
Level 1 Dusthide
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Aurora Pangolin
Aurora Pangolin
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Energy: 45
out of
Fire icon
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Fire.
Male Dusthide
Male Dusthide
Breeding cooldown icon
This dragon cannot breed until Mar 23, 2025 (14 days).
Ancient breed icon
This dragon is an ancient breed.
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Personal Style

Ancient breed emblem
Ancient dragons cannot wear apparel.


Skin: Sea Scallywag



Scene: Winter Night


2.38 m
2.17 m
30.57 kg


Primary Gene
Ribbon (Dusthide)
Ribbon (Dusthide)
Secondary Gene
Lacquer (Dusthide)
Lacquer (Dusthide)
Tertiary Gene
Mandibles (Dusthide)
Mandibles (Dusthide)


Jul 13, 2024
(7 months)


Dusthide icon

Eye Type

Normal Eye Type
Level 1 Dusthide
EXP: 0 / 245


Non-Exalted Robin/Saffron/Saffron Dragons
there were 6 on-site prior to starting this project
at time of this dragon's hatch date there were 9 on site - 3 of which hatched in our lair
this pair has around an 11% chance to produce more robin/saffron/saffron dragons, so this colour combo will become far more accessible!
sorry to all the dragons who used to be super rare 1 of 6 before we started this - but this colour range is for the people!

Non-Exalted Robin/Marigold/Marigold Dragons
even rarer than the above combo!
there were only 5 dragons on-site before we started this project
as of this pair being complete, there are now 7 - 2 hatched in this lair, and a 3rd still in our lair
another colour combo made accessible!
same 11% chance to get this colour combo out of this pair - we shall have more!

Non-Exalted Dragons in the Robin/Marigold-Saffron XYY/XYZ Colour Range
there were 39 dragons within this range on-site before we started this project
Brew was the first dragon in this range we ever hatched!
at the time of this pair being finished, 8 of these dragons are ones that hatched in our lair! this isn't even including every other dragon we've already exalted from this colour range
we are currently responsible for exalting 4 of the 152 exalted dragons in this range
the youngest dragon in this range who wasn't born in our lair hatched 2 months before we started our project, and looks like a lucky hatch from a broad colour range!
the only dragon in this colour range who hatched during the duration of our sea salt project is Robert, a g1 our friend RavenousRooster currently has! the chances that a g1 in this exact range would hatch during our project is so cool
that makes it extra funny that despite loaning Robert to us to help in this project - we finished it before he had a single nest! but Robert must've been a good luck charm cause here we are
this colour combo is likely to balloon in numbers over time now that we have this breeding pair
but also who knows! that'd require people to buy the babies! for all we know these numbers will stay low as most of their babies get exalted
hopefully people enjoy having access to these previously rare colours, but we love the pair no matter what!

A blue/orange Dusthide is on the left, with a blue/yellow Dusthide on the right, encased in orange and yellow boxes respectively. In the middle are text and colours overlayed over an oceanfront beach hut; this text follows in plaintext after the lyrics below this image.

Do you want to come with me
To the wide and open sea?
Feel the rushes up and down your spine
Look up to the broken sky
In the stars are you and I
Universally we are aligned

Dusthide 100%

50% Ribbon - Giraffe 50%
75% Lacquer - Current 25%
Marigold <-> Saffron
50% Mandibles - Dewlap 50%
Marigold <-> Saffron


this dragon is brought to you by RavenousRooster, who provided the mandibles scroll to bring this dragon into reality!
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Exalting Unnamed to the service of the Flamecaller will remove them from your lair forever. They will leave behind a small sum of riches that they have accumulated. This action is irreversible.

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