

Create, adopt, or show off your adoptables.
TOPIC | FR Fishtank: Closed
[center][img][/img][color=transparent]xxxx [color=green][size=7][size=5][font=rock salt]FR FISHTANK[/font][/size][/size][color=transparent]xxxx [img][/img] [/center] [color=green][size=5][b]Shop Status[/b][/size] [s][b]Jan 2 2019:[/b] TREASURE/GEM SPECIAL! Until Feb 28, you can order any small tank for 20k/20g, medium tank for 35k/35g, and large tank for 50k/50g! Any fish, any decorations, as many as you want (within reason - I don't want to be stacking 1000 fish in a single tank ^^;)! You can also request any FR item to be added as a decoration for 25k/25g![/s] [size=5][b]About the Fishtanks[/b][/size] You can order pixel "adoptable" fishtanks containing Flight Rising aquatic items. Example: [center][img][/img][/center] [color=green]I won't be storing the adoptables images, so you'll have to keep the images yourself somewhere. This also means that I will not be able to edit existing adoptables. Please make sure your order is exactly what you want! No need to ping, I am subscribed to this thread. [size=5][b]Rules[/b][/size] - Do not claim these to be your work. - Do not edit or alter your fishtanks or any fishtank assets. - Do not use in other art or graphics. - Fishtanks and fishtank assets must link back to my shop. [size=5][b]Navigation[/b][/size] [LIST=1] [*]Shop Status and Rules [*][url=][b]How to order Fishtanks[/b][/url] [*][url=]Animated Fishtanks[/url] [*][url=]Fishtank types, water colors, and substrate options[/url] [*][url=]Fish[/url] [*][url=]Critters[/url] [*][url=]Familars[/url] [*][url=]Decorations[/url] [*][url=]Free-To-Use[/url] [/LIST] [color=green][size=4][b]Acknowledgements[/b][/size] Thanks to miirshroom for letting me use their BonsaiPixels thread formatting. You should check out their adoptables [url=]here[/url]! [center][img]
1trgoG8.pngxxxx FR FISHTANKxxxx oLRUnwP.png

Shop Status

Jan 2 2019: TREASURE/GEM SPECIAL! Until Feb 28, you can order any small tank for 20k/20g, medium tank for 35k/35g, and large tank for 50k/50g! Any fish, any decorations, as many as you want (within reason - I don't want to be stacking 1000 fish in a single tank ^^;)! You can also request any FR item to be added as a decoration for 25k/25g!

About the Fishtanks

You can order pixel "adoptable" fishtanks containing Flight Rising aquatic items.

I won't be storing the adoptables images, so you'll have to keep the images yourself somewhere. This also means that I will not be able to edit existing adoptables. Please make sure your order is exactly what you want!

No need to ping, I am subscribed to this thread.


- Do not claim these to be your work.
- Do not edit or alter your fishtanks or any fishtank assets.
- Do not use in other art or graphics.
- Fishtanks and fishtank assets must link back to my shop.


  1. Shop Status and Rules
  2. How to order Fishtanks
  3. Animated Fishtanks
  4. Fishtank types, water colors, and substrate options
  5. Fish
  6. Critters
  7. Familars
  8. Decorations
  9. Free-To-Use


Thanks to miirshroom for letting me use their BonsaiPixels thread formatting. You should check out their adoptables here!

Selling old UMAs/giveaway
Giving away everything
G2 imperial giveaway
[center][color=green][size=6][b]How to Order Fishtanks[/b][/size][/center] [color=green][i]Except where otherwise noted, all items are purchased in quantities of Flight Rising items.[/i] 1. Select a tank type, water color and desired substrate (if any) from the "[b]Fishtanks, Water, and Substrate[/b]" post below. 2. Check the "[b]Fish[/b]" post in this thread for the item cost. 3. Check the "[b]Critters[/b]" "[b]Familiars[/b]" and "[b]Decorations[/b]" posts to select additional items to put in your fishtank. 4. Post [b]Order Form in this thread and send a Private Message*[/b] with the required item quantities attached. Any specific details about the placement of features is to be stated in your in-thread post. [i]*Note: Messages strongly preferred over Crossroads due to issues with items being unavailable to complete the One-Way Trades if they are left to sit for too long[/i] **If purchasing items to add to an existing tank, the cost will be the items' costs plus 5k. [size=5][b]Order Form[/b][/size] [code][color=blue][size=5][b]Ordering a Fishtank[/b][/size] [b]Type of Tank:[/b] n/a [b]Water:[/b] n/a [b]Substrate:[/b] n/a [b]Fish:[/b] n/a [b]Critters:[/b] n/a [b]Familiars:[/b] n/a [b]Decorations:[/b] n/a [b]Placement Directions:[/b] n/a [b]Payment Method:[/b] n/a [/color][/code] [color=green][size=5][b]Current orders/slots[/b][/size] [color=green]One order per slot, but you can claim multiple slots at a time. [LIST=1] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [/LIST]
How to Order Fishtanks

Except where otherwise noted, all items are purchased in quantities of Flight Rising items.

1. Select a tank type, water color and desired substrate (if any) from the "Fishtanks, Water, and Substrate" post below.

2. Check the "Fish" post in this thread for the item cost.

3. Check the "Critters" "Familiars" and "Decorations" posts to select additional items to put in your fishtank.

4. Post Order Form in this thread and send a Private Message* with the required item quantities attached. Any specific details about the placement of features is to be stated in your in-thread post.
*Note: Messages strongly preferred over Crossroads due to issues with items being unavailable to complete the One-Way Trades if they are left to sit for too long

**If purchasing items to add to an existing tank, the cost will be the items' costs plus 5k.

Order Form

[color=blue][size=5][b]Ordering a Fishtank[/b][/size] [b]Type of Tank:[/b] n/a [b]Water:[/b] n/a [b]Substrate:[/b] n/a [b]Fish:[/b] n/a [b]Critters:[/b] n/a [b]Familiars:[/b] n/a [b]Decorations:[/b] n/a [b]Placement Directions:[/b] n/a [b]Payment Method:[/b] n/a [/color]

Current orders/slots

One order per slot, but you can claim multiple slots at a time.

Selling old UMAs/giveaway
Giving away everything
G2 imperial giveaway
[center][color=green][size=6][b]Animated Tanks and Bribes[/b][/size] [img][/img][/center] [color=green]If you want a tank with animations, you can purchase one with RLC. Price is $5+ depending on the amount of animation. If interested in purchasing an animated tank, PM me to discuss details. Once all details are settled, you must send me your email and I will send a Paypal invoice. After the invoice is paid, I will make your fishtank. Note: Animated Fishtanks will have no transparency as it is not supported by the animated GIF format. [b]Slots:[/b] 1. [s]Brynecol - paid[/s] 2. [s]Arianethel - paid[/s] 3. [b]Bribes[/b] Want something added to the tanks? I may take bribes to make stuff. Ask and see if I'm interested. Stuff in progress: x
Animated Tanks and Bribes


If you want a tank with animations, you can purchase one with RLC. Price is $5+ depending on the amount of animation. If interested in purchasing an animated tank, PM me to discuss details.

Once all details are settled, you must send me your email and I will send a Paypal invoice. After the invoice is paid, I will make your fishtank.

Note: Animated Fishtanks will have no transparency as it is not supported by the animated GIF format.


1. Brynecol - paid
2. Arianethel - paid


Want something added to the tanks? I may take bribes to make stuff. Ask and see if I'm interested.

Stuff in progress: x
Selling old UMAs/giveaway
Giving away everything
G2 imperial giveaway
[center][color=green][size=6][b]Fishtanks, Water, and Substrate[/b][/size] [size=5][b]Fishtanks[/b][/size][/center] [img][/img] [item=mimic powder][item=nocturnal dust] [b]No Fishtank Small[/b] = 10 Mimic Powder [b]OR[/b] 10 Nocturnal Dust [b]No Fishtank Medium[/b] = 20 Mimic Powder [b]OR[/b] 20 Nocturnal Dust [b]No Fishtank Large[/b] = 30 Mimic Powder [b]OR[/b] 30 Nocturnal Dust [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [item=broken bottle] [b]Small Fishtank[/b] = 20 Broken Bottle [b]Old Small Fishtank[/b] = 20 Broken Bottle [b]Water Bowl[/b] = 15 Broken Bottle [i]*The Water Bowl can only hold 1-2 small items. Please don't actually put live fish in small bowls! For pixel pets only.[/i] [img][/img] [img][/img] [b]Medium Fishtank[/b] = 25 Broken Bottle [b]Old Medium Fishtank[/b] = 25 Broken Bottle [img][/img] [b]Large Fishtank[/b] = 30 Broken Bottle [img][/img] [b]Old Large Fishtank[/b] = 30 Broken Bottle [img][/img] [b]Tidepool Tank[/b] = (20 Sand) + (10 Salt) [item=sand][item=salt] [img][/img] [b]Pond Tank[/b] = (20 Clay) + (2 Turtle Shell [b]OR[/b] 2 Painted Turtle Shell [b]OR[/b] 2 Decorated Turtle Shell) [item=clay][item=turtle shell][item=Painted Turtle Shell][item=Decorated Turtle Shell] [center][color=green][size=5][b]Water Color[/b][/size][/center] [LIST] [*]By default, tanks contain no water. To add water you must purchase a water color. [*]Tankless tanks cannot take water (do not purchase water for tankless tanks). [*]Only "Old" tanks can take the "Old X Water" type, and vice versa. [*]Water Color is not available for Tidepool Tanks or Pond Tanks. [/LIST] [img][/img] [item=Vial of River Muck][item=Drywood Termite][item=gold fly][item=fly][item=lesser dreadram][item=Runic Batling][item=Blackwing Croaker Leg][item=Greyback Sparrow] [b]Blue Water[/b] = 5 Vial of River Muck [b]Green Water[/b] = 10 Drywood Termite [b]Yellow Water[/b] = 5 Gold Fly [b]Orange Water[/b] = 5 Fly [b]Red Water[/b] = 10 Lesser Dreadram [b]Pink Water[/b] = 10 Runic Batling [b]Purple Water[/b] = 10 Blackwing Croaker Leg [b]Grey Water[/b] = 10 Greyback Sparrow [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [item=Pale Pink Rose][item=Subterranean Termite][item=Gryphon's Blood Sempervivum][item= Deadweed][item=Satin Violets][item=Frosted Violets] [columns][item=Sewer Sludge][nextcol][b]Pastel Pink Water[/b] = 10 Pale Pink Rose [b]Pastel Purple Water[/b] = 10 Subterranean Termite [b]Wyrmwound Water[/b] = 5 Gryphon's Blood Sempervivum [b]Swamp Water[/b] = 20 Deadweed [b]Aurora Waters[/b] = (10 Satin Violets) + (10 Frosted Violets) [b]Radioactive Sewers[/b] = 20 Sewer Sludge[/columns] [img][/img][img][/img] [item=Madame Snapdragon][item=Crisp-leaf Amaranth][item=Greenstripe Amaranth][item=Cliff Lion][item=Red Emperor Tulip][item=Manaweed][item=Black Tulip][item=Stonecorn] [columns][item=Greenpod Bloom] [item=Redblood Sapper][nextcol][b]Old Blue Water[/b] = 5 Madame Snapdragon [b]Old Green Water[/b] = 5 Crisp-leaf Amaranth [b]Old Yellow Water[/b] = 5 Greenstripe Amaranth [b]Old Orange Water[/b] = 5 Cliff Lion [b]Old Red Water[/b] = 5 Red Emperor Tulip [b]Old Pink Water[/b] = 5 Manaweed [b]Old Purple Water[/b] = 5 Black Tulip [b]Old Grey Water[/b] = 5 Stonecorn [b]Old Swamp Water[/b] = 10 Greenpod Bloom [b]Old Wyrmwound Water[/b] = 10 Redblood Sapper[/columns] [center][color=green][size=5][b]Substrate[/b][/size][/center] [LIST][*]You can order fishtanks without substrate. [*]Small Fishtanks and Tall Tank need 1x Substrate to fully cover the bottom; Medium Fishtanks need 3x Substrate; Large Fishtanks need 5x Substrate. [*]Substrate is not available for Water Bowls, Tidepool Tanks, or Pond Tanks.[/LIST] [columns][img][/img] [nextcol][item=Frozen Rock Flow][item=Volcanic Remnants][item=Igneous Flow][item=Cerdae Sparkle] [/columns] [b]White Sand[/b] = 5 Frozen Rock Flow [b]Grey Sand[/b] = 5 Volcanic Remnants [b]Black Sand[/b] = 5 Igneous Flow [b]Red Sand[/b] = 10 Cerdae Sparkle [columns][img][/img] [nextcol][item=Unicorn Dust][item=sand][item=Mimic Powder][item=Nocturnal Dust] [/columns] [b]Orange Sand[/b] = 10 Unicorn Dust [b]Yellow Sand[/b] = 10 Sand [b]Green Sand[/b] = 5 Mimic Powder [b]Blue Sand[/b] = 5 Nocturnal Dust [columns][img][/img] [nextcol][item=Pulsing Relic][item=Aquatic Relic] [/columns] [b]Purple Sand[/b] = 10 Pulsing Relic [b]Pink Sand[/b] = 10 Aquatic Relic [columns][img][/img] [nextcol][item=Gravel][item=Bloodstone][item=Foo's Eye][item=Fool's Gold] [/columns] [b]Grey Gravel[/b] = 10 Gravel [b]Red Gravel[/b] = 10 Bloodstone [b]Orange Gravel[/b] = 10 Foo's Eye [b]Yellow Gravel[/b] = 3 Fool's Gold [columns][img][/img] [nextcol][item=Prehnite][item=Azurite][item=Kunzite][item=Morganite] [/columns] [b]Green Gravel[/b] = 10 Prehnite [b]Blue Gravel[/b] = 5 Azurite [b]Purple Gravel[/b] = 5 Kunzite [b]Pink Gravel[/b] = 10 Morganite [columns][img][/img] [nextcol][item=Granite Fragment][item=Smooth Pebbles][item=Wavespun Cloth][item=Amber] [/columns] [b]White Pebbles[/b] = 3 Granite Fragment [b]Grey Pebbles[/b] = 10 Smooth Pebbles [b]Red Pebbles[/b] = 10 Wavespun Cloth [b]Orange Pebbles[/b] = 10 Amber [columns][img][/img] [nextcol][item=Tattered Interloper Scrap][item=Ragged Skirmisher Scrap][item=Rippling Cloth][item=Amethyst Geode] [/columns] [b]Yellow Pebbles[/b] = 10 Tattered Interloper Scrap [b]Green Pebbles[/b] = 10 Ragged Skirmisher Scrap [b]Blue Pebbles[/b] = 10 Rippling Cloth [b]Purple Pebbles[/b] = 5 Amethyst Geode [columns][img][/img] [nextcol][item=Scarlet Flycatcher Wing] [/columns] [b]Pink Pebbles[/b] = 10 Scarlet Flycatcher Wing [columns][img][/img] [nextcol][item=Moonstone][item=Jasper][item=Banded Sardonyx][item=Infused Crystal] [/columns] [b]White Marbles[/b] = 10 Moonstone [b]Red Marbles[/b] = 5 Jasper [b]Orange Marbles[/b] = 5 Banded Sardonyx [b]Yellow Marbles[/b] = 3 Infused Crystal [i]*Marbles are transparent and can be layered with other substrates.[/i] [columns][img][/img] [nextcol][item=Jade][item=Labradorite][item=Nightsky Fuiran Hide][item=Rose Quartz] [/columns] [b]Green Marbles[/b] = 5 Jade [b]Blue Marbles[/b] = 5 Labradorite [b]Purple Marbles[/b] = 10 Nightsky Fuiran Hide [b]Pink Marbles[/b] = 5 Rose Quartz [i]*Marbles are transparent and can be layered with other substrates.[/i]
Fishtanks, Water, and Substrate


H6C941J.png Mimic Powder Nocturnal Dust
No Fishtank Small = 10 Mimic Powder OR 10 Nocturnal Dust
No Fishtank Medium = 20 Mimic Powder OR 20 Nocturnal Dust
No Fishtank Large = 30 Mimic Powder OR 30 Nocturnal Dust

LQaj18V.png Kw0ZY8y.png EquvdON.png Broken Bottle
Small Fishtank = 20 Broken Bottle
Old Small Fishtank = 20 Broken Bottle
Water Bowl = 15 Broken Bottle
*The Water Bowl can only hold 1-2 small items. Please don't actually put live fish in small bowls! For pixel pets only.

Jn1vplJ.png earvJuR.png
Medium Fishtank = 25 Broken Bottle
Old Medium Fishtank = 25 Broken Bottle

Large Fishtank = 30 Broken Bottle

Old Large Fishtank = 30 Broken Bottle

Tidepool Tank = (20 Sand) + (10 Salt)
Sand Salt

Pond Tank = (20 Clay) + (2 Turtle Shell OR 2 Painted Turtle Shell OR 2 Decorated Turtle Shell)
Clay Turtle Shell Painted Turtle Shell Decorated Turtle Shell

Water Color

  • By default, tanks contain no water. To add water you must purchase a water color.
  • Tankless tanks cannot take water (do not purchase water for tankless tanks).
  • Only "Old" tanks can take the "Old X Water" type, and vice versa.
  • Water Color is not available for Tidepool Tanks or Pond Tanks.

djw875i.png Vial of River Muck Drywood Termite Gold Fly Fly Lesser Dreadram Runic Batling Blackwing Croaker Leg Greyback Sparrow
Blue Water = 5 Vial of River Muck
Green Water = 10 Drywood Termite
Yellow Water = 5 Gold Fly
Orange Water = 5 Fly
Red Water = 10 Lesser Dreadram
Pink Water = 10 Runic Batling
Purple Water = 10 Blackwing Croaker Leg
Grey Water = 10 Greyback Sparrow

jvYDmQq.png a73YcmM.png S6KzP5J.png Pale Pink Rose Subterranean Termite Gryphon's Blood Sempervivum Deadweed Satin Violets Frosted Violets
Sewer Sludge Pastel Pink Water = 10 Pale Pink Rose
Pastel Purple Water = 10 Subterranean Termite
Wyrmwound Water = 5 Gryphon's Blood Sempervivum
Swamp Water = 20 Deadweed
Aurora Waters = (10 Satin Violets) + (10 Frosted Violets)
Radioactive Sewers = 20 Sewer Sludge

BMZwaKg.pngczwoi93.png Madame Snapdragon Crisp-leaf Amaranth Greenstripe Amaranth Cliff Lion Red Emperor Tulip Manaweed Black Tulip Stonecorn
Greenpod Bloom
Redblood Sapper
Old Blue Water = 5 Madame Snapdragon
Old Green Water = 5 Crisp-leaf Amaranth
Old Yellow Water = 5 Greenstripe Amaranth
Old Orange Water = 5 Cliff Lion
Old Red Water = 5 Red Emperor Tulip
Old Pink Water = 5 Manaweed
Old Purple Water = 5 Black Tulip
Old Grey Water = 5 Stonecorn
Old Swamp Water = 10 Greenpod Bloom
Old Wyrmwound Water = 10 Redblood Sapper


  • You can order fishtanks without substrate.
  • Small Fishtanks and Tall Tank need 1x Substrate to fully cover the bottom; Medium Fishtanks need 3x Substrate; Large Fishtanks need 5x Substrate.
  • Substrate is not available for Water Bowls, Tidepool Tanks, or Pond Tanks.

XcIQihP.png Frozen Rock Flow Volcanic Remnants Igneous Flow Cerdae Sparkle
White Sand = 5 Frozen Rock Flow
Grey Sand = 5 Volcanic Remnants
Black Sand = 5 Igneous Flow
Red Sand = 10 Cerdae Sparkle

Un1QYW0.png Unicorn Dust Sand Mimic Powder Nocturnal Dust
Orange Sand = 10 Unicorn Dust
Yellow Sand = 10 Sand
Green Sand = 5 Mimic Powder
Blue Sand = 5 Nocturnal Dust

ZwuPjtl.png Pulsing Relic Aquatic Relic
Purple Sand = 10 Pulsing Relic
Pink Sand = 10 Aquatic Relic

gRRf0DU.png Gravel Bloodstone Foo's Eye Fool's Gold
Grey Gravel = 10 Gravel
Red Gravel = 10 Bloodstone
Orange Gravel = 10 Foo's Eye
Yellow Gravel = 3 Fool's Gold

iiVcnW7.png Prehnite Azurite Kunzite Morganite
Green Gravel = 10 Prehnite
Blue Gravel = 5 Azurite
Purple Gravel = 5 Kunzite
Pink Gravel = 10 Morganite

3RRt1kL.png Granite Fragment Smooth Pebbles Wavespun Cloth Amber
White Pebbles = 3 Granite Fragment
Grey Pebbles = 10 Smooth Pebbles
Red Pebbles = 10 Wavespun Cloth
Orange Pebbles = 10 Amber

txHrQLC.png Tattered Interloper Scrap Ragged Skirmisher Scrap Rippling Cloth Amethyst Geode
Yellow Pebbles = 10 Tattered Interloper Scrap
Green Pebbles = 10 Ragged Skirmisher Scrap
Blue Pebbles = 10 Rippling Cloth
Purple Pebbles = 5 Amethyst Geode

KKL465M.png Scarlet Flycatcher Wing
Pink Pebbles = 10 Scarlet Flycatcher Wing

Wbv0amX.png Moonstone Jasper Banded Sardonyx Infused Crystal
White Marbles = 10 Moonstone
Red Marbles = 5 Jasper
Orange Marbles = 5 Banded Sardonyx
Yellow Marbles = 3 Infused Crystal
*Marbles are transparent and can be layered with other substrates.

CKu8fNk.png Jade Labradorite Nightsky Fuiran Hide Rose Quartz
Green Marbles = 5 Jade
Blue Marbles = 5 Labradorite
Purple Marbles = 10 Nightsky Fuiran Hide
Pink Marbles = 5 Rose Quartz
*Marbles are transparent and can be layered with other substrates.
Selling old UMAs/giveaway
Giving away everything
G2 imperial giveaway
[center][color=green][size=6][b]Fish[/b][/size][/center] [columns][img][/img] [nextcol][item=Crowntail Surgling][item=Crowntail Wanderer][item=glass knife][item=gold ore][/columns] [columns][item=fire ant][item=wasteland pauper][item=daffodil][nextcol][b]Crowntail Surgling[/b] = 10x [b]Crowntail Wanderer[/b] = 10x [b]Red-blue Crowntail[/b] = 3 Glass Knife [b]Crowned Crowntail[/b] = 1 Gold Ore [b]Firebrand Crowntail[/b] = 10 Fire Ant [b]Blue Crowntail[/b] = 10 Wasteland Pauper [b]Yellow Crowntail[/b] = 5 Daffodil[/columns] [columns][img][/img] [nextcol][item=Yellow-Frilled Eel][item=Redstreak Frilled Eel][item=Sicklemaw Gar][item=Marsh Stalker][/columns] [b]Yellow-Frilled Eel[/b] = 10 Yellow-Frilled Eel [b]Redstreak Frilled Eel[/b] = 10 Redstreak Frilled Eel [b]Sicklemaw Gar[/b] = 10 Sicklemaw Gar [b]Marsh Stalker[/b] = 10 Marsh Stalker [columns][img][/img] [nextcol][item=Rose Pixie][item=Sea Fae][item=Sunset Sea Dragon][item=Umbral Sea Wight][/columns] [b]Rose Pixie[/b] = 5x [b]Sea Fae[/b] = 5x [b]Sunset Sea Dragon[/b] = 5x [b]Umbral Sea Wight[/b] = 5x [columns][img][/img] [nextcol][item=Shalefin][item=Venerable Shalefin][item=Crystalline Myctophid][item=Dumpling Squid][/columns] [columns][item=Brilliant Bobtail Squid][item=Stubby squid][item=Lyretail Puffer][item=Balloon Belly Magi][nextcol][b]Shalefin[/b] = 10x [b]Venerable Shalefin[/b] = 10x [b]Crystalline Myctophid[/b] = 10x [b]Dumpling Squid[/b] = 5x [b]Brilliant Bobtail Squid[/b] = 5x [b]Stubby Squid[/b] = 5x [b]Lyretail Puffer[/b] = 10x [b]Balloon Belly Magi[/b] = 10x[/columns] [columns][img][/img] [nextcol][item=Glass Minnows][item=Common Minnow][item=sardines][item=Moonbeam Sardines][/columns] [columns][item=Topaz Guppy][item=Silver Guppy][item=Black Maiden][item=Lagoon Guppy][nextcol][b]Glass Minnows[/b] = 10x [b]Common Minnow[/b] = 10x [b]Sardines[/b] = 10x [b]Moonbeam Sardines[/b] = 10x [b]Topaz Guppy[/b] = 10x [b]Silver Guppy[/b] = 10x [b]Black Maiden[/b] = 10x [b]Lagoon Guppy[/b] = 10x[/columns] [columns][img][/img] [nextcol][item=Leech][item=Sand Sucker][item=Greater Leech][item=Wetland Vampire][/columns] [columns][item=Wetland Ghost][item=Clown Shrimp][item=Tiger Shrimp][item=Jumbo Shrimp][nextcol] [b]Leech[/b] = 10x [b]Sand Sucker[/b] = 10x [b]Greater Leech[/b] = 10x [b]Wetland Vampire[/b] = 10x [b]Wetland Ghost[/b] = 10x [b]Clown Shrimp[/b] = 10x [b]Tiger Shrimp[/b] = 10x [b]Jumbo Shrimp[/b] = 10x[/columns] [columns][img][/img] [nextcol][item=Umbral Catfish][item=Armored Catfish][item=Serpae Tetras][item=Black Tetra][/columns] [columns][item=Silverside Tetras][item=Ruby Tetras][item=Dark-Tufted Featherduster][item=Yellow-Tinged Featherduster][nextcol][b]Umbral Catfish[/b] = 10x [b]Armored Catfish[/b] = 10x [b]Serpae Tetras[/b] = 10x [b]Black Tetra[/b] = 10x [b]Silverside Tetras[/b] = 10x [b]Ruby Tetras[/b] = 10x [b]Dark-Tufted F.[/b] = 10x [b]Yellow-Tinged F.[/b] = 10x [/columns] [columns][img][/img] [nextcol][item=Copperband Butterflyfish][item=Butterflyfish][item=Eel Larvae][item=Eel Fry][/columns] [columns][item=Bluemoon Dartling][item=Renegade Dartling][item=Coral Dweller][item=Spotted Stingray][nextcol][b]C. Butterflyfish[/b] = 10x [b]Butterflyfish[/b] = 10x [b]Eel Larvae[/b] = 10x [b]Eel Fry[/b] = 10x [b]Bluemoon Dartling[/b] = 10x [b]Renegade Dartling[/b] = 10x [b]Coral Dweller[/b] = 5x [b]Spotted Stingray[/b] = 5x [/columns] [columns][img][/img] [nextcol][item=Sentinel Fish][item=Deepwater Constructor][item=Flametail Loach][item=Bluespot Weather Loach][/columns] [columns][item=Striped Biter][item=Leopard Needletooth][item=Lesser Shallowshark][item=Grey Catshark][nextcol][b]Sentinel Fish[/b] = 10x [b]Deepwater Cons.[/b] = 10x [b]Flametail Loach[/b] = 10x [b]Bluespot W. Loach[/b] = 10x [b]Striped Biter[/b] = 10x [b]Leopard Needletooth[/b] = 10x [b]Lesser Shallowshark[/b] = 10x [b]Grey Catshark[/b] = 10x [/columns] [columns][img][/img] [nextcol][item=Golden Cushionfish][item=Pufferfish][item=Brack Bloat][item=Onyx Craylet][/columns] [columns][item=Chalcedony Craylet][item=Discus][item=Pigeon Blood Discus][item=Wild Green Discus][nextcol][b]Golden Cushionfish[/b] = 3x [b]Pufferfish[/b] = 3x [b]Brack Bloat[/b] = 3x [b]Onyx Craylet[/b] = 10x [b]Chalcedony Craylet[/b] = 10x [b]Discus[/b] = 3x [b]Pigeon Blood Discus[/b] = 3x [b]Wild Green Discus[/b] = 3x[/columns] [columns][img][/img] [nextcol][item=Inky Octopus][item=Dwarf Ocotopus][item=Red Octopus][item=Blue Ring Octopus][/columns] [columns][item=Nebula Floaters][item=Electric Stingers][item=Crystal Jellyfish][item=Darktide Jellyfish][nextcol][b]Inky Octopus[/b] = 10x [b]Dwarf Ocotopus[/b] = 10x [b]Red Octopus[/b] = 10x [b]Blue Ring Octopus[/b] = 10x [b]Nebula Floaters[/b] = 10x [b]Electric Stingers[/b] = 10x [b]Crystal Jellyfish[/b] = 10x [b]Darktide Jellyfish[/b] = 10x[/columns] [columns][img][/img] [nextcol][item=Crawdad][item=Fissure Crawdad][item=Sparkling Crayfish][item=Northern Crayfish][/columns] [columns][item=Aether Hermit][item=White Reaches Crab][item=Steppes Pincher][item=Blue Swimmer Crab][nextcol][b]Crawdad[/b] = 10x [b]Fissure Crawdad[/b] = 10x [b]Sparkling Crayfish[/b] = 10x [b]Northern Crayfish[/b] = 10x [b]Aether Hermit[/b] = 10x [b]White Reaches Crab[/b] = 10x [b]Steppes Pincher[/b] = 10x [b]Blue Swimmer Crab[/b] = 10x[/columns] [columns][img][/img] [nextcol][item=Flying Fish][item=Sea Sparrow][item=Smallhead Flying Fish][item=Wave Skipper][/columns] [columns][item=Fallen Star][item=Morning Star][item=Starfish][item=Glow Star][nextcol][b]Flying Fish[/b] = 10x [b]Sea Sparrow[/b] = 10x [b]Smallhead Flying Fish[/b] = 10x [b]Wave Skipper[/b] = 10x [b]Fallen Star[/b] = 1x [b]Morning Star[/b] = 1x [b]Starfish[/b] = 1x [b]Glow Star[/b] = 1x[/columns] [columns][img][/img] [nextcol][item=Cragside Mussels][item=Sun Baked Oysters][item=Shadowmist Oysters][item=Mussels][/columns] [columns][item=Pincushion Urchin][item=Tuxedo Urchin][item=Angelspine][item=Snowflake Urchin][nextcol][b]Cragside Mussels[/b] = 10x [b]Sun Baked Oysters[/b] = 10x [b]Shadowmist Oysters[/b] = 10x [b]Mussels[/b] = 10x [b]Pincushion Urchin[/b] = 5x [b]Tuxedo Urchin[/b] = 5x [b]Angelspine[/b] = 5x [b]Snowflake Urchin[/b] = 5x[/columns] [columns][img][/img] [nextcol][item=Sunfish][item=Warmouth][item=Bluegill][item=Pumpkinseed Sunfish][/columns] [columns][item=Everglade Shortfin][item=Deviant Darter][item=Luminous Shortfin][item=Molten Goby][nextcol][b]Sunfish[/b] = 10x [b]Warmouth[/b] = 10x [b]Bluegill[/b] = 10x [b]Pumpkinseed Sunfish[/b] = 10x [b]Everglade Shortfin[/b] = 10x [b]Deviant Darter[/b] = 10x [b]Luminous Shortfin[/b] = 10x [b]Molten Goby[/b] = 10x[/columns] [columns][img][/img] [nextcol][item=Orange Goo][item=Citrus Lionfish][item=Venomspite Invader][item=Chromodori Swimmer][/columns] [columns][item=Tropical Seaslug][item=Blue Dragon Seaslug][item=Clownfish][item=Bluebell Clownfish][nextcol][b]Lionfish[/b] = 5x Orange Goo [b]Citrus Lionfish[/b] = 10x [b]Venomspite Invader[/b] = 10x [b]Chromodori Swimmer[/b] = 2x [b]Tropical Seaslug[/b] = 2x [b]Blue Dragon Seaslug[/b] = 2x [b]Clownfish[/b] = 10x [b]Bluebell Clownfish[/b] = 10x[/columns] [columns][img][/img] [nextcol][item=dogtooth wrasse][item=blacksaddle wrasse][item=eyebiter][item=true rainbow trout][/columns] [columns][item=golden rainbow trout][item=rainbow trout][nextcol][b]Dogtooth Wrasse[/b] = 10x [b]Blacksaddle Wrasse[/b] = 10x [b]Eyebiter[/b] = 10x [b]True Rainbow Trout[/b] = 3x [b]Golden Rainbow Trout[/b] = 3x [b]Rainbow Trout[/b] = 3x[/columns] [columns][img][/img] [nextcol][item=kuhli loach][item=hardwater loach][item=cinnamon loach][item=corycat][/columns] [columns][item=green corycat][item=julii corycat][nextcol][b]Kuhli Loach[/b] = 3 Kuhli Loach [b]Hardwater Loach[/b] = 3x [b]Cinnamon Loach[/b] = 3x [b]Corycat[/b] = 3x [b]Green Corycat[/b] = 3x [b]Julii Corycat[/b] = 3x[/columns] [columns][img][/img] [nextcol][item=ringscale arowana][item=showman's arowana][item=Eerie Cloth Trappings][item=Book of Urban Legends][/columns][b]Ringscale Arowana[/b] = 10x [b]Showman's Arowana[/b] = 10x [b]Pink Arowana[/b] = 10 Eerie Cloth Trappings + 10 Book of Urban Legends [columns][img][/img] [nextcol][item=Pineapple Shiners][item=Emerald Shiners][item=Rosy Similis][item=Shell-Dwelling Cichlid][/columns] [columns][item=Uaru][item=Broadstripe Uaru][item=Violet Betta][item=Golden Betta][nextcol][b]Pineapple Shiners[/b] = 10x [b]Emerald Shiners[/b] = 10x [b]Rosy Similis[/b] = 10x [b]Shell-Dwelling Cichlid[/b] = 10x [b]Uaru[/b] = 10x [b]Broadstripe Uaru[/b] = 10x [b]Violet Betta[/b] = 10x [b]Golden Betta[/b] = 10x[/columns] [IMG][/IMG][item=Olympia Oyster][item=Devilsnap][item=Royal Oyster][item=wartoad trainee] [columns][item=molten tadpole][nextcol][b]Olympia Oyster[/b] = 3x [b]Devilsnap[/b] = 3x [b]Royal Oyster[/b] = 3x [b]Wartoad Trainee[/b] = 3x [b]Molten Tadpole[/b] = 3x[/columns] [columns][img][/img] [nextcol][item=Fish][item=Deepwater][item=Loach][item=Loach][/columns] [columns][item=Biter][item=Leopard][item=Lesser][item=Grey][nextcol][b]thing[/b] = [b]thing[/b] = [b]thing[/b] = [b]thing[/b] = [b]thing[/b] = [b]thing[/b] = [b]thing[/b] = [b]thing[/b] = [/columns]

c6nvW1Y.png Crowntail Surgling Crowntail Wanderer Glass Knife Gold Ore
Fire Ant Wasteland Pauper Daffodil Crowntail Surgling = 10x
Crowntail Wanderer = 10x
Red-blue Crowntail = 3 Glass Knife
Crowned Crowntail = 1 Gold Ore
Firebrand Crowntail = 10 Fire Ant
Blue Crowntail = 10 Wasteland Pauper
Yellow Crowntail = 5 Daffodil

rJvimnB.png Yellow-Frilled Eel Redstreak Frilled Eel Sicklemaw Gar Marsh Stalker
Yellow-Frilled Eel = 10 Yellow-Frilled Eel
Redstreak Frilled Eel = 10 Redstreak Frilled Eel
Sicklemaw Gar = 10 Sicklemaw Gar
Marsh Stalker = 10 Marsh Stalker

JTc70eT.png Rose Pixie Sea Fae Sunset Sea Dragon Umbral Sea Wight
Rose Pixie = 5x
Sea Fae = 5x
Sunset Sea Dragon = 5x
Umbral Sea Wight = 5x

Nxa0nLh.png Shalefin Venerable Shalefin Crystalline Myctophid Dumpling Squid
Brilliant Bobtail Squid Stubby Squid Lyretail Puffer Balloon Belly Magi Shalefin = 10x
Venerable Shalefin = 10x
Crystalline Myctophid = 10x
Dumpling Squid = 5x
Brilliant Bobtail Squid = 5x
Stubby Squid = 5x
Lyretail Puffer = 10x
Balloon Belly Magi = 10x

ob4fXHj.png Glass Minnows Common Minnow Sardines Moonbeam Sardines
Topaz Guppy Silver Guppy Black Maiden Lagoon Guppy Glass Minnows = 10x
Common Minnow = 10x
Sardines = 10x
Moonbeam Sardines = 10x
Topaz Guppy = 10x
Silver Guppy = 10x
Black Maiden = 10x
Lagoon Guppy = 10x

9o4zU2z.png Leech Sand Sucker Greater Leech Wetland Vampire
Wetland Ghost Clown Shrimp Tiger Shrimp Jumbo Shrimp Leech = 10x
Sand Sucker = 10x
Greater Leech = 10x
Wetland Vampire = 10x
Wetland Ghost = 10x
Clown Shrimp = 10x
Tiger Shrimp = 10x
Jumbo Shrimp = 10x

ArcbATE.png Umbral Catfish Armored Catfish Serpae Tetras Black Tetra
Silverside Tetras Ruby Tetras Dark-Tufted Featherduster Yellow-Tinged Featherduster Umbral Catfish = 10x
Armored Catfish = 10x
Serpae Tetras = 10x
Black Tetra = 10x
Silverside Tetras = 10x
Ruby Tetras = 10x
Dark-Tufted F. = 10x
Yellow-Tinged F. = 10x

ERC7lA1.png Copperband Butterflyfish Butterflyfish Eel Larvae Eel Fry
Bluemoon Dartling Renegade Dartling Coral Dweller Spotted Stingray C. Butterflyfish = 10x
Butterflyfish = 10x
Eel Larvae = 10x
Eel Fry = 10x
Bluemoon Dartling = 10x
Renegade Dartling = 10x
Coral Dweller = 5x
Spotted Stingray = 5x

K5ryeHN.png Sentinel Fish Deepwater Constructor Flametail Loach Bluespot Weather Loach
Striped Biter Leopard Needletooth Lesser Shallowshark Grey Catshark Sentinel Fish = 10x
Deepwater Cons. = 10x
Flametail Loach = 10x
Bluespot W. Loach = 10x
Striped Biter = 10x
Leopard Needletooth = 10x
Lesser Shallowshark = 10x
Grey Catshark = 10x

GDxWYdk.png Golden Cushionfish Pufferfish Brack Bloat Onyx Craylet
Chalcedony Craylet Discus Pigeon Blood Discus Wild Green Discus Golden Cushionfish = 3x
Pufferfish = 3x
Brack Bloat = 3x
Onyx Craylet = 10x
Chalcedony Craylet = 10x
Discus = 3x
Pigeon Blood Discus = 3x
Wild Green Discus = 3x

p6OP5tq.png Inky Octopus Red Octopus Blue Ring Octopus
Nebula Floaters Electric Stingers Crystal Jellyfish Darktide Jellyfish Inky Octopus = 10x
Dwarf Ocotopus = 10x
Red Octopus = 10x
Blue Ring Octopus = 10x
Nebula Floaters = 10x
Electric Stingers = 10x
Crystal Jellyfish = 10x
Darktide Jellyfish = 10x

1hqJKOn.png Crawdad Fissure Crawdad Sparkling Crayfish Northern Crayfish
Aether Hermit White Reaches Crab Steppes Pincher Blue Swimmer Crab Crawdad = 10x
Fissure Crawdad = 10x
Sparkling Crayfish = 10x
Northern Crayfish = 10x
Aether Hermit = 10x
White Reaches Crab = 10x
Steppes Pincher = 10x
Blue Swimmer Crab = 10x

j3Ig0wT.png Flying Fish Sea Sparrow Smallhead Flying Fish Wave Skipper
Fallen Star Morning Star Starfish Glow Star Flying Fish = 10x
Sea Sparrow = 10x
Smallhead Flying Fish = 10x
Wave Skipper = 10x
Fallen Star = 1x
Morning Star = 1x
Starfish = 1x
Glow Star = 1x

AdkhH9z.png Cragside Mussels Sun Baked Oysters Shadowmist Oysters Mussels
Pincushion Urchin Tuxedo Urchin Angelspine Snowflake Urchin Cragside Mussels = 10x
Sun Baked Oysters = 10x
Shadowmist Oysters = 10x
Mussels = 10x
Pincushion Urchin = 5x
Tuxedo Urchin = 5x
Angelspine = 5x
Snowflake Urchin = 5x

hVdFnCW.png Sunfish Warmouth Bluegill Pumpkinseed Sunfish
Everglade Shortfin Deviant Darter Luminous Shortfin Molten Goby Sunfish = 10x
Warmouth = 10x
Bluegill = 10x
Pumpkinseed Sunfish = 10x
Everglade Shortfin = 10x
Deviant Darter = 10x
Luminous Shortfin = 10x
Molten Goby = 10x

Z4UuJsD.png Orange Goo Citrus Lionfish Venomspite Invader Chromodori Swimmer
Tropical Seaslug Blue Dragon Seaslug Clownfish Bluebell Clownfish Lionfish = 5x Orange Goo
Citrus Lionfish = 10x
Venomspite Invader = 10x
Chromodori Swimmer = 2x
Tropical Seaslug = 2x
Blue Dragon Seaslug = 2x
Clownfish = 10x
Bluebell Clownfish = 10x

e9jJkQT.png Dogtooth Wrasse Blacksaddle Wrasse Eyebiter True Rainbow Trout
Golden Rainbow Trout Rainbow Trout Dogtooth Wrasse = 10x
Blacksaddle Wrasse = 10x
Eyebiter = 10x
True Rainbow Trout = 3x
Golden Rainbow Trout = 3x
Rainbow Trout = 3x

GoBM84H.png Kuhli Loach Hardwater Loach Cinnamon Loach Corycat
Green Corycat Julii Corycat Kuhli Loach = 3 Kuhli Loach
Hardwater Loach = 3x
Cinnamon Loach = 3x
Corycat = 3x
Green Corycat = 3x
Julii Corycat = 3x

8JPPJ7k.png Ringscale Arowana Showman's Arowana Eerie Cloth Trappings Book of Urban Legends
Ringscale Arowana = 10x
Showman's Arowana = 10x
Pink Arowana = 10 Eerie Cloth Trappings + 10 Book of Urban Legends

nZ4PQn3.png Pineapple Shiners Emerald Shiners Rosy Similis Shell-Dwelling Cichlid
Uaru Broadstripe Uaru Violet Betta Golden Betta Pineapple Shiners = 10x
Emerald Shiners = 10x
Rosy Similis = 10x
Shell-Dwelling Cichlid = 10x
Uaru = 10x
Broadstripe Uaru = 10x
Violet Betta = 10x
Golden Betta = 10x

2rxh3eu.jpg Olympia Oyster Devilsnap Royal Oyster Wartoad Trainee
Molten Tadpole Olympia Oyster = 3x
Devilsnap = 3x
Royal Oyster = 3x
Wartoad Trainee = 3x
Molten Tadpole = 3x

thing =
thing =
thing =
thing =
thing =
thing =
thing =
thing =
Selling old UMAs/giveaway
Giving away everything
G2 imperial giveaway
[center][color=green][size=6][b]Critters[/b][/size][/center] [columns][img][/img] [nextcol][item=Swimming Anole][item=Balsas Anole][item=Shiny Anole][item=Panther Anole][/columns] [columns][item=Banded Dart Frog][item=River Warden][item=Canopy Darter][item=Reedhopper][nextcol][b]Swimming Anole[/b] = 10x [b]Balsas Anole[/b] = 10x [b]Shiny Anole[/b] = 10x [b]Panther Anole[/b] = 10x [b]Banded Dart Frog[/b] = 5x [b]River Warden[/b] = 5x [b]Canopy Darter[/b] = 5x [b]Reedhopper[/b] = 5x[/columns] [columns][img][/img] [nextcol][item=Golden Reefprince][item=Mudpuppy][item=Leucistic Axolotl][item=Nightrage Axolotl][/columns] [columns][item=Crested Newt][item=Newt][item=Hellbender][item=Salamander][nextcol][b]Golden Reefprince[/b] = 5x [b]Mudpuppy[/b] = 5x [b]Leucistic Axolotl[/b] = 5x [b]Nightrage Axolotl[/b] = 5x [b]Crested Newt[/b] = 10x [b]Newt[/b] = 10x [b]Hellbender[/b] = 10x [b]Salamander[/b] = 10x[/columns] [columns][img][/img] [nextcol][item=Puddlehopper][item=Dreamwaker][item=Arroyo Toad][item=Brown Spot Toad][/columns] [columns][item=Toad][item=Green Iguana][item=Lesser Land Iguana][item=Marine Iguana][nextcol][b]Puddlehopper[/b] = 10x [b]Dreamwaker[/b] = 10x [b]Arroyo Toad[/b] = 5x [b]Brown Spot Toad[/b] = 5x [b]Toad[/b] = 5x [b]Green Iguana[/b] = 2x [b]Lesser Land Iguana[/b] = 2x [b]Marine Iguana[/b] = 2x[/columns] [columns][img][/img] [nextcol][item=Fish][item=Deepwater][item=Loach][item=Loach][/columns] [columns][item=Biter][item=Leopard][item=Lesser][item=Grey][nextcol][b]thing[/b] = [b]thing[/b] = [b]thing[/b] = [b]thing[/b] = [b]thing[/b] = [b]thing[/b] = [b]thing[/b] = [b]thing[/b] = [/columns]

OrZ06Rr.png Swimming Anole Balsas Anole Shiny Anole Panther Anole
Banded Dart Frog River Warden Canopy Darter Reedhopper Swimming Anole = 10x
Balsas Anole = 10x
Shiny Anole = 10x
Panther Anole = 10x
Banded Dart Frog = 5x
River Warden = 5x
Canopy Darter = 5x
Reedhopper = 5x

760hT5j.png Golden Reefprince Mudpuppy Leucistic Axolotl Nightrage Axolotl
Crested Newt Newt Hellbender Salamander Golden Reefprince = 5x
Mudpuppy = 5x
Leucistic Axolotl = 5x
Nightrage Axolotl = 5x
Crested Newt = 10x
Newt = 10x
Hellbender = 10x
Salamander = 10x

W2qZdfO.png Puddlehopper Dreamwaker Arroyo Toad Brown Spot Toad
Toad Green Iguana Lesser Land Iguana Marine Iguana Puddlehopper = 10x
Dreamwaker = 10x
Arroyo Toad = 5x
Brown Spot Toad = 5x
Toad = 5x
Green Iguana = 2x
Lesser Land Iguana = 2x
Marine Iguana = 2x

thing =
thing =
thing =
thing =
thing =
thing =
thing =
thing =
Selling old UMAs/giveaway
Giving away everything
G2 imperial giveaway
[center][color=green][size=6][b]Familiars[/b][/size] The cost of a Familiar decoration is 1x the familiar, ex. 1x Poisonous Toridae. [img][/img] [item=poisonous toridae][item=venomous toridae][item=psywurm][item=brilliant psywurm][item=everglade lasher][item=greater sandstrike][item=noggle][item=sunset lasher][item=shale thresher][item=granite thresher][item=greenroot janustrap][item=janustrap][item=golden porpoise][item=cloud chaser][item=octoflyer][item=jeweled octoflyer][item=greatshell][item=blueridge greatshell][item=rainbow sprite][item=scarlet flycatcher]

The cost of a Familiar decoration is 1x the familiar, ex. 1x Poisonous Toridae.

Poisonous Toridae Venomous Toridae Psywurm Brilliant Psywurm Everglade Lasher Greater Sandstrike Noggle Sunset Lasher Shale Thresher Granite Thresher Greenroot Janustrap Janustrap Golden Porpoise Cloud Chaser Octoflyer Jeweled Octoflyer Greatshell Blueridge Greatshell Rainbow Sprite Scarlet Flycatcher
Selling old UMAs/giveaway
Giving away everything
G2 imperial giveaway
[center][color=green][size=6][b]Decorations[/b][/size][/center] ----- [i]Note: you can layer multiple of these decorations together![/i] [img][/img] [img][/img] [item=Half-Moon Spectacles][item=Shattered Reading Spectacles] [columns][b]Gilded Frame (Front)[/b] = 10 Half-Moon Spectacles [b]Gilded Frame (Back)[/b] = 5 Half-Moon Spectacles [b]Gilded Spires (Front)[/b] = 10 Shattered Reading Spectacles [b]Gilded Spires (Back)[/b] = 5 Shattered Reading Spectacles [i]Available for all tank sizes[/i][/columns] [img][/img] [img][/img] [item=Mirror][item=Travel Gear of the Wanderer] [columns][b]Silver Frame (Front)[/b] = 5 Mirror [b]Silver Frame (Back)[/b] = 5 Mirror [b]Silver Spires (Front)[/b] = 10 Travel Gear of the Wanderer [b]Silver Spires (Back)[/b] = 10 Travel Gear of the Wanderer [i]Available for all tank sizes[/i][/columns] [img][/img] [img][/img][item=Blooming Vine][item=Strangling Vine] [columns][b]Gilded Tangle (Front)[/b] = 10 Blooming Vine [b]Gilded Tangle (Back)[/b] = 5 Blooming Vine [b]Silver Tangle (Front)[/b] = 10 Strangling Vine [b]Silver Tangle (Back)[/b] = 5 Strangling Vine [i]Only available for Small tanks at this time[/i][/columns] [img][/img] [img][/img] [item=gold steampunk attire][item=silver steampunk attire] [b]Gilded Bezels[/b] = 1x any one piece of Gold Steampunk apparel [b]Silver Bezels[/b] = 1x any one piece of Silver Steampunk apparel [i]Please specify flight symbol for central bezel; otherwise will be left blank[/i] [i]Only available for Small tanks at this time[/i] [columns][img][/img][nextcol][i]Max gems per setpiece Frame: 7 (small tank) / 11 (medium) / 15 (large) Spires: 7/11/15 | Tangle: 7 | Bezels: 6 Gems come in small, medium, large sizes Please specify when ordering (except Bezels; has set sizes)[/i][nextcol][item=A Flourish of garnet][/columns] [item=A Flourish of amber][item=A Flourish of citrine][item=A Flourish of peridot][item=A Flourish of sapphire][item=A Flourish of Aquamarine][columns][item=A Flourish of amethyst][item=A Flourish of pearl][nextcol][b]Garnet[/b] = 1x any one piece of Garnet Flourish apparel [b]Amber[/b] = 1x any one piece of Amber Flourish apparel [b]Citrine[/b] = 1x any one piece of Citrine Flourish apparel [b]Peridot[/b] = 1x any one piece of Peridot Flourish apparel [b]Sapphire[/b] = 1x any one piece of Sapphire Flourish apparel [b]Aquamarine[/b] = 1x any one piece of Aquamarine Flourish jewelry [b]Amethyst[/b] = 1x any one piece of Amethyst Flourish jewelry [b]Pearl[/b] = 1x any one piece of Pearl Flourish apparel[/columns] ----- [columns][img][/img] [nextcol][item=Jungle Lilies][item=Pinwheel Paddies][item=Day Lilies][item=Water Lilies][/columns] [b]Jungle Lilies[/b] = 5 Jungle Lilies [b]Pinwheel Paddies[/b] = 5 Pinwheel Paddies [b]Day Lilies[/b] = 5 Day Lilies [b]Water Lilies[/b] = 5 Water Lilies [columns][img][/img] [nextcol][item=rotala][item=sunbeam rotala][item=giant kelp][item=murkbottom kelp][/columns] [b]Rotala[/b] = 10 Rotala [b]Sunbeam Rotala[/b] = 10 Sunbeam Rotala [b]Giant Kelp[/b] = 10 Giant Kelp [b]Murkbottom Kelp[/b] = 10 Murkbottom Kelp [img][/img] [item=Bamboo Cluster][item=Bamboo Leaves][item=Green Algae][item=Jungle Grass][item=Sea Grass][item=Crimson Rootvine][item=Speckled Fire Lily][item=Golden Pepper][item=Anubias Nana][item=Sweet Potato Vine][item=Carnaval Tulip][item=Spathiphyllum][item=Siltvine] [b]Bamboo Shoots[/b] = (10 Bamboo Cluster) + (10 Bamboo Leaves) [b]Marimo Ball[/b] = 10 Green Algae [b]Grass[/b] = 10 Jungle Grass [b]Seagrass[/b] = 10 Sea Grass [b]Red Fake Fern[/b] = 10 Crimson Rootvine [b]Orange Fake Fern[/b] = 10 Speckled Fire Lily [b]Yellow Fake Fern[/b] = 10 Golden Pepper [b]Green Fake Fern[/b] = 10 Anubias Nana [b]Blue Fake Fern[/b] = 10 Sweet Potato Vine [b]Pink Fake Fern[/b] = 10 Carnaval Tulip [b]White Fake Fern[/b] = 3 Spathiphyllum [b]Black Fake Fern[/b] = 10 Siltvine [img][/img][item=Winter's Delight][item=Wild Catsup][item=Wild Mustard][item=Jungle Raincatch][item=Seaberry][item=Raspberry][item=Jasmine][item=Blackberry] [b]Red Plastic Plant[/b] = 5 Winter's Delight [b]Orange Plastic Plant[/b] = 5 Wild Catsup [b]Yellow Plastic Plant[/b] = 5 Wild Mustard [b]Green Plastic Plant[/b] = 3 Jungle Raincatch [b]Blue Plastic Plant[/b] = 5 Seaberry [b]Pink Plastic Plant[/b] = 5 Raspberry [b]White Plastic Plant[/b] = 5 Jasmine [b]Black Plastic Plant[/b] = 5 Blackberry [i]*Comes in Large and Small sizes, please specify your size when ordering.[/i] [img][/img] [item=Water Lettuce][item=Floating Maiden][item=Emetic Russula][item=Blue Entoloma] [columns][item=Dandelion Seeds][item=Aer Sprite][nextcol][b]Water Lettuce[/b] = 10x [b]Floating Maiden[/b] = 10x [b]Emetic Russula[/b] = 10x [b]Blue Entoloma[/b] = 10x [b]Dandelion Seeds[/b] = 10x [b]Aer Sprite[/b] = 10x[/columns] [img][/img] [item=Dragonhorn Coral][item=Staghorn Coral][item=Reefsnail Egg][item=Dragon Coral] [b]Dragonhorn Coral[/b] = 20 Dragonhorn Coral [b]Staghorn Coral[/b] = 20 Staghorn Coral [b]Reefsnail Egg[/b] = 10 Reefsnail Egg [b]Dragon Coral[/b] = 10 Dragon Coral [img][/img] [item=Fossilized Fish][item=Squirrel Skull][item=Seal Mane][item=Amber-Trapped Mosquito][item=Amber-Trapped Fly][item=Chimera Relic][item=Driftwood Branch][item=Driftwood Log][item=Toridae Chew Toy] [b]Fish Bones[/b] = 10 Fossilized Fish [b]Seal Skull[/b] = (10 Squirrel Skull) + (10 Seal Mane) [b]Amber[/b] = 10 Amber-Trapped Mosquito [b]OR[/b] 5 Amber-Trapped Fly [b]Chimera Relic[/b] = 10 Chimera Relic [b]Driftwood Branch[/b] = 10 Driftwood Branch [b]Driftwood Log[/b] = 5 Driftwood Log [b]Old Boot[/b] = 10 Toridae Chew Toy [img][/img] [item=Rhodochrosite][item=apatite][item=chrysoberyl][item=emerald] [columns][item=Pink Chalcedony][item=onyx][nextcol][b]Hunk of Rhodochrosite[/b] = 10x [b]Hunk of Apatite[/b] = 10x [b]Lump of Chrysoberyl[/b] = 10x [b]Lump of Emerald[/b] = 10x [b]Shards of Pink Chalcedony[/b] = 10x [b]Shards of Onyx[/b] = 10x[/columns] [img][/img] [item=Pearly Shell][item=Lustrous Shell][item=Gold Ore][item=Iron Ore][item=Rusted Treasure Chest][item=Small Chunk of Granite][item=Small Block of Granite][item=Sanded Pine Plank] [b]Pearly Shell[/b] = 1 Pearly Shell [b]OR[/b] 10k [b]Lustrous Shell[/b] = 1 Lustrous Shell [b]Gilded Chest Bubbler[/b] = 1 Gold Ore [b]Iron Chest Bubbler[/b] = 2 Iron Ore [b]Rusted Chest Bubbler[/b] = 1 Rusted Treasure Chest [b]Kyrati's Castle[/b] = (5 Small Chunk of Granite) + (5 Small Block of Granite) [b]Wooden Bridge[/b] = 10 Sanded Pine Plank [columns][img][/img] [nextcol][item=Immaculate Tablet][item=Charged Sprocket][item=Glowing Ember][item=Depleted Sacridite][/columns] [b]Illuminated Column[/b] = 5 Immaculate Tablet [b]Thundering Spire Uncharged[/b] = 5 Charged Sprocket [b]Thundering Spire Charged[/b] = 5 Charged Sprocket [b]Bubbling Volcano[/b] = 5 Glowing Ember [b]Depleted Sacridite Artifice[/b] = 5 Depleted Sacridite [img][/img][item=fire runestone][item=water runestone][item=earth runestone][item=wind runestone][item=lightning runestone][item=ice runestone][item=shadow runestone][item=light runestone][item=arcane runestone][item=plague runestone][item=nature runestone][item=Traveler's Runestone][item=deeprealm runestone] [b]Elemental Runestone[/b] = 1x the respective flight Runestone [b]Traveller's Runestone[/b] = 5 Traveller's Runestone [b]Deeprealm Runestone[/b] = 5 Deeprealm Runestone [img][/img] [item=Sticky Webbing][item=Singed Webbing][item=Yellow Jumper][item=Bold Jumping Spider] [b]Black Cobweb[/b] = 10 Sticky Webbing [b]Orange Cobwebl[/b] = 10 Singed Webbing [b]Black Fake Spider[/b] = 3 Yellow Jumper [b]Orange Fake Spiderl[/b] = 3 Bold Jumping Spider [IMG][/IMG] [item=Cerith Shell][item=Seaside Trumpet][item=Snail Husk][item=Display Frills] [columns][item=Glossy Frills][item=Reinforced Glass Beaker][nextcol][b]Cerith Shell[/b] = 3x [b]Seaside Trumpet[/b] = 3x [b]Snail Husk[/b] = 3x [b]Display Frills[/b] = 10x [b]Glossy Frills[/b] = 10x [b]Strange Skull[/b] = 1x Reinforced Glass Beaker

Note: you can layer multiple of these decorations together!

zGIdnCS.png ndMl10W.png Half-Moon Spectacles Shattered Reading Spectacles
Gilded Frame (Front) = 10 Half-Moon Spectacles
Gilded Frame (Back) = 5 Half-Moon Spectacles
Gilded Spires (Front) = 10 Shattered Reading Spectacles
Gilded Spires (Back) = 5 Shattered Reading Spectacles

Available for all tank sizes

YaBPKU1.png FhaLwQr.png Mirror Travel Gear of the Wanderer
Silver Frame (Front) = 5 Mirror
Silver Frame (Back) = 5 Mirror
Silver Spires (Front) = 10 Travel Gear of the Wanderer
Silver Spires (Back) = 10 Travel Gear of the Wanderer

Available for all tank sizes

Vbz5l7K.png qExfTnt.png Blooming Vine Strangling Vine
Gilded Tangle (Front) = 10 Blooming Vine
Gilded Tangle (Back) = 5 Blooming Vine
Silver Tangle (Front) = 10 Strangling Vine
Silver Tangle (Back) = 5 Strangling Vine

Only available for Small tanks at this time

qwCQSNa.png YCmKixf.png Gold Steampunk Attire Silver Steampunk Attire
Gilded Bezels = 1x any one piece of Gold Steampunk apparel
Silver Bezels = 1x any one piece of Silver Steampunk apparel
Please specify flight symbol for central bezel; otherwise will be left blank
Only available for Small tanks at this time

lu6T15Y.png Max gems per setpiece
Frame: 7 (small tank) / 11 (medium) / 15 (large)
Spires: 7/11/15 | Tangle: 7 | Bezels: 6

Gems come in small, medium, large sizes
Please specify when ordering
(except Bezels; has set sizes)
A Flourish of Garnet
A Flourish of Amber A Flourish of Citrine A Flourish of Peridot A Flourish of Sapphire A Flourish of Aquamarine
A Flourish of Amethyst A Flourish of Pearl Garnet = 1x any one piece of Garnet Flourish apparel
Amber = 1x any one piece of Amber Flourish apparel
Citrine = 1x any one piece of Citrine Flourish apparel
Peridot = 1x any one piece of Peridot Flourish apparel
Sapphire = 1x any one piece of Sapphire Flourish apparel
Aquamarine = 1x any one piece of Aquamarine Flourish jewelry
Amethyst = 1x any one piece of Amethyst Flourish jewelry
Pearl = 1x any one piece of Pearl Flourish apparel

C5CAe74.png Jungle Lilies Pinwheel Paddies Day Lilies Water Lilies
Jungle Lilies = 5 Jungle Lilies
Pinwheel Paddies = 5 Pinwheel Paddies
Day Lilies = 5 Day Lilies
Water Lilies = 5 Water Lilies

cxh8Idc.png Rotala Sunbeam Rotala Giant Kelp Murkbottom Kelp
Rotala = 10 Rotala
Sunbeam Rotala = 10 Sunbeam Rotala
Giant Kelp = 10 Giant Kelp
Murkbottom Kelp = 10 Murkbottom Kelp

g1vHTmC.png Bamboo Cluster Bamboo Leaves Green Algae Jungle Grass Sea Grass Crimson Rootvine Speckled Fire Lily Golden Pepper Anubias Nana Sweet Potato Vine Carnaval Tulip Spathiphyllum Siltvine
Bamboo Shoots = (10 Bamboo Cluster) + (10 Bamboo Leaves)
Marimo Ball = 10 Green Algae
Grass = 10 Jungle Grass
Seagrass = 10 Sea Grass
Red Fake Fern = 10 Crimson Rootvine
Orange Fake Fern = 10 Speckled Fire Lily
Yellow Fake Fern = 10 Golden Pepper
Green Fake Fern = 10 Anubias Nana
Blue Fake Fern = 10 Sweet Potato Vine
Pink Fake Fern = 10 Carnaval Tulip
White Fake Fern = 3 Spathiphyllum
Black Fake Fern = 10 Siltvine

AYAVCe2.png Winter's Delight Wild Catsup Wild Mustard Jungle Raincatch Seaberry Raspberry Jasmine Blackberry
Red Plastic Plant = 5 Winter's Delight
Orange Plastic Plant = 5 Wild Catsup
Yellow Plastic Plant = 5 Wild Mustard
Green Plastic Plant = 3 Jungle Raincatch
Blue Plastic Plant = 5 Seaberry
Pink Plastic Plant = 5 Raspberry
White Plastic Plant = 5 Jasmine
Black Plastic Plant = 5 Blackberry
*Comes in Large and Small sizes, please specify your size when ordering.

X0rWHpl.png Water Lettuce Floating Maiden Emetic Russula Blue Entoloma
Dandelion Seeds Aer Sprite Water Lettuce = 10x
Floating Maiden = 10x
Emetic Russula = 10x
Blue Entoloma = 10x
Dandelion Seeds = 10x
Aer Sprite = 10x

Silqc2V.png Dragonhorn Coral Staghorn Coral Reefsnail Egg Dragon Coral
Dragonhorn Coral = 20 Dragonhorn Coral
Staghorn Coral = 20 Staghorn Coral
Reefsnail Egg = 10 Reefsnail Egg
Dragon Coral = 10 Dragon Coral

FvbzDRa.png Fossilized Fish Squirrel Skull Seal Mane Amber-trapped Mosquito Amber-trapped Fly Chimera Relic Driftwood Branch Driftwood Log Toridae Chew Toy
Fish Bones = 10 Fossilized Fish
Seal Skull = (10 Squirrel Skull) + (10 Seal Mane)
Amber = 10 Amber-Trapped Mosquito OR 5 Amber-Trapped Fly
Chimera Relic = 10 Chimera Relic
Driftwood Branch = 10 Driftwood Branch
Driftwood Log = 5 Driftwood Log
Old Boot = 10 Toridae Chew Toy

iYg7yvh.png Rhodochrosite Apatite Chrysoberyl Emerald
Pink Chalcedony Onyx Hunk of Rhodochrosite = 10x
Hunk of Apatite = 10x
Lump of Chrysoberyl = 10x
Lump of Emerald = 10x
Shards of Pink Chalcedony = 10x
Shards of Onyx = 10x

JgvQYGz.png Pearly Shell Lustrous Shell Gold Ore Iron Ore Rusted Treasure Chest Small Chunk of Granite Small Block of Granite Sanded Pine Plank
Pearly Shell = 1 Pearly Shell OR 10k
Lustrous Shell = 1 Lustrous Shell
Gilded Chest Bubbler = 1 Gold Ore
Iron Chest Bubbler = 2 Iron Ore
Rusted Chest Bubbler = 1 Rusted Treasure Chest
Kyrati's Castle = (5 Small Chunk of Granite) + (5 Small Block of Granite)
Wooden Bridge = 10 Sanded Pine Plank

XW0Ueex.png Immaculate Tablet Charged Sprocket Glowing Ember Depleted Sacridite
Illuminated Column = 5 Immaculate Tablet
Thundering Spire Uncharged = 5 Charged Sprocket
Thundering Spire Charged = 5 Charged Sprocket
Bubbling Volcano = 5 Glowing Ember
Depleted Sacridite Artifice = 5 Depleted Sacridite

yydSkw5.png Fire Runestone Water Runestone Earth Runestone Wind Runestone Lightning Runestone Ice Runestone Shadow Runestone Light Runestone Arcane Runestone Plague Runestone Nature Runestone Traveler's Runestone Deeprealm Runestone
Elemental Runestone = 1x the respective flight Runestone
Traveller's Runestone = 5 Traveller's Runestone
Deeprealm Runestone = 5 Deeprealm Runestone

tumblr_ox9wt2PHRu1w8xkufo3_250.png Sticky Webbing Singed Webbing Yellow Jumper Bold Jumping Spider
Black Cobweb = 10 Sticky Webbing
Orange Cobwebl = 10 Singed Webbing
Black Fake Spider = 3 Yellow Jumper
Orange Fake Spiderl = 3 Bold Jumping Spider

x0ybua.jpg Cerith Shell Seaside Trumpet Snail Husk Display Frills
Glossy Frills Reinforced Glass Beaker Cerith Shell = 3x
Seaside Trumpet = 3x
Snail Husk = 3x
Display Frills = 10x
Glossy Frills = 10x
Strange Skull = 1x Reinforced Glass Beaker
Selling old UMAs/giveaway
Giving away everything
G2 imperial giveaway
Selling old UMAs/giveaway
Giving away everything
G2 imperial giveaway
[center][color=green][size=6][b]Free-To-Use[/b][/size] These graphics are free to use. Linkbacks/credit is appreciated! [img][/img] [code][url=][img][/img][/url][/code] [img][/img] [code][url=][img][/img][/url][/code] [img][/img] [code][url=][img][/img][/url][/code] [img][/img] [code][url=][img][/img][/url][/code] [img][/img] [code][url=][img][/img][/url][/code]

These graphics are free to use. Linkbacks/credit is appreciated!





Selling old UMAs/giveaway
Giving away everything
G2 imperial giveaway