

Create, adopt, or show off your adoptables.
TOPIC | Adopt a Key [Open]
@haikwoshevo These are so cute! Username: Emberwolf Dragon: [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Use All Genes?: No, iridescent and facet Alignment: Horizontal Method of Payment: Treasure Key cuts: Could I get something like [url=]this[/url]? XD As far as I can tell that's the old version, eh? Special Requests?: Can you include her accent please?

These are so cute!

Username: Emberwolf

Use All Genes?: No, iridescent and facet
Alignment: Horizontal
Method of Payment: Treasure
Key cuts: Could I get something like this? XD As far as I can tell that's the old version, eh?
Special Requests?: Can you include her accent please?
@Emberwolf Here is your key - and yeah, that's the older version of the key cuts. [img][/img] With the accent, that's 35 k - I hope you like her! Feel free to ask if you have any minor changes you'd like me to make.

Here is your key - and yeah, that's the older version of the key cuts.


With the accent, that's 35 k - I hope you like her!

Feel free to ask if you have any minor changes you'd like me to make.

She looks great! Thank you! Sending payment now.

She looks great! Thank you! Sending payment now.
Friendly bump!
I'll order one when I can grind again and two more when their genes are decided.
Friendly bump!
I'll order one when I can grind again and two more when their genes are decided.
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@haikwoshevo hey again! ^u^

Username: Eienaru
Dragon: Elena
Use All Genes?: Yes
Alignment: Horizontal
Method of Payment: Treasure or gems, whichever you'd like~
Key cuts: Think you could do this?
Special Requests?: If you could include her accent that would be lovely!
@haikwoshevo hey again! ^u^

Username: Eienaru
Dragon: Elena
Use All Genes?: Yes
Alignment: Horizontal
Method of Payment: Treasure or gems, whichever you'd like~
Key cuts: Think you could do this?
Special Requests?: If you could include her accent that would be lovely!
@Eienaru Here's your Elena - I hope that's what you were envisioning! [img][/img] I'll take gems, if possible, at 80 gems for the total price. (Not charging for the accent, since I had to make Bar from scratch anyway, and it wasn't any extra work to do it in the accent colors)

Here's your Elena - I hope that's what you were envisioning!


I'll take gems, if possible, at 80 gems for the total price.

(Not charging for the accent, since I had to make Bar from scratch anyway, and it wasn't any extra work to do it in the accent colors)

Thanks for the bump - great to know that you like my keys. :)

Thanks for the bump - great to know that you like my keys. :)
@WickedWhiteEyes look
@WickedWhiteEyes look
Snailbert has my Wishlist he is a good SnailH0bF1BC.png
@haikwoshevo Username: screamybutt Dragon: [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Use All Genes?: Yes please Alignment: Horizontal Method of Payment: Treasure Key cuts: Roman Numerals Special Requests?: Idk if it's possible to make the key shiny? If not don't worry about it! I love how these looks <3

Username: screamybutt


Use All Genes?: Yes please
Alignment: Horizontal
Method of Payment: Treasure
Key cuts: Roman Numerals
Special Requests?: Idk if it's possible to make the key shiny? If not don't worry about it! I love how these looks <3
icesymbolsmall_zps52a54407.png tumblr_inline_nb17n9a7r91qg78ij.png icesymbolsmall_zps52a54407.png
Username: Waterrain Dragon: [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Use All Genes?: Yes Alignment: Horizontal Method of Payment: Treasure Key cuts: Arcane Flight Symbol Special Requests?: Romantic Red Rose apparel into the design somehow, please Total is 40,000 treasure, right? *Almost 2AM*
Username: Waterrain

Use All Genes?: Yes
Alignment: Horizontal
Method of Payment: Treasure
Key cuts: Arcane Flight Symbol
Special Requests?: Romantic Red Rose apparel into the design somehow, please

Total is 40,000 treasure, right? *Almost 2AM*