Level 4 Guardian
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Energy: 49
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14.69 m
18.15 m
12642.77 kg
Eye Type
Level 4 Guardian
EXP: 2786 / 4027

lore thought questions
For sandsurge
Swap thread
I will put the bios of dragons who have left the clan here (this used to be in Osharie’s bio, but that started getting long, and Kosmos seemed like the next best choice)
Hope/Hemera/Leona/Ayla (Siriol)

Hatchling: As a hatchling, she is sweet and curious, and when she sees someone in need she does her best to provide it, though this usually involves an unwanted mud pie or dead bird. She doesn’t say much, but she does a lot of what she sees. Kipa tries to keep her distracted when she’s around the more troublesome hatchlings, as she’s already started to copy their behavior.

Hatchling: As a hatchling, Kit is always up for a game, including Ezshra’s shenanigans, though he prefers more rough and tumble sports. He and Borasil like to wrestle, in fact, Kit is probably responsible for at least some of Borasil’s clumsy accidents. “NoooO! It’s not my fault!” *someone explains* “Oh yeahsometimes I just go splonkbut the vase was his fault.” Kit has a tendency to be a little scatterbrained, like new thoughts are jumping into his brain before the old ones have time to finish thinking. (So the deleted space between words was me trying to convey the superspeed way he talks)
Dragon: When Kit became an Adult dragon, he knew he had to go on the Search, though at first he was a little nervous. When he realized that both of his siblings were coming with him though, he became excited. And though Kit was sad to say goodbye to his friends and eventually his sister, in the end, he was ready to go with his brother to serve the Arcanist. During Kit and Avyan’s battle training with Kipa before they left, there was one battle that they were up against three enemies, and Kipa got knocked out early in the fight. They had two enemies left at that point, but together, they pulled it off. Osharie was so proud of them. After that, she took charge of their training (Avyan was excited) and took them to a higher venue.

Hatchling: As a hatchling, Avyan takes after his father, and can usually be found at Dusk’s feet. Dusk and Kipa have tried to get him a little more integrated with the rest of the hatchlings, but he’s shyer than Val. But they have an idea.
Update: Osharie took the reins. She showed him the world in all its glory and all its ugliness, teaching him the importance of a tough skin. But she also taught him to be true to himself no matter what, and that he didn’t need to pretend to be someone he’s not to be happy. Now Avyan follows his parent’s footsteps with a new attitude. Instead of fear, it is purpose. He makes an effort with his fellow hatchlings, and sometimes spends time on the crystalspine with Fallonre or Ultandin, though he prefers Fallonre for Fallonre’s gentler demeanor and sense of authority.
Dragon: Avyan now has a strong sense of duty and even adventure (Though he still tends to jump at noises in the bushes). He decided to go with his siblings as they went to search for their lifelong charges, even though he’s not a guardian, and shortly before Regina found her true calling, Avyan realized that he wanted to serve the deity of his flight; The Arcanist. He confided in his siblings and Kit decided to come with him, while Regina committed to her clan instead. And so the brothers went.


Hatchling: Adisa and her brother Admiral were born sickly and weak. Osharie told Regina and Borasil to put them both in the clan’s hibernation den so they wouldn’t expend too much energy while they searched for a cure
Dragon: A cure was found! The primal Arcane magical aura of the Arcanist is powerful enough to bolster life near him. So Regina, Osharie and Kipa taught them all they could and sent Adisa and Admiral off to be his scholars, telling them to keep an eye out for a certian pair of tundra and guardian brothers
Admiral (
Hatchling:Regina and Borasil chose that name for him for two reasons. It’s a strong sounding name, and it’s also a kind of butterfly, and butterflies are delicate creatures of metamorphosis.
Dragon: Admiral is growing strong now, and his sister, with the Arcanist. Adisa prefers the exploration and expedition part, while Admiral is more into the scholarly aspects. But they are both happy right where they are.

Hatchling: Lucilliant is his brother’s opposite. Cold and icy, his only tender spot seems to be for Phosforien. Blood is thicker than water after all.
Dragon: Lucilliant likes to sit alone on the shores of the clans territory border, watching the waves and looking out at the observatory in the distance. He never did truly feel at home in Osharie’s clan, and one day he privately pitched the idea to Phosforien to go to the Arcanist.

Hatchling: Phosforien is full of life and energy, always zipping around looking for things to do. Some might think he was a spiral!
Dragon: Phosforien was initially unsure of Lucilliant’s proposition, but knew that Lucilliant’s mind was made up, even though Lucilliant himself didn’t know that. So no way was Phosforien going to let him go alone!

A gaurdian on her Search. She has gone to the Arcanist with zeal, along with her friend Catalina


Hatchling: As a hatchling, Blackwater is bold and playful. One of his favorite things to do is play-wrestle, though he also enjoys crafts, interestingly enough. He and Joachim are usually together, and Blackwater seems to be a good influence on Joachim.
Dragon: As a full grown dragon, Blackwater is the clan’s construction worker, helping Osharie expand the lair when the clan grows. He was the biggest help to her when the clan moved to the Starwood Strand. He eventually decided he needed a change of pace, and left the clan to find his true calling

Hatchling: As a hatchling, Akari is eager and curious, dabbling in a little of everything. She takes painting lessons from Borasil, scouting tips from Ausha, leadership help from Regina, and of course general mentoring from Kipa. When Akari’s not learning from adults, she’s a little difficult to find, as she is friends with all the hatchlings and flits between them, and also seems to have some kind of secret spot she goes to wind down. (It’s a grotto at the base of the crystalspine)
A storyteller, off to tell the world his stories.


Hatchling: As a hatchling, Smokey was quiet and curious, and when someone else came by and doted on him, he loved them, and was sad when they left, so Osharie took him back to them


Zahira is currently on world travel adventure. Wild at heart, she will only settle down when she finds her forever home, content to see the world while she searches.

Hatchling: As a hatchling, Yaazaniah (Yeah-z-uh-nigh-uh, or Yaaz for short) is active and moves like some kind of slime, fluidly flopping all over the place. Her favorite game is tag, and despite her… unorthodox method of travel, she always manages to avoid getting tagged, unless she wants to be it.
Dragon: As a full grown dragon, Yaaz is always moving (still in her special way), and like a spiral, needs many things to keep her busy. She likes to cook, fly, play, explore, paint, make riddles, craft, and especially swim.


The lovebirds move on to a different life

Minder hatchlings

Hatchling: Shadowchaser was taught from a young age that honor and adventure/exploration and benefiting others were the best ideals a dragon could have, and is so adorably ready to go. However, he was sent perhaps a little too early, when he was still impressionable. He joined a wind clan, and eventually went off to serve the Windsinger. As Minders, his parents are disappointed and slightly repulsed, but as parents, they are overjoyed that he has found his purpose.

Hatchling: as a hatchling, Frightful is quick and light on her feet. When she goes to serve the Arcanist, she wants to use her olfactory memory as a guiding sense, relying on it to navigate tricky situations (and she’s already pretty good at it). As such, she is spending her hatchling days sniffing everything and everyone. Frightful is pretty much the de-facto leader of her brothers.

Hatchling: As a hatchling, Strike is boisterous and mischievous. He listens only to Frightful, and is her loyal (self appointed) guard. He is ready to follow her (and Aaron) to the ends of the Starfall Isles

Hatchling: Though perhaps a little less energetic than his siblings, Aaron is very observant. His favorite time is night, for he enjoys blending in with the darkness and seeing what others think he can’t see. He seems to be the only one of his siblings that realizes that they may not be together for their whole journey. But he knows that eventually they will reunite under the Arcanist.
I have decided I did not want to write lore for every single hatchling that’s only in my clan for a few hours

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