
Level 1 Skydancer
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Steelscale Isopuppy
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Energy: 48
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Ice icon
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Ice.
Female Skydancer
Female Skydancer
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This dragon cannot breed until Mar 21, 2025 (9 days).
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4.37 m
4.79 m
446.88 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Oct 13, 2024
(4 months)


Skydancer icon

Eye Type

Normal Eye Type
Level 1 Skydancer
EXP: 0 / 245





Looks like this beauty has wandered from her home lair (465726, Raquesis), and now she’s off to see the world! If ever you feel the need to exalt or trade, she’d really appreciate it if you could just return her to the “Dragons Off To See The World” thread, or to the Hub if you don't want another dragon in return. This is not necessary, but she would be very grateful!


Owners I've Had:

Raquesis (465726) Home Lair
Nimby (629684)
Kiln (236023)
Redpyre (27166)
- add your clan here -

Glacia is off to see the world! What travels will await her?




Write about Glacia’s experiences in your clan here~

Journey log:


"Goodness child what has brought you all the way out here on your own?"

The hatchling looked up wordlessly to the wizened old Bogsneak peering down at her. The Bogsneak had a large bag full of trinkets and goodies that sagged off her bag and nearly touched the ground. Glacia strained her neck to see glimpses of foreign candies and soft toys inside the bag, but recoiled when the Bogsneak swung her neck over to smile at her.

"Did you want one?" The older dragon asked, plucking out one of the candies and handing it to the hatchling.
Glacia eyed the candy between the dragon's claws warily, but took it and greedily began to munch.

"You've fallen so far from your nest, where are your parents?" The Bogsneak hummed, looking this way and that for any possible sign of worried parents. The hatchling simply shook her head, nibbling on the candy.

"Ah me," The older dragon sighed, watching the pitiful thing eat. Could she be terribly lost, or an abandoned hatchling? Whatever the case, she couldn't just leave her here. "How would you like to come with me, back to my home. You may stay there as long as you like, and eat up have a hearty meal you're practically skin and bones!"

Glacia wasn't entirely sure of this dragon, but she did seem rather nice, and had a warm, inviting voice. She considered the unknown of a potentially friendly dragon to the unknown of the wildlands and decided to take her chances with the old woman. They traveled back to the Bogsneak's hut and was promptly fed a meal and given soft bedding. During her stay, she learned about a little more about her caretaker and sat listening wide eyed as the old dragon told of all her glorious fights and battle scars she experienced doing the most outlandish of adventures. It made the little dragon crave that same sort of adventure, but the world was dangerous and unknown for someone like her. At least for now... Eventually she ended up picking up helping the Bogsneak with her trade route, learning how to haggle and get a good deal and picking out the good items from the bad. The Bogsneak would even let her keep some items as a treat which was her favorite part of the trip.

Once Glacia got older she started to consider what her heart's desire would be, and decided she would very much like to continue what she learned so far and become a trader herself. To travel to different lands and buy and sell to different locations, she thrived with the social joys of interacting with others while doing her job and found it was a great way to connect.

The Ossuary

Glacia wasn't quite sure what compelled her to bravely cross the border into the Scarred Wasteland while visiting the Windswept Plateau. Curiosity was part of it to be sure, but mercantile instinct also played a role.

She was still pretty new to this traveling-merchant thing, and business had been slow. The stock of items she peddled was always rather small, and it seemed that she rarely carried things that potential buyers were impressed by. Especially on the Plateau, where the average dragon was accustomed to traveling and seeing wonders from all corners of the land, her sales had been... lackluster.

However, she reasoned that the land of Plague wasn't likely to have the same amount of easy travel in and out, so perhaps her wares might be more appealing to someone there. With the bravery borne of inexperience, she headed into the Wasteland.

Her first big break came when she was spotted by something startling as she ventured along a road through the wilds. At first, she saw the lovely pastel colors and slender form of a skydancer stooping over to pick some rather beautiful fungal blooms. Then, her heart froze in her chest when the creature turned to greet her.

She'd heard many tales of the strange and alarming things that could be found in the Wasteland, but that still didn't prepare her for what she saw. Pulsing, gleaming orbs grew from the individual's face like settled soap bubbles, completely covering where their eyes should be. Though her throat felt dry and choked by the sight, she waved a greeting in return.

This is how she met Ichor, her first truly eager customer.

It turned out that although several dragons from Ichor's home clan were very well-traveled, Ichor wasn't allowed beyond the borders of the clan's territory. They explained that they were somehow "too valuable" to go exploring, though Glacia didn't understand at all what they meant. All she knew was that Ichor was shyly excited to see every object that Glacia had for sale and wanted to know everything about them. And even better, Ichor also had plenty to trade in return. Between exotic fungi and mutated plants, and various carved bones and other Plague-wrought trinkets, Glacia was able to stock up on rare items from the Scarred Wasteland while she offloaded her common wares.

When Glacia finally said goodbye and continued on her way, there was a smile on her face and a skip in her step. She was now officially succeeding as a trader, and she spread joy to a customer while doing so.

Your clan name here - The story continues...

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Exalting Glacia to the service of the Earthshaker will remove them from your lair forever. They will leave behind a small sum of riches that they have accumulated. This action is irreversible.

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