

Create, adopt, or show off your adoptables.
TOPIC | [Closed] RaiStar's Adopts - All Breeds
[center][img][/img][/center] [columns][img][/img][nextcol] [indent][nextcol]Welcome to my New Adoptable thread! My name is Marsi but you can call me RaiStar (like Rye). [b]No need to ping I'm subscribed to this thread.[/b] ;) [indent][/columns] [center][img][/img][/center] [color=green][b][u]Current Available Adoptable Sets:[/u][/b][/color] Open Green // Closed Red [url=][color=red][b][u]Hatchling Hats[/u]:[/b][/color][/url] All Modern Breeds [url=][color=red][b][u]Seasonal Dragons[/u]:[/b][/color][/url] All Modern Breeds + [See Details Below] [url=][color=red][b][u]Fancy Koi[/u]:[/b][/color][/url] Breedless base (any dragon/character acceptable) [url=][color=red][b][u]Zombie Plush[/u]:[/b][/color][/url] Any Modern or Ancient Breed [color=green][u][b]Foddart ONLY: Open for RoR[/b][/u][/color] [url=][color=green][b][u]Flower Day Dreamer[/u]:[/b][/color][/url] Coatl, Fae, Imp, Tundra, PC, SD, WC, Spiral, Goaler, Veilspun [url=][color=Green][b][u]Kirugumi 'Trick or Treaters'[/u]:[/b][/color][/url] Fae, Tundra, Mirror, Guardian [url=][color=red][b][u]Flower Portraits[/u]:[/b][/color][/url] Banescale, Coatl, Guardian, Imp, PC, SD, WC, Obbys and Abby Please save to your own hosting to protect your images. I have had bad experiences with free hosters in the past. I will list all completed customs in blocks on my dA account account. Please link back to me on site or my dA off site. [center]Visit my Badge Collecting Game here [url=][img][/img][/url] [/center] [center][img][/img][/center] [u][b]Order List: [/b][/u] [i]I do orders out of order based on the time I have, how many breeds/genes I have to draw, my mood, or the file that I have open. List order doesn't matter.[/i] (Limit 2 adopts per person unless USD) FR Currency (Limit two per slot) 1. Username / Status / Link / unpaid 2. Username / Status / Link / unpaid 3. Username / Status / Link / unpaid USD (Unlimited) 1. OPEN UN / Status / Link / Unpaid 2. OPEN UN / Status / Link / Unpaid 3. OPEN UN / Status / Link / Unpaid [center][url=][color=green][b]---> Self editing Pinglist <---[/b][/color][/url][/center] [u][b]Current Other Orders: [/b][/u] [url=][s]Foddart[/s][/url] / [s]Raffle[/s] / [s]Other[/s]

Welcome to my New Adoptable thread! My name is Marsi but you can call me RaiStar (like Rye).

No need to ping I'm subscribed to this thread. ;)


Current Available Adoptable Sets:
Open Green // Closed Red

Hatchling Hats: All Modern Breeds
Seasonal Dragons: All Modern Breeds + [See Details Below]
Fancy Koi: Breedless base (any dragon/character acceptable)
Zombie Plush: Any Modern or Ancient Breed

Foddart ONLY: Open for RoR
Flower Day Dreamer: Coatl, Fae, Imp, Tundra, PC, SD, WC, Spiral, Goaler, Veilspun
Kirugumi 'Trick or Treaters': Fae, Tundra, Mirror, Guardian
Flower Portraits: Banescale, Coatl, Guardian, Imp, PC, SD, WC, Obbys and Abby

Please save to your own hosting to protect your images. I have had bad experiences with free hosters in the past. I will list all completed customs in blocks on my dA account account.
Please link back to me on site or my dA off site.

Visit my Badge Collecting Game here


Order List:
I do orders out of order based on the time I have, how many breeds/genes I have to draw, my mood, or the file that I have open. List order doesn't matter.
(Limit 2 adopts per person unless USD)

FR Currency (Limit two per slot)
1. Username / Status / Link / unpaid
2. Username / Status / Link / unpaid
3. Username / Status / Link / unpaid

USD (Unlimited)
1. OPEN UN / Status / Link / Unpaid
2. OPEN UN / Status / Link / Unpaid
3. OPEN UN / Status / Link / Unpaid

Current Other Orders:
Foddart / Raffle / Other
UlAMe1f.gif FR Forum Threads
[i][u][b]FODDART ONLY[/b][/u][/i] Set Name: [b]The Flowery Day Dreamer[/b] [center][img][/img][/center] [b]Size:[/b] 500px wide for single unless requested otherwise. [b]Breeds:[/b] Established Bases: Coatl, Fae, Imp, Tundra, PC, SD, Spiral, Goaler, Veilspun and WC [b]Flowers:[/b] Roses, Tulips, Lilies, Sunflowers, Primrose* [Branches], Plumeria* [Blossom] or Stars [b]Genes:[/b] [url=]No additional cost though if you want yours back faster you can pick from completed genes here[/url] [b]Special Eye Types:[/b] See Sponsorship below [i][b][u]Single Cost: 300 Levels / 500kt / 500g / $5 USD[/u][/b][/i] [b]Couple:[/b] Cost of each individual plus [i][b][u]25 Levels / 50kt / 40g / Free USD[/u][/b][/i] [i][b]Accents/Skins:[/b][/i] Simple recolor for currency or $1-$10 for USD. [i][b]Apparel:[/b][/i] add-ons +5 levels / 20kt / 15g or Sponsor ($2 each) Drawn apparel listed below. Willing to recolor custom colors no additional charge besides add on cost. [columns] Kelpie Manes [item=Swamp Kelpie Mane] Bloodred, Ghostly, Pale, Seaside, Shifting, Sunlit and Swamp [nextcol] Lace Headpieces [item=Sweetheart Lace Headpiece] Antique, Ash, Black, Buttercup, Green, Lace, Moonlight, Pastel, Sepia, and Sweetheart [nextcol] Rose Thorn Crown [item=Dusky Rose Thorn Crown] Sepia, Twilight, Pristine, Faerie, Pastel, Poisonous, Sanguine, Dusky, Gilded [nextcol] Head Bows [item=Prismatic Head Bow] Aqua, Black, Blue, Buttercup, Dark, Emerald, Glowing, Green, Lavender, Magenta, Mint, Peach, Periwinkle, Pink, Prismatic, Purple, Red, Sparkling, Violet, and White [/columns] [columns] Emblems [item=Starseer's Emblem] [nextcol]Starsilks [item=Rainbow Starsilk earrings][item=Nightfall Starsilk Circlet] Horizon, Paradise, Ruby, Bloodsong, Nightfall, Vintage, Moondusk, Nebula, Teal, Lagoon, Verdant, Rainbow [nextcol] Halos [item=Luminous Halo][item=Luminous Halo] [nextcol][item=Classy Monocle] Classy, Shabby, Lavish, Posh, Proper, Spiffy, Fancy, Sinister, Florid, Resplendent [/columns] [b]Sponsorship required ($2 each):[/b] Silk Veil/Fillet, Wing Silks, halos, Sylvan, Flame Candles, lanterns, Butterfly's Kiss, emblems, elemental crowns, grasp, deck, earrings (complicated), deepsea blub, wraps, and the Unicorn Horns/Manes. Sponsorship required (30 levels/50Kt each): Glasses, apparel eyes, flowerfalls, rings, earrings/bangles (simple), Flower Crown, cobwebs. [i]Will discuss other.[/i] Flowery Dreamer Form: [code] @RaiStarDragon [b]Your username:[/b] [b]Adoptable set:[/b] Flowery Day Dreamer [b]Dragon image and link:[/b] [b]Dragon Name:[/b] [b]Eye Type/Apparel Eyes:[/b](custom/different color than dragon okay) [b]Flower Type and Color:[/b] [b]Apparel/Skin:[/b] [b]Additional notes:[/b] (Specify dragon Left and Right if wanting a couple) [/code]

Set Name: The Flowery Day Dreamer
Size: 500px wide for single unless requested otherwise.
Breeds: Established Bases: Coatl, Fae, Imp, Tundra, PC, SD, Spiral, Goaler, Veilspun and WC
Flowers: Roses, Tulips, Lilies, Sunflowers, Primrose* [Branches], Plumeria* [Blossom] or Stars
Genes: No additional cost though if you want yours back faster you can pick from completed genes here
Special Eye Types: See Sponsorship below
Single Cost: 300 Levels / 500kt / 500g / $5 USD
Couple: Cost of each individual plus 25 Levels / 50kt / 40g / Free USD
Accents/Skins: Simple recolor for currency or $1-$10 for USD.
Apparel: add-ons +5 levels / 20kt / 15g or Sponsor ($2 each)

Drawn apparel listed below. Willing to recolor custom colors no additional charge besides add on cost.
Kelpie Manes
Swamp Kelpie Mane
Bloodred, Ghostly, Pale, Seaside, Shifting, Sunlit and Swamp
Lace Headpieces
Sweetheart Lace Headpiece
Antique, Ash, Black, Buttercup, Green, Lace, Moonlight, Pastel, Sepia, and Sweetheart
Rose Thorn Crown
Dusky Rose Thorn Crown
Sepia, Twilight, Pristine, Faerie, Pastel, Poisonous, Sanguine, Dusky, Gilded
Head Bows
Prismatic Head Bow
Aqua, Black, Blue, Buttercup, Dark, Emerald, Glowing, Green, Lavender, Magenta, Mint, Peach, Periwinkle, Pink, Prismatic, Purple, Red, Sparkling, Violet, and White
Starseer's Emblem
Rainbow Starsilk Earrings Nightfall Starsilk Circlet
Horizon, Paradise, Ruby, Bloodsong, Nightfall, Vintage, Moondusk, Nebula, Teal, Lagoon, Verdant, Rainbow
Luminous Halo Luminous Halo
Classy Monocle
Classy, Shabby, Lavish, Posh, Proper, Spiffy, Fancy, Sinister, Florid, Resplendent

Sponsorship required ($2 each):
Silk Veil/Fillet, Wing Silks, halos, Sylvan, Flame Candles, lanterns, Butterfly's Kiss, emblems, elemental crowns, grasp, deck, earrings (complicated), deepsea blub, wraps, and the Unicorn Horns/Manes.
Sponsorship required (30 levels/50Kt each): Glasses, apparel eyes, flowerfalls, rings, earrings/bangles (simple), Flower Crown, cobwebs. Will discuss other.

Flowery Dreamer Form:
@RaiStarDragon [b]Your username:[/b] [b]Adoptable set:[/b] Flowery Day Dreamer [b]Dragon image and link:[/b] [b]Dragon Name:[/b] [b]Eye Type/Apparel Eyes:[/b](custom/different color than dragon okay) [b]Flower Type and Color:[/b] [b]Apparel/Skin:[/b] [b]Additional notes:[/b] (Specify dragon Left and Right if wanting a couple)
UlAMe1f.gif FR Forum Threads
Set Name: [b]Hatchling Hats[/b] [img][/img] [b]Size:[/b] 350px wide for single unless requested otherwise. [b]Breeds:[/b] All Breeds [i][b][u]Cost: 230 Levels / 350kt / 350g / $4 USD[/u][/b][/i] Available Hats: [item=Harvest Guise] [item=Reaper Guise] [item=Unicorn Guise] [item=Kelpie Guise] [item=Spectre Guise] [item=Gray Wizard hat] [item=Brown Wizard hat] [item=Tree Warden's Garb] [item=Mistlurker's Garb] [item=Black Top Hat] [item=White Top Hat] [item=Shabby Top Hat] [item=Fancy Top Hat] [item=conjurer's hat] [item=Magician's hat] [item=Sorcerer's hat] [item=witch's hat] [item=Enchanter's hat] [item=Mage's Golden hat] [item=Mage's Midnight hat] [item=Mage's Nightshade hat] [item=Mage's Ivory hat] [item=Mage's Cranberry hat] [item=Mage's Thicket hat] [item=Mage's Peony hat] [item=Mage's Walnut hat] [item=Mage's Sapphire hat] [item=Electrician's crown] [item=Starseer's crown] [item=Infectionist's crown][item=Stonekeeper crown] [item=Shady crown] [item=Frigid crown][item=Searing crown] [item=Illuminated crown] [item=Whirlwind crown][item=Druidic crown] [item=Diver crown] [item=Brown Felt Cavalier] [item=Black Cavalier] [item=Trickster's Bellcap] [item=Tricktrouper Crown] [item=Jolly Jester's Cap] [item=Deadpan Jester's Cap] [item=Whimsical Jester's Cap] [item=Clever Jester's Cap] [item=Witty Jester's Cap] [item=Sarcastic Jester's Cap] [item=Pink Daisy Cabbie] [item=Brown Plaid Cabbie] [item=Navy Plaid Cabbie] [img][/img] [b]Add-ons! Currently available: [/b] Eyes: [item=saucer stare] [item=Wiggly Sight] [item=Disgruntled view] [item=Spiral Daze] [item=Starry Regard] [item=Weary Focus] [item=Sly Glance] [item=Intense attention] [item=Bishoujo Observation] [item=Googly Confusion] [item=Beautiful Gander] [item=darksteel glasses] [item=Silver Halfmoon Spectacles] Familiars and Pets: [item=calico cat][item=black cat][item=orange tabby][item=mainecoon][img][/img] [item=red-tailed boa][item=Dark-Tufted Sparrowmouse] [item=Gloomwillow Guide] [i][b][u]Customization Cost[/u][/b][/i] Custom colored pet (depending on complexity): $1 USD Sponsor a new animal: $5 each Sponsor simple apparel: $2 each Sponsor a new hat: $2 each Hatchling Hat Order Form: [code] [b]Your username:[/b] [b]Favorite animal:[/b] [b]Adoptable set:[/b] Hatchling Hats [b]Hat:[/b] [item=] [b]Dragon image and link:[/b] [b]Dragon Name:[/b] [b]Eye Type:[/b] [Flight and Rarity] [b]Add ons:[/b] [b]Payment type:[/b] [b]Additional notes:[/b] [/code]
Set Name: Hatchling Hats

Size: 350px wide for single unless requested otherwise.
Breeds: All Breeds
Cost: 230 Levels / 350kt / 350g / $4 USD
Available Hats:
Harvest Guise Reaper Guise Unicorn Guise Kelpie Guise Spectre Guise
Brown Wizard Hat Tree Warden's Garb Mistlurker's Garb
Shabby Top Hat Fancy Top Hat
Conjurer's Hat Magician's Hat Sorcerer's Hat Witch's Hat Enchanter's Hat
Mage's Golden Hat Mage's Midnight Hat Mage's Nightshade Hat Mage's Ivory Hat Mage's Cranberry Hat Mage's Thicket Hat Mage's Peony Hat Mage's Walnut Hat Mage's Sapphire Hat
Electrician's Crown Starseer's Crown Infectionist's Crown Stonekeeper Crown Shady Crown Frigid Crown Searing Crown Illuminated Crown Whirlwind Crown Druidic Crown Diver Crown Brown Felt Cavalier Black Cavalier Trickster's Bellcap Tricktrouper Crown
Jolly Jester's Cap Deadpan Jester's Cap Whimsical Jester's Cap Clever Jester's Cap Witty Jester's Cap Sarcastic Jester's Cap Pink Daisy Cabbie Brown Plaid Cabbie Navy Plaid Cabbie
Add-ons! Currently available:

Saucer Stare Wiggly Sight Disgruntled View Spiral Daze Starry Regard Weary Focus Sly Glance Intense Attention Bishoujo Observation Googly Confusion Beautiful Gander Darksteel Glasses Silver Halfmoon Spectacles
Familiars and Pets:
Calico Cat Black Cat Orange Tabby Mainecoon WJAr9yI.png
Red-Tailed Boa Dark-Tufted Sparrowmouse Gloomwillow Guide

Customization Cost
Custom colored pet (depending on complexity): $1 USD
Sponsor a new animal: $5 each
Sponsor simple apparel: $2 each
Sponsor a new hat: $2 each

Hatchling Hat Order Form:
[b]Your username:[/b] [b]Favorite animal:[/b] [b]Adoptable set:[/b] Hatchling Hats [b]Hat:[/b] [item=] [b]Dragon image and link:[/b] [b]Dragon Name:[/b] [b]Eye Type:[/b] [Flight and Rarity] [b]Add ons:[/b] [b]Payment type:[/b] [b]Additional notes:[/b]
UlAMe1f.gif FR Forum Threads
[i][/i]Set Name: [b]The Seasonal Festival FR Dragon[/b] Examples: [Center][img][/img] [img][/img][img][/img][img][/img] [img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][/center] [b]Open Breeds: [/b]All Modern breeds/genders. Ancients May be Sponsored Canine, Feline, Bagbean available for USD commission. Other Bases may be sponsored. [b]Edit speed:[/b] 1-3 weeks [b]Genes:[/b] Any and all available [b]Available Themes: [/b] [i]Seasonals [/i]- Sand castle, Snowman [i]Deluxe Plushie[/i] - All Flight Dieties Other: [i]Hainu Plushie[/i] and friends, [i]Balwin[/i] Base Cost: These take way too long to make so for now on I'll only take USD payments. $15 each single, $25 for a couple. + $15 for base sponsorship for Obby, Abby, Goaler, Banescale, Vielspun Simple apparel included. Complicated skins/accents/apparel +$5-$10 Single Order Form: [code] [b]Your username:[/b] [b]Favorite Familiar:[/b] [b]Adoptable set:[/b] Seasonal/Festival Dragon [b]Seasonal:[/b] Sandcastle, Snowman, FR Deity, etc. [b]Dragon image and link:[/b] [b]Dragon Name:[/b] [b]Eye Type:[/b] Common eyes only [b]Apparel (USD):[/b] yes (list) / no [b]Skin/Accent (USD):[/b] yes / no [b]Payment type:[/b] USD [b]Additional notes:[/b] [/code] Completed Seasonals: Batch #1: [url=]dA link[/url]
Set Name: The Seasonal Festival FR Dragon
o3JSv5b.png rf0sfTF.pngPebPdCl.pngg03KFWu.png BHhHZcZ.pngtZqHxdk.pngbnRQrdv.pngaUcqgk3.png
Open Breeds: All Modern breeds/genders. Ancients May be Sponsored
Canine, Feline, Bagbean available for USD commission. Other Bases may be sponsored.
Edit speed: 1-3 weeks
Genes: Any and all available
Available Themes:
Seasonals - Sand castle, Snowman
Deluxe Plushie - All Flight Dieties
Other: Hainu Plushie and friends, Balwin

Base Cost: These take way too long to make so for now on I'll only take USD payments.
$15 each single, $25 for a couple.
+ $15 for base sponsorship for Obby, Abby, Goaler, Banescale, Vielspun
Simple apparel included. Complicated skins/accents/apparel +$5-$10

Single Order Form:
[b]Your username:[/b] [b]Favorite Familiar:[/b] [b]Adoptable set:[/b] Seasonal/Festival Dragon [b]Seasonal:[/b] Sandcastle, Snowman, FR Deity, etc. [b]Dragon image and link:[/b] [b]Dragon Name:[/b] [b]Eye Type:[/b] Common eyes only [b]Apparel (USD):[/b] yes (list) / no [b]Skin/Accent (USD):[/b] yes / no [b]Payment type:[/b] USD [b]Additional notes:[/b]

Completed Seasonals:
Batch #1: dA link
UlAMe1f.gif FR Forum Threads
Set Name: [b]Fancy Koi[/b] [center][img][/img][img][/img][/center] [b]Size:[/b] 500px wide for single unless requested otherwise. Two Poses Ying (Top) and Yang (Bottom) [b]Genes:[/b] No additional cost [b]Special Eye Types:[/b] See Sponsorship below [i][b][u]Cost: 250 Levels / 350kt / 350g / $4 USD[/u][/b][/i] [b]Couple:[/b] 500 Levels / 700kt / 700g / $8 USD[/u][/b][/i] [i][b]Accents/Skins/Other:[/b][/i] Simple recolor/pattern free, $1-$10 USD for complicated. [i][b]Apparel:[/b][/i] Sponsor ($2 each) or add-on +5 levels / 20kt / 15g Completed Apparel Add-ons (Ying Pose): [i]Will recolor if desired[/i] [item=Thresher Flatfins] [item=Undine's Flatfins] [item=Crystalcourt cascades][item=seashell mantle] [item=Whirlwind Sash] [item=Golden Sage Lantern] [item=Pretty Periwinkle Head Bow] Skins (Ying Pose): [skin=26340] [skin=29589] [skin=20506] Add ons (Ying or Yang): Bubbles Pearl Snapper Tips (Toe and Horn colors) Single Order Form: [code] [b]Your username:[/b] [b]Favorite Food:[/b] ( because I love learning more about you) [b]Adoptable set:[/b] Fancy Koi [b]Pose:[/b] Ying (default single) or Yang [b]Dragon image and link:[/b] [b]Dragon Name:[/b] [b]Eye Type:[/b] (Primal/Glowing/Multi-gaze require sponsoring) [b]Apparel (Add-on/Sponsor):[/b] yes (list) / no (currently only on Yin base) [b]Skin/Accent (USD):[/b] yes / no [b]Payment type:[/b] USD / Treasure / Gems / Festival Currency [b]Additional notes:[/b] [/code] Couple Adoptable Form: [code] [b]Your username:[/b] [b]Favorite Food:[/b] [b]Adoptable set:[/b] Fancy Koi [b]Dragon #1 (Ying or Top) image and link:[/b] [b]Dragon #1’s Name:[/b] [b]Flight (eye color):[/b] (Primal/Multi-gaze require sponsoring) [b]Apparel (USD only):[/b] yes (list) / no [b]Skin/Accent (USD only):[/b] yes / no [b]Dragon #2 (bottom or Yang) image and link:[/b] [b]Dragon #2’s name:[/b] [b]Flight (eye color):[/b] (Primal/Multi-gaze require sponsoring) [b]Apparel (USD only):[/b] yes (list) / no [b]Skin/Accent (USD only):[/b] yes / no [b]Payment type:[/b] USD / Treasure / Gems Festival Currency / Mix or other arrangement [b]Additional notes:[/b] [/code]
Set Name: Fancy Koi
Size: 500px wide for single unless requested otherwise.
Two Poses Ying (Top) and Yang (Bottom)
Genes: No additional cost
Special Eye Types: See Sponsorship below
Cost: 250 Levels / 350kt / 350g / $4 USD
Couple: 500 Levels / 700kt / 700g / $8 USD[/u][/b][/i]
Accents/Skins/Other: Simple recolor/pattern free, $1-$10 USD for complicated.
Apparel: Sponsor ($2 each) or add-on +5 levels / 20kt / 15g

Completed Apparel Add-ons (Ying Pose):
Will recolor if desired

Thresher Flatfins Undine's Flatfins Crystalcourt Cascades Seashell Mantle Whirlwind Sash Golden Sage Lantern Pretty Periwinkle Head Bow

Skins (Ying Pose):

Add ons (Ying or Yang):
Snapper Tips (Toe and Horn colors)

Single Order Form:
[b]Your username:[/b] [b]Favorite Food:[/b] ( because I love learning more about you) [b]Adoptable set:[/b] Fancy Koi [b]Pose:[/b] Ying (default single) or Yang [b]Dragon image and link:[/b] [b]Dragon Name:[/b] [b]Eye Type:[/b] (Primal/Glowing/Multi-gaze require sponsoring) [b]Apparel (Add-on/Sponsor):[/b] yes (list) / no (currently only on Yin base) [b]Skin/Accent (USD):[/b] yes / no [b]Payment type:[/b] USD / Treasure / Gems / Festival Currency [b]Additional notes:[/b]

Couple Adoptable Form:
[b]Your username:[/b] [b]Favorite Food:[/b] [b]Adoptable set:[/b] Fancy Koi [b]Dragon #1 (Ying or Top) image and link:[/b] [b]Dragon #1’s Name:[/b] [b]Flight (eye color):[/b] (Primal/Multi-gaze require sponsoring) [b]Apparel (USD only):[/b] yes (list) / no [b]Skin/Accent (USD only):[/b] yes / no [b]Dragon #2 (bottom or Yang) image and link:[/b] [b]Dragon #2’s name:[/b] [b]Flight (eye color):[/b] (Primal/Multi-gaze require sponsoring) [b]Apparel (USD only):[/b] yes (list) / no [b]Skin/Accent (USD only):[/b] yes / no [b]Payment type:[/b] USD / Treasure / Gems Festival Currency / Mix or other arrangement [b]Additional notes:[/b]

UlAMe1f.gif FR Forum Threads
[b]Foddart Only[/b] Flower Portraits [img][/img] [img][/img] [b]Breeds:[/b] NEW ABBERATIONS AND OBELISKS! Banescale, PC, WC, Imp, SD, Tundra, Guardian, Spiral, Coatl. [b]Flowers:[/b] Any color: Sunflowers, Chrysanthemums, or Roses [b]Genes:[/b] No additional cost [b]Special Eye Types:[/b] See Sponsorship below [i][b][u]Cost: 250 Levels / 500kt / 500g / $4 USD[/u][/b][/i] [i][b]Accents/Skins/Other:[/b][/i] Simple recolor/pattern free [i][b]Apparel:[/b][/i] I'm not doing apparel for this base. Single Order Form: [code] [b]Your username:[/b] [b]Favorite movie:[/b] ( because I love learning more about you) [b]Adoptable set:[/b] Flower Portraits [b]Dragon image and link:[/b] [b]Dragon Name:[/b] [b]Eye Type:[/b] (Primal require sponsoring) [b]Payment type:[/b] levels / other [b]Additional notes:[/b] [/code]
Foddart Only

Flower Portraits

Breeds: NEW ABBERATIONS AND OBELISKS! Banescale, PC, WC, Imp, SD, Tundra, Guardian, Spiral, Coatl.
Flowers: Any color: Sunflowers, Chrysanthemums, or Roses
Genes: No additional cost
Special Eye Types: See Sponsorship below
Cost: 250 Levels / 500kt / 500g / $4 USD
Accents/Skins/Other: Simple recolor/pattern free
Apparel: I'm not doing apparel for this base.

Single Order Form:
[b]Your username:[/b] [b]Favorite movie:[/b] ( because I love learning more about you) [b]Adoptable set:[/b] Flower Portraits [b]Dragon image and link:[/b] [b]Dragon Name:[/b] [b]Eye Type:[/b] (Primal require sponsoring) [b]Payment type:[/b] levels / other [b]Additional notes:[/b]
UlAMe1f.gif FR Forum Threads
UlAMe1f.gif FR Forum Threads
Set Name: [b]Zombie Plush[/b] [img][/img] [b]Size:[/b] 325px wide for single unless requested otherwise. [b]Breeds:[/b] All Modern and Ancient Breeds [i][b][u]Cost: 150 Levels / 200kt / 200g / $2 USD[/u][/b][/i] [i][b]Accents/Skins/Other:[/b][/i] Simple recolor/pattern free, $1-$5 USD depending how complicated. [i][b]Apparel:[/b][/i] Sponsor ($1 each) or add-on +5 levels / 20kt / 15g APPAREL add-ons: Bows, glasses, feathery wings, bandages, flower crown, a fairy Other Add-ons: Spider Webs Button Eyes Zombie Plush Order Form: [code] [b]Your username:[/b] [b]Favorite Stuffy:[/b] [b]Adoptable set:[/b] Zombie Plush [b]Dragon image and link:[/b] [b]Dragon Name:[/b] [b]Add ons:[/b] [b]Payment type:[/b] [b]Additional notes:[/b] [/code]
Set Name: Zombie Plush


Size: 325px wide for single unless requested otherwise.
Breeds: All Modern and Ancient Breeds
Cost: 150 Levels / 200kt / 200g / $2 USD
Accents/Skins/Other: Simple recolor/pattern free, $1-$5 USD depending how complicated.
Apparel: Sponsor ($1 each) or add-on +5 levels / 20kt / 15g

APPAREL add-ons:
Bows, glasses, feathery wings, bandages, flower crown, a fairy

Other Add-ons:
Spider Webs
Button Eyes

Zombie Plush Order Form:
[b]Your username:[/b] [b]Favorite Stuffy:[/b] [b]Adoptable set:[/b] Zombie Plush [b]Dragon image and link:[/b] [b]Dragon Name:[/b] [b]Add ons:[/b] [b]Payment type:[/b] [b]Additional notes:[/b]
UlAMe1f.gif FR Forum Threads
[u][i][b]Currently Closed Adoptables[/b][/i][/u] These are a holiday only item. Set Name: [b]Nutcracker Dragons[/b] Examples: [img][/img] [img][/img] Open Breeds: Fae, Mirror, Tundra, Imp and Coalt Genes: Any and all available Available Themes: Feel free to mix and match, themes are just suggestions! [b]King[/b] (includes scepter and crown) [b]Drummer[/b] (includes drum and sticks) [b]Sword Master[/b] (includes sword and shield) [b]Hunter/Gatherer[/b] (furs, fish, and wood basket) [b]Gifter[/b] (custom colored present with bow) Base Cost: TBD Nutcracker Order Form [code] [b]Your username:[/b] [b]Adoptable set:[/b] Nutcracker [b]Dragon image and link:[/b] [b]Dragon Name:[/b] [b]Eye color:[/b] (sorry no special eye types atm) [b]Add-ons:[/b] (mix and match as you want! If not specified I will use my best judgement.) [b]Additional notes:[/b] (Special requests, recolors, etc.) [/code] Mix and match: [columns] Head: Crown Eyes: Mirror Round Semi-Circle [nextcol] Eyebrow: None Worry Cherry Angry Imp Curl Imp Extra Curl Bushy [nextcol] Mouth: Pointed Teeth Round Teeth Mustache Fluff Curl Beard Fuzzy Beard Curly Neck Beard Imp Curl Whiskers [nextcol] Holding Items: Sword Scepter Wood Basket Drum, Drumsticks Furs, Fish Badge Shield Present [nextcol] Other: Icy Base Snowman Holly Sakura Flower Flower Badge Shield Badge Star Badge [nextcol] Empty Arms: Forward Down Angled [/columns]
Currently Closed Adoptables
These are a holiday only item.

Set Name: Nutcracker Dragons
Open Breeds: Fae, Mirror, Tundra, Imp and Coalt
Genes: Any and all available
Available Themes:
Feel free to mix and match, themes are just suggestions!
King (includes scepter and crown)
Drummer (includes drum and sticks)
Sword Master (includes sword and shield)
Hunter/Gatherer (furs, fish, and wood basket)
Gifter (custom colored present with bow)

Base Cost: TBD

Nutcracker Order Form
[b]Your username:[/b] [b]Adoptable set:[/b] Nutcracker [b]Dragon image and link:[/b] [b]Dragon Name:[/b] [b]Eye color:[/b] (sorry no special eye types atm) [b]Add-ons:[/b] (mix and match as you want! If not specified I will use my best judgement.) [b]Additional notes:[/b] (Special requests, recolors, etc.)

Mix and match:

Imp Curl
Imp Extra Curl
Pointed Teeth
Round Teeth
Mustache Fluff Curl
Beard Fuzzy
Beard Curly
Neck Beard
Imp Curl Whiskers
Holding Items:
Wood Basket
Drum, Drumsticks
Furs, Fish
Icy Base
Sakura Flower
Flower Badge
Shield Badge
Star Badge
Empty Arms:
UlAMe1f.gif FR Forum Threads
[u][i][b]These are a holiday only item available during Foddart in October.[/b][/i][/u] Set name: Kirugumi Dragons Kirugumi 'Trick or Treaters' Of all Flight Deities [img][/img] Breeds: Fae, Guardian, Mirror, Tundra [img][/img] Base Cost: [b] 300 Levels / 500kt / 500g / $5 USD[/b] Currently Available Kirugumi: [img][/img] Apparel/Skins/Accents (USD or Large Bribe Only): Varies Additional Kirugumi or sizes for same dragon: [b]25 levels / 50Kt [img][/img] / 35 [img][/img] Kirugumi Order Form: [code] @RaiStarDragon [b]Your username:[/b] [b]Favorite Candy:[/b] (Because I like to know! It's fun) [b]Adoptable set:[/b] Kirugumi Trick or Treaters [b]Kirugumi Theme(s):[/b] Flamecaller, Shadowbringer, etc. [b]Dragon image and link:[/b] [b]Dragon Name:[/b] [b]Eye Type:[/b] Primal and multi-gaze +50kt (included in gem/USD orders) [b]Simple Apparel (USD only):[/b] yes (list) / no [b]Skin/Accent (payable only USD):[/b] yes / no [b]Payment type:[/b] USD / Treasure / Gems / Festival Currency / Mix [b]Additional notes:[/b] [/code]
These are a holiday only item available during Foddart in October.

Set name: Kirugumi Dragons
Kirugumi 'Trick or Treaters' Of all Flight Deities
Breeds: Fae, Guardian, Mirror, Tundra
Base Cost: 300 Levels / 500kt / 500g / $5 USD
Currently Available Kirugumi:
Apparel/Skins/Accents (USD or Large Bribe Only): Varies
Additional Kirugumi or sizes for same dragon: 25 levels / 50Kt luJGmgK.png / 35 I3u4Otn.png

Kirugumi Order Form:
@RaiStarDragon [b]Your username:[/b] [b]Favorite Candy:[/b] (Because I like to know! It's fun) [b]Adoptable set:[/b] Kirugumi Trick or Treaters [b]Kirugumi Theme(s):[/b] Flamecaller, Shadowbringer, etc. [b]Dragon image and link:[/b] [b]Dragon Name:[/b] [b]Eye Type:[/b] Primal and multi-gaze +50kt (included in gem/USD orders) [b]Simple Apparel (USD only):[/b] yes (list) / no [b]Skin/Accent (payable only USD):[/b] yes / no [b]Payment type:[/b] USD / Treasure / Gems / Festival Currency / Mix [b]Additional notes:[/b]
UlAMe1f.gif FR Forum Threads