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TOPIC | Cozy Coatl Adopts- (Closed)
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[url=][img][/img][/url] FinnFantastic Design wanted: A Payment method- gems Any specific preferences for blanket/pillow/dream bubble design?- Do you think you could base the looks of the [url=]pillow[/url] and [url=]blanket[/url] on his mates? (click links for their profiles :D) That would be awesome! If not no worries! In that case feel free to pick whatever you think would look good <3 (DESIGN A)Would you like the 'Z z z' left in?- Yes! Anything else?- If you ever decide to make more bases I'd love to get a ping! Thank you so much!! <3

Design wanted: A

Payment method- gems

Any specific preferences for blanket/pillow/dream bubble design?- Do you think you could base the looks of the pillow and blanket on his mates? (click links for their profiles :D) That would be awesome! If not no worries! In that case feel free to pick whatever you think would look good <3

(DESIGN A)Would you like the 'Z z z' left in?- Yes!

Anything else?- If you ever decide to make more bases I'd love to get a ping!

Thank you so much!! <3
Ohhhh the new base is so cute!! Now I wish I had a Coatl/Coatl pair ahh
Ohhhh the new base is so cute!! Now I wish I had a Coatl/Coatl pair ahh
@TheBeanMan Hi! Can I be pingged when slots are open! Thank you!
@TheBeanMan Hi! Can I be pingged when slots are open! Thank you!

!!! Can I claim a slot! I'll put the order in ASAP!

!!! Can I claim a slot! I'll put the order in ASAP!
[url=][img][/img][/url] TheWanderers Design wanted: [[b]A[/b]/B/C/Any combo] Payment method- Gems Any specific preferences for blanket/pillow/dream bubble design?- Old looking blanket and pillow, please! (DESIGN A)Would you like the 'Z z z' left in?- [Yes/[b]No[/b]] Anything else?- Let me know the price and I'll send asap!

Design wanted: [A/B/C/Any combo]

Payment method- Gems

Any specific preferences for blanket/pillow/dream bubble design?- Old looking blanket and pillow, please!

(DESIGN A)Would you like the 'Z z z' left in?- [Yes/No]

Anything else?- Let me know the price and I'll send asap!
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