
Level 4 Imperial
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Energy: 49
out of
Lightning icon
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Lightning.
Male Imperial
Male Imperial
Breeding cooldown icon
This dragon cannot breed until Apr 06, 2025 (28 days).
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Personal Style


Silver Steampunk Goggles
Pathfinder's Gloves
Pathfinder's Treads
Archer's Cape
Sparkling Blue Wing Bow





22.4 m
21.38 m
8774.74 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Oct 19, 2024
(4 months)


Imperial icon

Eye Type

Normal Eye Type
Level 4 Imperial
EXP: 3017 / 4027




  • none


io8FAyy.png VORTEX PSiqTgP.png
Flight Tutor • Avid Reader • Performer

Uh oh, looks like this traveling flight tutor wandered a little too far from his home lair Festivoog, 568525, and now he's off to see the world! If you ever feel the need to exalt, he'd really appreciate it if you could just return him to the home lair, to the “Dragons Off To See The World” thread, or to the hub if you don't want another dragon in return. Please refrain from exalting him!

Important note: Please only trade this dragon on traveling dragon threads, as opposed to places such as the Auction House.

Vortex would like to receive a permanent home someday, so if you'd like to adopt him after he's been traveling long enough, just let his owner know!

Log 1 (Oculus Clan, 568525)

Vortex is a skilled aerial performer who wants to to present his athletic skills and artistry to other clans. He loves coming up with new routines for festivals! He gives aerial dance performances and flight lessons in exchange for food, lodging, and books to read. (Any genre is fine. He's not picky.)

He's a surprisingly patient teacher who can teach anything from basic flight to advanced aerial maneuvers. He especially loves giving flight lessons to hatchlings who are just figuring out their wings. It's always rewarding to see a determined student work hard and finally take to the skies.

Vortex left his home in the Lightning flight to take his show on the road. He hopes to teach many students and read a lot of good books!

Log 2 (Firestorm Refuge, 360819)

Vortex spent some time in the Refuge. They happily housed him, and in return he taught some of their hatchlings to fly and assisted in the hatchery. The attendant made his skin crawl, though. Silent with swirling eyes he found himself deeply uncomfortable in her presence. He made a point to only stay at the Refuge for a short time. The place gives him the creeps, despite the smiling faces and open arms.

Log 3 (Kyireana, 265814)

He flew his way into Kyireana's lair for the holidays! He went on several flights celebrating the New Year and made his way through NOTN! Unfortunately he found Kyireana's books on necromancy! Oopsies! He spent his next flight out travelling yet again...

Log 4 (TheAlmightySei, 194364)

Vortex found himself at walking into a Clan that seemed to be in the middle of some sort of celebration. He heard cheers and laughter but did not see any dragons, he did not want to intrude on their festivities but he did notice a sign saying "welcome center" and decided to follow it. Shortly he found himself at a small building where an orange wildclaw was exiting. " Oh Hello!" the dragon said as it turned from the door. " Are you a visitor? What am I saying? of course you are!" the dragon exclaimed before turning back around and locking the door. " I would normally be more than happy to show you around or bring you to the inn but we are in the middle of a celebration! You see, its TChiliad's Birthday!" The orange dragon explained. "Oh goodness me! I have not let you say a word! I am so sorry, please let me start over! My name is Harko and I run the visitor center here. So nice to meet you" the dragon says as he brushes back his feathers making himself more presentable.

Vortex chuckles and shakes his head " No need to apologize, its nice to meet someone so friendly. My name is Vortex and this may sound weird but I have been traveling hoping to find some towns who would be interested in aerial performances or maybe some classes." He felt silly asking this but he was been wanting to show off his talents and maybe share some tips with those wanting to learn and so far he has not been able to do so unless it was for himself or passers by on his journey.

"Aerial performances? That sounds absolutely delightful!" Harko Exclaims. " Actually, if you are not to tired from your travels, you should do a surprise performance for IChiliad's birthday! They are all currently playing the last party game and a show would be perfect before cake!" He suggested.
Vortex nods and agrees and so both dragons head off to get ready for the performance.

After Vortex gets himself all set to do his performance and Harko gives him the thumbs up he takes off into the air.

He glides through the air with long colorful scarves flowing perfectly in the air as he performs beautifully executed maneuvers through the air. The dragons below awe stuck at the show. The scarves seem to move like fluid as he twists and turns though the air and though he felt like he could do this forever he landed gracefully in the center of the crowd of dragons the fabric slowly falling around him laying perfectly around him.

You can bet this was a hit at the party and everyone wanted to see more and even take a few lessons.
Vortex stayed with the clan for a while, teaching and learning many things during his stay.

After awhile he decided it was time to set off and see if he can find any more clans and welcoming as this one.

Log 5 (Starflower Grove, 693697)

After a long period of travelling, Vortex found himself at Starflower Grove. The dragons here loved to fly, and especially loved his aerial tricks and performances. In particular, he had a little student who was desperate to learn how to make those beautiful swirling loops in the sky.

Vortex and his newfound apprentice spent much time together, with Vortex teaching them how to move their wings and glide gracefully in the air. Although at first it seemed like they were clumsy, falling down every so often and bashing their little nose, eventually they were gliding through the air as elegantly as Vortex was. Vortex was thoroughly impressed - it was almost like magic, how quickly they'd improved!

Eventually, Vortex and the little Coatl gave a performance for the clan that left all of them awestruck. Vortex couldn't be prouder of his little student, who was glowing with pride - now, he wanted to travel to teach more students so he could inspire more of them like he had this little one next to him.

Log 6 (The Ossuary, 27166)

Work in progress!


Continue his journey here!


Continue his journey here!

Silver Steampunk Goggles Pathfinder's Gloves Pathfinder's Treads Archer's Cape Sparkling Blue Wing Bow
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Exalting Vortex to the service of the Plaguebringer will remove them from your lair forever. They will leave behind a small sum of riches that they have accumulated. This action is irreversible.

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