Curious Explorer
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Energy: 50
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Personal Style



5.51 m
6.24 m
678.52 kg
Eye Type
Level 8 Wildclaw
EXP: 8701 / 16009

“I haven’t been everywhere, but it’s on my list.”
Harpa is the Clan's resident forager, scavenger, and explorer: if you want something, he'll find it! He's an explosive young dragon, always itching to be on the move. This, in turn, can be a bit overwhelming for many dragons, especially the quieter ones or those unaccustomed to such displays of emotion. He doesn't let that slow him down or stop him though. In fact, he can be rather dense. Thankfully his partner Gila is there to rive him reminders of propriety, serving as the anchor that keeps him grounded.
He first joined the Clan when he stumbled upon Riso and Mirtilo and asked then what they were doing. He'd been there many times before, and now there were dragons! And they were digging holes! After being convinced they were not in fact trying to hide treasure but were instead digging a cave system to serve as a new Lair, he left- but only after noting the offhanded comment Riso had made that they needed digging utensils or it would take forever to finish their new home.
Next time he came, he brought them shovels, pickaxes and even explosives(which were, disappointingly, rejected by Mirtilo. He asked if there was anything else they needed, and after a couple of requests were made, he left once more. This cycle repeated until eventually they asked where he was even staying, that he had so much liberty and time to come and go as he pleased. Harpa replied that he wanders alone, sleeping wherever he finds enough comfort. Mirtilo and Riso exchanged a look and invited him to stay with them, to which he agreed on the condition that he would continue to be allowed to roam and wander.
As a pivotal member of the Clan, he's appreciated by everyone (though in varying degrees due to his LOUD way of speaking) and they all know he means well. Gila enjoys painting his body when he is in the Lair as her hobby, and the drawings and depictions on his hide can vary wildly depending on the day.
What are they doing now?: Likely looking through abandoned ruins or discarded trash for anything of value, or perhaps he is with Malleas baiting and cornering prey for the Clan.
Likes: Running, jumping, playing, being read stories
Dislikes: Sitting still (unless it's for Gila's body painting or Riso and Fumo's story time), fish (their smell, their feel...so much so that he refuses to catch fish), silence
Harpa is the Clan's resident forager, scavenger, and explorer: if you want something, he'll find it! He's an explosive young dragon, always itching to be on the move. This, in turn, can be a bit overwhelming for many dragons, especially the quieter ones or those unaccustomed to such displays of emotion. He doesn't let that slow him down or stop him though. In fact, he can be rather dense. Thankfully his partner Gila is there to rive him reminders of propriety, serving as the anchor that keeps him grounded.
He first joined the Clan when he stumbled upon Riso and Mirtilo and asked then what they were doing. He'd been there many times before, and now there were dragons! And they were digging holes! After being convinced they were not in fact trying to hide treasure but were instead digging a cave system to serve as a new Lair, he left- but only after noting the offhanded comment Riso had made that they needed digging utensils or it would take forever to finish their new home.
Next time he came, he brought them shovels, pickaxes and even explosives(which were, disappointingly, rejected by Mirtilo. He asked if there was anything else they needed, and after a couple of requests were made, he left once more. This cycle repeated until eventually they asked where he was even staying, that he had so much liberty and time to come and go as he pleased. Harpa replied that he wanders alone, sleeping wherever he finds enough comfort. Mirtilo and Riso exchanged a look and invited him to stay with them, to which he agreed on the condition that he would continue to be allowed to roam and wander.
As a pivotal member of the Clan, he's appreciated by everyone (though in varying degrees due to his LOUD way of speaking) and they all know he means well. Gila enjoys painting his body when he is in the Lair as her hobby, and the drawings and depictions on his hide can vary wildly depending on the day.
What are they doing now?: Likely looking through abandoned ruins or discarded trash for anything of value, or perhaps he is with Malleas baiting and cornering prey for the Clan.
Likes: Running, jumping, playing, being read stories
Dislikes: Sitting still (unless it's for Gila's body painting or Riso and Fumo's story time), fish (their smell, their feel...so much so that he refuses to catch fish), silence
Click or tap a food type to individually feed this dragon only. The other dragons in your lair will not have their energy replenished.
This dragon doesn't eat Insects.
Feed this dragon Meat.
This dragon doesn't eat Seafood.
This dragon doesn't eat Plants.
Exalting Harpa to the service of the Lightweaver will remove them from your lair forever. They will leave behind a small sum of riches that they have accumulated. This action is irreversible.
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