
Dragons For Sale

Arrange the purchasing and selling of dragons.
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@Morrow IIIIIIIIIIII'm thinking I might want to try this! Okey, here goes...
.....It was dark....and it was cold...
....A small, nervous, quivering, unborn hatchling lay there, curled inside of its egg which had long lost its soothing glow. The earth had crept over the egg, encasing it and its cargo under the soil, to be forgotten and brought back to the arid and dry dust. Such is the fate of an egg lost in the Hewn City...No dragon would dare-
What are you doing here? I almost stepped on you~
...A voice. Foreign hands. The wipping of the crusted earth from the surface...and a soothing voice...? The hatchling...was beside itself. What was this? Was this salvation? Or a death sentence?
An egg? Here? I...don't understand. What kind of egg...? Hm. Well, awesome! I found an egg! Okay I'll go to the Auction House and maybe I can get around twenty thousand trea-The tapping of a nose, the scrape of a small claw.
Slowly, but surely, the surface of the browned egg began to crack. The stranger looked on in horror NO no no! I didn't left-click you! C'mon, don't hatch! then I won't get as much-
...but it was too late. There, staring back at the lairhuman, was the hatchling. Vibrant white wings, glowing golden eyes. Asking, begging, to please provide a home. Then the lairhuman realized.
She had found her treasure, she had found her gems. Both encompased within this little miracle. She gave a slight smile, cradled the shinning new little one in her arms, and left the crusted shell of an egg in the earth which it was found.

Within moments, the hatchling became happy. Happy to have been found amist the dirt and darkness, happy to have a lairhuman to call friend. Of course, this hatchling wasn't about to take this moment for-granted. He would live a life in full knowledge that he was rescued due to the kindness of another, and should make a goal of being a light for those stuck in the darkness, stuck in the dust and earth. He would carry the soil with him for all his life. Hidden, beneath the white, beneath the stone, but always there. He would be a light. He would be a gem, a diamond in the rough. He would be Ammon, The hidden one.
@Morrow IIIIIIIIIIII'm thinking I might want to try this! Okey, here goes...
.....It was dark....and it was cold...
....A small, nervous, quivering, unborn hatchling lay there, curled inside of its egg which had long lost its soothing glow. The earth had crept over the egg, encasing it and its cargo under the soil, to be forgotten and brought back to the arid and dry dust. Such is the fate of an egg lost in the Hewn City...No dragon would dare-
What are you doing here? I almost stepped on you~
...A voice. Foreign hands. The wipping of the crusted earth from the surface...and a soothing voice...? The hatchling...was beside itself. What was this? Was this salvation? Or a death sentence?
An egg? Here? I...don't understand. What kind of egg...? Hm. Well, awesome! I found an egg! Okay I'll go to the Auction House and maybe I can get around twenty thousand trea-The tapping of a nose, the scrape of a small claw.
Slowly, but surely, the surface of the browned egg began to crack. The stranger looked on in horror NO no no! I didn't left-click you! C'mon, don't hatch! then I won't get as much-
...but it was too late. There, staring back at the lairhuman, was the hatchling. Vibrant white wings, glowing golden eyes. Asking, begging, to please provide a home. Then the lairhuman realized.
She had found her treasure, she had found her gems. Both encompased within this little miracle. She gave a slight smile, cradled the shinning new little one in her arms, and left the crusted shell of an egg in the earth which it was found.

Within moments, the hatchling became happy. Happy to have been found amist the dirt and darkness, happy to have a lairhuman to call friend. Of course, this hatchling wasn't about to take this moment for-granted. He would live a life in full knowledge that he was rescued due to the kindness of another, and should make a goal of being a light for those stuck in the darkness, stuck in the dust and earth. He would carry the soil with him for all his life. Hidden, beneath the white, beneath the stone, but always there. He would be a light. He would be a gem, a diamond in the rough. He would be Ammon, The hidden one.
@Morrow (Sorry, just wanted to make sure you'd seen my entry uvu)
@Morrow (Sorry, just wanted to make sure you'd seen my entry uvu)

I did see it! I'm just a little busy right now so I haven't been commenting on everyone's story but rest assured I read and love them all

I did see it! I'm just a little busy right now so I haven't been commenting on everyone's story but rest assured I read and love them all
@Morrow Ahoy! I apologize fer me lengthy writin', it be a habit o' mine.

"What do you think is in there?"
"I don't know! Probably things that are supposed to live in the Shadow flight's territory. It's so...strange."
"I-It's not safe!" a small voice stuttered.
Fletcher glanced over her shoulder, snorting. "Of course it's not safe. That's why mother forbade us to go explore the ruins! You didn't
have to tag along," she stated, her gaze returning to the deep shadows in front of them.
Piyonis snickered, rolling his eyes. "Of course he didn't have to tag along. He's only a few days out of his shell and mother hasn't even figured out a name for him!"
"I wanted to come!" the hatchling stated, as he peered into the shadows that marked the edge of the Hewn City.
"You'll probably get lost. Look, the moon's light isn't even shining on this city," Fletcher said.
"No, I won't!"
"Yes you will. Just like you did when we went to explore the Shifting Expanse! How could you get lost in a desert? It's flat!" Piyonis said, laughing.
"You left me alone on purpose! And the lightning scared me," the hatchling stated, recoiling from Pionis's remark.
"Yeah, well, you should just stay--Fletcher's words were lost as they all heard new voices somewhere in the distance.
"What was th--Shush! Go hide under those rocks!" Fletcher hissed to her younger sibling.
The hatchling did as was told, crawling beneath the pile of rocks that were laying next to them. He watched as Fletcher and Piyonis shared some hushed words with each other before slipping out of sight.
The hatchling tried to swallow the fear that was quickly knotting in his stomach but it grabbed hold of him and made him shake. Where had they gone? What was going on? Then he heard them.
"Alright, me hearties. Ye grab any trinkets o' value. They won't be missin' a few pieces o' treasure, savvy?"
"Out here? What dragons be mad enough to make a nest near
"Mad dragons who won't be missin' their hatchlin's nor their treasure, ye bilge rat! Now get t' work or ye'll learn th' hard way why me crew don't like when I get angry!"
A dark shadow passed by the rocks he was hiding under. He shrank back, his heart pounding in his chest. What if they found him? Who were they? Before he realized it, a whimper escaped him.
"What was that?"
A shadow bathed the rocks in deep darkness, blinding his first vision. The rocks above him made a crumbling noise and at once, the hatchling knew he had been found. Where did his brother and sister go? Did they leave him?
"Ah, here we be! Ye see, I knew we'd find a hatchlin' 'ere. An' look, 'e has some fine colorin'," a voice stated.
Something touched his wing and without realizing what he was doing, the hatchling tried to snap at it, a tiny growl escaping his throat. "Leave me alone!" he cried, baring his teeth.
The moon only showed the silhouette of a very big dragon. It wasn't anything like him or his kin. The dragon chuckled along with someone behind it. "We've got ourselves a fighter 'ere," it said.
"You want me to beat it out of him?" another dragon asked.
"What? Nay, ye scoundrel! I like th' fightin' spirit. How many of me crew actually has that?"
The other dragon grumbled something the hatchling couldn't hear.
"I think ye might be worthy o' me crew," the dragon said, hoisting the hatchling up. "Ye just might make it alive."

"Attention, ye pasty landlubbers! I've got another batch o' hatchlin's ye might be interested in. Ye got th' treasure, I got th' hatchlin's. Don't go below deck or ye might wind up part o' me crew fer good! Interested in a hatchlin', then ye make inquiries," the captain hollered, her gaze studying the dragons that slowly made their way aboard the ship.
The hatchling watched all of this with interest. He had never been to the Auction House but now that he saw it, from a short distance, he was in awe. His family had never let him go to the Auction House with them. The captain thought that everyone deserved a chance to see where they'd end up if they didn't behave.
They couldn't bring the hatchlings into the large structure though, mostly because the captain and her crew weren't allowed in there.
"Ye see this? This what happens to th' hatchlin's that be worth sellin'," the captain said as she wandered over to him.
"Am I worth selling?" he asked.
"Worth sellin'? I could make a fair fortune off'a ye! I don't want to though. Ye got the makin's of a sea-dragon, worthy o' me ship," she said, chuckling.
"A sea-dragon?" he asked, confused.
"Aye! Ye like adventure. Yer not afraid o' th' endless depths o' th' sea an' ye got a fightin' spirit. Not a lot o' dragons, even like me, can say that!" she explained.
"Wow," the hatchling said, watching as a guardian made his way towards them. His scales shimmered in the sun, a brilliant pink and his hide was littered with scars.
"Hello, captain. I'd like to inquire about your hatchling here," the guardian said, glancing down at him.
"The lad's not fer sale," the captain responded.
"Hmm, are you sure? I could offer you some very valuable--I said he's not fer sale!" the captain snarled, moving one foreleg in front of the hatchling. "Now go find another hatchlin' or take yer carcass t' th' Auction House," she snapped.
The pink guardian growled but turned tail and left the boat.
"Why'd you do that? He was gonna buy me!" the hatchling piped up, scrambling to his feet.
"Aye an' from th' looks o' 'im, he'd be buyin' ye fer Colosseum bait!"
The hatchling was quiet for a moment before glancing up at the captain. "Are you gonna keep me for your crew?"
"Aye, I think ye'd enjoy it more than bein' thrown t' th' corpse cleaners," she stated, glancing at the other buyers that wandered the deck.
"Well, if you keep me, then can I have a name?" he asked.
"I s'pose ye might want one," she said. "How about..."
"Sunspirit," the hatchling said, excitement trickling into his voice.
"Sunspirit?" the captain echoed, surprised.
"Named after my flight and my fighting spirit," he explained. "Like you said."
"A wee bit dainty but it has meanin'! I like it! Sunspirit it is!"

@Morrow Ahoy! I apologize fer me lengthy writin', it be a habit o' mine.

"What do you think is in there?"
"I don't know! Probably things that are supposed to live in the Shadow flight's territory. It's so...strange."
"I-It's not safe!" a small voice stuttered.
Fletcher glanced over her shoulder, snorting. "Of course it's not safe. That's why mother forbade us to go explore the ruins! You didn't
have to tag along," she stated, her gaze returning to the deep shadows in front of them.
Piyonis snickered, rolling his eyes. "Of course he didn't have to tag along. He's only a few days out of his shell and mother hasn't even figured out a name for him!"
"I wanted to come!" the hatchling stated, as he peered into the shadows that marked the edge of the Hewn City.
"You'll probably get lost. Look, the moon's light isn't even shining on this city," Fletcher said.
"No, I won't!"
"Yes you will. Just like you did when we went to explore the Shifting Expanse! How could you get lost in a desert? It's flat!" Piyonis said, laughing.
"You left me alone on purpose! And the lightning scared me," the hatchling stated, recoiling from Pionis's remark.
"Yeah, well, you should just stay--Fletcher's words were lost as they all heard new voices somewhere in the distance.
"What was th--Shush! Go hide under those rocks!" Fletcher hissed to her younger sibling.
The hatchling did as was told, crawling beneath the pile of rocks that were laying next to them. He watched as Fletcher and Piyonis shared some hushed words with each other before slipping out of sight.
The hatchling tried to swallow the fear that was quickly knotting in his stomach but it grabbed hold of him and made him shake. Where had they gone? What was going on? Then he heard them.
"Alright, me hearties. Ye grab any trinkets o' value. They won't be missin' a few pieces o' treasure, savvy?"
"Out here? What dragons be mad enough to make a nest near
"Mad dragons who won't be missin' their hatchlin's nor their treasure, ye bilge rat! Now get t' work or ye'll learn th' hard way why me crew don't like when I get angry!"
A dark shadow passed by the rocks he was hiding under. He shrank back, his heart pounding in his chest. What if they found him? Who were they? Before he realized it, a whimper escaped him.
"What was that?"
A shadow bathed the rocks in deep darkness, blinding his first vision. The rocks above him made a crumbling noise and at once, the hatchling knew he had been found. Where did his brother and sister go? Did they leave him?
"Ah, here we be! Ye see, I knew we'd find a hatchlin' 'ere. An' look, 'e has some fine colorin'," a voice stated.
Something touched his wing and without realizing what he was doing, the hatchling tried to snap at it, a tiny growl escaping his throat. "Leave me alone!" he cried, baring his teeth.
The moon only showed the silhouette of a very big dragon. It wasn't anything like him or his kin. The dragon chuckled along with someone behind it. "We've got ourselves a fighter 'ere," it said.
"You want me to beat it out of him?" another dragon asked.
"What? Nay, ye scoundrel! I like th' fightin' spirit. How many of me crew actually has that?"
The other dragon grumbled something the hatchling couldn't hear.
"I think ye might be worthy o' me crew," the dragon said, hoisting the hatchling up. "Ye just might make it alive."

"Attention, ye pasty landlubbers! I've got another batch o' hatchlin's ye might be interested in. Ye got th' treasure, I got th' hatchlin's. Don't go below deck or ye might wind up part o' me crew fer good! Interested in a hatchlin', then ye make inquiries," the captain hollered, her gaze studying the dragons that slowly made their way aboard the ship.
The hatchling watched all of this with interest. He had never been to the Auction House but now that he saw it, from a short distance, he was in awe. His family had never let him go to the Auction House with them. The captain thought that everyone deserved a chance to see where they'd end up if they didn't behave.
They couldn't bring the hatchlings into the large structure though, mostly because the captain and her crew weren't allowed in there.
"Ye see this? This what happens to th' hatchlin's that be worth sellin'," the captain said as she wandered over to him.
"Am I worth selling?" he asked.
"Worth sellin'? I could make a fair fortune off'a ye! I don't want to though. Ye got the makin's of a sea-dragon, worthy o' me ship," she said, chuckling.
"A sea-dragon?" he asked, confused.
"Aye! Ye like adventure. Yer not afraid o' th' endless depths o' th' sea an' ye got a fightin' spirit. Not a lot o' dragons, even like me, can say that!" she explained.
"Wow," the hatchling said, watching as a guardian made his way towards them. His scales shimmered in the sun, a brilliant pink and his hide was littered with scars.
"Hello, captain. I'd like to inquire about your hatchling here," the guardian said, glancing down at him.
"The lad's not fer sale," the captain responded.
"Hmm, are you sure? I could offer you some very valuable--I said he's not fer sale!" the captain snarled, moving one foreleg in front of the hatchling. "Now go find another hatchlin' or take yer carcass t' th' Auction House," she snapped.
The pink guardian growled but turned tail and left the boat.
"Why'd you do that? He was gonna buy me!" the hatchling piped up, scrambling to his feet.
"Aye an' from th' looks o' 'im, he'd be buyin' ye fer Colosseum bait!"
The hatchling was quiet for a moment before glancing up at the captain. "Are you gonna keep me for your crew?"
"Aye, I think ye'd enjoy it more than bein' thrown t' th' corpse cleaners," she stated, glancing at the other buyers that wandered the deck.
"Well, if you keep me, then can I have a name?" he asked.
"I s'pose ye might want one," she said. "How about..."
"Sunspirit," the hatchling said, excitement trickling into his voice.
"Sunspirit?" the captain echoed, surprised.
"Named after my flight and my fighting spirit," he explained. "Like you said."
"A wee bit dainty but it has meanin'! I like it! Sunspirit it is!"

Cap'n o' th' Crowned Thresher
Pirates Risin'
(Public lore regardin' pirates o' Sornieth)
Below Deck! (Personal Lore Thread)
Okay, sorry about that uvu
Okay, sorry about that uvu
@morrow I'll give it a whack!

"500 for an egg? What a deal! Here you go, Crim! Happy trading!" The voice faded on the last words.
"Of course, ooof course," another voice sang.
There was a scratching sound and a slight murmur. The space turned and rotated before being settled down. As time passed, the space became dimmer and began to crack in some places.
'What is this? Where am I?' The hatchling wondered. Filled with curiosity, he encouraged one of the cracks to grow. With little effort, the shell broke.
Bundles of feathers, old rags, and strange colored stones greeted the new hatchling. He shook them off and examined his whereabouts.
He seemed to be sitting in a massive hoard filled with pointless trinkets. In front of him sat a purple-colored dragon who was tending to a long line of dragons. The purple dragon would show the first in line a paper with strange writing and picture on it. The first in line would either nod with a smile or frown and shake it's head.
To the hatchling's left sat a brown dragon with a sour expression and a broken horn. Dragons would come to his pile and take an object. The brown dragon would smile politely and send them off shortly after.
The hatchling stood on the unstable mass and wobbled his way down, slipping from time to time on mangled textile or some moldy leather. He was almost down when he stepped on a loose plank and rode the wild piece of board all the way down the pile.
He let out a high screech just before running into something.
"Oof! What the--?!"
The hatchling rubbed his head and looked up to find the brown dragon looking down at him, his glasses crocked on his nose.
"Oh...hello little fella. Where did you come from?" The brown dragon fixed his glasses and craned his neck to look about. His eyes settled on a the Light egg shells sitting on the purple dragon's pile. His jaw dropped.
"No..." His expression changed sour. "She is hoarding eggs now?"
The brown dragon sighed and looked down at the blue hatchling who stared right back at him.
"I'm sorry to find you like poor thing. I'm Pinkerton and where you just came from is my sister's hoard," the brown dragon explained.
The hatchling continued to stare at Pinkerton. Pinkerton, slightly uncomfortable by the young mirror's gaze, scratched behind his own horns.
" hungry?" Pinkerton asked as he reached for a box. He fished out a Duskrat and held it in front of the mirror. The mirror instantly perked up and wagged his tail in excitement. He quickly took it from Pinkerton and gobbled it up.
The hatchling headbutted Pinkerton and rubbed against him like a Skycat would.
Pinkerton blinked in shock as young only did this to clan members. He tried to push the mirror from him.
"Ooooh no. No no. Don't start that. I can't take care of you."
"Waaah!" The hatchling rumbled and continued to rub against him.
Pinkerson watched the mirror and heaved a sigh. He can't send this hatchling off alone. Maybe he can ask his friends? No, Swipp won't care for a mirror and Crim should never be around children.
"...Okay. Okay, fine. I'll...I'll adopt you, okay?"
The mirror smiled and headbutted Pinkerton again, causing him to loose his air.
"HOKAY! You'll need to stop that, too. Now...for a name."
The mirror stuck his head in the box Pinkerton found the Duskrat and hunted for any other critters. Pinkerton smiled to himself, you can't be angry at something so cute.
"What a little mischief maker you'll be," he predicted. He remembered hearing about a mischief god in human mythology and finally settled on a name for the mirror.
"I'll call you Hermes."
@morrow I'll give it a whack!

"500 for an egg? What a deal! Here you go, Crim! Happy trading!" The voice faded on the last words.
"Of course, ooof course," another voice sang.
There was a scratching sound and a slight murmur. The space turned and rotated before being settled down. As time passed, the space became dimmer and began to crack in some places.
'What is this? Where am I?' The hatchling wondered. Filled with curiosity, he encouraged one of the cracks to grow. With little effort, the shell broke.
Bundles of feathers, old rags, and strange colored stones greeted the new hatchling. He shook them off and examined his whereabouts.
He seemed to be sitting in a massive hoard filled with pointless trinkets. In front of him sat a purple-colored dragon who was tending to a long line of dragons. The purple dragon would show the first in line a paper with strange writing and picture on it. The first in line would either nod with a smile or frown and shake it's head.
To the hatchling's left sat a brown dragon with a sour expression and a broken horn. Dragons would come to his pile and take an object. The brown dragon would smile politely and send them off shortly after.
The hatchling stood on the unstable mass and wobbled his way down, slipping from time to time on mangled textile or some moldy leather. He was almost down when he stepped on a loose plank and rode the wild piece of board all the way down the pile.
He let out a high screech just before running into something.
"Oof! What the--?!"
The hatchling rubbed his head and looked up to find the brown dragon looking down at him, his glasses crocked on his nose.
"Oh...hello little fella. Where did you come from?" The brown dragon fixed his glasses and craned his neck to look about. His eyes settled on a the Light egg shells sitting on the purple dragon's pile. His jaw dropped.
"No..." His expression changed sour. "She is hoarding eggs now?"
The brown dragon sighed and looked down at the blue hatchling who stared right back at him.
"I'm sorry to find you like poor thing. I'm Pinkerton and where you just came from is my sister's hoard," the brown dragon explained.
The hatchling continued to stare at Pinkerton. Pinkerton, slightly uncomfortable by the young mirror's gaze, scratched behind his own horns.
" hungry?" Pinkerton asked as he reached for a box. He fished out a Duskrat and held it in front of the mirror. The mirror instantly perked up and wagged his tail in excitement. He quickly took it from Pinkerton and gobbled it up.
The hatchling headbutted Pinkerton and rubbed against him like a Skycat would.
Pinkerton blinked in shock as young only did this to clan members. He tried to push the mirror from him.
"Ooooh no. No no. Don't start that. I can't take care of you."
"Waaah!" The hatchling rumbled and continued to rub against him.
Pinkerson watched the mirror and heaved a sigh. He can't send this hatchling off alone. Maybe he can ask his friends? No, Swipp won't care for a mirror and Crim should never be around children.
"...Okay. Okay, fine. I'll...I'll adopt you, okay?"
The mirror smiled and headbutted Pinkerton again, causing him to loose his air.
"HOKAY! You'll need to stop that, too. Now...for a name."
The mirror stuck his head in the box Pinkerton found the Duskrat and hunted for any other critters. Pinkerton smiled to himself, you can't be angry at something so cute.
"What a little mischief maker you'll be," he predicted. He remembered hearing about a mischief god in human mythology and finally settled on a name for the mirror.
"I'll call you Hermes."
will be updating the contestants post momentarily!
will be updating the contestants post momentarily!
@Morrow Sorry, Im back for the third time. Just got a wonderful idea yesterday.

His clanmates seemed to regard him with wariness, and ever since he hatched under the wind flight, everyone seemed to avoid him. Why? Why was he being treated this way?

Upset, he left the clan one day to adventure about. There, in the oldest clans of the wind flight, he found his answer.

The paintings were so realistic. Staring at them, Lord Wingsinger had come by his side, and told him his story.

He was a reincarnation of Lord Cloudrider, ruler of the Cloud flight. His flight had fallen many years ago, and there was an omen about his reincarnation being hatched in the winds, which is in wind flight.

He gazed in wonder at the paintings, imagining himself as his past self, riding the clouds like no tomorrow.

He then knew what to do. He thanked the lord of the wind flight, and set off.

Where, you say? He was going to go on an adventure. On a mission to revive his lost flight.
@Morrow Sorry, Im back for the third time. Just got a wonderful idea yesterday.

His clanmates seemed to regard him with wariness, and ever since he hatched under the wind flight, everyone seemed to avoid him. Why? Why was he being treated this way?

Upset, he left the clan one day to adventure about. There, in the oldest clans of the wind flight, he found his answer.

The paintings were so realistic. Staring at them, Lord Wingsinger had come by his side, and told him his story.

He was a reincarnation of Lord Cloudrider, ruler of the Cloud flight. His flight had fallen many years ago, and there was an omen about his reincarnation being hatched in the winds, which is in wind flight.

He gazed in wonder at the paintings, imagining himself as his past self, riding the clouds like no tomorrow.

He then knew what to do. He thanked the lord of the wind flight, and set off.

Where, you say? He was going to go on an adventure. On a mission to revive his lost flight.

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