

Create, adopt, or show off your adoptables.
TOPIC | [IC] Fake FR breed forum game ...2!
Hi! I'm moving the interest check / update thread from [url=]my old thread[/url] to this thread, since the old thread holds some outdated info and I'd like to start with a blank slate. [size=5][b]The idea[/b][/size] An adopt shop centering around a fake ancient breed. The gameplay would mimick that of an actual ancient breed, which means the following: You'd be able to... [LIST] [*] pair up and breed two dragons together. [*] change genes, change eyetypes, scatter and permababy each dragon [*] create custom skins/accents/apparel (to either be private, or always be available in a public shop) [*] sell and trade dragons to other people in the community [/LIST] Basically a lot of the things you'd be able to do with a real ancient breed. Just with some mechanics like cooldowns and scrying being removed, because ultimately this is all handled manually by a real person (or group of people). [size=5][b]The dragons[/b][/size] You might have noticed that the old thread has some sketches of the dragons involved. The species will not change! But I did redo the poses and sketches entirely with the art skill I have gained over the past 9 months. So here they are! [url=][img][/img][/url] [center](click for full size) female pose / male pose / hatchling pose[/center] A couple of notes I have on this breed. [LIST] [*] Lightning flight in origin. And instead of like how most ridgebacks are afraid of water, these dragons are terrified of fire instead. [*] Their horns can come in all sorts of shapes and sizes, as long as there's only one pair of them. Hatchlings have smaller horns than adults. [*] Their tails also come in various shapes, but a spade or a spiked tail are the most common. [/LIST] I [i]think[/i] I did a good job at mimicking the official FR art style, but let me know if there's any areas that could be improved. Other than the eyes, I want to stick to the site's art style as close as possible. [size=5][b]The mechanics[/b][/size] A couple of changes to vanilla mechanics that I have in mind for this forum game to function as smoothly as it can, are the following: [LIST] [*] [b]No standard cooldowns. No standard grow-up time.[/b] Instead each dragon is able to breed once per month, and the cooldown gets reset at the start of every month. Same for each hatchling growing up. Either this will happen on every sunday, or they grow up instantly and the only way to obtain a hatchling is to buy a permababy scroll. Their cooldown also ends at the end of the month. [*] [b]No (free) scrying workshop.[/b] Remember that this is manual labour! Unless I enter hyperfocus mode enough to code an entire image generator for these dragons, I don't think that'll ever change. Either the scrying workshop will require a fee for each scry, or there just won't be any at all. [*] [b]Accents have [i]less[/i] limitations.[/b] I'm planning on lumping accents and apparel together in one category: Accessories. Accessories are user-created, well, accessories for your dragon. They can be layered, they can be line-breaking, and they don't have any lines/shadows requirements! You would be able to make private accessories (can only be given to people with the original artist's permission), and you also would be able to make public accessories, which are always available in a public shop. Either way, the creator would get 2/3rds of the price with each purchase. So this is a way for non-staff to earn some treasure or gems too. [/LIST] [size=5][b]The plans[/b][/size] So what do I need to do to get this up and running, still? Mostly the following: I want to finish up the dragon poses and get at least a couple of parallel and unique genes in. There will be line breaking terts. I know I want to include the following, [b]but I'm def open to suggestions[/b]: [b]Parallel:[/b] Savannah/Safari, Wasp/Bee, Flaunt/Flair, Pinstripe/Trail, Peacock, Capsule, Veined, Sparkle, Stained, Underbelly, Harlequin/Jester, Cinder/Blaze, Varnish/Lacquer. [b]Unique:[/b] (tert) Mantis, (tert) Smog. Mantis would add stormcatcher's mantis arms-like appendages to your dragon, Smog would add smoke coming from the dragon's claws and wings, like the NOTN apparel. I also want to get a google sheet database up and running [b]with an added website that reads from that google sheet[/b]. Sort of like [url=]Charadex[/url]! I know this is well within my coding capabilities, it would just take a bit of time. Other than that, [b]I am also looking for help[/b], mostly with maintaining the google sheet database, as well as with creating the images for the dragons after things like gene changes and the like. But eventually, once I got the individual gears of this thing turning. I want to celebrate that by allowing anyone new to this program two g1 dragons of this breed! Like progens... except both are random. [size=5][b]The pinglist[/b][/size] [b]Pinglists have been moved to the integrated pinglist feature![/b] [pinglist=25878] [pinglist=25879] Whoogh. That was a long post. Thank you for reading if you got this far, and let me know what you think! Oh and one last thing. Feel free to take this idea and do whatever the hell you want with it. I'd love to see another adopt shop that does the same thing! Just don't use my own designs :P
Hi! I'm moving the interest check / update thread from my old thread to this thread, since the old thread holds some outdated info and I'd like to start with a blank slate.

The idea
An adopt shop centering around a fake ancient breed. The gameplay would mimick that of an actual ancient breed, which means the following:

You'd be able to...
  • pair up and breed two dragons together.
  • change genes, change eyetypes, scatter and permababy each dragon
  • create custom skins/accents/apparel (to either be private, or always be available in a public shop)
  • sell and trade dragons to other people in the community

Basically a lot of the things you'd be able to do with a real ancient breed. Just with some mechanics like cooldowns and scrying being removed, because ultimately this is all handled manually by a real person (or group of people).

The dragons
You might have noticed that the old thread has some sketches of the dragons involved. The species will not change! But I did redo the poses and sketches entirely with the art skill I have gained over the past 9 months.

So here they are!
(click for full size)

female pose / male pose / hatchling pose

A couple of notes I have on this breed.
  • Lightning flight in origin. And instead of like how most ridgebacks are afraid of water, these dragons are terrified of fire instead.
  • Their horns can come in all sorts of shapes and sizes, as long as there's only one pair of them. Hatchlings have smaller horns than adults.
  • Their tails also come in various shapes, but a spade or a spiked tail are the most common.

I think I did a good job at mimicking the official FR art style, but let me know if there's any areas that could be improved. Other than the eyes, I want to stick to the site's art style as close as possible.

The mechanics
A couple of changes to vanilla mechanics that I have in mind for this forum game to function as smoothly as it can, are the following:
  • No standard cooldowns. No standard grow-up time.

    Instead each dragon is able to breed once per month, and the cooldown gets reset at the start of every month. Same for each hatchling growing up. Either this will happen on every sunday, or they grow up instantly and the only way to obtain a hatchling is to buy a permababy scroll. Their cooldown also ends at the end of the month.
  • No (free) scrying workshop.

    Remember that this is manual labour! Unless I enter hyperfocus mode enough to code an entire image generator for these dragons, I don't think that'll ever change. Either the scrying workshop will require a fee for each scry, or there just won't be any at all.
  • Accents have less limitations.

    I'm planning on lumping accents and apparel together in one category: Accessories. Accessories are user-created, well, accessories for your dragon. They can be layered, they can be line-breaking, and they don't have any lines/shadows requirements!

    You would be able to make private accessories (can only be given to people with the original artist's permission), and you also would be able to make public accessories, which are always available in a public shop. Either way, the creator would get 2/3rds of the price with each purchase. So this is a way for non-staff to earn some treasure or gems too.

The plans
So what do I need to do to get this up and running, still? Mostly the following:

I want to finish up the dragon poses and get at least a couple of parallel and unique genes in. There will be line breaking terts. I know I want to include the following, but I'm def open to suggestions:

Savannah/Safari, Wasp/Bee, Flaunt/Flair, Pinstripe/Trail, Peacock, Capsule, Veined, Sparkle, Stained, Underbelly, Harlequin/Jester, Cinder/Blaze, Varnish/Lacquer.

(tert) Mantis, (tert) Smog.

Mantis would add stormcatcher's mantis arms-like appendages to your dragon, Smog would add smoke coming from the dragon's claws and wings, like the NOTN apparel.

I also want to get a google sheet database up and running with an added website that reads from that google sheet. Sort of like Charadex! I know this is well within my coding capabilities, it would just take a bit of time.

Other than that, I am also looking for help, mostly with maintaining the google sheet database, as well as with creating the images for the dragons after things like gene changes and the like.

But eventually, once I got the individual gears of this thing turning. I want to celebrate that by allowing anyone new to this program two g1 dragons of this breed! Like progens... except both are random.

The pinglist
Pinglists have been moved to the integrated pinglist feature!

Whoogh. That was a long post. Thank you for reading if you got this far, and let me know what you think!

Oh and one last thing. Feel free to take this idea and do whatever the hell you want with it. I'd love to see another adopt shop that does the same thing! Just don't use my own designs :P
Hi! I'm Jake or Rads
lwN7WD5.png FRT+9 · he/him

· about / FAQ
· accents
xx Silhouette of a flying dragon
Both pinglists please! Those sketches are great
Also, smog sounds a lot like banescales wraith gene...
I'd be glad to help out of you ever need! <3
Both pinglists please! Those sketches are great
Also, smog sounds a lot like banescales wraith gene...
I'd be glad to help out of you ever need! <3


hiii i am very very interested and also would love to help, art-wise! i love the art for these guys and i would have a billion if they were real dragons :’> but um if you do want to start a team, please feel free to dm me!!
hiii i am very very interested and also would love to help, art-wise! i love the art for these guys and i would have a billion if they were real dragons :’> but um if you do want to start a team, please feel free to dm me!!
Hi~ very interested! I’d love to help creating images etc/other manual stuff
Hi~ very interested! I’d love to help creating images etc/other manual stuff
both pinglist :> im glad to see there's still updates on this
both pinglist :> im glad to see there's still updates on this
cwZ0A66.png Skystreamchan 
Art Shop
Art Thread
Eg6xUnj.png FR536Ic.png
These are amazing! I would definitely love to be switched over to both new lists :D I'd also offer to help with art/design stuff, but I'm not sure my personal art style would work well with these beauties...
These are amazing! I would definitely love to be switched over to both new lists :D I'd also offer to help with art/design stuff, but I'm not sure my personal art style would work well with these beauties...
(I’ll update the pinglists later during my break at school)

Yes! Smog is very much inspired by banescale wraith. It will look more like the NOTN apparel than wraith does, though.

I might take you up on that offer. Especially if you’re able to create some genes! I’ll dm you when I’m able to
(I’ll update the pinglists later during my break at school)

Yes! Smog is very much inspired by banescale wraith. It will look more like the NOTN apparel than wraith does, though.

I might take you up on that offer. Especially if you’re able to create some genes! I’ll dm you when I’m able to
Hi! I'm Jake or Rads
lwN7WD5.png FRT+9 · he/him

· about / FAQ
· accents
xx Silhouette of a flying dragon
-several messages get posted while I was typing that-

Will update the pinglist when I am able to later on! Thanks for the interest everyone :D it means a lot, this species is very dear to me.
-several messages get posted while I was typing that-

Will update the pinglist when I am able to later on! Thanks for the interest everyone :D it means a lot, this species is very dear to me.
Hi! I'm Jake or Rads
lwN7WD5.png FRT+9 · he/him

· about / FAQ
· accents
xx Silhouette of a flying dragon
both please! ;v;
both please! ;v;
Both as well!~
Both as well!~
656b4Ou.gif X
26 // +2 FR Time
G1 Raptor Addict
Tired 24/7

XXX Accent Shop [NEW!] X tumblr_ospvc67HxP1v8lm95o2_r2_250.gif