Tikafire So cute! :D I will shoot over the treasure now!
Tikafire So cute! :D I will shoot over the treasure now!
@xpadfootx here you go!
xpadfootx here you go!
Perfect, as usual! Thanks so much!!!
Perfect, as usual! Thanks so much!!!
Hi there! :) Can I get these two dragons? Your drawings are so cute :)
1: [img]https://24.media.tumblr.com/62b60f5567bd4204600f81ff0b4b2acf/tumblr_n4tosq65mk1tygrw3o1_400.png[/img]
She's Iri/Shim/Circuit so that makes her 14kt, correct?
He's basic/basic/circuit so that makes him 10kt, correct?
So, all together, I would owe you 24kt?
Hi there! :) Can I get these two dragons? Your drawings are so cute :)

She's Iri/Shim/Circuit so that makes her 14kt, correct?

He's basic/basic/circuit so that makes him 10kt, correct?
So, all together, I would owe you 24kt?
TisMyLair that's correct and I'll get started on them right away!
TisMyLair that's correct and I'll get started on them right away!
@TisMyLair here you go!
TisMyLair here you go!
I need 100 of them ;w;
On a more serious note, how many do you accept at a time?
For now, though, I will just grab two, if you will accept them
10k? So all this together would be 21k?
I need 100 of them ;w;
On a more serious note, how many do you accept at a time?
For now, though, I will just grab two, if you will accept them


10k? So all this together would be 21k?
Kayhope I accept as many as 5 at a time but I will get your two going right now. And Yes it will be 21k altogether.
Kayhope I accept as many as 5 at a time but I will get your two going right now. And Yes it will be 21k altogether.
@Kayhope here they are! Please pass along the 21k and enjoy your adoptables!
Kayhope here they are! Please pass along the 21k and enjoy your adoptables!