

Create, adopt, or show off your adoptables.
TOPIC | Thundercrack Carnivale Souvenirs
[center][img][/img] [color=#336666] [i]Insert left tab into third socket... no, that can't be right! Gah, these instructions are so confusing![/i] Please bear with us as we set up the Souvenir stall and Portrait Studio, we are encountering some technical difficulties. Everything should be up and running by the end of the day![/color][/center]

Insert left tab into third socket... no, that can't be right! Gah, these instructions are so confusing!

Please bear with us as we set up the Souvenir stall and Portrait Studio, we are encountering some technical difficulties. Everything should be up and running by the end of the day!

Reserved space for Portrait Studio

Reserved space for Portrait Studio
[i]As I am currently having difficulty editing my original posts, the content of this thread will temporarily be housed in this post instead! I will fix it up as soon as the servers are willing ;)[/i] [center][IMG][/IMG] [color=#336666] After travelling from all corners of the world to visit the Carnivale, wouldn't you like to have something to take home? This thread of adoptables is exclusive to this week only, and all made by the industrious members of the Lightning Flight. Please feel free to take any premade adoptable you like, as long as you follow the rules. Everything here is all offered for free, just to make your Thundercrack Carnivale experience a little brighter. Post 2 also covers our fabulous Portrait Studio, where some amazing artists have volunteered to draw custom artwork for a few lucky visitors! [/color][center][color=#336666][b]Rules[/color][/b] [color=#336666] ¤ Please follow the general rules from the main [url=]Celebration[/url] thread. ¤ Do not hotlink images, please save them to your own server. ¤ Please post if you are taking something, and credit back to the creator if at all possible. ¤ If an artist draws something for you, or you love their adoptable, please drop them a quick thank you note or ping! [/color][center][color=#336666][b]The Souvenir Stall[/color][/b] [color=#336666] Masks - by @Myracuulous [i]What's a Carnivale without some masks?[/i] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] Thunderclouds by @Ariento [i]Take home a little piece of the storm.[/i] [img][/img][img][/img][img][/img] Carnivale Fans by @Tria [i]Perfect for wandering the Carnivale in the hot July heat, themed to your Flight![/i] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img][img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] Elemental Gears - by @Niicchan [i]For making elemental machines, or just for decoration![/i] [URL=][IMG][/IMG][/URL][URL=][IMG][/IMG][/URL][URL=][IMG][/IMG][/URL][URL=][IMG][/IMG][URL=][IMG][/IMG][/URL][URL=][IMG][/IMG][/URL][URL=][IMG][/IMG][/URL][URL=][IMG][/IMG][/URL][URL=][IMG][/IMG][/URL][URL=][IMG][/IMG][/URL][URL=][IMG][/IMG][/URL] Carnivale Beads by @Naien [i]For those outgoing party dragons to wear during the festivities.[/i] [IMG][/IMG][IMG][/IMG][IMG][/IMG][IMG][/IMG] [IMG][/IMG][IMG][/IMG][IMG][/IMG][IMG][/IMG] [IMG][/IMG][IMG][/IMG][IMG][/IMG] Polaroid by @Lunaa [i]Wish you were here... in this desert wasteland full of storms and livewires! Dangerous, but fun.[/i] [img][/img] Electic Eels by @Electrifying [i]Make great pets, so long as you don't want to do a lot of cuddling.[/i] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] Thundercrackers by @Myracuulous (With thanks to @ParadoxicalBlue) [i]Like regular crackers, but with 120% more explosion[/i] [img][/img] [i]Check back during the week for more updates![/i] [/color] [center][color=#336666][b]Portrait Studio[/color][/b] [color=#336666] [i]Set up in special tents all around the Carnivale, some very talented dragons are drawing quick portraits of visitors. Stop by and apply, and you might get a sketch to take home![/i][/color] [/center][color=#336666] @Lunaa : [url=][Example][/url] @NitrousTwins : [url=][Example][/url] @Scyllarus : [url=][Example][/url] @ischimera : [url=][Example][/url] @Ariento : [url=][Example][/url] These wonderful artists have all agreed to draw freebie sketches during the Carnivale! Please understand that they are also all quite busy, and so freebies will be on an [b]artist's choice[/b] basis. Though everyone is encouraged to apply for art, they will not necessarily be drawing all applicants. Individual artists may choose to pick who to draw on a first-come-first-served basis, by raffle, or based on their own artistic whims. [/color] [center] [color=#336666][b]Art Application[/b][/color][/center] [color=#336666] Please fill out this form and post it to this thread to request your own free dragon portrait![/color] [code] [b]Username:[/b] [b]Dragon I want drawn:[/b] [b]Dragon personality:[/b] [b]Pose/expression ideas:[/b] [b]Preferred artist:[/b] [/code][color=#336666] Again, though artists will do their best to draw a number of people, posting a form does not guarantee free art. You may post several forms for several dragons, but please try and keep to your favourites rather than posting your whole lair, so artists don't get too bogged down. [/color] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url]
As I am currently having difficulty editing my original posts, the content of this thread will temporarily be housed in this post instead! I will fix it up as soon as the servers are willing ;)

After travelling from all corners of the world to visit the Carnivale, wouldn't you like to have something to take home? This thread of adoptables is exclusive to this week only, and all made by the industrious members of the Lightning Flight.

Please feel free to take any premade adoptable you like, as long as you follow the rules. Everything here is all offered for free, just to make your Thundercrack Carnivale experience a little brighter. Post 2 also covers our fabulous Portrait Studio, where some amazing artists have volunteered to draw custom artwork for a few lucky visitors!


¤ Please follow the general rules from the main Celebration thread.
¤ Do not hotlink images, please save them to your own server.
¤ Please post if you are taking something, and credit back to the creator if at all possible.
¤ If an artist draws something for you, or you love their adoptable, please drop them a quick thank you note or ping!

The Souvenir Stall

Masks - by @Myracuulous
What's a Carnivale without some masks?
i3gg.png s3m.gif 4mue.gif slj.gif qb4.gif df1.gif xfm.gif bhi.gif whk.gif n3lq.gif 9y9.gif

Thunderclouds by @Ariento
Take home a little piece of the storm.

Carnivale Fans by @Tria
Perfect for wandering the Carnivale in the hot July heat, themed to your Flight!
tumblr_mq0i2olAlu1s7dyeio1_100.jpg tumblr_mq0i2olAlu1s7dyeio2_100.jpg tumblr_mq0i2olAlu1s7dyeio3_100.jpgtumblr_mq0i2olAlu1s7dyeio4_100.jpg tumblr_mq0i2olAlu1s7dyeio5_100.jpg tumblr_mq0i2olAlu1s7dyeio6_100.jpg tumblr_mq0pb9B3Nq1s7dyeio1_100.jpg tumblr_mq0pb9B3Nq1s7dyeio2_100.jpg tumblr_mq0pb9B3Nq1s7dyeio3_100.jpg tumblr_mq0pb9B3Nq1s7dyeio4_100.jpg tumblr_mq0pb9B3Nq1s7dyeio5_100.jpg

Elemental Gears - by @Niicchan
For making elemental machines, or just for decoration!

Carnivale Beads by @Naien
For those outgoing party dragons to wear during the festivities.

Polaroid by @Lunaa
Wish you were here... in this desert wasteland full of storms and livewires! Dangerous, but fun.

Electic Eels by @Electrifying
Make great pets, so long as you don't want to do a lot of cuddling.
electric_eel_lightning_red_by_kazekori-d6c78dp.gif electric_eel_lightning_blue_by_kazekori-d6eejw2.gif electric_eel_lightning_black_by_kazekori-d6eemhe.gif

Thundercrackers by @Myracuulous (With thanks to @ParadoxicalBlue)
Like regular crackers, but with 120% more explosion

Check back during the week for more updates!

Portrait Studio

Set up in special tents all around the Carnivale, some very talented dragons are drawing quick portraits of visitors. Stop by and apply, and you might get a sketch to take home!

@Lunaa : [Example]
@NitrousTwins : [Example]
@Scyllarus : [Example]
@ischimera : [Example]
@Ariento : [Example]

These wonderful artists have all agreed to draw freebie sketches during the Carnivale! Please understand that they are also all quite busy, and so freebies will be on an artist's choice basis. Though everyone is encouraged to apply for art, they will not necessarily be drawing all applicants. Individual artists may choose to pick who to draw on a first-come-first-served basis, by raffle, or based on their own artistic whims.

Art Application

Please fill out this form and post it to this thread to request your own free dragon portrait!
[b]Username:[/b] [b]Dragon I want drawn:[/b] [b]Dragon personality:[/b] [b]Pose/expression ideas:[/b] [b]Preferred artist:[/b]

Again, though artists will do their best to draw a number of people, posting a form does not guarantee free art. You may post several forms for several dragons, but please try and keep to your favourites rather than posting your whole lair, so artists don't get too bogged down.

n2ur.png gzfi.png xi3.png q4bw.png h5x.png gadk.png
Great job setting this up, @Myracuulous!
Great job setting this up, @Myracuulous!
ISHODEN: Sylph: nyan cat style : flying/ sitting in the clouds: @Scyllarus : would be really cool if you could make his eyes glow. Thanks :D
ISHODEN: Sylph: nyan cat style : flying/ sitting in the clouds: @Scyllarus : would be really cool if you could make his eyes glow. Thanks :D
Thanks @Tria :D Sorry if I accidentally pinged people a few times @__@ I had some trouble editing.

@ISHODEN welcome to the shop :D I am sure your art request will still be seen, but it may be easier to keep the various area names intact just to make it easy to read. Sort of like this:

Username: Myracuulous
Dragon I want drawn: Penumbra
Dragon personality: Aloof, vain, clever
Pose/expression ideas: Nose stuck in the air, looking down at viewer
Preferred artist: Any

This is just an example you don't actually have to draw me stuff guys XD
Thanks @Tria :D Sorry if I accidentally pinged people a few times @__@ I had some trouble editing.

@ISHODEN welcome to the shop :D I am sure your art request will still be seen, but it may be easier to keep the various area names intact just to make it easy to read. Sort of like this:

Username: Myracuulous
Dragon I want drawn: Penumbra
Dragon personality: Aloof, vain, clever
Pose/expression ideas: Nose stuck in the air, looking down at viewer
Preferred artist: Any

This is just an example you don't actually have to draw me stuff guys XD
Wow this is looking stupendous! I am so excited to see what all of the artists come up with :) And even if I'm not chosen for the free art I do appreciate all those who are putting in their time and effort to make this festival fabulous :D

Username: MourningLily
Dragon I want drawn: Larkspur - She's still a baby but you can draw her any way you want - baby or adult
Dragon personality: Regal, Icy, Fierce
Pose/expression ideas: Calm yet inquisitive. Like maybe she's leisurely contemplating your demise.
Preferred artist:@Lunaa
Wow this is looking stupendous! I am so excited to see what all of the artists come up with :) And even if I'm not chosen for the free art I do appreciate all those who are putting in their time and effort to make this festival fabulous :D

Username: MourningLily
Dragon I want drawn: Larkspur - She's still a baby but you can draw her any way you want - baby or adult
Dragon personality: Regal, Icy, Fierce
Pose/expression ideas: Calm yet inquisitive. Like maybe she's leisurely contemplating your demise.
Preferred artist:@Lunaa



Seeking a Gen 1 Brown/Magenta Arcane Dragon
Seeking a Gen 1 Soil/Beige Earth Female/Male


Guys, you're really so cool! I took home a pair of Wind-themed gears, now how to attach'em to my favourite wind turbine...

Also for art request (it's fine if artists will be too busy, but I definitely have to try!):

Username: Lae
Dragon I want drawn: Temeraire
Dragon personality: Defender of the lair, warrior, somewhat too reckless, but dependant and strong-willed
Pose/expression ideas: Wings spreaded, I tnink... other - on your choice!
Preferred artist: @ischimera

Guys, you're really so cool! I took home a pair of Wind-themed gears, now how to attach'em to my favourite wind turbine...

Also for art request (it's fine if artists will be too busy, but I definitely have to try!):

Username: Lae
Dragon I want drawn: Temeraire
Dragon personality: Defender of the lair, warrior, somewhat too reckless, but dependant and strong-willed
Pose/expression ideas: Wings spreaded, I tnink... other - on your choice!
Preferred artist: @ischimera
Username: Flipsides
Dragon I want drawn: Rynskald
Dragon personality: He's a bit of a jerk with a heart of jerk with tiny gold center. But he tries his hardest to hide it. His most defining characteristic is the fact his charge is a stick (or rather a log that's appropriately stick sized for a guardian.) that sometimes has the various faes of the shared lair sleeping in it. He's not very amused by this.
Pose/expression ideas: An annoyed look with his log in his mouth somewhat like a dog.
Preferred artist: Whoever has time for it <3

Username: Flipsides
Dragon I want drawn:Aria
Dragon personality: Aria is a "special" dragon even amongst Faes. She developed a habit of always referring to herself in in the third person. It&#039;s speculated that she was dropped one too many times as an egg. Aria is also rather dense, though well meaning. As such she&#039;s also developed a habit of collecting various "outcast" dragons to add to her family.

Her "family" mostly believes she&#039;s a bit of an idot but a very kind and well meaning one. Though they wouldn&#039;t change a thing about her.
Pose/expression ideas: Probably a "I just don&#039;t know what went wrong..." type of expression. Confused? Whatever the artist comes up with for this little derp dragon is great.
Preferred artist: Whoever feels up to it.
Username: Flipsides
Dragon I want drawn: Rynskald
Dragon personality: He&#039;s a bit of a jerk with a heart of jerk with tiny gold center. But he tries his hardest to hide it. His most defining characteristic is the fact his charge is a stick (or rather a log that&#039;s appropriately stick sized for a guardian.) that sometimes has the various faes of the shared lair sleeping in it. He&#039;s not very amused by this.
Pose/expression ideas: An annoyed look with his log in his mouth somewhat like a dog.
Preferred artist: Whoever has time for it <3

Username: Flipsides
Dragon I want drawn:Aria
Dragon personality: Aria is a "special" dragon even amongst Faes. She developed a habit of always referring to herself in in the third person. It&#039;s speculated that she was dropped one too many times as an egg. Aria is also rather dense, though well meaning. As such she&#039;s also developed a habit of collecting various "outcast" dragons to add to her family.

Her "family" mostly believes she&#039;s a bit of an idot but a very kind and well meaning one. Though they wouldn&#039;t change a thing about her.
Pose/expression ideas: Probably a "I just don&#039;t know what went wrong..." type of expression. Confused? Whatever the artist comes up with for this little derp dragon is great.
Preferred artist: Whoever feels up to it.
Username: Megan
Dragon I want drawn: Gaul (my progen boy)
Dragon personality: I don&#039;t have personalities for my core of my lair yet, they aren&#039;t scolled/gened done with basics so I&#039;m having a hard time getting a feel for personalities. So artist can do whatever. :D
Pose/expression ideas: Up to artist
Preferred artist: Anyone!
Username: Megan
Dragon I want drawn: Gaul (my progen boy)
Dragon personality: I don&#039;t have personalities for my core of my lair yet, they aren&#039;t scolled/gened done with basics so I&#039;m having a hard time getting a feel for personalities. So artist can do whatever. :D
Pose/expression ideas: Up to artist
Preferred artist: Anyone!