja so I can sneak in and out without him noticing.. lol
thanks to osiem for these
[quote name="SoaringFlame" date="2020-09-17 15:00:06" ] [quote name="Demovora" date="2020-09-17 14:02:06" ] Does anyone else think Pinkerton looks cross? Such a shame.. I really miss the friendly Pinkerton I loved to visit every day. Now he reminds me of the miserable old guy who always lives next door in stories and refuses to give you your ball back when it bounces over his fence! [emoji=coatl deadpan size=1] [/quote] Yep. I really miss the old Pinkerton, now he really looks grumpy. Hopefully it is just that his sister collects so much junk, not that he hates us [emoji=gaoler sad size=2] [/quote] @SoaringFlame I don't think he hates us.. Oh wow, I hope he doesn't, but I do think he looks like he might eat me.. lol
SoaringFlame wrote on 2020-09-17 15:00:06:
Demovora wrote on 2020-09-17 14:02:06:
Does anyone else think Pinkerton looks cross?

Such a shame.. I really miss the friendly Pinkerton I loved to visit every day. Now he reminds me of the miserable old guy who always lives next door in stories and refuses to give you your ball back when it bounces over his fence!
Yep. I really miss the old Pinkerton, now he really looks grumpy. Hopefully it is just that his sister collects so much junk, not that he hates us
@SoaringFlame I don't think he hates us.. Oh wow, I hope he doesn't, but I do think he looks like he might eat me.. lol
thanks to osiem for these
Why are people blabbering about they don't need the items? If you don't need it, DON'T USE IT. Nobody is forcing you to buy the scroll, for god's sake.
And if you don't have gems, go the fairgrounds and play the game. If you play for a week, you could get a scroll for treasure<>gem trade. I think FR is a game that is easy to earn gems than other game.
Why are people blabbering about they don't need the items? If you don't need it, DON'T USE IT. Nobody is forcing you to buy the scroll, for god's sake.
And if you don't have gems, go the fairgrounds and play the game. If you play for a week, you could get a scroll for treasure<>gem trade. I think FR is a game that is easy to earn gems than other game.
[quote name="Archangelbee" date="2020-09-17 18:01:22" ] Defending my statement, but only because people will probably assume stuff about me that is nowhere near true. The reason I stated the item wasn't necessary is simply because it holds no value towards actual gameplay mechanics in any way. It's simply a filler item similar to apparel, but at least apparel has a purpose when it comes to crafting other things. This has nothing to do with being "transphobic" or even bringing real-life subjects into the mix. I've been playing games actively for over 10 years from browser virtual pet games to massive online MMOs so I know quite a bit on what games should/shouldn't have in the long run. That said, the only use this item has is to boost some player's lore for their dragons. That's it. So is it needed? Probably not. But then again I'm not one of those players that creates a story for each dragon, I simply match them up in pairs for breeding purposes to make visually pleasing offspring. So...I personally don't care about items like this, I won't use it so to me it's a useless addition - it's also an opinion, which I'm entitled to have, doesn't mean people have to listen to it. [/quote] @Archangelbee Well spoken and in a level-headed manner; kudos to you :)
Archangelbee wrote on 2020-09-17 18:01:22:
Defending my statement, but only because people will probably assume stuff about me that is nowhere near true.

The reason I stated the item wasn't necessary is simply because it holds no value towards actual gameplay mechanics in any way. It's simply a filler item similar to apparel, but at least apparel has a purpose when it comes to crafting other things. This has nothing to do with being "transphobic" or even bringing real-life subjects into the mix. I've been playing games actively for over 10 years from browser virtual pet games to massive online MMOs so I know quite a bit on what games should/shouldn't have in the long run.

That said, the only use this item has is to boost some player's lore for their dragons. That's it. So is it needed? Probably not. But then again I'm not one of those players that creates a story for each dragon, I simply match them up in pairs for breeding purposes to make visually pleasing offspring.

So...I personally don't care about items like this, I won't use it so to me it's a useless addition - it's also an opinion, which I'm entitled to have, doesn't mean people have to listen to it.

@Archangelbee Well spoken and in a level-headed manner; kudos to you :)
[quote name="Qyu" date="2020-09-17 18:47:52" ] Why are people blabbering about they don't need the items? [/quote] For the same reason that everyone else talks about how they [i]do[/i] need the items: Differing opinions. Opinions will almost [i]always [/i]differ, and each person [i]is[/i] allowed their own opinion. Everyone isn't [i]required[/i] to like an update, and everyone isn't [i]required [/i]to dislike an update. Personally, I won't be using the item.
Qyu wrote on 2020-09-17 18:47:52:
Why are people blabbering about they don't need the items?

For the same reason that everyone else talks about how they do need the items: Differing opinions. Opinions will almost always differ, and each person is allowed their own opinion. Everyone isn't required to like an update, and everyone isn't required to dislike an update.

Personally, I won't be using the item.
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Item Wishlist | [LF] Pearl XXY/XYY G1 (M), Sanguine XXY, XYY G1 (M)