
The Wish Granter
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Bucktooth Digger
Bucktooth Digger
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Energy: 47
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Water icon
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Water.
Male Veilspun
Male Veilspun
Ancient breed icon
This dragon is an ancient breed.
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Personal Style

Ancient breed emblem
Ancient dragons cannot wear apparel.


Skin: Moonmoth



Scene: Cabinet of Curiosities


1.17 m
1.08 m
2.22 kg


Primary Gene
Shell (Veilspun)
Shell (Veilspun)
Secondary Gene
Web (Veilspun)
Web (Veilspun)
Tertiary Gene
Capsule (Veilspun)
Capsule (Veilspun)


Oct 01, 2024
(5 months)


Veilspun icon

Eye Type

Normal Eye Type
Level 5 Veilspun
EXP: 925 / 5545







This includes stuff I'd like but I'm not actively hunting for (either because I don't know how to get it, can't afford it, or don't have a fitting dragon yet). Since I'm new, I don't really know how valuable a lot of things really are/aren't yet and I've never really been good at videogame economies, so I apologize if this list is weird. Treasure is always welcome for expansions too :s or for another nest.

Dark Harvest Sandals Dark Harvest Tail Twist Dark Harvest Bracelet Edamame Harvest
Arcane's Charm Vial of Fractal Sight
Cherry Blossom Strangler Rosy Peryton Sapling Speaker
Secondary Everlux Gene: Butterfly Secondary Everlux Gene: Crown Tertiary Everlux Gene: Spores
Breed Change: Gaoler Breed Change: Aether Breed Change: Undertide Breed Change: Aberration
Accent: Ancient Construct Gold Accent: Dicey Deception Accent: back to heaven
Accent: littol baabiee :3 Accent: Barbed Flowers D.GR
I really love bunnies! As well as plants, robots... honestly, it's shorter to list what I don't like.


Wing-_L.png.Goal list for Specific Dragons.Wing-_R.png

This includes stuff I'm actively saving for or interested in for the Clan's esteemed members! The list is in descending priority (left to right too), with my current goal being to finish my Dragonhome Everlux subspecies pair! Any kind of help would be more than welcome.

Currently also trying to find statue dragons! Heck, anything that's white/white/X or antique/antique/X, etc. that could work as a statue! I want one of every species available so I can write lore for them, so if you have any available to breed please let me know, I'll pay for them of course!

(...and his polycule)
Primary Everlux Gene: Ripple Secondary Everlux Gene: Swallowtail or Secondary Everlux Gene: Butterfly Tertiary Everlux Gene: Spores

Primary Gene: Starmap
Night Sky Bundle

Dream Fandragon Project (DMC V)
Black Aviator Coat Aeruginous Tail Tatters


Primary Aberration Gene: Harlequin Secondary Aberration Gene: Jester Tertiary Aberration Gene: Braids

Secondary Auraboa Gene: Alloy Vial of Faded Sight


Tertiary Gene: Glimmer
Accent: Moonlit Fronds Accent: Lux
Tertiary Aether Gene: Glowtail
Accent: Proud Flowers - Ae M Accent: Skywritten Secrets Accent: Boa Rainbows - AeM



Complete Items!!
This is quickly turning into a neat list of happy memories and accomplished goals. It's a good reminder that the world is full of nice people, too :)

Starlight Cloak 02/12/24 from my friend Nosramus! Thank you so much :) Rama is one step closer to arcane enlightenment!
Tertiary Gene: Sparkle 03/12/24 from dragonpals...Rama is so lucky I'm so happy for the old boy :')
Marbled Jester 03/12/24 from my friend rubyrat :) I love rabbits and this little fluffy bean makes me happy. Thank you! He's best friends with Sorbet now. What a nice day :') it makes my heart ache.
Scroll of Eternal Youth 04/12/24 from Farglow!! Orva can now forever be a wide-eyed innocent soul...thank you!
Secondary Gene: Saddle 11/12/24 Bought from the Marketplace as a treat since I've been a bit down. Rama is almost complete, I'm really happy for him!
Gladegift Garlands 11/12/24 Gifted by Kvon's sweet dragon Holly during the December Kindness Challenge :) Lodo looks so beautiful now that she has flowers that match her eyes! Thank you so much :D
Tawny Antlers Irradiated Astronomer Corvid Convergence 13/12/24 Gifts from mistralrunner ..! I was overwhelmed when I saw so many things at once :') Cadbury is super grateful, as is Harpa now that he has a friend that keeps up with him! I love the spooky crows...I fell in love with them when I first saw them. Thanks so much for all of the gifts!
Arcane Aura 17/12/24 Gift from someone very nice that went out of their way for me when they didn't need to. I'm really grateful, if you see this!
Accent: Fields of Remembrance Spring Carousel Fancy Mystic Healer's Reference Florid Cane 18/12/24 Gifts from Suomi! Sorbet is complete thanks to you, and I'm so happy my little Progen Riso is getting closer to being complete as well! Almost there!!! :D And thanks to you, I'm also closer to my dream dragon! Thanks so much! This was a lovely surprise :)
Accent: light counting Accent: Capriccio Stravagante Accent: Stardust Sightseer 18/12/24 Gift from williwawwarden :) Thank you, and I'll do my best to pay it forward! You've helped my dragons become much more beautiful!
Sanguine Rose Thorn Crown Sanguine Rose Thorn Arm Tangle Sanguine Rose Thorn Leg Tangle Sanguine Rose Thorn Tail Tangle Diaphanous Sylvan Dress Diaphanous Sylvan Wings Black Cat 18/12/24 Gifts from Superbia.... Found them again by chance in the December Kindness thread and it led to this! Thanks to you, I'm nearly done with Lodo, my Guardian, and Atra is pretty much finished too! And another step to completing my dream dragon's outfit! :D THANKS!
Bucktooth Digger 18/12/24 Gift from Commander...Now I have all the bunnies :) I love them all, thanks so much!
Plumed Springtail 18/12/24 Gift from mix alongside their seasonal counterparts! All the bunnies! All the bunnies +1 :D:D:D:D thank you! Gosh, what a day, I'm overwhelmed :')
23/12/24 First Everlux breeding pair finished thanks to NotN grind! Unfortunately now I have 2 more in the pot.
Riot Hazebeacon Tertiary Everlux Gene: Wool 23/12/24 from Lesbos! Thank you so much for the nice surprise, my growing Everlux plant(like) army grows ever stronger. And my dream dragon V's outfit is practically finished!
Secondary Gene: Choir Primary Gene: Chorus Accent: Fields of Remembrance 23/12/24 from romeow through the Secret Santa gift exchange, along with several other helpful goodies! Thank you so much for making this holiday season a nicer one. My progen is almost complete!
Primary Everlux Gene: Petrified 25/12/24 Bought two along with Butterfly for the next breeding pair in the subspecies! It's a little tough seeing all those gems go, but to heck with it! I love these dragons, and I want to breed them and maybe other people will love them too :)
Raiz is officially complete! Her future partner, who was initially Raiz but is now Radelko has almost everything set up, too! I'll try to get it done today >:) (UPDATE: Complete!)
26/12/24 Lazaretto was complete today! I bought all the stuff for him and worked hard for it so I'm very glad. I love him
Primary Gene: Ribbon 28/12/24 Bought to finish my girl Riso! Finally my progen is done. She will be a Fae forever, and my most special little one.
Leather Aviator Coat 31/12/24 from TemeraireRaven What a nice way to wrap up the year! Gilver gets this coat until he's completely ready, then I will put it on someone even more worthy...I love these coats a lot, and I'm very grateful! Thanks so much! :D
Primary Auraboa Gene: Mochlus 1/1/25 Bought from the Treasure Marketplace! 1/4 down for Sylphiora, but now she must wait since I need to put my effort into my Everluxes!
Breed Change: Auraboa 3/1/25 I lied I bought it from the AH for around 250kt it was WORTH IT! :D Celebrating the release of my Subspecies, even if only my friends care, that's enough. I put the effort in and I made something I like
Tertiary Auraboa Gene: Willow 4/1/25 >:) finally caught it on the TM. The gem gene is gonna have to wait for sure though. With NotN wrapping up soon, I'm worried I'll never be able to save so much again :s
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