
Level 5 Wildclaw
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Crowned Gryph
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Energy: 0/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Plague.
Male Wildclaw
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Personal Style


Gold Filigree Helmet
Simple Harp
Luminous Legguards
Burnished Gold Belt
Red Breeches
Primal Shoulder Guard
Burnished Filigree Breastplate
Gold Renaissance Shirt
Haunting Amber Pendants
Luminous Halo
Golden Wing Silks


Skin: ii. EVIGILO



3.6 m
4.8 m
532.84 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Jan 19, 2015
(9 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 5 Wildclaw
EXP: 804 / 5545


The Warrior Bard


The minstrel boy to the war is gone,
In the ranks of death you'll find him;
His father's sword he has girded on,
And his wild harp slung behind him;

- Thomas Moore

Mate: Fianna
Previous Mates: Sangsorra, Susan, Helveca
Friends: Daemon, Aedon, Yuseph, Hemokai, Most Everyone
Enemies: Sahko, Roden, Corrosion

History of the Historian

Wildclaw Bred
Bard and his sister were born to a pair of brutal wildclaws in the plaguelands. His position, as son of the clan enforcer and the clan trainer, made him bred for fighting. At this, both he and his sister excelled.

However, to Bard the brutal nature of his father and the tireless driving nature in his mother were terrible, inextricably flawed. It was not the brutality that did not sit well with him, but something else... something they lacked. It was a long time before he came to understand what that was. His sister was arguably the keener of the two - she departed the clan long before he did, finding her home among the artful flight of Wind.

Minstrel Born
Bard had developed a habit of singing while he fought. It irritated his mother, who found his lyrics distracting and felt they lowered the overall efficiency of battle. He was also a skilled storyteller, finding as much joy in glory from the retelling of a battle as he had whilst actually fighting in that battle.

It was this he felt his parents, and the clan as a whole lacked. A refinement. An art. He father was brutal, but there was no reason for it. He did not see the beauty and poetry in bloodshed. His mother could not appreciate the deep grace of battle, and the drumbeats of desperation. Not, at least, to his satisfaction.

There was also the matter of the battles of succession taking place in his clan. It was a dangerous place for a singer of stories, for every word could carry with it deep political significance, and it would not do well to have a story paint a more powerful dragon in ill light... should the balance of powers shift in the higher ranks.

Clan of Singing Blood
It was a long time before Bard found his place. It was something he would not have had without Aedon, the Nightingale, who found him perched on the cliffs of the Rotrock Rim. She approached unseen and sang to him.

He did not find her immediately, but curious he returned to the perch on the following night. Again she met him and sang to him. On the third night she sang him down from his perch on the cliffs, and like a siren led him into the Boneyard. It was on this open plain he finally caught up with her, and when he did he made to leap upon her and rend her with his claws. Before he could, however, another wildclaw shot out of the darkness and lay into him. The two fought and Aedon sang as they did. The battle lasted until sunrise and Bard saw his adversary, the dark wildclaw Daemon.
The two departed and bard was left to think on his battle - the perfection of it. Nursing his wounds and thinking of the song Bard waited several days before he made up his mind. He returned to the cliffs in the night and wandered down into the Boneyard, intent on finding the dark dragons he had seen before.

In this way, he wandered for days, weeks perhaps before he was found again. Not by his siren or his adversary, but by a mirror dragon with wings that rippled like blood. She called to him once and bade him fall into place at her side and he did so. On doing so, he saw she was not alone. His dark siren was there as well, and her mate, and a score of other dragons, who had watched him with great interest... then welcomed him into their clan.


Chronicles of Singing Blood


These scrolls detail and illustrate in brilliant illumination, the history of the clan.

It is Bard's duty to look after and maintain them, recording all new information, as well as gathering letters, accounts, and stories from other dragons.

The Founding
The clan was founded with the very birth of Minstri. Her blood sang with the blood of the land, summoning the twisted and tainted magics of the local to her. Through this communion with the plague she discovered the mother of the land her body sprung from. After this she displayed a fierce and sudden devotion, founding a clan and seeking out any she could entice or coerce into joining.

The first she came across was another dragon much like her, passing near her territory in the Wandering Contagion. He was Beatfleur. She was struck by this dragon, for his presence filled her with hope.

"When he comes, my brother will have a face like this one."

She invited him into her clan, and enjoyed his company for a time. He gave her twin eggs, a boy and a girl. After their hatching Min's attitude towards her new mate changed immediately. Her kindness evaporated and she lay endless abuses upon him.
Her clan had grown considerably by this time, and they came to understand she was a ruthless leader. She demonstrated it with the cruel fate of Beatfleur. With powerful and profane magics she undid him - offering up his essence to honor the Plaguebringer. This was her devotion.

She would not abide the weak. Any creature that displeased her would be torn asunder and offered up to her deity. Those that did please her, were those that were strong.

"Weak or strong, we can all please the Plaguemother."

These she would gladly offer up to the Plaguebringer whole. The Exalted. Some to fight. Some to study. Some for raw materials... but all of them were spoken of with reverence... all to be reforged or reborn to the Plaguebringer's will.


The Exodus
Minstri's ruthlessness could not be sustained. The dragons that feared her needed only one or two daring enough to organize the group to flee. It was clear she was taken by madness. So her clan departed from her.

Though not all on bad terms.

Two Skydancers, Sengir and Peryite stayed to the very end, for though she was ruthless and mad, she was also strong, clever, and worthy. Bloodstone, her lieutenant, was also loathe to leave her side.

Minstri was undone - that so many would abandon her left her aching and confused. Her brother she realized, had something she had overlooked. Something that made him a good leader that she lacked. Until she knew what that was, she could not lead a clan, and without a clan, she would have no influence or force to summon her brother when he manifested.

She sent away the few who were loyal to her. All that remained were her children and a runt that had been forgotten in one of the nests. She then became withdrawn speaking to no one for ages. She spent her hours hunting tirelessly, children in tow, the three were seemingly invisible to her.

The Return
When Minstri spoke again, it was with an absolute and undeniable vigor. It was after a flight in midnight, with the sky overcast and black, and all the shadows on the earth were bottomless.

"My eyes have been too full of things to see. Blindness has shown me my mistakes."

She came to her children and spoke without stopping for three full days. She lay out endless tales of her history and what she knew of the Nature of Creation. She did so with great spiritual fervor. A hunting party passing by heard her speaking and came to sit as well. An odd, unlikely trio led by a molten mirror dragon. They were enraptured. Not the tales entirely, not the lore, but it was as if the words themselves were enchanting.

These three became her first disciples, and she led them back to the lair. She was no less ruthless, but she had found a missing element for leadership. Rumors of Minstri's return spread far across the wastelands and eventually came to Peryite, who was pleased by the news and returned to her side to serve as her lieutenant.

With her lair reestablished, she continues her devotion to the Plaguebringer, and her search for the lost mind of her Brother.
The Shattering Purge
The clan enjoyed a long period of growth and relative prosperity - until came upon it unexpected and dangerous adversary. A single dragon, a terror of ice under crystalline scales turned sections of the clan into weapons, employed without their knowing, against the Queen. This dragon - Pozmaq.

His attacks were many-fold. His disruptions weakened Minstri's magics, destroying many of her rituals, and causing her illness and injury. It also sowed distrust in the clan towards the other crystalline clan-members, who received blame for the disruptions. Minstri turned towards dragons she previously loved with abuses and rage, casting many of them out in an event that came to be known as the Shattering Purge.

Pozmaq's involvement was not discovered until much later - but most of the damage had already been done. The clan was destabilized and weakened for a considerable span of time... but the Clan of Singing Blood is a Plague clan - and Survival is the only Creed.

Read more about Pozmaq...
The Constructed
In order to better protect the Clan and its territory Minstri set about making powerful draconic constructs of blood and bone. Though she was not the first or only dragon who was set to doing such a thing, she made considerable headway by designing the constructs in her own image, incorporating the spans of Plagueland into the designs and spinning them from blood, as she herself had been wrought long before by unknown forces.

Once the designs were perfected, she began transforming the current guards of the lair into these constructs, reawakening them into new forms. Patrols became far more effective, once more constructs were created to lead them, and better secure routes through the territory.

12936410.pngthe Companion


Brother of the Queen
Throughout all other things, Minstri worked tirelessly at her Quest, searching over the whole world for her 'brother' or the means to bring him to her. Who or what this entity might be was not well understood by the clan. While Minstri's stories and prophecies mentioned him, it was unclear exactly how he was meant to 'come to her'.

It was not until an odd Coatl joined the clan that many began to take the quest literally. This dark Coatl was quiet and unfriendly for many months following his arrival in the lair. However, quite suddenly and rather unexpectedly, he opened up, seemingly transforming into a completely different dragon, and finally introducing himself as Finn. Cheerful and charismatic, he was very well-liked by Minstri, to the confusion of many, since he possessed none of the traits she usually favored. Rumors quickly circulated. The one that stuck was that Finn knew her brother.

Soon after a dragon of unusual powers joined the clan, Phaedra, the Summoner. Phaedra was given her own, secluded section of the lair. Here she performed unknown magics, calling upon and evaluating many dragons, and eventually, through her work, a suitable vessel was hatched. This hatchling was taken on the eve of adulthood to the Wyrmwound, to be put to test by Minstri and Phaedra. Above the Rotrock cliffs, a deep channel was carved, and the area adorned with arcane foci and tribal offerings. Here the unnamed vessel was baptized in fluids siphoned away from the Wyrmwound for this purpose, and the soul of Minstri's brother was bound into it.

The First

The dragon was retrieved from the pool, terrible afflictions of flesh and blood had seeped deep into its body. It was taken back to the lair and hidden away. Phaedra's work was done. So long was the dragon hidden, and visited by no one but the Queen, that many thought it had died or was a failure. Some simply forgot, their concerns being with the mundane aspects of the clan, rather than the Queen's grand quest.

During this time the dragon slept and continued to grow and was cared for by Minstri. It came as a surprise to the Clan when their Queen called upon them to assemble, and Sovri was formally introduced to the Clan. Having only a few qualities in common with their Queen, he was not universally well-received, though his position within the clan was made unquestionable by the Queen's word.

The Machine Faction
A strange group of dragons has formed within the Clan of Singing Blood. They are not much like the others in the clan, and some feel their use of machine augments are counter to the Plaguebringer's creeds. However, they have the favor of the King, and under his rule maintain a small society which is dedicated to the study of machines and related technologies, believing that their work is just as key to survival as a hunter honing their skills. However, the King's favor does not keep them safe from the poor opinions of other clan members, who feel their work is only good for keeping the weak and unworthy alive.

The group is led by the Skydancer, Qurulan, though the group's highest ranking member among the clan is the Mirror, Matricide, who serves very successfully as a hunter for the clan, due in no small part to her liberal use of clever traps and devices as part of her work. Their most notable action to date is the role they played in the restoration of Kisankai, one of the Clan's foremost warriors, who fell in battle. She was recovered from the location, but had suffered considerable injuries which, even if they did not prove fatal, would certainly have prohibited her participation in further battles. Qurulan and his engineers restored her to a proper fighting condition.


Claiming the Wyrmwound and the Fall of the King
The Clan of Singing Blood laid claim to territory within the Wyrmwound itself. Passages were excavated, routes secured. The Ancient Inner Keep was theirs. A gleaming fortress of bone and stone and corruption for which they had long fought. The Unnamed Twins, Minstri's proudest children had led the final charge which drove out the decayed monsters within - both dragons and beasts, feral and profane, waiting only the cleansing power of a stronger force to drive them away. Terrible things which are scarce seen on Sorneith, driven into the Wyrmwound by the press of Minstri's warriors and those whom she had conscripted from her territory to fight for her. The clan now held influence over a not inconsiderable swathe of the Scarred Wasteland, but this was a jewel, this place - a True Seat of Power for the Queen and all her children, to gather near as possible to their god. A place from which, on its outermost balconies one could sit and watch the drowning depths of the Wyrmwound churn, and listen to the songs of blight called up around the Plaguebringer, and perhaps, perhaps to catch a glimpse of Her.

The queen's council and the clan's foremost officials relocated to the Inner Keep. The main hub of the clan, however, remained inside the Bonestrewn Crest - the punctured cliffs of the Rotrock Rim, since it is easier to conduct trade from that location, as well as manage the wider territory in the foothills around the cliffs and the Boneyard.

Trouble began soon after the move. The King fell ill. Though he retained a state of lucidity throughout the troubles, it helped him little. The king's body seemed to be deteriorating at a disturbing rate, but not merely rotting away, but becoming… unstable. Rapid mutations, healed, cut off, or rotting away, then returning the next day or even the next hour. Minstri was overcome with frequent fits of rage and frustration, attacking other council members, including Grabal, who made himself available for her abuse in an effort to protect others from her wrath. Though even Peryite, whom she loved and who loved her dearly was not spared from her outbursts.

"He knows! He knows and I do not and he refuses to tell me. He knows what is wrong, he knows what has gone wrong, but I cannot see it. Why can I not see it? I SEE EVERYTHING."

It was Siekte who came to the answer. The High Priestess was forced to go to Sahko for help and confirmation of the theory; she did so, even though she hated the spiral with every inch of her. Being near him caused her loathing to boil over and her skin would break out even more furiously with blisters and pustules. To ease the suffering of her Queen, she sought his aid and worked with him in his blasphemous lab.

"He is elementally unstable. Bringing him near to the Wyrmwound has disrupted the binding between his soul and the body you selected for him." Sahko said, before fleeing the hall at top speed before the curses the Queen leveled at him could take hold and tear him asunder.

Siekte worked for weeks trying to find a solution. Removing the King from the Inner Keep did not help. Nothing seemed to help as plague magics ravaged about his body uncontrollably, and ran into constant conflict with something else. Some foreign essence within his soul, feeding it, and fueling it like a fire which was quickly consuming him.

Sovri called his sister to his side, and she came, all her fury melted away into exhaustion. "There's nothing for it now, Min. But I'm not going anywhere, I promise. I'll always come back to you, and you know it. You know I can't do anything else." The ruined Skydancer seemed to smile at her. "You have to unbind the summoning on me. Do that, and my soul my mind goes back, but I'll be waiting now, I know where you are now, and I'll find you again. The right way this time."

"But I have you now. We are free here. I am happy here."

Minstri did not seem like the Queen of a powerful clan of fanatics who worshipped her every action. She seemed like a frightened little girl. She seemed like his little sister. Four red eyes looking at him, filled with uncertainty and loss. Seeing that made him happy beyond measure. He had not seen her look like that in a long time. She had become real again.

The two sat together in silence for a long time. Minstri released the binding on her brother's soul.

Rebirth of the Brother
However, once done, the clan was left without a king, and Minstri's Quest had to begin again. She quickly poured her resources into scouring Sorneith for a new, suitable vessel for her brother.

No more than a single season passed when a Skydancer boldly ascended to the gate of the Inner Keep. The guards were stunned and instantly set to panic, as none had seen his approach. Glittering yellow eyes seemed to mock them as they attacked. He bounded away and laughed at them. "Now is that any way to greet your King?" They did not believe him - that Sovri should be a Light dragon seemed absurd and beyond comprehension.

They relented only once he had smashed every last one of them to the ground and strolled casually over their bodies to take his place beside his sister once more.


The Shade's Witness
Situated on the Rotrock Rim is Clifftown and the Bonestrewn Crest, the hub of the Clan's territory. Prior to claiming the Scarwind Keep it was the Clan's primary lair. Far below it was the White Prison, a little sliver of the Icewarden's domain. Sensing that it was there and that it contained something of great power, the Clan tunneled down to reach it. Once the prison was uncovered the clan made use of it and it was overseen by Ayna and her mate until Ayna was revealed to be a traitor, sent by a secret order to prevent the Queen from claiming what was hidden in the White Prison.

The two were driven out, but soon after the territory became plagued with terrible misfortunes, and the White Prison began to thaw. Majka was brought in to secure the prisoners, but she was unable to prevent the escape of its most powerful inmate, the entity for which the prison had been initially constructed. This entity was the entire reason for the excavation of the prison in the first place, and its loss was unacceptable. Worse, it was likely that the entity would return and destroy the clan when it did.

The entity was tracked to a clan on the edge of the Tangled Wood, where it was hiding and feeding off of the dragons who had foolishly brought it into their lair. Attempts at reaching out to the other clan were sabotaged by Minseok, and the result was a brief and brutal conflict, which resulted in the destruction of the other clan's lair.

The entity, reffered to as "Eyebite" by the Clan of Singing Blood, was recovered and imprisoned anew within the Scarwind Keep, a new pet project for the Queen.

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