

Create, adopt, or show off your adoptables.
[center] [img][/img][/center] [center][color=teal][i]A seemingly young nocturne sprawls itself across the ground and looks up at you with large, reflective eyes. It's almost as if they're glowing...[/i] [color=teal]Hello! Welcome to my adoptable shop. Kick your shoes off and stay awhile. If you're interested in placing an order, [b][u]please look at the rules![/u][/b][/center] [center][url=][size=5][color=teal][b]GALLERY[/b][/size][/url] [url=][size=5][color=teal][b]GENE AVAILABILITY LIST[/size][/b][/url][/center] [center][img][/img][/center] [left][size=5][color=teal][b]Price: 30k Genes: Free unless not drawn yet (see [url=]here [/url] ) No apparel or accents, I'm sorry Treasure and gems accepted Inquire about familiars not in my bestiary![/left] [center][img][/img][/center] [size=6][color=teal][u][b]SIZES[/b]:[/u][/color][/size] [size=5][color=teal][b]92px (signature, tail cropped):[/color][/size] [img][/img] [size=5][color=teal][b]350px (bio):[/color][/size] [img][/img] [size=5][color=teal][b]500px (forum):[/color][/size] [img][/img] [center][url=][size=5][color=teal][Click here for working size][/color][/size][/url][/center] [center][img][/img][/center] [size=6][color=teal][u][b]FORM[/b]:[/u][/size] [color=teal] [b]Username:[/b] self-explanatory [b]Left/Right:[/b] Do you want your adopt facing left (shown above) or right (mirrored)? [b]Size[/b]: Examples above. Pick as many as you want for free! Ask about alternative sizes! [b]Special Requests:[/b] Different genes, eyes or [u]simple[/u] alterations (ask per order, please) [b]Pic of Dragon:[/b] [b]Payment Type:[/b] treasure/gems, chests during NotN [/color] [code] [color=teal] [b]Username:[/b] [b]Left/Right:[/b] [b]Size:[/b] [b]Special Requests:[/b] [b]Payment Type:[/b] [b]Pic of Dragon:[/b] [/color] [/code]

A seemingly young nocturne sprawls itself across the ground and looks up at you with large, reflective eyes. It's almost as if they're glowing...

Hello! Welcome to my adoptable shop. Kick your shoes off and stay awhile. If you're interested in placing an order, please look at the rules!


Price: 30k
Genes: Free unless not drawn yet (see here )
No apparel or accents, I'm sorry

Treasure and gems accepted
Inquire about familiars not in my bestiary!



92px (signature, tail cropped):

350px (bio):

500px (forum):



Username: self-explanatory
Left/Right: Do you want your adopt facing left (shown above) or right (mirrored)?
Size: Examples above. Pick as many as you want for free! Ask about alternative sizes!
Special Requests: Different genes, eyes or simple alterations (ask per order, please)
Pic of Dragon:
Payment Type: treasure/gems, chests during NotN

[color=teal] [b]Username:[/b] [b]Left/Right:[/b] [b]Size:[/b] [b]Special Requests:[/b] [b]Payment Type:[/b] [b]Pic of Dragon:[/b] [/color]


  • If your question isn't answered somewhere on this thread, ask me!

  • Be nice to me and I'll be nice to you. I am very personable, but don't take advantage of my kindness, please

  • 1 slot is good for 3 dragons. If you only will ever want like 4 I can gladly squeeze one in, but if you intend to drop your entire lair on me I'd prefer to do it in waves between other orders!

  • Please fill out the form even if you ask to be just on the pinglist. I link everyone's name to their order to keep things organized and clear. If you haven't decided yet that's totally fine too!

  • For those of you praising one of your brand new naked gen 1 nocs from NotN, just tell me which genes you'd like displayed and I'll work with it! (scried previews are greatly appreciated and save me loads of time)

  • You may PM me for an order as well, but let me know if you'd like your order kept anonymous in the slot list or if it's a gift!

  • My payment system has been fluctuating lately, but this seems to work well:

    Hold onto your money when you initially submit the form. My pinglist is long and you'd likely be waiting a long time for an adoptable. I will ping you as your wave approaches, and I will prompt you to 1) fill out a form if you didn't previously and 2) send moneys. Within a few days I should have your wave done and I will mass ping the wave with the batch of adoptables! Yay, adoptables party!

  • I make my pings in waves of 5 to keep things fair and to make sure everyone has a fair shot at a slot.

  • My pace in completing these is in no way consistent, as I work around a wrist injury. If you have any questions on the progress for your adoptable if you've been pinged, don't hesitate to message me!

  • DONUT STEEL. Please do not claim this adoptable as your own work. Yes, you paid for a copy, but the rights still belong to me. You can use it anywhere, so long as you give credit where it is due! Also, please don't claim someone else's order. That's just rude.

  • If you actually took the time to get this far down the thread, you win a prize! Don't say anything about it in the thread though, I want to see if people actually read these things. PM me with a message titled "magical bat lizards" and you'll get 5k off your order! If you've PMed me about it and I haven't responded, try getting my attention again, I may have missed it.


  • If your question isn't answered somewhere on this thread, ask me!

  • Be nice to me and I'll be nice to you. I am very personable, but don't take advantage of my kindness, please

  • 1 slot is good for 3 dragons. If you only will ever want like 4 I can gladly squeeze one in, but if you intend to drop your entire lair on me I'd prefer to do it in waves between other orders!

  • Please fill out the form even if you ask to be just on the pinglist. I link everyone's name to their order to keep things organized and clear. If you haven't decided yet that's totally fine too!

  • For those of you praising one of your brand new naked gen 1 nocs from NotN, just tell me which genes you'd like displayed and I'll work with it! (scried previews are greatly appreciated and save me loads of time)

  • You may PM me for an order as well, but let me know if you'd like your order kept anonymous in the slot list or if it's a gift!

  • My payment system has been fluctuating lately, but this seems to work well:

    Hold onto your money when you initially submit the form. My pinglist is long and you'd likely be waiting a long time for an adoptable. I will ping you as your wave approaches, and I will prompt you to 1) fill out a form if you didn't previously and 2) send moneys. Within a few days I should have your wave done and I will mass ping the wave with the batch of adoptables! Yay, adoptables party!

  • I make my pings in waves of 5 to keep things fair and to make sure everyone has a fair shot at a slot.

  • My pace in completing these is in no way consistent, as I work around a wrist injury. If you have any questions on the progress for your adoptable if you've been pinged, don't hesitate to message me!

  • DONUT STEEL. Please do not claim this adoptable as your own work. Yes, you paid for a copy, but the rights still belong to me. You can use it anywhere, so long as you give credit where it is due! Also, please don't claim someone else's order. That's just rude.

  • If you actually took the time to get this far down the thread, you win a prize! Don't say anything about it in the thread though, I want to see if people actually read these things. PM me with a message titled "magical bat lizards" and you'll get 5k off your order! If you've PMed me about it and I haven't responded, try getting my attention again, I may have missed it.



Wave 1:

1. Moonlace
2. Nanobot87
3. Needtoscribble
4. riskyblue PM (paid, treasure)
5. Dyodoreu

Wave 2:

1. ninjakt (unpaid, treasure)
2. CathyBloodclan (unpaid, treasure)
4. Ookamiotoko (unpaid, treasure)
5. Effervessa (unpaid, treasure)

1. Jinkx
2. Brixart

Wave 3:
1. StygianDragon (unpaid, treasure)
2. Valemora
3. LostLily
4. Discordiaa
5. kjolvor

Wave 4:

1. Arkanjel
2. Tigenki
3. Ailius
4. Ellapinky
5. CrazyassBat (PM)

Wave 5:

1. SinisterSir

2. Ghostlyvolk
3. TerrestrialExtra
4. Plulaloop
5. BirdBones

Wave 6:

1. SoulLugia11
2. Alskasaur
3. SamuelMaybird



Wave 1:

1. Moonlace
2. Nanobot87
3. Needtoscribble
4. riskyblue PM (paid, treasure)
5. Dyodoreu

Wave 2:

1. ninjakt (unpaid, treasure)
2. CathyBloodclan (unpaid, treasure)
4. Ookamiotoko (unpaid, treasure)
5. Effervessa (unpaid, treasure)

1. Jinkx
2. Brixart

Wave 3:
1. StygianDragon (unpaid, treasure)
2. Valemora
3. LostLily
4. Discordiaa
5. kjolvor

Wave 4:

1. Arkanjel
2. Tigenki
3. Ailius
4. Ellapinky
5. CrazyassBat (PM)

Wave 5:

1. SinisterSir

2. Ghostlyvolk
3. TerrestrialExtra
4. Plulaloop
5. BirdBones

Wave 6:

1. SoulLugia11
2. Alskasaur
3. SamuelMaybird


Open for business!!! ((Sorry if I double-pinged some of you, darn typos!))

Open for business!!! ((Sorry if I double-pinged some of you, darn typos!))
@Flutterbree wheee I'd love to have this lady done~ [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Should be 57k (40k base + 7k ripple + 10k shimmer), yes? c: And do you prefer payment before or after?
@Flutterbree wheee I'd love to have this lady done~


Should be 57k (40k base + 7k ripple + 10k shimmer), yes? c: And do you prefer payment before or after?
: pixel adopt shop
: she/her | hufflepuff
: infp | neutral good
: gemini | +2 FR time
@OnABadBet Woo, first customer! Yep, 54k sounds right! Payment after is preferred (getting my tail in gear never hurt anybody aaahhh)
@OnABadBet Woo, first customer! Yep, 54k sounds right! Payment after is preferred (getting my tail in gear never hurt anybody aaahhh)
@Flutterbree Awwwwwww yeah~

If I wanted to get a Noc done that's not CURRENTLY gened, but wanted you to put genes on the mooshed-bat art, would you?
@Flutterbree Awwwwwww yeah~

If I wanted to get a Noc done that's not CURRENTLY gened, but wanted you to put genes on the mooshed-bat art, would you?
@Oraien Of course, that's fine! Just tell me which genes you'd like to see via the form towards the bottom of the page (I just added it, sorry for the confusion).
@Oraien Of course, that's fine! Just tell me which genes you'd like to see via the form towards the bottom of the page (I just added it, sorry for the confusion).
@Nenkou Unfortunately currently crystal and facet aren't available, I haven't gotten to making them yet. Are there any alternative genes you'd like to see? Or would you rather wait until they're sponsored?
@Nenkou Unfortunately currently crystal and facet aren't available, I haven't gotten to making them yet. Are there any alternative genes you'd like to see? Or would you rather wait until they're sponsored?