Careful caretaker of the canopy
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Energy: 50
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Personal Style

Ancient dragons cannot wear apparel.


1.7 m
1.98 m
40.41 kg
Strike (Dusthide)
Strike (Dusthide)
Coil (Dusthide)
Coil (Dusthide)
Antlers (Dusthide)
Antlers (Dusthide)
Eye Type
Level 1 Dusthide
EXP: 0 / 245


First Appearance: Story
Gender: Girl
Pronouns: She/her
Occupations Held: Arborist
Place of Origin: Tempest Spire, Shifting Expanse, Sornieth
Current lair location(s): Central Rosette, Droseran Domain, Viridian Labyrinth, Sornieth
Dapplebark was at her happiest and most at peace when she felt that she was playing her part in the greater universe, as she was meant to. She liked to feel as though she had a purpose as a part of life's endless cycle. She was able to recognise this about herself.
It made her sad when the natural cycles she so loved were disturbed, particularly when people rejected them out of fear. The idea of something eternal being forced to end, especially for such a poor reason as simple misunderstanding and ignorant discomfort, was very sad. There would be a part of her that would want to explain, to try and help others come to her understanding of things. Because of her bullying as a child, however, she mostly just came to respond with silence and a melancholic look. Over time she became more willing to try and explain her feelings when invited, however. If she was unable to correct the situation directly, she would deal with it by doing the things she found fun and which gave her a sense of peace. Gardening, birdwatching, walking. She didn't tend to hang onto sadness very long, regardless.
It made her uncomfortable when people demanded her full attention and called her out for not giving it. She didn't have any intentions behind her problems focusing on others for prolonged periods, so she really didn't know how to respond to such things.
She was an introvert, but only a very slight one. She could be around others for long periods just fine, save that she would talk progressively less as she found it harder and harder to focus on the people around her, and would often just end up getting very sleepy.
She wasn't very talkative, and wasn't a particularly good listener either. She'd sort of tune in and out of conversations, sometimes responding to something said with little context, coming off as though she was more speaking to herself most of the time, or no one at all. She would get more attentive to someone she was speaking with if she was trying to teach them something, however. She would look for signs that they understood what she was saying, though only briefly.
Despite coming off as unfocused and slow, she was actually pretty good at piecing information together. She wasn't the type to exclaim in realisation, but that didn't mean she wasn't good at understanding what evidence pointed towards. She was surprisingly smart.
Her memory was also pretty good. Not flawless by way of being fairly unspecific, but she could at least vaguely remember things pretty well. With practice she could come to recall information with above average accuracy.
Dapple wasn't, however, very observant. At least not to most things. To her specific interests she was more so, but even then she needed time. That was really the main feature of her observational skills- they weren't really bad, she just took a while to take things in. She'd only even really try if pointed towards doing so, though.
She didn't really care about being powerful or loved by a great number of people. She wanted respect, but more to her beliefs and way of life than to herself. She wasn't really concerned with status or how she was thought of, because she saw herself as part of something more important than such things, so didn't value them much.
As a result, it was hard to embarrass her. She was pretty calm and it was hard to break past that.
Current Situation:
Character Interaction:
- Mavalvi:
- Wavalvi:
- Dain:
- Tigermoth:
- She was a sound sleeper, barely moving throughout the night. She'd often dream, waking up with foggy recollection. She enjoyed when she had a more full understanding, and started keeping a dream diary after moving into the Roots of the Droseran Domain.
- She always liked to keep plants in her lair, living or dried. She felt they improved the energy about the place, made it easier to get to sleep. She also would put up hand made wind chimes. One such wind chime was a gift from her parents when she was young, made up of simple wooden bells. She kept it for her whole life. She also kept potpourri around, always, and would never shut the vents, so as to let fresh air in, even in winter. She rarely got sick anyway, she was remarkably healthy.
- As she gardened often, she'd usually have dirt under her claws. She washed consistently afterwards though, often ending up with sore dry scales, forgetting to use moisturiser. She kept her claws short anyway since they weren't very strong and tended to snag, only getting weaker from the washings. She didn't wash her face much, often remembering to do so a couple times a week, more so in summer and often not bothering in winter. She had so much perfumed stuff in her room that such scents usually overpowered any body odour anyway, so it wasn't much of a problem.
- Her favourite colours were sky blue and grass green.
((*Sundew-speak glossary available here))
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Feed this dragon Insects.
This dragon doesn't eat Meat.
This dragon doesn't eat Seafood.
This dragon doesn't eat Plants.
Exalting Dapplebark to the service of the Gladekeeper will remove them from your lair forever. They will leave behind a small sum of riches that they have accumulated. This action is irreversible.
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